Atlantic Treaty Organization-TWTUD Subthread

To: Germany
From: Holland, Belgium, and Poland

For years Germany has dominated our nations and we are tired of this. We demand the return of the following:

1. Eastern Netherlands to Holland.
2. The Ardennes region to Belgium
3. Polish dominated parts of East Prussia to Poland, and renewed access to the sea.

To: Germany
From: Hungary

We would like to request further representation for Austria, though we condemn the actions of the "little Entente" of Poland, Holland, and Belgium. We would like to request more autonomy for Austria, and perhaps restoration of a Habsburg to their historic throne.
To: Italy
From: Serbia

We have had enough of the Greeks, we are pulling out of the fight. We would like to request the territory of Bosnia for a Slavic kingdom as promised in the Marshall Plan.
The US will not be aiding any party in the German Civil War; the Defense clause pertains to outside threats, not internal ones. We warned the Kaiser to not make any rash moves before the war had ended and he ignored us and incited this civil war. Our troops and populace are weary enough having defended all of Europe from the Soviets. It was our troops that held out on the Rhine. It was our troops that kept Belgium and Holland free. It was our troops that oversaw the evacuation of civilians out of Hamburg. It was our troops who lead the march back across Europe and who developed and used the weapons that have ended this war, which many of our allies now condemn. We have done more than enough to repay our debt to the German people.

That being said, we will maintain our defensive agreement with Germany against any foreign invaders until their civil war has ended.

On a similar note, the United States is leaving ATO. It has become clear to us that our efforts to buoy Europe and keep it from being overrun are not only unappreciated, but unwanted. May God have mercy on your ungrateful souls.
lurker's comment: and to think of what I had to get through to get this to happen, EQ. and I DIDNT DO ANYTHING! [party]!
This war is over and peace restored to europe. The Republic of south Africa hereby removes themselves from the ATO to better focus on our internal struggles. May peace and prosperity reign in our allie's nations.
Germany hereby resigns its position in the Atlantic Treaty Organization in favor of a new alliance, a Commonwealth of sorts, helmed by Germany, called the Deutsche Konfoderation. We extend an invite into this Confederacy to Belgium, Holland, and Poland, on the condition that they drop their demands. We also extend an invitation to Hungary, and agree to grant Austria the status of a semi-automatic province within Germany.
The UCs is also leaving, in favor of a new alliance. We will miss our old friends for whom we fought for in WWIII. May we all prosper and flourish in our time of peace.
The United Kingdoms of Scandinavia appreciates all of the support the nations of the ATO have given her in her time of need, and wish to thank humbly all who prevented this nation from being overrrun by the Soviet War Machine.

However, The United Kingdoms now needs to focs on it's internal structure, now that the war is subsiding. As such The United Kingdoms of Scandinavia will be forthwith resigning as a member of the Atlantic Treaty Organisation.

We deeply thank all of the nations who helped in our time of need, and hope that one day, we may all look back on this War and see how instrumental it was in shaping each and every nation that exists in that day.

Thank you again, and we will eternally be in debt to you,

Karl Staaf

Prime Minister of the United Kingdoms of Scandinavia
Eire is in great debt to the people of America and our other Allies. However, at this time we wonder, with so many nations leaving, what use the current ATO has. While we wish to maintain healthy relations with America perhaps it is time to reform the alliance itself or if not simply abandon it and hope we remember that we have nothing against anyone else in the alliance.
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