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Babylon of the Scimatar!!!!!


Dark Lord of the Regents
Oct 19, 2003
Muncie, IN. USA
Babylon of the Scimatar! (vannila ver 1.29)

You can play any nation, but I set it to where you can only be Babylon.. you can change this in the Editor.

DEFINATLY DO NOT RECCOMEND FOR PLAY: ZULULAND! I hate these guys, they live on three SMALL islands
and are worse off then anyone else.

Becoming jelious of Englands growing power as an Empier,
Hammurabi III comes up with a cunning plan to recapture Babylon's former glory.
With a fleet of Pirate ships, manned with armed mercanaries!
He will challenge Elizibeth's newfound sea supremacy. The battle will rage through the ages,
and even as modern times dawn, Hammurabi will stop at nothing to make Babylon the one power
in the world to be reckoned with, even if he has to resort to terrorism.
Bismark, Ceasar, Shaka, Joan, Mao, and Cathrine also have their own plans to dominate!

This is the first time I've ever tried to make a WINZIP file... Im pretty sure I got it right. All you have to do is extract the evilpirates.bic file and put it in your scenarios folder. I Stongly reccomend that you read the readme file.... MANY changes have been made. If there is any problem with this or it crashes or somthing goes awry... tell me and I'll see what I can do. I've play tested every nation (yes even the HATED Zulu) for a few turns to make sure that nothing was amiss. Anyway... Happy Pirateing.

Feed Back would be most welcome (this is my first scenerio)


  • evilpirates.zip
    38.3 KB · Views: 344
Dont make me begg! I know it's not a "Historical" scenario, there's no Hitler, or even Elvis..... but I did put alot of work into it! Or is it cause no one plays with the vanllia version anymore? sighs..... I guess it's time don my facemask and rob a supermarket again. lol
No need to beg. Particularly only 2.5 hrs after posting the scenario (in the middle of the night, USA time ;) ). As of now, two people *have* downloaded it.

A screenshot might help. People like to ee what they are getting, before they download it. :)

And yeah, fewer people play vanilla anymore. But don't get discouraged. Buy Conquests, and see what you can make with that! :D
Ah Im still tryin to work out how to get my stubborn computer to make a screen shot...... I tried that print screen thingy but I dont think I did it right. As far as begging goes lol since this is my first scenario, I was a lil jumpy, waiting for someone to download it lol. I feel better now.
Ok here it is.... lol If this works, it'll look like Im making a mistake, but I wanted a screen shot with the "Pirate Ships", "Pirates" and..."The English". Anyway if nothing is wrong... here it is.


  • piratesinaction.jpg
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you don't have Conquests :D ?
No unfortunately I dont have conquests right now (Im broke) but when I do I'll convert this over to it if I can.... On another note I've noticed this has been downloaded like 18 times..... No comments? I know none of you are shy when it comes to tellin someone what they did wrong lol.... or maybe the silence is comment enough. Sighs. Feed back please!
Ok, my bad.... I guess this WASNT a great scenerio...... seeing as how NO ONE in months has said a word about it. Oh well, at least I enjoyed it. Now I demand that NO ONE say anything about this kickass scenerio. Thats right, it doesnt matter anymore. My pride is wounded. :cry:
I like island war so this is right up my ally :goodjob:

-What I like-
The civs are not to balanced-one can pick on the weak early.
City placement is good on the home island.

-What you might want to change-
I would like to see more rivers on the home island to irrigate from.
Cities are a little big for the start of the game.
Put most enemy cities on the coast, they're island that is realistic.
You really need to get conquests [c3c] ...the editer really is so much better.

And for everyone else it loads and plays fine on C3C [c3c] , give it a shot, It's fun
Thanks, I appreciate the feedback lol since that was my first one I figured it just sucked...... I plan on getting conquests pretty soon. lol This one got me addicted to making these thingys. So, whenever someone decides to have mercy and employ my dumbass....lol there's going to be a new version of this scenerio.
w you should rob that market and get some money to get it
One more enthusiast without knowing start with embassies. Oh well, let it be a secret!
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