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Battle of Incan Bighorn


Jan 14, 2010
Props to you if you know what I'm talking about.

In the mountain valley of the Vagne Dere i see a large horde of Incan Soldiers requesting for open borders right on my border and I agree to their request.

Spoiler :

The Incan soldiers happily march through my borders to sack a barbarian encampment, those scoundrels! I had friends in that encampment! :(

Several turns and I have completely forgotten about that Incan Horde.

Then upon reaching the borders of my little village Menthu in a fertile valley. He said that He tires of pretending to be my friend and declared war on me and completely surrounded the unwalled village of Menthu which is defended by a recruit warrior with no experience.

And then it proceed to charge past the village of Menthu to make a beeline for my capital. I was like. Oh boy. Worst decision you can ever make Inca.

Spoiler :

And after all my knights returned from trying to pick a fight with Monty who decided to pick a fight with Rome instead of me. What nerve of that guy! I thought he was supposed to be a psychopath! Incan forces started an allout retreat in attempt to save what is left of his forces.

Spoiler :

As the Incan forces was getting picked off by the valiant warrior who chose to stay and fight with the garrison of Menthu my Knights cut off access to the capital and started the allout advance with pikes. The incans just curled up and withered fast.

Spoiler :

And then Incan forces attempted to save face by making attacks upon the longswordmen so that they will die fighting instead of being cut down like cattle. Those four units is the last of incan units in my territory.
Spoiler :

But before my allout charge on last four units started, Incan leader whoever he may be went, hey, gimme your vital port city and i'll let you have peace. I was like hmm, this doesn't look good to me at all because I just crushed ilke 95% of your invading forces without losing a single unit.. how about you hand over your second best city named Tiwanku for being insolent enough to demand a city from me? Sounds fair?

And he was like THAT'S NOT FAIR DEAL! NO DEAL!

Then I was like ah that's good because I wanted to destroy the rest of your soldiers. :) And ordered the all out charge and wiped them out to a man.

And I proceeded to facepalm and make this thread.

To be honest, this is why I don't play Civ5 anymore. :( Firaxis isn't putting in the needed effort to make combat fun for me. I felt like I just beat up a little kid and I feel bad for it enough to humilate the Pachacuti for such a terrible battle by recording it for all posterity in hopes it will make Firaxis roll up their sleeves and go hmm, we need to make another round at civ5 combat!

Hope springs eternal.
Looking at Firaxis' job openings page, I doubt it'll be anytime soon: they're not looking for AI programmers at all, and seeing how the current Civ5 and CivBE designers developed the AIs in their respective games (Firaxis has a tradition of the lead designer handling the AI work), I doubt you'll see AI improvements in future games developed by the same team. It's not that they don't want to develop a decent AI, it's that they honestly cannot (the optimist in me says it's time and resource constraints, the pessimist in me says it's lack of skill). Current and past Firaxis devs might say that they develop inefficient AIs on purpose to let the player have fun, but the more I read about it, the more it just seems like an excuse for their inability to make a decent AI than a well-reasoned design argument.
Props to you if you know what I'm talking about.

In the mountain valley of the Vagne Dere i see a large horde of Incan Soldiers requesting for open borders right on my border and I agree to their request.

Spoiler :

The Incan soldiers happily march through my borders to sack a barbarian encampment, those scoundrels! I had friends in that encampment! :(

Several turns and I have completely forgotten about that Incan Horde.

Then upon reaching the borders of my little village Menthu in a fertile valley. He said that He tires of pretending to be my friend and declared war on me and completely surrounded the unwalled village of Menthu which is defended by a recruit warrior with no experience.

And then it proceed to charge past the village of Menthu to make a beeline for my capital. I was like. Oh boy. Worst decision you can ever make Inca.

Spoiler :

And after all my knights returned from trying to pick a fight with Monty who decided to pick a fight with Rome instead of me. What nerve of that guy! I thought he was supposed to be a psychopath! Incan forces started an allout retreat in attempt to save what is left of his forces.

Spoiler :

As the Incan forces was getting picked off by the valiant warrior who chose to stay and fight with the garrison of Menthu my Knights cut off access to the capital and started the allout advance with pikes. The incans just curled up and withered fast.

Spoiler :

And then Incan forces attempted to save face by making attacks upon the longswordmen so that they will die fighting instead of being cut down like cattle. Those four units is the last of incan units in my territory.
Spoiler :

But before my allout charge on last four units started, Incan leader whoever he may be went, hey, gimme your vital port city and i'll let you have peace. I was like hmm, this doesn't look good to me at all because I just crushed ilke 95% of your invading forces without losing a single unit.. how about you hand over your second best city named Tiwanku for being insolent enough to demand a city from me? Sounds fair?

And he was like THAT'S NOT FAIR DEAL! NO DEAL!

Then I was like ah that's good because I wanted to destroy the rest of your soldiers. :) And ordered the all out charge and wiped them out to a man.

And I proceeded to facepalm and make this thread.

To be honest, this is why I don't play Civ5 anymore. :( Firaxis isn't putting in the needed effort to make combat fun for me. I felt like I just beat up a little kid and I feel bad for it enough to humilate the Pachacuti for such a terrible battle by recording it for all posterity in hopes it will make Firaxis roll up their sleeves and go hmm, we need to make another round at civ5 combat!

Hope springs eternal.

I had a similar situation with my last England game. My capital looked 'weak' as it had no defenders and no walls. My army was small, but I had lots of cash. A Dutch army of warriors and archers moved by York to attack London.

London was was getting ready to build a composite bowman in two turns when the Dutch attacked. I bought a comp. bowman, had London finish their comp. bowman, and combined with my small army near York slaughtered the Dutch to a man. They had iron and I didn't; a bit of waiting would have led to Dutch comp. bowman and swordsman.

As it was, I marched north and wiped the Dutch off the face of the earth.
I see thanks Delnar_Ersike, and thing is ltccone, Menthu is weaker than my capital which have walls + coastal + three more units defending the capital against barbarians which can switch over to capital defense duty against invading incans.

Come to think of it, I have seen exact same attack play out in CIV:BE too.... just under different national banners with exact same results so I only can conclude that Firaxis probably didn't upgrade the military AI for civ:BE.
This is normal. AI doesn't care about unit loses at all.
(Why should it? At high difficulty levels it gets major discounts building them)

What it cares about are military strength ratio (as judged by the military advisor / demographics screen which underweights ranged units and overvalues ancient units) and city loses.
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