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bed_01 - Commercialistic English


Jun 16, 2004
Well, I've been considering starting an SG for awhile now, and one featuring my favorite, and often overlooked civilization, England. The goal would be to make use of what can be very powerful trait combo, especially come the Modern Ages.

Level: Demigod
Map Settings: Standard or Large (Huge is probably just too big), Continents, 80% water, wet, temperate
Mods: Doubled cost of ironclads and now non-tradable, frigate costs lower
Variant: No research after Mass Production (which give Commercial Docks)
Victory Type: Space Race preferred, game must reach Modern Ages.

The goal here is to emphasize trading, and trading gpt especially since England has the potential to produce a lot of cash, probably more than any other civ. So rep is hugely important. And also to have some fun with an underused, and fun UU, the Man-O-War. If there is anyone interested, but one of the changes is untenable, the game is flexible along as the "goal" is met.

Edited to substantially revise, as it was far wordier than necessary, as well as incorporate some good ideas from Gyathaar.

Current Roster:
SJ Frank
I guess all the settings do sort of get lost. Should have made it clearer. Demigod, probably.
Man-O-War is the english replacement for frigate, not for privateer btw.

If you want lots and lots of sea battles .. perhaps give all ships hidden nationality... and drop build cost of frigates for 60 to 30 shields. This should cause the AI to build tons of cheap ships for you to enslave...

could also triple the cost of combustion and mass production techs, to make cruisers, destroyers, transports, battleships, subs and carriers arrive later.

Perhaps instead of removing ironclads, double the tech cost.. and make the tech not possible to trade? (ironclads can still be killed by Man-O-Wars if you use stacks and bombard them down to 1hp before attacking them. Perhaps make ironclads only able to move in coast and sea squares?
Oh, wow, did not know that. I knew they were the frigate replacement in Vanilla, but since it got the enslave ability for some reason I thought it was privateer replacement. Maybe the Hidden Nationality needs to be reconsidered.

I might consider making the changes you said for ironclads, but probably not for the rest. I don't want to change the game too much, and doubling the price of required techs would be a pretty big change.

Thanks for all the suggestions. The decision on what to do or not to do should wait until at least someone other than me is playing, though.

Edit: Or maybe someone would join if I defined the SG a little bit better, instead of waffling over every little aspect.
I guess I'll sign up. The first time I looked at the variants, I thought space victory was impossible with no research after mass production. Then I realized more technologies could be bought or stolen. I would suggest making men-of-war the same lower price as frigates (not sure if that was implied).
Yes, the Man-O-War cost decrease was implied. Can the changes be made to an already generated 4000 B.C. save? I got a few maps, one of them very very nice that could be used if the people signing up were a daunted by the level. I'll post a screenshot of what I have if they can still be modded. If not, no reason.

Do either of you have any preference for where in the order you would play? Or a strong desire to start off the game? Thank you both for joining. I was getting a little worried after the first day and no signups, and really no interest.

Still two slots open.
I was playing around a bit and already made a large map that I made a few small changes to to make it interesting (mostly moving starting positions, some sea/coast squares and resources). Easy to make it harder or easier than normal demigod (or whatever difficulty you want).

Also possible to generate a map like the one you have from the savegame settings.
I've also got a -very- strong desire to start off the game.

By starting or going second, it avoids my weakest part of gameplay (You -really- don't want me in slot 3-5...My strongest gameplay of the first 5 SG turns tends to be 1st turn, and my second is fairly decent. No matter what, don't put me in 4th turn.)

As for first day and no signups, check out my game in my sig. :P I haven't even gotten a reply yet in it :P
Gyathaar said:
I was playing around a bit and already made a large map that I made a few small changes to to make it interesting (mostly moving starting positions, some sea/coast squares and resources). Easy to make it harder or easier than normal demigod (or whatever difficulty you want).

Also possible to generate a map like the one you have from the savegame settings.

I am sure whatever you have is good, especially since I just realized the maps I generated are huge. I don't really know the level that the two signups are comfortable with, or the two that haven't found their way here yet, so probably an average to above average starting position would be about right.
Hajime said:
I've also got a -very- strong desire to start off the game.

By starting or going second, it avoids my weakest part of gameplay (You -really- don't want me in slot 3-5...My strongest gameplay of the first 5 SG turns tends to be 1st turn, and my second is fairly decent. No matter what, don't put me in 4th turn.)

As for first day and no signups, check out my game in my sig. :P I haven't even gotten a reply yet in it :P

Didn't even notice it. Did you post it in the SG Registry? That might help.

How about this order?

bed_head7 said:
I am sure whatever you have is good, especially since I just realized the maps I generated are huge. I don't really know the level that the two signups are comfortable with, or the two that haven't found their way here yet, so probably an average to above average starting position would be about right.
Well, I haven't beaten Demigod yet, but I probably will in a couple of months (I ought to be able to complete my current game by then). Anything that's not horrible is fine.
Then I am pretty much in the same place as you, TimBentley. I have only tried Demigod in COTM3, but I did okay there (though I lost) and I have improved a lot since. Plus in SGs, people generally play a bit above skill level.
Here is the start:

I tried to make the start relatively easy, but it should get harder as you progress.. Should be hardest in the age of sail prolly :)

Doubled tech cost of ironclads, and made the tech non tradable (so every AI that wants it has to research it themselves). Frigates cost just 30shields (normally 60), Man-O-War costs 35 shields, normally 65. These are only changes to rules.

Generated a large map, continents, 80% water, wet, temperate, 4 billion.

Sci leaders are on, barbarians are seditary, cultural concersions on (I think respawn was off).

Made a few small changes to the map (mainly moved a couple start positions, added/moved a few resources,rivers,coast/sea).

The save
I'm currently on the border between Monarch and Emp for AW, and borderline Emp/Deity in anything but SR. Mind you, that's without specially generated starts - it's just starting a random map I create even if it's in the center of a desert.

Thankfully it's not Pangaea, so it sounds like a great game.

The starting position is thoroughly excellent, so it looks like we'll be able to do some stuff in this game :).

Anyways, this is a "got it!" post, so just say when to start.
As the title reveals, this is my first time hosting an SG, but I think generally we wait until the roster is full.

Thanks a bunch for all of your help and suggestions, Gyathaar. It looks as if you even gave us some incense in the southwest, but I am not great at fog gazing. But however will we get that second whale?
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