
Aug 8, 2002
So bedbugs are breaking out all over the major cities of the developed world. New York City is an epicentre and it spares no one - rich, poor, whatever.

So my prediction: Unless there is an effective solution soon, bedbugs will soon become part of the NYC identity and you won't be authentic or cool until you have them. You know, the new hipster frontier. Maybe it already is for all I know. The rest of us all just the washed rural masses.

What do you think? Oh, and if you want to share your own experiences/thoughts/whatever on the bedbug topic in general, feel free to as there isn't a lot of meat to my OP. :lol:

I know personally I start looking at public places a lot differently.

EDIT: More to the point. Does anyone have them, or has anyone had them?
This bedbug-epidemic must be fought!

I suggest a restriction on traveling until the menace is dealt with: No person is allowed to leave the state they live in, and all international flights and boattrips are halted.
Do not get second hand bedding
If you get
Vacumn, wash eveything at once hot, tidy and spray to kill the bxxxxxxs
This bedbug-epidemic must be fought!

I suggest a restriction on traveling until the menace is dealt with: No person is allowed to leave the state they live in, and all international flights and boattrips are halted.

Close the airports! Stop international trade! Close Madagascar! The menace must be fought!
From Wiki
Although bedbugs can live for a year without feeding,[14] they normally try to feed every five to ten days. In cold weather, bedbugs can live for about a year; at temperatures more conducive to activity and feeding, about 5 months.[

Spray, wash hot and bin stuff .
I have never seen a bedbug in my life.
So bedbugs are breaking out all over the major cities of the developed world. New York City is an epicentre and it spares no one - rich, poor, whatever.

So my prediction: Unless there is an effective solution soon, bedbugs will soon become part of the NYC identity and you won't be authentic or cool until you have them.
Hopefully they can't come to the high altitude I live in, I know there aren't fleas or other pests here. So maybe the same for these?
All we need is a bedbug gaybomb...

font of knowledge said:

A bedbug (Cimex lectularius) traumatically inseminates anotherAll bedbugs mate by traumatic insemination.[1][21] Because the female has no genital opening, the male pierces her abdomen with his hypodermic genitalia and ejaculates into the body cavity. Especially desperate males sometimes mistake other males for females and fatally wound the latter in the abdomen.[22]
What would happen if they jabbed a human! :runforyourlives:
Spray DDT on all beds and comestibles in America. ALL PROBLEMS SOLVED.
I've never seen one, but I still remember being told as a child when I went to bed:

Night, night
Sleep tight
Don't let the bed bugs bite.

After that I was terrified to get into bed without checking it first!

Awh, my old man used to sing that to me.
I seem to remember that killing off things like bed bug eggs was one of the reasons for washing bedding in really hot water I remember when sheets were done at 90 degrees C. In these days of low temperature washes, 40, 30 and now 15 degrees C, I do wonder if they kill everything as well.
no obligatory simpsons joke about Bedbug overlords? Shame

These things kind of concern me. I kind of freak out thinking of things biting me and crawling on me in my sleep. I don't even want to think about dust mites. In my happy little mind they don't exist- and I'm okay with that. :)

I'm actually a little nervous about traveling anymore and staying at hotels. I don't want these things to get into my clothing and then my home.
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