Best good-v-evil custom settings?

converting someone to your state religion can be instrumental in acheiving a religious victory without war, because you can send your own inquisitors in there to remove heretics from your allies cities. I had a real hard time winning my last game because the khazad, who were friendly with me, fellow overcouncil members with, and had joined wars for, given tech too, and responded to requests for aid, would not convert to my religion away from RoK even when they had more cities with the Order than with RoK.

I can understand certain civs who are steeped lore-wise in certain religions, like the Bannor or the Khazad or the Malakim being very difficult to convert, but if you make most of the civs like that you are making one of the established victory conditions even harder to accomplish.
It depends on population...
Yeah, harder religious victories is the drawback for disrupting the "First come, first served" religion system. Then, I was never a fan of that victory condition anyway. And using inquisitors on your ally's cities is rather unrealistic (spreading the religion to your ally is one thing, deciding the tolerance/nontolerance policy for your ally's religion in your ally's empire is another thing). Maybe in the case of increased weights the religious victory percent needs to be lowered.
Oh, I can rationalize using inquisitors in my ally's cities by imagining that perhaps the allied leader wants the my assistance in stamping out the adherents of that religion or perhaps I've bribed him to look the other way. It's uncommon anyway, I've rarely attempted it - I'd rather keep the priest in my own territory, I have heretics enough.
New patch, introducing favourite techs and favourite unitcombats, breaks my LeaderHeadInfos, so here's the update of it - see attachement. The ReligionInfos file still works.

(Kael actually increased some weights in the new patch, althrough not to my extent. Unfortunately, he didn't introduce the dislike Evil leaders should feel to Runes of Kilmorth, nor reduced the spread rate of it - and it's the religion with the most potential of breaking the Good-vs-Evil antagonism).


    159 KB · Views: 292
Lone Wolfe would you mind posting the other file somewhere? It seems Kael published 0.41 just hours I've after I've downloaed 0.40+0.40z and I don't want to download the whole thing again just yet.
Sorry, but I don't like the attachement and upload routine much, especially for an obsolete patch...

On an unrelated note, why do people quite often address me as "Lone Wolfe", Ye Olde Butcherede Englishe style?
There was a thread like this last year I think -- if you want, you can make it so the only available religions are order and ashes. You can also double the pace of the AC.

Finally, I find that including Sheaim increases the rate of AC growth.
the best GvE game?

go into world builder.

place each civilization with some pre-built units and cities. try to balance everyone so nobody is over or underpowered. they should get the tile improvements needed for economy (a few towns) and resources and mana nodes setup for both sides. (3 good and 3 evil civs under standard map, the 7th civ is removed to allow more space for barbarians)

then, manually place each religion. its best to have order vs AV. its also best if you place the proper buildings in each city. no not every building but use your head on which cities you intend each nation to build its archers, warriors, arcane, divine. consider the AI - the AI probably wont see the GP farm potency you do and just spam workshops and cottages everywhere. you can't fix this so take it into account when building cities.

I know im being an arse - truth is in a random game, you can't really get GvE unless you forego Erebus maps for continents and try to get order on one continent and AV on the other. however there is NO SHAME in setting up a game you think would be fun to play. you can even think about each nation and its victory conditions. Elohim don't want to rule the world, they want to drive out evil. if the AV civ's die, they consider themselves victorious in RP standards. Malakim might want to be the next major empire. Bannor might want to impose their will on everyone, fearing even other good nations might not be more than a step above ashen veil.
you can't really get GvE unless you forego Erebus maps for continents and try to get order on one continent and AV on the other.

Even before I've changed the religion weights, I had a good GvE Pangea game - Good Kurios, Bannor and Malakim vs. Evil Balseraphs, Sheaim, Calabim and Luchuirp. Evil side was AV, Kurios and Malakim were Empyrean, Bannor were Order. Empyrean Decius of the Malakim one time changed to AV, but, since he still was on good terms with me (Cardith) I converted him back.
New LeaderHeadInfos compatible with the latest patch in the attachment.


    157.1 KB · Views: 67
Any comments to how my file plays out?
could you release a version for FF+ and Orbis? If not, don't worry, I'll do it and post it up some time, especially because I intend on doing something like this for Fallen Ages.

The LeaderHeadInfos version for Fall Further, patch 0.51 B is in the attachment.

I think that the ReligionInfos file will work fine there, I'm too lazy to download the full version to check ReligionInfos. But it's easy to change the 100 spread rate of RoK and FoL to 5, anyway.


    75.3 KB · Views: 75
could you release a version for FF+ and Orbis?

If you post the original Orbis LeaderHeadInfos here for me to d/l, I'll be quite willing to do all the tweaks.
Do you think this settings are too hard to win:

Large, Highlands

Civ: Bannor - Sabathiel, Emperor difficulty

AI: 9 evil or neutral leaders

All unique features
Always war
Barbarian world
End of winter
Always war

Who cares if they are good, evil, or neutral when you are warring with them anyway? (Although I'm not aware of the conditions of the script that makes the Ljos and the Svarts declare war on each other at AC 20, and Basium declares war on Veil followers automatically, so, depending on the game, you may have some inter-AI fights).

Since always war wins were done at Emperor in classic BTS, I don't think that always war emperor FfH is umwinnable.
Do you think this settings are too hard to win:

Large, Highlands

Civ: Bannor - Sabathiel, Emperor difficulty

AI: 9 evil or neutral leaders

All unique features
Always war
Barbarian world
End of winter

I think the settings are hard, but I think the best players here wouldn't have trouble with them. I would probably lose.

One difficulty is that if you are the only good civ, and there are a lot of evil Civ's, then Hyborem can be very strong and Basium weak.

Also, the Bannor aren't great fast starters, which would help with these settings - with End of Winter, citites won't start real great, and with Barbarian World, there will be Barbs all over the place. This of course can favor the Civ's like the Clan. The good news is that Sabathiel's characteristics should help.

So, I'm voting hard but not impossible.

Best wishes,

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