Best Scenarios of All Time

Not dead, just slow heh. Plus it was during the week when people are probably busier. I rarely get in here during the week due to work, and this week in particular was quite unpleasant!

Heh it's funny.. I was thinking "OMG there's a scenario based on the Tron films!!! Where is it?? I must have it??" Only to then realise you guys were abbreviating Kobyashi's excellent colonization era scenario from back in the day. He's still running the Civ2 Scenario League facebook group btw, I've told him to come back and visit us here a few times over the years but no luck.

People have suggested I add Unciv to my fantasy and scifi Civ series scifi & fantasy TC mods/scenarios search & catalogging project as it's got a growing list of mods so cheers for posting that link @RobLoach as I can already see some Apocalypse & SMAC inspired mods for it.

Anyway back on topic.. jeez its hard for me to restrict to 5 lol!

In no particular order of preference..
1) I'm gonna cheat and do a 3 in 1 and say Favoured Flight's LOTR trilogy scenarios (The Fellowship of the Ring, Moria - A Journey in the Dark, and The Return of the King).
2) Eivind IV's Colonialism: The Age of Discovery
3) Kobayashi's Star Wars: Insurrection
4) BeBro's Imperium Romanum
5) Kobayashi's Stargate SG-1

Gotta throw out some honorable mentions to Kobayashi's Star Trek Dominion War, Benjamin Ball's Martian Dawn, BeBro's SubWars, Morten Blaabjerg's Hammer of the North, Eivind IV's Mafia - La Cosa Nostra, and Erin T. Ryan's Atlantis - The Lost Empire. I loved playing the original Microprose WW2, Mars Now!, Apocalypse and Alien Invasion scenarios too.

I'm gonna follow in Techumseh's footsteps and chuck in a bonus self promotion lol. I've been playtesting all my scenarios this year to finalise them and I must say I'm having an absolute ball playtesting my Sid Meier's Alpha Centuari scenario for Civ2. It's fitting that this will very very likely be my last big MGE scenario I make before moving on to ToT as I feel like I've been at the peak of my powers with this one. The graphics conversions/importing/downsizing are better than any of my previous scenarios and while sometimes the gameplay wasn't amazing in my others I've been having a blast with this one and sometimes forget that I'm not actually playing original SMAC lol.

Oh and obviously all the above was MGE as other than quick testing I'm yet to properly play many fan made scenarios for ToT but I absolutely loved playing & finishing Microprose's 4 map Scifi scenario and the 4 map Midgard fantasy scenario, and Kestrel's 4 map Mars Now Extended scenario. So many scenarios I'm looking forward to properly playing in the future!
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Great! Thanks a lot. I've started setting it up over at . Let me know if there's a better name I should use for it ;)

Unciv certainly is playable, but there are missing features compared to Civ 5, and it's not pretty to look at. It is great if you're looking for a quick game on your mobile though. I'm most impressed by the Mod Support, which is a bunch of JSON files defining the buildings, tech tree, nations, units, etc, all distributed through GitHub repos. You're able to enable and run multiple mods in the same game, and there are already hundreds out there to play around with.

It does have support for scenarios. They're essentially a set of custom mods, a base Ruleset, and a save file.

Can you think of anything I should consider along the way? Been trying to encorporate some of the nation colour masks so that the units are noticeable when beside other nations...
View attachment 708119

Thanks for the links. I can't see a link to a completed mod on the GitHub page for your files; am I missing something? Do you need to individually DL each file and put in a mods folder in the Unciv route directory?

Also, presumably the pngs for the units are in a compressed file in Unciv - which is it and how do you open it?
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Can you think of anything I should consider along the way? Been trying to encorporate some of the nation colour masks so that the units are noticeable when beside other nations...
View attachment 708119

Not sure what you mean. Is it a question about unit masks?

A question from me: is it possible to give each civ its own unique unit sprites (obviously not just the UU for each civ which are presumably different)
Thanks for the links. I can't see a link to a completed mod on the GitHub page for your files; am I missing something?
I've added the tag so you can now download it directly through Unciv on the Mods screen now. Search for "Fairline". Was hesitant to allow people to use it until we are happy with it, but 🤷

1. Open the Mods menu
2. At the top right, expand and search for "Fairline"
3. Select Fairline and download it
4. Enable "Permanent audiovisual mod"
5. In Options > Display, select the Fairline Unitset
6. Optionally, set "Unit Icon Opacity" to 0%

is it possible to give each civ its own unique unit sprites (obviously not just the UU for each civ which are presumably different)
Yes, civ-specific units are named "Unit-Nation.png". So the following would be a unique warrior look for Egypt...


Would be great to add the unique unit images for nations. The nation colors add a bit of flair so that the units can be recognized for each nation too.

People have suggested I add Unciv to my fantasy and scifi Civ series scifi & fantasy TC mods/scenarios search & catalogging project as it's got a growing list of mods
That would be cool. My favourite scenarios are those total conversions. The ones like change the way the game plays, or scales down the scope to just a select few units. Civ 6's Pirates scenario was good, but I think there's so much more that could be done, as demonstrated by the Scenario League 😁
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There's loads of scenarios mentioned here I haven't played so I really can't judge what the GOAT(s) are, but I'll mention a couple more that impressed me:
  • Moscow, the third Rome (M. Daumen)
  • Seize the Crown (J. Ellis), it's one of those slow scenarios that don't allow fast expansion, but everything about it was just neatly put together
  • various Jesus Balsinde's scenarios
I'd like to add some more, but they fall short on various aspects - I like Masis Panos' scenarios for their historical accuracy but some of them just feel sloppily put together. Likewise the Muslim invasion of India (G. Quaglia) is an interesting one with a nice setting but it turns into a slugfest as the AI starts cloning hordes of units late into the game.
I'm kind of glad I didn't see this thread earlier as I think I could have spent all weekend in it... I almost hate to write in this because how can you leave anything off? Here's a few I found inspirational.

Best scenario of all time: Has to be Red Front if you ask me. There's never been a scenario before or since that had legit strategy guides written for it by multiple people, nor threads with people learning how to min-max it. It was legendary, the first use of that art style, and so incredibly well done. Probably the greatest scenario ever if just viewed in what and who it inspired, how many times we've all played it, and what it did for this game. You really had to live that time on Apolyton or here to get it but I'm sure the Old Guard remembers the pages and pages and pages of discussions.

Some of my personal favorites and why:

River War by Allard Hoefelt(sp?): This scenario was the first almost semi-quest, historical scenario that I remember really sinking my teeth into. Hero units, a clear objective with a story line. Arguably others like Spartacus did it first but this one did it best if you ask me. It would become the stylistic inspiration for Germanicus and Caesar. I had such a ball the first time I played it and found myself completely engrossed in it.

The Cruel Sea by Case. There's something incredibly addicting about this game, you're right in the action, different strategies are viable, and it's just FUN.

Sea Lion by Techumseh: Arguably the greatest non-lua Civ2 scenario, one of the last released without it. Masterful and replayable in that you to a very large extent get to plan and execute the invasion as you see fit. Very well done and very unusual for a (well, semi-) historical scenario. I really enjoyed it.

Napoleon by Tootall and Knighttime. Basically the Red Front of its age, if you ask me. The community is smaller now but the conversation was as large as any in memory. This scenario whooped my butt and I enjoyed it the whole time. It inspired me to make HoF.

Medieval Millenium by Knighttime. Probably the most innovative scenario/modpack of all time and the ONLY thing that has EVER gotten me excited to play a random map!

American Kingdoms by Curt Sibling. I've played this one in single player sooooo many times by myself and just find it fun. I generally like most of Curt's stuff - I think he has the fun balance down pat. I'd love to make a scenario like this some day.
Best scenario of all time: Has to be Red Front if you ask me. There's never been a scenario before or since that had legit strategy guides written for it by multiple people, nor threads with people learning how to min-max it. It was legendary, the first use of that art style, and so incredibly well done. Probably the greatest scenario ever if just viewed in what and who it inspired, how many times we've all played it, and what it did for this game. You really had to live that time on Apolyton or here to get it but I'm sure the Old Guard remembers the pages and pages and pages of discussions.

Yes, I've said in a few posts in the past that members who enjoy scenarios should play Red Front at least once in their lifetime. It is a monster scenario that takes some time to play but it is such an amazing experience that I highly recommend it.
Hey here's my list, it is history focused, I do not like fantasy or scifi:

- Zweiter weltkrieg by Kobayashi
- The american civil war 1861 by captain nemo and alex the magellan
- Struggle for empire - the french and indian war
- Colonization of the new world
- Colonies IV the expansion of Europe
- The crusade 1100 (I love the graphics)
- The spanish armada
- Imperium Romanum

There are others of course but these are the ones that came in my mind now.
Hey here's my list, it is history focused, I do not like fantasy or scifi:

- Zweiter weltkrieg by Kobayashi
- The american civil war 1861 by captain nemo and alex the magellan
- Struggle for empire - the french and indian war
- Colonization of the new world
- Colonies IV the expansion of Europe
- The crusade 1100 (I love the graphics)
- The spanish armada
- Imperium Romanum

There are others of course but these are the ones that came in my mind now.
A lot of old school ones, eh?
Just a list of my favourite scenarios, no particular order:

Red Front by Captainn Nemo
Russian Civil war by Tecumseh
Zweiter weltkrieg by Kobayashi
Fading Lights by Heresson
Lord of the Rings Series by Favoured Flight
Justinian by Carl Fritz
The Spanish Civil War by Pablostuka and McMonkey both
Imperium Romanum by Bebro
Death and Resurrection of an Empire by Mathias Köster
Mongols by Harlan Thompson
Germanicus by John Petroski
The Korean War by Patine
The Cruel Sea and Raging Dragon by Case
New World Order by Academia
The Great Game by Michael Daumen
Hellas by John Ellis
A Soaring spirit by McMonkey
Martian Dawn by Benjamin Ball
TES by Dadais
Battle of Italy by Tootall
War of the Ring by Catfish
Bitterfrost II and Vendetta by Curtsibling
Seeds of Greatness by Kull
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There are so many very good Civ 2 scenarios and there are some I never had the time to play them yet, but they are on my list, among them Hinge of Fate, Napoleon and a more intensive go with Medieval Millenium. I am also glad that Star Wars Insurrection was listed here. Another very impressing scenario
I don´t understand that it was not listed here, in my eyes is Curt Sibling´s Imperialism III.

So the posts about Unciv are interesting, I am wondering why they are in a thread about the best scenarios of Civ 2, as they are neither Civ 2 nor Civ 2 scenarios.
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Just a list of my favourite scenarios, no particular order:

Red Front by Captainn Nemo
Russian Civil war by Tecumseh
Zweiter weltkrieg by Kobayashi
Fading Lights by Heresson
Lord of the Rings Series by Favoured Flight
Justinian by Carl Fritz
The Spanish Civil War by Pablostuka and McMonkey both
Imperium Romanum by Bebro
Death and Resurrection of an Empire by Mathias Köster
Mongols by Harlan Thompson
Germanicus by John Petroski
The Korean War by Patine
The Cruel Sea and Raging Dragon by Case
New World Order by Academia
The Great Game by Michael Daumen
Hellas by John Ellis
A Soaring spirit by McMonkey
Martian Dawn by Benjamin Ball
TES by Dadais
Battle of Italy by Tootall
War of the Ring by Catfish
Bitterfrost II and Vendetta by Curtsibling
Seeds of Greatness by Kull
Say, how is your planned Axis Invasion of Greece one going (if at all)?
Greetings, comrades! Too many, but here are ten of my faves...

2194 Days by Alex/Nemo
Red Front by Alex/Nemo
1870 by Exile
Age of the Crusades by Phenix
Spanish Civil War by Pablostuka/McMonkey
Great Napoleonic Battles by W.I.N.T.E.R.
Atomic Eagle by Harry Tuttle
Subwar by Bernd Brosing
Brown Man's Burden by Carl Fritz
Fire And Roses By Stefan Härtel
Bonus shout out to the champions on SL:
Operation Market Garden by Tecumseh
Over The Reich by John Petroski
Medieval Millenium by Knighttime
War of the Ring by Catfish
Spanish Civil War by Pablostuka
AWI by Civ2Units
TES by Dadais
The Korean War by Patine
❤️ Anything JPetroski and tecumseh, Medieval Millennium by Knighttime (which inspired my own mod!), and, while dated and not exactly top-shelf now, as a kid I was enamored by Alex's Spartacus scenario. TES by Dadais is impressive and I enjoy playing even though I don't know much about Skyrim. War of the Ring by Catfish showed me what events can do. Tootall/Knighttime's Napoleon really showed me what lua can do (and kicked my butt), along with recent JPetroski offerings.

I am still hoping that somehow we can get ToTPP, lua, and the mods made here to a wider audience. With pixel art and "retro" being so "in" right now, the main obstacle seems to be CDs and lack of the platform on gog/steam. :( I think, for example, that Medieval Millennium is as good if not better a 4x game as many indie offerings these days.

Good holiday wishes to everyone.
I am still hoping that somehow we can get ToTPP, lua, and the mods made here to a wider audience. With pixel art and "retro" being so "in" right now, the main obstacle seems to be CDs and lack of the platform on gog/steam. :( I think, for example, that Medieval Millennium is as good if not better a 4x game as many indie offerings these days.
Funny you should mention that as now that Civ2UIA offers mp3 support making MGE truly portable just like ToTPP does for ToT I've just done another round of contacting 2K, Firaxis, GoG, Atari, Nightdive and Retroism again and have been posting about the results over in my campaign thread. 2K support are being no help as usual however I'm getting some good replies from Nightdive & Atari staff (who've ignored me in the past so they've really changed their tune) about my suggestions of them possibility trying to do a new deal with 2K (as 2K is more likely to listen big companies offering deals than us fans complaining), GoG are quiet so far this time but have told me in the past that they've made "progress" with 2K over the years. Been at this for 3 years now and am getting better responses than usual which is good, either way I'll keep at it for as many darn years as it takes. I'm doing this for this community as none of us superfans actually need new copies of Civ2 and ToT obviously, but just imagine all the new/returning players & modders coming in here if these games were back on mainstream stores again with portable copies via easy to use installers. The very second their GoG & Steam support forums open I'll be over there saying "come to the league, we have everything you need ;) ". So yeah go vote using the GoG links in my campaign thread if you haven't already guys. :)
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