Exactly, I'm not convinced of using "land transporters" because of the points you outlined.I could also think of a convoy table of (convoyId, tribe, tileToGo, convoyMoveDone & table of units) you could check when a unit is activated :
1. Check for each convoy if its units still have the goto order (else remove the order to adapt and destroy convoy)
2. Check if one of the units in the convoy has no movepoint left then check other units in the convoy : if movepoint is left, consume it and teleport them to the unit which did move towards the common target and set true convoyMoveDone.
Give this table a maj at the beginning of the respective convoy tribes.
-gameplay issue there : what about units with same goal yet different mobility ?
-code issue there : that's maybe a lot of calculs to do each time a unit is activated in compare with the feature provided ?
Nevermind I fixed it
I really thought that giving a "gotoTile" order to a unit that has not spent its movement points would automatically make it move, but no, I had to activate it beforehand. So just invoking "unit:activate()" before setting the goto order did the trick:
for unit in tile.units do
Now it's doing exactly what I wanted it to do so I'll amend the "instructions" pop up