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Bigger Huge Maps for Communitu_79a

Tried out Giant Earth-like with 42 civs. Got to around turn 300 (industrial era with my other settings) before the game just started crashing every turn, so unfortunately seems like it is not within the capabilities of my PC to handle. 1.5x seems much more stable at least so far and I'm curious if a simple ram upgrade would do the trick, but irregardless, good stuff!
Thanks for that info, however, I should have been much more specific with what the issue I was really having. If I play Gaia's Sapiens with Perfectworld(updated), I've had several games where I've started on a relatively small island. With Vox Populi, same script, I never start on an island. I actually like that possibly to be there though, as I don't mind the handicap.

With that said, I seem to recall reading somewhere that Vox Populi rewrites the CivPlacement algorithm, somewhere. Is that the case? Is that why I never have island starts with Vox Populi?
VP has its own AssignStartingPlots.lua file that places civs and city states regardless of the mapscript, so most likely that is the reason.

Tried out Giant Earth-like with 42 civs. Got to around turn 300 (industrial era with my other settings) before the game just started crashing every turn, so unfortunately seems like it is not within the capabilities of my PC to handle. 1.5x seems much more stable at least so far and I'm curious if a simple ram upgrade would do the trick, but irregardless, good stuff!
Unfortunately ram upgrades are useless. You may play the game on the NASA supercomputer or on the CERN one, it's indifferent. The bottleneck is in the structure of the game that is 32-bit and allocates max 4 GB ram if I recall correctly.
In order to reduce the strain and the probability of a crash, I use this unit scaling mod with the option of single unit graphic so that the pc has to load less units models. I use also the quick turns mod that cuts the moving animations of units making the game faster.
Unfortunately ram upgrades are useless. You may play the game on the NASA supercomputer or on the CERN one, it's indifferent. The bottleneck is in the structure of the game that is 32-bit and allocates max 4 GB ram if I recall correctly.
In order to reduce the strain and the probability of a crash, I use this unit scaling mod with the option of single unit graphic so that the pc has to load less units models. I use also the quick turns mod that cuts the moving animations of units making the game faster.
I imagine strategic view or unit scaling would help but it's not something I think I'm willing to compromise on at the moment. So for now I'll just stick to the smaller map options, again 1.5x my PC seems to handle much better.
Update for Vox Populi 4.13.
Download in first post.
Just noticed I didn't advance the Communitu_79a version number for 4.13... Oh well.
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