BOTM 37 Final Spoiler - Game completed or abandoned

Wow, Duckweed. Just fascinating! Your write-up makes me realize how far I am away from being a great player. You've inspired me to play this again for fun just to try your tactics - not that I don't already do some of those things, but just not nearly as effectively. There's still a lot of missing details that get lost in write-ups such as yours - you make it look so easy - but I know it's hard to capture everything. I encourage you to play an ALC type game over on the S&T forum that goes into more of these details. ( off to read some jesusin)

edit: Duck - Meant to add a question about the very early game. How'd you go about getting your early cap up and running? Did you whip workboats before Pottery? How much whipping before POT (2nd worker? Settler?)? How'd you account for the fact that workers are much slower on ice? What was your exact tech order and how did you get Monarchy (trade?)?
edit: Duck - Meant to add a question about the very early game. How'd you go about getting your early cap up and running? Did you whip workboats before Pottery? How much whipping before POT (2nd worker? Settler?)? How'd you account for the fact that workers are much slower on ice? What was your exact tech order and how did you get Monarchy (trade?)?

I could not remember the exact details. I let capital produce a WB while researching BW and then whip the 2nd WB, probably produce a worker by working on 2 fish tiles and then a settler at size 3. I believe I produced 2nd worker before whipping the granary, after that, it's a timed whipping of settler to allow maximum overflow to wonders. I only had 2 workers for a long time since my cities mainly worked on seafood tiles and were constantly whipping settlers. I rarely use more than 1 worker per city in most of the game I have played. This is the same in this game since most of the cities have 2 or 3 food resources and there are a lot to be whipped. With the gem and fur, the happiness is enough to support the whipping cycles. Capital needed to worker on hammer tiles when producing wonders so that the growth was not very fast. Yes, I got monarchy from trade, which let me whip harder.:lol:
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