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Boy, am I in a rut!


Dec 3, 2001
Calgary, Alberta, Canada (or: Egypt
I have spent the past month playing about 6 games simultaneosy. My most succesfull is as the english on Aanar's small europe map... Good lord, too many cities, too much corruption, **** music, loong turns, slow computer, suffering from acute civ 3 addiction. I am known to sit and stare at my empire for minutes at a time, planning roads and railways and troop movements when the peasents still think that aquaducts are a neat idea. The scary thing: I remember it all and put those plans into action a thousand years later. After that, I plan some more. I declare war the moment I see an enemy settler, I force slaves to build railways to nowere and gleefully order the construction of colluseums in towns that will never complete them...:crazyeyes

Be afraid, be very afraid.

:goodjob: Great Game Firaxis!
declare war the moment I see an enemy settler, I force slaves to build railways to nowere and gleefully order the construction of colluseums in towns that will never complete them...

You are an evil cat, more evil than KittenofChaos. ;)

You probably will like the Caesar city building series too since you like city planning so much. :p
Actually, I hate the Ceaser sieries... Too many friggn trees to cut down. I like Pharaoh and Cleopatra:

Here we have the Religous District, temples a Pyramid, the occasional statue and festival. Over there you see the farms... Ah! Here is the residential area, villas and marketplaces abound.
Oh, uh, you werent suppoesd to see... That.
*You stare accross the feilds, into the desert. Off in the distance you hear shouts load scraping noises. The mines. The work camps. The poverty housing... *


What? The peasents have to live somewere...

:egypt: :egypt: :egypt:

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