[BTS] MarnzMod

Hey bmarnz!

Looks a great mod. Downloading now! 3% :P

I have two sugestions... First one is that you could include "Route pillage" with bombers, for exemple. Its easy acordinly with "Grave" and "TheLopez" (but i cant do!!! HaHa!), take a look:

"If you want to use the Route Pillage Mod in your mod I have tried to make
things as easy as possible for you. In the SDK files I have added
/*** ROUTE PILLAGE MOD 30 July 2007 by Grave START ***/
/*** ROUTE PILLAGE MOD 30 July 2007 by Grave END ***/
in all of the places
that I have made changes."

And the link is: http://forums.civfanatics.com/downlo...o=file&id=6278

The second thing is alow more than just 18 civs. Dunno if you alow this alreay, but i would love to play with like 40 civs! ;)

Thank you for your atention!

Have a good night!

I ll report what i feel about your mod! :)



I appreciate your comments and suggestions.:) However I have no abilities with SDK. I would like to make these changes but I'd need help.

Any volunteers.:scan:

btw: That link doesn't work.

Hey bmarnz!
Sorry for the link! This one works:


Im instaling your mod right now. ;)

Infortunelly i dont know nothing about any programing... This is why im a "downloader" and not an "uploader"! :P So i cant help you! :( I hope you find someone to help! :)

See you!

Thank you for your atention! For this aftewrnoon, i ll play your mod! :)

- What about early corporations...

1) East India Company, +10 Gold by city with a succursale, need spices, ivory and other exotic stuff...

2) Knight Templar Order, need none but produce +25% Gold in each city with succursale, can only be built in the cities with same state religion that HeadQuarter

3) Spanish Corporation, +15 Gold in each city with Gold Mine

4) other ideas but i prefer that you answer to me, primo...

- What about various sized earth maps ?

Standard with 18 Civs, Huge with 24 Civ and Super Huge with 34 Civs

See on Premade Maps section forum...
You can see a standard map with 34 Civs and maps made by Carter very very good
Wow! Amazing! I played ur mod for all the afternoon! And i loved it! I didnt find any bug till now (i played 600 turns)! The Ai knows what is doing with the new stuff and all goes very weel! :)

Gratz for the great mod! I hope you can add my ideas to the mod too! :D

I ll change just one thing! I ll raize the costs of the techs (like 100%) to have more turns to build all the stuff. The game goes too fast with the actual value! I like to "feel" every tech! In every new war tech i like a war! :D

See you!

Gratz again!

Keep the good work! :)

I ll change just one thing! I ll raize the costs of the techs (like 100%) to have more turns to build all the stuff. The game goes too fast with the actual value! I like to "feel" every tech! In every new war tech i like a war!

I'm with you Vini, I always feel the techs go a bit too fast once you get your economy established. I'm not a modder, just a player, but is it difficult to change the cost of the techs?
I've been playing all day and I've come across a bug. The image of the musketman is just a red blob. Any suggestions?
I'm with you Vini, I always feel the techs go a bit too fast once you get your economy established. I'm not a modder, just a player, but is it difficult to change the cost of the techs?

Hey "my Lord"! :P This is easy (reduces the cost of tech)! Even me can do this! HeHe! And im very very very dumb! HaHa! Im sure that you can do too! I ll teach you:

Just open "C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword\Mods\MarnzMod\Assets\XML\Technologies" (this is the custom folder...) and then open the XML file (civ4techinfos.xml) with the notepad (you must click with the right button and choose "open with"... notepad). Now, look for the "cost" of each technology, like this:

... lot of stuff about the tech

Ready. Just change the number (50) for the new cost that you want. I sugest you rize 100% the ancient, medieval, renacence, and then rize just 50 % the rest.

I've been playing all day and I've come across a bug. The image of the musketman is just a red blob. Any suggestions?

I got this too, The chinese army, just (till now...). I toke a print. Take a look. This is a minor problem... Im just reporting to you know... ;)

The second print is a very problematic problem! :D When we build the scotland yard with the Great spy it is considery like a national wonder! :( And you cant build more national wonders in that city. The game says that you can build 3 national wonder each city. Well, i build one national (national park) and the scotland (and you can see a strange number of -3 national wonders alowed to scotland yard!) with the great spy and then i cant build none more! :(

Just that till now! im very very happy playing your mod! I love it! :) I ll be in the perfect mod when i could play with more than 18 civs and pilage routes with bombers! :P

Gratz Gratz!!! :D

See you later!



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I've been playing all day and I've come across a bug. The image of the musketman is just a red blob. Any suggestions?

Must be a problem with the flavor art. What civ are you playing? Until I post a patch a temporary fix is to open Assets\XML\Civilizations\CIV4UnitArtStyleTypeInfos, find the section for that civ, and delete the entry for the errored unit.

Again me! :)

Do you know if i just overwriting ur .dll for the Lt.Bob´s .dll with the Bruics unoficial patch (to have 40 civs in the game - http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=234779&page=4) ur mod ll work?!

Thanks again! ;)Vini

I'm glad your enjoying the mod. Yes, you should be able to swap those dll's. In fact I saw that Lt. Bob has version that's merged with an early version of Brhuic's dll.
Must be a problem with the flavor art. What civ are you playing?

I'm playing Ghengis Khan. I'm not too worried about changing it myself, I just want your mod to be perfect as it is the only one I'm currently playing.
- What about early corporations...

1) East India Company, +10 Gold by city with a succursale, need spices, ivory and other exotic stuff...

2) Knight Templar Order, need none but produce +25% Gold in each city with succursale, can only be built in the cities with same state religion that HeadQuarter

3) Spanish Corporation, +15 Gold in each city with Gold Mine

4) other ideas but i prefer that you answer to me, primo...

- What about various sized earth maps ?

Standard with 18 Civs, Huge with 24 Civ and Super Huge with 34 Civs

See on Premade Maps section forum...
You can see a standard map with 34 Civs and maps made by Carter very very good

Interesting ideas.:) To do this, I think I'd have to find a way to obsolete these early corporations.

This is the second Earth map request. I'll have to put this on my To Do List. The People demand it.:whipped:
Thanks for considering my stuff ;)

Another possibility of corporation with no succursale : Suez Canal Company or Panama Canal Company
==> HQ give +30 Gold On world map should be good and these two companies should be possible only in "canal" cities...

I think that amount of gold will tempting but in Civ 4 we have inflation...

And historically the Spanish Empire has been very rich but the big amount of gold shipped to Spain has caused the exponential down of the value of gold by inflation...
This is my favorite MOD and I was wondering if there was a way to make it the official loading game so I would not have to keep "loading the MOD" when I start a new game?
Keep up the fantastic work :goodjob:
Noas5, that is easy just make yourself a shortcut something like this:
"C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword\Civ4BeyondSword.exe" mod= MarnzMod
Whenever you make a shortcut to the Civ4 .exe and add mod= nameofmod you instantly save yourself a whole bunch of load time because the game will automatically load the mod you requested. The nameofmod needs to be the directory name of the mod you want to use. I just make shortcuts for all the mods I play and put them in the mod directory. If they become my favorite mod *cough, MarnzMod, cough* they get promoted to the desktop.
I'm glad your enjoying the mod. Yes, you should be able to swap those dll's. In fact I saw that Lt. Bob has version that's merged with an early version of Brhuic's dll.

Did you see the prints of the bugs?!

Ty for the answer! :)

See ya!

If they become my favorite mod *cough, MarnzMod, cough* they get promoted to the desktop.


Very well! I liked your idea...

So, KingArthur, did u get the idea of raze the tech cost?!

See you

"C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword\Civ4BeyondSword.exe" mod= MarnzMod

I went to properties of my new start up shortcut. Would I place the info in TARGET or START IN field.
Thank you for the quick response KINGARTHUR:p
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