Download, change log, features


Traveler of the Multiverse
Jan 23, 2014
In a constant brainstorm...
Chronicles of Mankind

:c5capital::c5goldenage: Download :c5goldenage::c5capital:

:wallbash: Patch 1.3.1b :badcomp:

  1. Download Archive and Patch
  2. Go to your Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword\Mods folder
  3. Extract the archive first, than the patch and say 'Yes' to overwrite.
  4. If you have a Steam version change it to 'Beta version' - which is the original Civ4 BtS CD version.
  5. And... Run the game :king:
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New or changed features compared to Rise of Mankind: A New Dawn:
Completely reworked civic system
It will act sort of like a tree, the higher categories limiting the lower ones:
  • Government (Anarchy, Autocracy, Oligarchy and Democracy)
    • State (Chiefdom, City-State, Monarchy, Empire, Republic, Colonial and Federation)
      • Rule (Patriarchy, Despotism, Theocracy, Warlords, etc)
        • Society
        • Labor
        • Economy
        • Military
        • Religion
        • Welfare
        • Media
        • Foreign Policy
        • Immigration
        • Stance
Of course there are some other incompatibilities (like Liberal vs Intolerant, Theocracy vs Atheist, etc).
The main idea is, that that your government choice limits your other choices.
Civics are designed to "do a certain thing".
You will also see new, beautiful round civic buttons (mostly from Civ5) that are easy to recognize in the tech tree too.

...greatly expanded by adding many animals from C2C (but not all!).
A new Hunter unit replacing Scout (all recon units are pushed later in the tech tree).
A new Great Hunter great person that you can gain by hunting animals.

Now they work more like religions. You no longer build Myths but they appear in the fitting areas when requirements are met. There are also new Myths (Dessert and Winter). They also provide special bonuses.

I tried to balance Traits and make all of them interesting. Now each Trait will have it's own building (or unit).

New resources:
  • Prime Timber: worked by Woodcutter, Lumber mill and so on
  • Papyrus: worked by Plantation. Requirement for Scroll Maker building that provides an early access to Paper resource.
  • Holy Site: provides :commerce: bonus with Cathedrals when in city vicinity. Worked by Cottage line.
  • Tourist Site: provides :commerce: bonus with Tavern/Hotel/Vacation Resort when in city vicinity. Worked by Cottage line.
  • and more...
New improvements, terrain features and route:
  • Kelp (Coast) : You can build Fishing Boats on it just like on seafood tiles.
  • Rocky Islets (Coast) and Islets (Ocean): You can build a new improvement line on these
    • Fishing Community, Fishing Village and Fishing Town: they work like the Cottage line, only on water. When building one of these by a Workboat you also get a new route on the tile:
    • Ferry: works the same way as Tunnels but earlier and is more limited
Storms are also changed: Now they can appear on land tiles and provide fresh water. So be quick and build a Farm next to it ;)

Tech quotes:
130+ new tech quotes with audio files. Now it's only around 30 techs that has no audio quotes.
Most quotes are from PAE (thank you Pie), Civ5, SMAC and some are from movies or audiobooks.

Scientific victory reworked:
It's mainly a cosmetic change. The esoteric Ascension Gate is replaced by Time Tunnel. Its requirements are: Computer Center and Fusion Plant in any of your cities and a Quantum Lab in the building city.

Guilds reworked:
They no longer work like corporations but require Guilds civic (it makes sense, isn't it?). Each guild building employs 1 citizen and provides yield, commerce or other bonus.

Tourism is a new feature in CoM 1.0.3.
There are 10 levels of tourism represented by auto-built buildings. Each level is capable of generating more :commerce: based on the number of connected domestic and foreign cities. Each level requires 1 level higher culture level and 1 more trade routes than the previous level. Now it is worth increasing the culture level of not only border cities but even core cities deep inside your empire.

Difficulty Increasing with Empire Size:
New feature in version 1.1.
The bigger your empire gets, the harder it is to manage. Now not only maintenance costs increase but other aspects also change to prevent snowballing over smaller civs and keep the game challenging. Great People Rate, Great General Rate, Golden Age Length and Culture all decrease by 1% per Cities.
Maintenance Cost in All Cities, Maintenance Cost from Distance to Palace, Maintenance Cost from Number of Cities, Anarchy Length, War Weariness and Hurry Production Cost all increase by 1% per City.

Religions Reborn
New feature in Patch 1.1.1
Religions are divided into Prophetic and Traditional religions.
Prophetic religions are: Buddhism, Christianity, Confucionism, Islam, Judaism, Taoism and Zoroastrianism
Traditional religions are: Asatru, Hellenism, Hinduism, Kemetism, Naghualism and Shinto
Religions are now founded not as civilizations progress on the tech tree. Instead, Prophetic religions can be founded by Great Prophets, while Traditional ones with certain geographical properties (e.g. Kemetism requires river access and desert in city vicinity = Nile)
Many new buildings, wonders and units for religions.
Also, Atheist civic can close temples.
Spoiler :

Change log:


replacing this README file with an accurate one
fixing some tech quotes
fixing Holy Site and Tourist Site GameFont.tga (but changing language via the Launcher terminates it with an error massage)
greatly increased animal spawn rates
fixing starting civics for AND2-Earth15CivsPresetStartingLocations and AND2-GEM-26CivsPreset scenario maps

added option to rebuild Fishing Community on existing Ferry route


Autocracy: removed production penalty
Democracy: removed happiness penalty for stationed military units
City-State: city limit changed to max 2 cities (on normal)
Caste: population anger penalty increased to 25%
Agrarian moved to Agriculture; AI weight increased
Pastoral: -10% food
Maritime: -10% food

(NEW) Devout: alternative requirement (along Lead by Warlord) for Crusader, Kanai, Mujahid, Flower War, Pharaoh's Propaganda, Zen, Order of Ormazd, Gentleman, Waidan, Holy Trinity, Berserk and Purity promotions
available only through Spiritual trait
(NEW) Famous: alternative requirement (along Lead by Warlord) for Heroic, Leadership, Loyalty, Morale, Tactics, Siege Master, Fury I and Mountaineer promotions
1 extra first strike chance
25% less gold to upgrade
requires CombatV
Mountaineer now requires Famous OR Lead by Warlord
Fixing Hunter I, II and III buttons

Great Hunter: Famous added to starting promotions
Animals: some minor fixes
Bandit: removed Hidden Nationality, so now it can enter boats; also removed Sabotage and Steal Plans

Spritual: free Devout promotion for Melee, Archery, Mounted and Recon units
Creative: all cities start at second cultural level
axed: "all cities start at second cultural level"
added: free Loyalty promotion for Mounted, Melee, Gunpowder, Tracked, Hi-Tech and Mecha units

fixing Victory Monument (Imperialistic trait)
Hoard (Aggressive trait) maintenance down to +10%, +2 [IMG alt=":)"][/IMG] axed, added +0.1 [IMG alt=":)"][/IMG] per citizen
Eureaka (Scientific trait) axed +1 science per specialists in all cities
Lyceum (Philosophical) Golden Age length reduced to +20%
Myth of the Sea: added Fishing Community line as OR requirements
Boatyard: added Fishing Community line as OR requirements, also +1 free specialist from Fishing Community line

movie added for Time Tunnel

Adventure Tours: added Holy Site and Tourist Site, removed Whale and Clam
MileHigh Travel: added Holy Site and Tourist Site, removed Gold and Silk
Mapster: added Holy Site and Tourist Site, gold down to 1 per consumed resource
Red Curtains: added Holy Site and Tourist Site, culture down to 2 per consumed resource

extend movement limits moved back to Alphabet from Stargazing
Petroglyphs deleted, it's content moved to Ritualism
Patch 1.0.2

from DropBox
from MediaFire

Hunting and gathering

This patch mostly focus about the early gameplay. It the Ancient era feel longer by adding more things to do, although the number of turns aren't increased greatly.

Spoiler :

Civs now start with a free worker in the Ancient era
Fixing some missing or incorrect texts
Fixing bug when capturing Bees results in Cassowary instead of Captured Bees
A new, simple event based mechanics for Gathering. It adds some micro-manegament for the early game.
Rock-paper-scissor rule applied to earliest unit: Hunter beats animals; Warrior beats Hunter; Slinger beats Warrior.
Role Playing Elements: Now many leaders have a flavour for autocratic, oligarchic or democratic civics. This is meant to give some diversity to the game.

many animals are set to defend only (Stag, Bull, Stallion, etc.)
herding animals has only 10% chance of placing resource and 90% chance of butchering it (as in friendly territory)

getting Great Hunters is changed:
killing animals generates Great Hunter points in nearest city, so it's getting harder and harder to gain new Great Hunters
some buildings also produce Great Hunter points per turn (see bellow)

cost of earliest techs slightly increased

axed (content moved to Agriculture)

no tech requirements

Improvements, features
Bamboo makes Plantation and Dome Farm valid
Building Fishing Community/Village/Town improvements WITHOUT Ferry route now cost 1 gold, to encouraging the AI building these improvements WITH Ferry route, not without
Kelp: +1 food removed
(New) Gathering Camp:
it's bonuses come from different starting civics, so it slowly obsoletes by switching to newer civics
when built events provide additional bonuses to choose from (food, production, gold, culture or research boost)

no tech requirements
requires Gathering (civic)

-50% vs. Melee units

Great Hunter:
set to UNITCOMBAT_RECON (now it gets free promotions from Discoverer trait)
can build Hunting Grounds

cost down to 10 (was 20)
strength down to 1 (was 2)
+100% vs. Melee units
+1 strength with Warfare tech
upgrades to Longbowman and Crossbowman (instead of Archer)

(NEW) Pile:
added to provide optional production bonus for Gathering event

fixed crash caused by Free City button

Myth of the Beast:
+2 Great Hunter points per turn

Cave Painting:
+2 Great Hunter points per turn

(NEW) Trophy:
+2 culture
+1 Great Hunter points per turn
can only be built by captured animals (ones that can also build Menagerie)
upgrades to Museum

(BACK) Hunting Instruction:
req. Hunting (tech), Hunters (civic) and 2nd level unit
+1Xp for Recon units
+1 Great Hunter points per turn

Elder Council redesigned, from 'early science building' turned into 'early administration building'
-10% maintenance
1 magister slot
upgrades to Courthouse

Cave of Altamira:
cost reduced to 45 (from 90); +4 Great Hunter points per turn

Lascaux Caves:
+4 Great Hunter points per turn (was +2 Great Artist points)

(NEW) Hunting Grounds:
National Wonder (1/civ)
can be built only by Great Hunter
+2 Great Hunter points per turn
+1 free specialist per Camp

"Cannot settle more than 1 city." changed to "Settling more than 2 cities will cause 1 :( in every city for each one over that limit" (on Standard)
is no longer blocked by newer civics
added +100% maintenance form distance and number of cities

axed +3 :) from Palace

+1 science from Elder Council

production in Capital reduced to +25% (from +50%)

+1 hammer from Gathering Camp

+1 food from Gathering Camp
-15% food and hammers

+1 hammer and commerce from Camp and Pasture
-10% hammers

+1 hammer from Fishing Boats, Whaling Boats, Fishing Community/Village/Town
-10% hammers

moved to Plough

+1 commerce from Gathering Camp

+2 commerce from Blood Dance and Fertility Dance

+1 health from Gathering Camp

Public Works:
+1 hammer from citizen
axed +25% hammers

Oral Tradition:
+1 culture from Elder Council

+1 happiness from Gathering Camp

renamed to Hegemony to avoid confusion with Empire (civic) and Imperialism (tech).

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Patch 1.0.3
Traders and Tourists

This patch is mainly about bringing back Trade Routes to the mod and introducing a new mechanic: Tourism. There are also a couple of civic changes and other things.

download from DropBox

Spoiler Change Log :


Fixing GameFont_75.tga incorrectly displaying Holy Site and Tourist Site.
Fixing some minor text issues.
Barbarians now should be able to build/upgrade better units in the early game too.
Barbarian leader received Nomad trait, so it should be able to upgrade units anywhere.
New culture level: "Eternal" requires 5 times more culture than Legendary.
Trade Routes are back (see bellow)
Connectedness reworked to represent Tourism
Gathering mechanics somewhat reworked


axed -1 relations with all civs

extra unhappiness in all cities per 10% tax rate

moved to Democracy tech (late Renaissance)
reduced maintenance to +100% (was +200%)
following civics are no longer forbidden: Clans, Planned, Corporate, Conscription, Standing Army, Unmanned Warfare, Belligerence, Mobilization, Naval Supremacy, M.A.D., Shadow War
-25% espionage

removed Connectedness
+1 Trade Routes
+50% Foreign Trade Route Yield
+50% trade income from nations with the same civic

removed Connectedness
+25% Foreign Trade Route Yield

removed Connectedness
-90% Foreign Trade Route Yield
+100% Trade Route Yield

+50% faster training of Slaves

removed Connectedness

Communalism axed

(BACK) Proletariat:
unlimited Engineers
+1 happiness from most agrarian and industrial improvement
new civic building: Young Pioneers Camp
-50% commerce from Trade Route

Single Party:
+1 [IMG alt=":)"][/IMG] per Military Unit Stationed in City

+1 Trade Routes

removed Connectedness
+10% food and production and -80% commerce from Trade Routes

Palace Economy:
removed Connectedness

removed Connectedness
-50% Foreign Trade Route Yield
+25% Trade Route Yield

removed Connectedness
+100% Foreign Trade Route Yield
-100% Trade Income from Nations with the same civic

removed Connectedness
-1 Trade Routes
+50% Trade Income from Nations with the same civic

+1 Trade Routes
+25% Trade Route Yield

Asymmetric Warfare:
removed Xp/turn for units stationed in city

removed Connectedness
+50% Foreign Trade Route Yield

removed Connectedness
+1 Trade Routes
+25% Trade Route Yield
axed +10% production

removed Connectedness
+25% Trade Route Yield

removed Connectedness
+25% Foreign Trade Route Yield

No Borders:
removed Connectedness
-50% Trade Route Yield

Open Immigration:
upkeep changed to Medium (was Low)
removed: cities require 30% less food to grow
+15% food and hammers from Trade Routes

Visa Program:
1 [IMG alt=":("][/IMG] per 10% foreign culture
+10% hammers from Trade Routes

Closed Borders:
-25% Foreign Trade Route Yield
-25% Commerce from Foreign City Connections (was -50%)

Naval Supremacy:
removed Connectedness
+100% Faster Construction of Docks, Harbor, Port, Seaport and International Port


All corporation stores are removed from the upgrade lines

Most buildings with 2 or more upgrades obsolete with the tech unlocking the second upgrade (unique buildings are exceptions)

Siege Weapons Workshop line no longer upgrades to Omnifactory

Dock line separated from Caravanserai-Public Transportation line, all reworked for Trade Routes instead of Connectedness

Lighthouse no longer upgrades to Great Lighthouse

Toll House line reworked for Trade Routes instead of Connectedness

Airfield line provides Trade Routes instead of flat commerce

Free Port (Free Market civic)
+1 Trade Routes
+50% Foreign Trade Route Yield
removed Connectedness

Trading Company (Mercantile civic)
+1 Trade Routes
+25% Trade Route Yield
+25% Foreign Trade Route Yield
removed Connectedness

Colonial Office (Colonial civic)
+50% Foreign Trade Route Yield
removed Connectedness

Acropolis (City-state civic)
+1 Trade Routes
enables all Government civics

Expedition (Deceiver trait)
+50% Trade Route Yield
removed Connectedness

Refugee Camp:
enabled for Open-Immigration (not just No Borders)

requires Naval Supremacy civic (not Discoverer trait)

Press Gang:
military unit production increased to +50% (was +15%)

Store House:
food kept after city growth reduced to 10% (wass 20%)

(NEW) Young Pioneer Camp (Proletariat)
+2 Culture
-10% War Weariness
+1 local stability bonus per turn in city
free Sentry I promotion

Social Justice Organization
moved to Liberal (from Proletariat)

Exhibition (Liberal)
axed (at least temporarily)


Silk Road:
+1 Trade Routes
+100% Foreign Trade Route Yield
removed Connectedness

Adam Smith's Trading Company:
+1 Trade Routes in all cities
+100% Foreign Trade Route Yield
removed Connectedness

Temple of Artemis:
generates +2% interest on gold reserves (maximum +100)
removed Connectedness

+50% Trade Route Yield
+50% Foreign Trade Route Yield
removed Connectedness

Global Stock Exchange:
+1000% Foreign Trade Route Yield
removed Connectedness

Via Apia:
-10% maintenance for all cities on same continent
removed Connectedness

Chichen Itza:
-33% Anarchy length
removed Connectedness

East India Company:
+1 Trade Routes in Coastal Cities
removed Connectedness

UN Mission:
cost set to -1 (can only be built by a Great Diplomat)
no longer a world wonder (any civ can build 1 copy)


Great Hunter:
can (now really) build Hunting Grounds (and not World Wonders)
changed unit AIs
can bulb techs

no longer trainable with Caste (only Slavery)
requires Slave Market
cost doubled
causes temporary unhappiness when trained


Guerilla III available to Recon units too
Woodsman II available to Archer units too
Woodsman III available to Archer and Recon units too
Pharaoh's Propaganda renamed to Ankh
Synchronized Defences available to Recon, Siege, Gunpowder, Helicopter, Tracked, Hi-Tech and Mecha units, Submarines, Steam, Diesel and Nuclear Ships


Bamboo makes Orchard a valid improvement (instead of Plantation)

Eye-candy. Ear-candy. AI-friendly.

Patch 1.0.4

Fixes a major bug that was present from the start of the mod but went unnoticed and made the AI not improving its tiles.

Spoiler :


Updating to AND2 rev. 1086
Adjusting city screen to display more resources and specialists
New CitySoundscape for Trans-Human and Future eras
New or fixed quote (with audio file) for many-many techs
Android Worker (specialist) renamed to Synth


'Healing plant' requires Herbalism
'Champion' requires Warfare


Slave Market:
Slaves trained 100% faster


World Trade Center:
removed -20% Maintenance Cost in All Cities
+1 Trade Routes
+1 Trade Routes in All Cities
+1 Trade Routes in the World

New animated wonder movie for Kotoku-in


+1 Trade Routes


Gathering Food/Hammers/Commerce build time increased from 50 to 150
Gathering Food/Hammers/Commerce upgrade time decreased from 5 to 2


Worker and Indian Fast Worker:
require Agrarian, Pastoral, Maritime, Guilds or Penal civic
work rate down to 90 (was 100)

(NEW) Worker:
Barbarian UU (same as normal Worker but with some extras)
no Civic requirement
work rate 110
ignore terrain cost

fixed Improvement builds causing AI not improving it's tiles
Slave Market requirement axed
work rate down to 75 (was 100)
upgrades to Worker, Constructor, Clones

(NEW) Constructor:
new upgrade for Gatherer, Slave and Worker units
requires Urbanization civic
cost 180
work rate 125
upgrades to Clone
cost +1 gold per turn

work rate increased to 150 (was 125)

Hunters and Philosophers*

Patch 1.0.5

*I gave this title because... errr... I couldn't come up wit anything better :crazyeye:

Spoiler Change log :


Updating to AND2 rev. 1087
Added CoM / MegaPack compatibility module (needs to be acivated in the Launcher)
Gathering Food/Hammers/Production enables some resources
(NEW MAPSCRIPT) Chronicles_PerfectWorld2f (adapted from C2C)


Poisoned Arrows renamed to Poison

Arctic Combat I
removed Combat I requirement
'Double Moveent in Tundra and Ice' moved to Arctic Combat II

Arctic Combat II
Can Safely Traverse Ice without recieving damage

Desert Combat I
removed Combat I requirement
'Double Moveent in Desert' moved to Desert Combat II

Hunting I and II
bonus vs. Animals is reduced to +50% (was +100%)

Bonus vs. Animals is removed from all other promotions (except Poison)

(NEW) Beduin
Double Moveent in Desert for Settler, Worker, Espionage, Executive, Religious and Trader units

(NEW) Eskimo
Double Moveent in Tundra and Ice for Settler, Worker, Espionage, Executive, Religious and Trader units


(NEW) Philosopher:
+1 Commerce
+6 GPP (unassigned)

new button


Cave Paintings:
removed +1 culture
requires Oral Tradition civic

Myth of the Desert:
free Beduin promotion

Myth of Winter:
free Eskimo promotion

Emporium (Financial trait)
no longer National Wonder
removed interest bonus and hurry modifier
+1 Trade Routes
cost halved

Lyceum (Philosophical trait)
no longer National Wonder
cost down to 100 (was 300)
removed specialist modifiers and golden age modifier
can turn 1 citizen into Philosopher
can turn 1 citizen into Philosopher with Patronage
can turn 1 citizen into Philosopher with Humanism
can turn 1 citizen into Philosopher with Relativity
can turn 1 citizen into Philosopher with Knowlwdge Management
can turn 1 citizen into Philosopher with Mind Uploading

Settlement (Expansive trait)
removed +1 Free Specialist
+10% Building production

Muse (Creative trait)
removed / converted into a unit (see bellow)

Foundling Hospital (Humanitarian trait)
removed "Cities require 20% less Food to grow"

Eureka (Scienticic trait)
removed specialist modifiers
+10% science
can build one copy per era (from Classical to Trans-Human)

Clerks Guild Hall
requires Courthouse
other building requirements removed


Cave of Altamira:
removed free Cave Paintings and +1 culture from Cave Paintings
increased Great Hunter points to 8 (was 4)

Moai Statue:
World Wonder from National Wonder
+2GPP (was 1)
axed Myth of the Sea requirements

Plato's Academy:
+1 free Scientist (was +2)
+2 Philosopher slots


captured animals have only 10% chance to spawn resource (was 25%)
wild animals have +50% attack, +50% defense and double movement on their native terrains and features
some wild animals (flying birds) have a "Flat Movement Cost" and "Can Move through Impassable"

bonus vs. Animals is reduced to +50% (was +100%)

(NEW) Muse (Cretive trait)
cost 50
Can Create a Great Work: +200 culture

Camels and Bisons


This is a relatively small patch but I had a lot of work with it. It adds Camels and Bisons to the game.

Spoiler :


Updating to AND2 rev. 1088
Two new resources added: Bison and Camel


(NEW) Unit line based on Camels (similar to light cavalry unit line)
+25% vs mounted units
free Desert Combat I
free Arctic Combat I
flanking attack against Horse units

Camel Archer (Arabian UU)
replaces War Camel
strenght 9
also starts with Desert Combat II

Chronicles of Mankind
ver 1.1

This is a full install of Chronicles of Mankind 1.1, so if you have any older version, it is best to delete that version first and than create a clean install.

The theme of this version is Wonders:
17 new wonders are added.
56 new movies are added for existing wonders and projects.
A new feature added: "Difficulty Scaling with Empire Size"
Some other tweaks and balance changes.

Spoiler Change Log :


Removed "Wonder/Full Cities" module

dll updated to rev.1091

(NEW FEATURE) "Difficulty Scaling with Empire Size"
A new dummy building (simply named 'City) provides stacking malus:
Great People Rate, Great General Rate, Golden Age Length, Culture are all decreased by 1% per City
Anarchy Length, War Weariness, Hurry Production Cost are all increased by 1% per City


removed all yield bonus to Gathering improvements

AIweight down to 0 (was +50)


removed culture doubling over time

Elder Council:
upgrades to Village Hall line
50% faster production of Village Hall

Village Hall line reworked:
removed free specialist per improvements
each building has 50% faster production of the next one in line (was 15%)
maintenance modifiers changed
from +15/+25/+35/+75/+100 %
to -15/-25/-35/-50/-75 %
Wonder Capacity increment changed
from +0/+0/+1/+2/+3
to +0/+0/+0/+1/+2

Myth of the Hero:
requires a Culture Level of Fledgling or better
removed +5% Great General Emergence
free Brave promotion to Melee, Archer, Mounted and Recon units

Hemp added to list of resources

Public Transportation:
Maintenance changed from +10% to +25%
Health changed from +2 to -2
no bonus Health from Oil
requires Oil or Oil Products
+1 free specialist per Village, Town, Suburb

Personel Rapid Train:
Maintenance changed from +10% to +25%
Health changed from +2 to -2
Happiness bonus removed
no bonus Health from Oil
requires Access to Power
+1 free specialist per Village, Town, Suburb, Fishing Village, Fishing Town, Submegerd Town

Maintenance changed to +25%
Health bonus removed
Happiness bonus removed
+1 free specialist per Village, Town, Suburb, Fishing Village, Fishing Town, Submegerd Town

new model

Vacation Resort:
new graphics

(NEW) Ski Lodge:
same as Vacation Resort but for cold climate

Convention Center:
Ski Lodge added as OR requirement

Security Center:
+50% espionage

Wonders and Projets

Hill of Tara:
free Elder Council in every city (was Village Hall)

Propaganda Net:
no longer requires Political Cenzorship civic
requires to be at war

Holy Office:
reworked fully
+2 Espionage Points from All State Religion Buildings
national limit changed to 1

Scotland Yard:
turned into a real World Wonder
+1 [IMG alt=":)"][/IMG] per 10% Espionage rate in all cities

National Anthem:
no longer requires Natoinalist civic
+4 Culture axed
+2 Culture in all cities

new wonders:
Grand Canal
Empire State Building
Rialto Bridge
Hundertwasses Hause
Great Harbor
Big Ben
Gate of the Sun
Nazca Lines
Fort Knox
Burj Al Arabs
AI Entity
Sydney Opera House
Basilica Cistern
The Motherland Calls

new movies for:
Moai Statues
Olympic Games
Circus Maximus (edited)
Globe Theatre
Iron Works
Military Academy
National Epic
National Park
Wall Street
National Mint
Petra (replacing previous one)
Sphinx (edited)
Gardens by the Bay (and new model)
Blarney Castle
Venus of Willendorf
Apollo Program
Dino Park
Pleistocene Park
Independence Hall
Great Firewall
Orbital Hotel
Zurich Orbital
Deep Core Mine
East India Company (replacing German vesion with English)
Fusion Power Plant
Human Genome
Anti Ballistic Misiles
The Agency (replacing German vesion with English)
Universal Translator
Communications Sattelites
Edison's Workshop
Heroic Epic
Las Vegas
Broadcast Network
World News Network
Oxford University
Red Cross
Scotland Yard
West Point
World Trade Center


(New) Brave:
+1 First Strike Chance


Many later improvements yield less gold when pillaged

all 3 types of Gathering has a base +1 yield
-1 yield with Currency tech

Fort upgrades to Bunker

Bunker upgrades to Command Center

Aquatic Anti-Air Defence:
renamed to Aqua-Fort
requires Metamaterials
+50% tile defence
+20% air defence
acts as a city
upgrades to Aquatic Forcefield

Aquatic Forcefield:
+75% tile defence
+40% air defence
acts as a city

Submegerd Town:
+2 hammers axed

(NEW) Suburb:
Civil Engineering allows Town to upgrade to Suburb
Consumerism allows to build Suburb


requires The Wheel

requires The Wheel


Great Spy:
can build Interpol (not Scotland Yard)
upgrades to Top Secret Agent

Top Secret Agent:
no longer a national unit
no longer requires Scotland Yard
cannot be trained, only upgraded from a Great Spy
Escape Artist II added to promotions


R e l i g i o n s R e b o r n

Chronicles of Mankind patch 1.1.1

Spoiler Change Log, 1.1.1 :


Tech-tree (F6) Screen selection and era colors changed, tech icon and panel enlarged (thanks ProjectMaximus)

Chances of herding animals increased to 20% (was 10%)

National Wonders producing resources now produce only 1 copy each

"Difficulty Increasing With Empire Size"
Number of cities now also increase Maintenance Cost in All Cities, Maintenance Cost from Distance to Palace and Maintenance Cost from Number of Cities by 1% each

Fixed Foreign Advisor (F4) Info tab civic categories order


Religions are devided into Prophetic and Traditional religions.
Prophetic religions are: Buddhism, Christianity, Confucionism, Islam, Judaism, Taoism and Zoroastrianism
Traditional religions are: Asatru, Hellenism, Hinduism, Kemetism, Naghualism and Shinto

Religions are now founded not as civilizatons progress on the tech tree. Instead, Prophetic religions can be founded by Great Prophets, while Traditional ones with certain geographical properties (e.g. Kemetism requires river access and desert in city vicinity = Nile)

Al religions' spreadrate readjusted.

Cathedrals and Pantheons re-thought:

Cathedrals are for Prophetic religions and are unchanged.
Moved to Music.

Pantheons are for Traditional religions. They are little cheaper and provide less culture, happiness, etc. but can be "upgraded" in different ways by building a Sanctuary on top of them.
Moved to Sculpture

new special building type
acts as an add-on for the religions with Pantheon type building
requires Aestethics

New and reworked wonders for religions (see bellow)

Renamed Religious Buildings:
Jewish Temple --> Synagoge
Jewish Synagoge --> Great Synagoge
Jewish Monastery --> Yeshiva
Islamic Temple --> Minaret
Islamic Mosque --> Mosque
Zoroastrian Fire Temple --> Atash Dadgah
Zoroastrian Pantheon --> Atash Adaran
Zoroastrian Shrine --> Zoroastrian Monastery

Holy Warriors:
most religions can now train Holy Warriors.
they require Holy Order

founder receives 2 Preachers

founder receives 1 Imam and 1 Ansar

new buttons for Temple, Gymnasia and Pantheon

new graphics for buildings


Monarchy is forbidden

removed/turned into a civic building for Republic

TradeYieldModifiers axed

Palace Economy:
YieldModifiers axed
upkeep set to High
iDistanceMaintenanceModifier and iNumCitiesMaintenanceModifier set to +50%

chance to create Slaves from defeated enemy units is increased to 100%

Low Upkeep (was None)
+1 Priest replaced with Unlimited Priest

removed/replaced by Syncretic

+2 :) from Monument of the Dictator
+2 :) from Think Tank
+1 Science and Culture from Philosopher
removed +0.5 Science from Scientist
removed +20% gold


Divine Tomb renamed to Royal Tomb
+50% culture replaced with flat +10 culture

(NEW) Sermon:
inherits Abu Simbel's effect spreding State Religion
can be built only by Great Prophet and some religious units

Siege Weapons Workshop:
removed in city vicinity requirement

Land Tenure:
requires 2 Cities

(NEW) LMA (Leage of Militant Atheists)
requires Atheist civic
replaces temples

Community Center:

moved to Guilds

changed model

TV Station:
+2 :) with Political Censorship
+0.01 Gold from Celebrity in every city

Railway Station:
dropped regular resource requirements
requires more than 2 of the following in city vicinity: Railroad, Electric Railroad or Maglev



(NEW) Senate:
new civic building for Republic

-1 Science, +1 Culture with Theology

(NEW) Diocese:
limited building for Christianity


Venus of Willendorf:
obsoletes at Theology

Abu Simbel:
now a Kemetic wonder
new effect

Chichen Itza:
now a Nagual wonder

Shwedagon Paya:
no longer enables all Religion civics
now a Buddhist wonder
+1 gold and +2 culture per owned Buddhist
+1 gold from Buddhist Temple and Monastery

Spiral Minaret:
now an Islam wonder
+2 gold from Islamic Temple, Mosque and Monastry (instead of state religion buildings)

!!! +1 gold, research, culture and espoinage from Islamic Temple, Mosque and Monastry (instead of state religion buildings)
+20% defense in all cities

Temple of Artemis:
now a Hellenic wonder
requires Currency
no longer obsoletes

Theatre of Dionysos:
now a Hellenic wonder

Statue of Zeus:
+1 culture per city with Hellenism (was +1 science)
culture lowered to +4 (was +10)

+1 :) from Hindu Temple/Mandir/Monastery (was +1 :) in all Cities on this Continent)
Kashi Vishwanath removed from commerce bonus list

Global Stock Exchange:
+1000% Foreign Trade Route Yield reduced to +100%

The Sagas:
(temporarily) removed

Uppsala Temple:
+2 Culture per city with Astru (was +1 gold)

Kink Richard's Crusade:
removed gold bonus for other Christian buildings
can train Knights Templars

axed +1 Free Specialist per Quary

Karnak Temple Complex:
+1 Culture per Specialist in all Cities changed to +1 Culture from Priest

Apadana Palace:
+2 Great Prophet points (was Great Artist)

New Wonders

Tower of Babel
Golden Temple (takes over the role of Shwedagon Paya)
Borobudur (Buddhism)
Nalanda (Buddhism)
Jetavanaramaya (Buddhism)
Golden Buddha (Buddhism, National Wonder)
Mount Athos (Christianity)
Mont St. Michel (Christianity)
Duomo (Christianity)
Cluny Abbey (Christianity)
Munmyo (Confucianism)
Laxminarayan Temple (Hinduism)
Vijay Stambha (Hinduism)
Hassan Tower (Islam)
Imam Reza Shrine (Islam)
Al-Masjid al-Nabawi (Islam)
Sanhedrin (Judaism)
Tomb of the Patriarchs (Judaism)
Ohel (Judaism, National Wonder)
Fushimi Inari (Shinto)
Izumo Shrine (Shinto)
Wudang (Taoism)
Baku Ateshgah (Zoroastriamism)


national limit 3 (was 5)
no longer invisible
can not investigate cities anymore
movement increased to 2
strength increased to 4
+2 strenth from Smithing
+2 strenth from Armor Crafting
+2 strenth from Matchlock
+2 strenth from Flintlock
+4 strenth from Rifling
+6 strenth from Automatic Weapons
+10 strenth from Syanthetic Fibers
can withdraw from combat (50%)
+100% vs animal units
combat type changed to recon

Worker units:
lots of balance tweaks

Magi (Zoroastrian missionary)
renamed to Mobad

Shaolin Monk:
moved to Meditation
requires Buddhism as state religion
requires Shaolin Monastery OR Fortified Temple OR Holy Order
added Zen as starting promotion
upgrades to Musketman (was Rifleman)

renamed to Knights Templar
several other changes

Gentleman (Confucian missionary)
renamed to Junzi

Alchemist (Taoist missionary)
renamed to Daoshi

Oracle (Hellenic missionary)
renamed to Heirophant

Scribe (Kemetist missionary)
renamed to Hem-netjer

Gothi (Asatru missionary)

New Units

Hersir (Asatru)
Nuncio (Christianity)
Disciple of Confucius (Confucianism)
Myrmidon (Hellenism)
Rathi (Hinduism)
Ansar Warrior (Islam)
Radhanite (Judaism)
Maccabee (Judaism)
Khopesh (Kemetism)
Couatl (Naghualism)
Kensei (Shinto)
Wudang Monk (Taoism)
Dastur (Zoroastrianism)


several new promotions for religions


Ancient era:
tech costs modified
some AIWeight changed
some techs moved around

requires Community and Trade
leads to Warfare

...and some other tweaks and changes [IMG alt=":)"][/IMG]


No, seriously! This new version has so much new that it is criminal.:trouble:
And with "so much" what I mean is not the long changelog. No, the most important changes are summed up in this one sentence:

The new update WILL break all saves made prior to the 1.2 crime update! So if you want to play a save made on 1.1.1 or older you will need to either stick with those versions or start a new save.

It's also recommended to perform a clean installation of the new Chronicles of Mankind update. So in other words, delete the old COM mod folder and then install 1.2.

Spoiler Changelog, 1.2 :



New concept: CRIME
It just functions like sickness and anger, with buildings either increasing or decreasing crime and giving a penalty to commerce.

Removing mapscripts not working properly or creating crazy maps (RoM_Arboria, RoM_Balanced, RoM_Boreal, RoM_Donut, RoM_Erebus, RoM_ErebusContinent, RoM_Fantasy_Realm, RoM_FullofResources, RoM_Great_Plains, RoM_Highlands, RoM_Hub, RoM_Inland_Sea, RoM_Lakes, RoM_Maze, RoM_Mirror, RoM_Oasis, RoM_PerfectMongoose_v310, RoM_PerfectWorld, RoM_PerfectWorld2, RoM_Rainforest, RoM_Ring, RoM_Ringworld3_100_mst, RoM_Sea_Highlands_120_mst, RoM_SmartMap, RoM_Team_Battleground, RoM_Totestra, RoM_Wheel)

+1 production, +1 gold, +1 Science, -0.5 :) , +5GPP (Sentient Synth)

Increased diplomatic penalties for using nukes


Holy Site and Tourist Site are placed more sread out.

6 new terrain features:
Reef (enables Fishing Boats)
Coral Reef (enables Fishing Boats)
Scrub (enables Camp an Cottages)
Savanah (enables Camp)
Hotsprings (enables Cottages)
Fog and Dust Storm (They make Tundra and Desert tiles even more dangerous)

from terrain feature changed into a resource (works similar to Prime Timber)

+1 food

Submerged Town:
has the same yield bonuses as Fishing Town

New/reworked water defence structures:
Sea Fort (built on Islets and Rocky Islets)
Naval Base (built on Islets and Rocky Islets OR on Coast)
Aquataic Forcefield (built on any water tile)


Each level of Tourism increases Crime ( +1/level)

-2 crime

District Courthouse:
-3 crime

-1 crime

Police Station:
-3 crime
moved to Absolutism

Security Bureau:
-8 crime

Security Centre:
-15 crime

Scotland Yard:
-5 crime in all cities

-1 crime
upgrades to Police Station too

Surveillance Network:
-6 crime

AI Surveillance:
-10 crime
-2 :) removed
-0.25 :) per population

AI Entity:
Moved to Technocracy (was Autocracy)
-5 :) in all cities removed
-25% Maintenance removed
Free AI Surveillance in every city

Jail :
-4 crime

-8 crime

Gambling Hall:
+3 crime
happiness penalty removed

+5 crime
+1 :) removed
-15% :hammers:removed
+15% :commerce: with Power removed

+5 crime

Barbwire Fence:
maintenance penalty removed
replaces Palisade, Walls and High Walls

Arcology Shield:
replaces Palisade, Walls and High Walls too

-2 Crime

Iron Curtain:
removed -20% gold in all cities
free Checkpoint in all cities
-1 :) in all cities removed
obsoletes with Cyberwarfare

Hoard (Aggressive trait)
+2 crime

Governor (Organized trait)
-1/4 crime per population

Outpost (Protective trait)
-2 crime

Unity Link (Hive civic)
-1/4 crime per population

Itinerant Court (Monarchy civic)
-5 crime
obsoletes with Absolutism

Supreme Court:
-5 crime

Proconsul (Empire civic)
-2 crime

Elder Council:
-1 crime

Holy Order (Theocracy civic)
-2 crime

+1/4 crime pee population

Social Justice Organization:
-2 crime

Young Pioneer Camp:
-1 crime

Siege Workshop:
requires Prime Timber OR Bamboo

requires Prime Timber OR Bamboo
removed +1P, +1C with Prime Timber

requires Prime Timber OR Bamboo

Carpenter's Guild:
requires Prime Timber OR Bamboo
removed +1 free Prime Timber

can turn 1 citizen into Synth with Androids tech

Manufacturing Plant:
can turn 2 citizen into Synth with Androids tech

Industrial Robots:
can turn 2 citizen into Synth with Androids tech

can turn 5 citizen into Synth with Androids tech

Android Factory:
can turn 5 citizen into Synth with Androids tech
requires Android civic

can turn 10 citizen into Synth with Androids tech
no longer requires Android civic

Aluminum Factory:
can turn 2 citizen into Synth with Androids tech

Biofuel Factory:
can turn 2 citizen into Synth with Androids tech

Cement Mill:
can turn 2 citizen into Synth with Androids tech

Chemical Plant:
can turn 2 citizen into Synth with Androids tech

Deep Core Mine:
can turn 2 citizen into Synth with Androids tech

Durasteel Plant:
can turn 2 citizen into Synth with Androids tech

Fertilizer Plant:
can turn 2 citizen into Synth with Androids tech

can turn 2 citizen into Synth with Androids tech

Nanite Lab:
can turn 1 citizen into Synth with Androids tech

Nano Research Department:
can turn 1 citizen into Synth with Androids tech

Oil Refinery:
can turn 2 citizen into Synth with Androids tech

Replicator Plant:
can turn 1 citizen into Synth with Androids tech

Rubber Factory:
can turn 2 citizen into Synth with Androids tech

Semiconductor Fab:
takes over the role of Silicon Valley
can turn 2 citizen into Synth with Androids tech
requires Research Lab and Manufacoring Plant

Silicon Valley:
now a World Wonder

Wall Street
generates +5% interest on gold reserves (max +250)
now a World Wonder

Stock Exchage
generates +2% interest on gold reserves (max +100)
now a National Wonder


blocked by Democracy

blocked by all later Economy civics (save for Mercantile)

blocked by all later Economy civics
Foreign Trade modifier down to +50% from +100%

Settling more than 12 cities will cause 1 unhappiness in every city for each one over that limit

removed +100% commerce from Trade Routes modifiers
-25% Maintenance Cost from Distance to Palace (was -40%)
-25% Maintenance Cost from Number of Cities
-50% Maintenance Cost for Overseas Cities (was -40%)
Settling more than 12 cities will cause 1 unhappiness in every city for each one over that limit

Low Upkeep (was Medium)
removed cities requireing 50% more food
removed +1 :( in every city
removed yield bonuses from improvements
-50% war weariness (was -25%)
25% chance to create a Slave from combat

blocked by Free Market, Planned, Corporate, Regulated and Green
all Guildhalls obsolete with Industrialism tech

unlimited Synth removed
+1 free Synth in every city
+25% production removed
+1 production, +0.5 gold and science from Synth

blocked by Religious Censorship, Political Censorship, Mainstream Media, Media Regulation and Mind Control

blocked by Political Censorship, Mainstream Media, Media Regulation and Mind Control


extends movement limit

removed movement limit extension

extends movement limit

extends movement limit

extends movement limit

extends movement limit

removes movement limit


Great Engineer:
can create a body of water with Islets (requires Canals tech)
can change some water tiles to land (desert) tile (requires Seismology)

Great Prophet:
fixing building of Sermon

Construction Ship:
can change some water tiles to land (desert) tile (requires Ecological Engineering and cost 5000 gold)

(NEW) Sentient Synth (Great Person)
can build Financial Matrix, Manufacturing Matrix and Research Matrix

new graphics
first to discover Androids recieves one for free


Chronicles of Mankind patch 1.2.1

Spoiler Change log :


Now the ai is crime aware and will seek to build crime reduction buildings the worse crime gets.

New map script:
CoM_PerfectMongoose (converted from RI version)

Removed BtS map scripts from maps list

Fixing ranged unit's volley range (some were too high, others lacked the ability completelly)


Parade Grounds:
requires Belligerence (was Standing Army)
removed production bonus with Stone


Settling more than 12 cities will cause 2 unhappiness in every city for each one over that limit

removed +1 Free Specialist per City

Xp per turn in cities removed
+50% Maintenance Cost from Distance to Palace
-50% Maintenance Cost from Number of Cities
+2 :) in Cities
-10% war weariness
+20% :c5angry: from Population

-10% Maintenance Cost from Distance to Palace
-10% Maintenance Cost from Number of Cities
Cities Require 20% More Food to Grow

Warrior Caste:
Xp per turn in cities removed

Standing Army:
removed from list of civics

removed -10% GPP
removed +20% espionage


all naval unit's streangth increased rawly by a 10%

War Galley, Man'O'War, Battlecruiser and all their upgrades now have volley attack

strength down to 2

strength down to 7

strength down to 8

NLOS Cannon:
speed down to 2 (was 3)

Assault Mech:
volley attack removed

no longer upgrades to Mechaized Infantry (only to EMP Infantry)

Chronicles of Mankind patch 1.2.2

Spoiler Patch 1.2.2 :


Barbarian cities are given some help.
Gathering feature improved.
Some bug fixes (blocked diplomacy screen, some error massages, missing "Let's see the big picture" option)


Public Transportation:
health penalty removed

Personal Rapid Train:
health penalty removed

Fort Nox:
wonder movie fixed


removed movement limit extension

Naval Warfare:
moved from 2nd to 4th coloumn in Classical era


-25% defense


(NEW) Truck:
modern era upgrade for trader units

Warmongers patch

This isn't a very big patch but should be very impactful: The AI is tweaked to declare war more often.

Spoiler Patch 1.2.3 :


Unit are trained faster.
Buildings are built faster.
All religions spreadfactor is decreased.
AI tweaked to declare war more often


Upkeep none (was Low)
-1 relaions with all civilizations

-1 relaions with all civilizations (was -1 with less powerful civs only)


Change log:
Spoiler Patch 1.2.4 :


Raze probability set to 0 for all leaders (temporarily)
iConquestProb (chance to keep after conquest) is incresed/rebalanced for most buildings (75% or higher for regular and 33% for military buildings)
Fixing Great Engineer ability to turn land into coast if there is a route on the tile.
Priest gives +1 [IMG alt=":)"][/IMG] (was +0.5)
Fixing 'Dock Workers Strike' event (gold values were unbalanced).


Creative: Muse (unit) is replaced with Muse (building).
Deciever: Bandit (unit) replaced with with Courtesan (unit), which is a new espionage unit that comes with a unique promotion line (Seduction I-III).
Industrious: Builder (unit) is replaced with Architect (building).


Boatyard, Pen and Ploughland (Agrarian civic buildings) reworked, rebalanced and are no longer mutually exclusive.

+1C per seafood in city vicinity
upgrade replacement of Boatyard

Poultry upgrades to Pen, Pen upgrades to Cannery


Food Processing Plant:

+1C per resource in city vicinity added

+1F, +1C per grain resource added

Hydroponic Farm:
+1F, +1C per grain resource added

yield bonusese increased to +15F, +5C
health increased to +5

Walls and High Walls:
removed Culture bonus


Change log:
Spoiler Patch 1.2.5 :


Fixing city raze bug
Raze probability reset for all leaders

As a "side-effect" AI will probably more likely to raze captured cities.

...are actually good news this time, because here comes

Chronicles of Mankind patch 1.2.6.rar

It has some fixes and balance changes, adds 2 new buildings as upgrades for the Graveyard (hence the title for the patch) and some other changes too.

Change Log
Spoiler Patch 1.2.6 :


Paper (resource)
enabled with Writing tech (so Scrollmaker now really gives Paper)
no longer obsoletes

Fixing Fort -> Bunker -> Command Center upgrade path

Media Regulation (civic) moved to Absolutism

Anarchy length halved for all game speeds.

Fixing Strategy Overlay turning back on every turn, when it should be off.

New diplo music for Hirohito

Fixing 'Harbor Master' event help text.

Added negative values to HumanIndexOffset for Revolutions Difficulty: Negative values make it easier, positive are harder. (BUG Options, RevDCM tab)

Increased camera scroll speed when mouse reaches edge of screen.


no longer obsoletes
-1 Culture with Education
upgrades to Crematorium

requires Ceremonial Burial
no longer obsoletes
-1 Culture with Education
upgrades to Crematorium

(NEW) Crematorium:
upgrades to Cryopreserve

(NEW) Cryopreserve

cost down to 50 from 60

cost down to 40 from 80

Post Office:
+1GPP/turn added
cost down to 140 (was 260)

Mind-Control Center:
No foreign culture spread to city


No foreign culture spread to cities


requires Gunpowder tech too


After a loooooooooooooong wait I'm finally here with a brand new update :woohoo:

Some highlights:
Several fixes, tweaks and polishing.
Players can choose again between a 50 and a 100 civs dll.
Now a total of 35 corporations each with their own founding movie*.
Late eras reworked a bit.
For more details read the changelog :)


Spoiler Change log 1.3 :

Merged a lot of changes made by @schramm:

Fixed the GP bar to include Great Hunter properly
Fixed DynamicCivNames to work with CoM civics system
Added interest into gold rate display
Added hammers into city trade yield lists
Added espionage requirement to see enemy tech trees
Added buildings to upgraded settler cities
Tweaked events
Added a "professional butchering" outcome to butcher animal, with Butchery building in city
Added "burn/chop savannah" mission
Removed promotions for wild animals (no more super fast ambush elephants, etc.) added "native" promotions for certain capture animals (such as wolves that can be moved across tundra, etc.)

updated version of AND2-Earth15CivsPresetStartingLocations.CivBeyondSwordWBSave with CoM features
updated map script, also layed out the code for start location biases (based on civilization), but this still sometimes fails and puts all players on the same square (unknown as to why), I commented that out and left the original code in place for now.

Thank you so much for your contribution, @schramm ! :)
And now the rest of the changes...​


No more chosing of (blocked) civic via popup when required tech is researched.
Normalizing AI war declaration weights.
Fix Screw Propeller tech quote audio.
Added 2 more values to HumanIndexOffset for Revolutions Difficulty: -7.5 and +7.5
Fixing FortKnox wonder movie
When loosing its capital, the civ will fall into a short anarchy. A new capital is selected from the best cities: larger cities are prefered, especially ones with a political center (Summer Palace, Versailles, etc) thanks to @keldath
New AI generated audio files for some tech quotes, thanks to @shockeroo

50 or 100 civs limit DLLs are back! You can find the two different DLLs in 'Assets/50 or 100 civs DLL'. Just Copy-Paste the dll you prefer into Assets folder and say yes to overwrite. The default one is the 50 civs dll.


Removed Darwin's Voyage event (there is Theory of Evolution project).
Blizzard event spawns Snowstorm feture on the plot.
Prime timber event now spawns a resource instead of +1H.
Dustbowl and Sandstorm events spawn Desertstorm feature.
More Fiat Money removed (no inflation in the game)
Miracle spawns a Holy Site
Tea: Tea resource added as a requirement
The Goths, The Huns, The Vandals, The Philistines, The Vedic Aryans and The Mahdi Army words removed from english text of events.
War Memorial: adds Victory Monument to city or +1 culture to the (regular) Monument of the city.
Volcano: added back to the game
Penicilin: removed, there's a Project with the same name


Fog replaced with Snowstorm


Watchtower, Police Station, Security Bureau and Security Center:
removed maintenance modifiers


Theory of Evolution:
fixed missing movie tag
removed :), health, gold and science bonus
all biology techs ("ADVISOR_GROWTH") cost only half as much science

Also fixed missing movie tags for Cure for Cancer, Longevity and Theory of Everything


all 35 corporations (both new and old) have a funding movie


Last 4 eras redesigned:
Modern-Transhuman-Future renamed to Atomic-Information-Quantum
Techs from Industrial-Modern-Transhuman are spread out evenly throughout Industrial-Atomic-Information-Quantum eras.
New music for Atomic era
The new eras stand for:
Atomic: world war two and the cold war period
Information: the contemporary era
Quantum: the not so far future era (sci-fi content)
(These changes are mostly aesthetic. It bothered me that Future era had only one tech and I also wanted to have music for the Atomic era. )

* The founding movies for the corporations were and are really "heavy". It took a lot of time to find something for all 35 corporations. Some are just "Oh well, that's good enough and I wont find anything better." The most of them are cute and/or funny. And some... some are outright hilarious. Some were so funny that I just couldn't make myself cut them shorter. Some are more than 2 minutes long 🫢 and this made a mod also more "megabyte heavy".

I hope you guys will enjoy the new version of the mod just as much as I enjoyed making it... errrrr... no... I hope you will enjoy it much more :D
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