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[BTS] [Mod Pack] Composite XL - 2.0.01

@DAKH We play tested this fairly heavily with Dearmad and My Composite. It has the effect of slowing down the development very nicely the justification is misquotes... Without misquote killer the slaves would never remove the jungles ;) it works fairly well. Yes starting in jungle is pretty tough.

Thanks! I'll be sure to play it now that it's released! :D
RE: 3 Square...
I will only add it in if there is a config option to turn it off. that the player can access (similar to how we did it in the cccp versions of XL) Teaser Posted in the second thread.

On a side note. I MODDED my base CvMainInterface.py by accident and forget to set my comp tool to backup files on save. Can someone post the default CvMainInterface.py for me. While I don't need it for the mod, its nice to have.

@StrategyOnline - Yes That is in fact still my email address. Thank you for adding me to the list.
sweet, I wish I can find a way to increase the amount of events though by my self, not adding new ones in, just increase the percentage of events to occur.
I'm working on some event modifications as well as waiting for one of the event mods that is in production to come out.
Can I get some feedback on 2 Changes.

In 2.0.15 Which is what I am working on now. I am considering 2 major rule changes.

1) Religion Spread. Religion Spread has been tweaked out a bit to allow the later religions to spread faster while the earlier religions spread slower.
Currently my settings are Jewish = 25 Christian/Islam = 100 Buddhist/Tao = 50 Confussion = 30 Hindu = 40

2) No Nuke Immune Buildings... AT ALL....

#2 is where I think I need the most feedback, but... I'll take what I can get.

In other news.. I got my Compiler set up and working so I'm good to go with SDK editing. To Celebrate Solvers Compilation of AI Fix's and Crash Fix's will go into version 2.0.15 WOOHOO
Can I get some feedback on 2 Changes.

In 2.0.15 Which is what I am working on now. I am considering 2 major rule changes.

1) Religion Spread. Religion Spread has been tweaked out a bit to allow the later religions to spread faster while the earlier religions spread slower.
Currently my settings are Jewish = 25 Christian/Islam = 100 Buddhist/Tao = 50 Confussion = 30 Hindu = 40

2) No Nuke Immune Buildings... AT ALL....

#2 is where I think I need the most feedback, but... I'll take what I can get.

In other news.. I got my Compiler set up and working so I'm good to go with SDK editing.

why a change on how religions spread? in my experiences playing the early religions are more widespread anyway (honestly i almost always end up with buddism as my national religion with it being very widespread), so why make something like islam even more difficult to spread? i'd almost like to see a benefit for spreading the later religions in the game

the other one i think is a good idea
Thats the plan, the early religions "should" spread slower, and the later religions will spread at normal rates.
We will give it a shot in 2.0.15 and see how it plays....

I'm also possibly reconsidering my jungle changes a tad bit... I may pull up the original composite and see how i did it there, I know its one of the things I worked on... Just cant remember all my settings.

Should have it out tonight I think... If not tomorrow for sure.
Everything is testing well
Hey Ket, do you feel like you might increase the number of playable civs in your mod from 18 at some point, I know you had it at 24 for the Warlords version
Yes...Its planned, I just got set up to do SDK editing so it will go in soonish...
Prob not this cut....but the next one..
Dammit Darke, you've been around here for over a year you figure osmosis....
Still trying to get a clean compile and having a nightmare time of it.
I HAD gotten it all working but now after re-creating the project its fallen apart. Sigh.......

I'm not using codeblocks but using MS 2005 C++ which maybe i should just try to use codeblocks again as I seemed to have been more comfortable in the past.

c++ is my weakest spot. I'm not a c++ dev...

I should still have 2.0.15 out today...

But I want to get Impaler's Interface Changes to Mainscreen into 2.0.15 so I'll wait on that regardless.

2.0.2 is set to be the 24 civs version.... I'm thinking monday or tuesday on that.

Does anyone have a copy of the last version of the old XL mod? If so can we get it hosted or sent to me somehow?
Ket: please get the latest update to my MainScreen mod, I addressed a bug ware the player could not make full use of caste systems under the new Specialist Button system.

I'm currently coding new advanced modular loading functionality for WoC, when its ready we will be able to cleanly and efficiently fork loading into a any number of modules allowing multiple mod teams to cherry pick from a common component pool. At that point I would recommend bringing your project into WoC and using our SVN repository (currently in the works) for primary storage and development. I can then get back to game play moding and do requests. In the meantime I'd encourage you to make many of your features like your Formations modular so they can easily be ported into WoC and other mods.

P.S. Visit our new WoC forums, check out the slick bug tracker and join us online for development chats
@Impaler, Ok Ill start to merge your interface changes in today.

Im having a hell of a time, getting the damn .dll to compile properly.
Its not a code issue its a damn compiler issue.

Gonna try a fresh copy, and re merge.. All I have is 2 SDK mods in right now..
Solvers Unofficial Bug Fix Compilation and Route Pillage mod so its not to tough. Prob wont get to it till tonight though.
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