Bug List

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Oct 5, 2001


1.) Add a clock / time back to the main screen
2.) Add in-game Anti-Aliasing options for DX9
3.) Provide an option to allow people to go straight into the game (remember DX9 / DX11 setting)
4.) Modify combat bonuses pane so that it will show more than 3 bonuses in it.
5.) Stop having to select a building to produce in a city that you are razing.
6.) Provide a notification for border expansions.
7.) Better messaging in production queue when you lose a wonder race.
8.) Add more functionality to save game load / save.
9.) Stop AI Embarking when combat ships near.
10.) Provide count of number of luxury resources.
11.) Add Woodsman promotion to Civilopedia.
12.) Resolve confusion when duplicate leaders are in-game (large number of civs)
13.) Provide more info on special buildings and great people yields in civilopedia.
14.) Allow preference settings for persistence of building queues, panel visibility etc.
15.) Look at unit purchase vs upgrade cost balance.
16.) It is better to build units and disband them for gold than to build wealth
17.) SHow combat odds as they would be for actual attack, not for current location (impact of 2-move units)
18.) Improve Civilopedia text for Harbor to include more info on conditions required to form a trade route
19.) Allow renaming of units at any time (i.e. move "edit" link out of promotion tab into unit action tab)
20.) Units on auto-move should avoid Neutral city states, where possible.
21.) Allow unit stacked with other units in a city, to attack without moving out of the city first.
22.) Provided feedback on why "red" moves are not allowed

New bugs in
  1. Captured cities immediately annexed
  2. Accusation of breaking deal I didn't make.
  3. Pathing problem- not using optimum path
  4. Workers stop working
  5. Hex yield icons incorrect
  6. Viking fury broken

Graphical bugs
  1. [] Weird red terrain spots / Patch doesn't fix "red splotches" problem /Black Ice on hills (tile display problem)
  2. [] Graphics glitch--deep sea uranium deposit? (green spots on water)
  3. wet Stonehenge (wonders on water)
  4. [] Tile Improvement graphics prevent "revealed" resources from being see on map.
  5. [] 1/5 of the map is not drawn (high resolution problem; dx9 2560 resolution issues)
  6. [] Incorrect "attack" animation while Mobile Sam attacks cities
  7. [] Incorrect road linkage
  8. [] Improvements/cities/resources get 'stuck' to screen / floating graphics
  9. [] Patch - Flat Mountains (graphical bug)
  10. [] Resources invisible after loading a savegame

User interface
  1. [] WIndows key + M doesn't minimize game in Windows 7, fullscreen mode.
  2. [] User is unable to click "promote" buttons. Might be related to screen resolution issues
  3. Built wonder narration affected by music volume slider
  4. [] Workers underestimate improvement build times
  5. [] Discipline bonus is not displayed
  6. [] Top bar collision resources and turns (Aluminium and Uran)
  7. Choosing your civilization: random civ selected, only user name typed: "Random civ"
  8. UI- City Screen tooltips beneath right panel
  9. [] Incorrect message when viewing Policies
  10. [] [BUG] Impossible to see units' promotions, interface hides them
  11. [] Extremely Irritating Bug: Workers deselected if you check the city screen
  12. [] Advanced Setup screen doesn't remember settings
  13. [] No "Skip Turn" button on units in city
  14. Auto Unit Cycle Off not working (garrisoned units)
  15. 'Trade route' on hexes without road/railroad (
  16. [] Road Maintenance Discrepancy
  17. [] Diplo Votes Screen Broken
  18. [] Rebase ui bug is back
  19. [] [PARTIALLY FIXED] Tooltip time delay time rounded to nearest integer when moving slider in options menu / Same issue affects other options sliders
  20. [] Deleting AI player in "Advanced setup" will also delete all victory conditions if time victory is turned-off.
  21. [] [DISPLAY BUG] Over unit limit penalty not shown
  22. [] Renaming a city bug
  23. [] -14 +13 = +0 (interface rounding bug)

  1. [] ending turn with city list displayed causes ctd

  1. Lord Elizabeth and Lord Catherine: Wrong titles
  2. [] Upgrading your units in AI territory

  1. [] [PATHFINDING] Civilian Units Route incorrectly around friendly units
  2. [] Patch - City Governor let's city starve
  3. City governor behavior flaky
  4. [] Governor won't assign specialist
  5. [] City State worker freed from barbs doesn't move.
  6. [] Automated Work Boats Don't (Always) Build Improvements

  1. [] AI accuses you of settling close, when you haven't. Related to them having just lost capital city?
  2. AI Doesn't defend well against naval attack
  3. [reproducible] Player victory, keeping playing, get killed => endless AI game
  4. [] Solar plant without desert and production bonus discrepancy / Natural wonder issues
  5. [] Embarked land unit can't move onto a city if there is a workboat inside
  6. [] Lost production on obsolete units
  7. [] No credit for eliminating one CS at the request of another CS (Complete Kills on)
  8. [] Lighthouse + Floating Gardens Bug
  9. [] Razing-in-progress captured city demands production set
  10. [] Promotions can be saved.
  11. [] [BUG] New puppet "View City" interface bugged with specialists. / [BUG] wrong number of citizen in puppet city
  12. [] [BUG] cannot access coastal tile of a CS
  13. Food in city center not being added to city (its starving!)
  14. [] guided missile used to start war doesn't die
  15. [] Move Stacked Unit Request: No valid locations
  16. [] Black Hole
  17. [] Cannot Build Stealth Bomber
  18. [] Unhappiness calculation bug &#8211; wrong modifier with courthouse
  19. [] [BUG] Land boat: Boat is stuck when in city when it's razed AND ship in inland city
  20. [] Submarines visible to cities
  21. [] 2 great people on a single turn - does not increment counter properly
  22. [] Puppet city not producing anything
  23. [] production lost when technology completes (if both unit needs the same resource and player has run out of resources)
  24. [] Civilian units not able to cross thru foreign unit tile
  25. [] Roads under conquered cities count towards improvement maintenance

  1. [] City State & other diplomatic issues can reveal names of unmet civilizations.
  2. [] AI accueses you of conquering yourself

  1. Square brackets [] in username impacts / prevents in-game chat
  2. multiplayer settings are not loaded or used in general: like difficulty settings? (might be display bug)
  3. [] Hot seat: Players can see resources which were discovered by other players

  1. Can't select custom civs in mods (Patch Unable to select Mod Civ's)
  2. Patch - Path given in runtime error messages for custom Lua files is truncated in both console and Lua.log
  3. Patch - Declaration of war bug (custom map)
  4. Custom Civs will shop up as "random" in scenarios with preset locations
  5. [] Game ignores civ selection on custom maps
  6. [] Mod cannot be updated
  7. [] ModBuddy option causes game crashes

Map / map creation
  1. [] Map generator can place starting points on a peak (Worst starting position ever: On a peak)
  2. [] City State "broken" when starting game next to human player.
  3. [] Oil on lakes inaccessible. / Whales in Lake tile.

miscellaneous things
  1. Patch - QuickLoad (or F12 itself) not working
  2. [] File associations broken
  3. [] Civilopedia Bug: Random text appear after typing and does not vanish
  4. [] Line of Sight across 3 hexes obscured
  5. [] Patch - Stacked unit has no moves
  6. [] Worldbuilder broken
  7. G&K: Infinite tech tree
  8. [] Resources under cities don't show in strategic view or on on-map resource icons.
possible bugs
  1. Multiplayer has autosaves only, not manual saves
  2. Can't liberate an ex-capital city.
  3. Can't liberate cities in OCC games.
  4. Culture expansion past foreign boundary
  5. Embarked land unit blockaded my city!
  6. The Great Warpath special ability treats forests as railroads
  7. I liberate their capital and they're hostile?!
  8. [Possible Bug] Antarctic farms: You can build farms on snowy mountains
  9. Ottoman SA not converting Barb Naval units killed by Cities
  10. City States Alliance display: CSs sometimes allied to dead civs
  11. [CIVILOPEDIA ERROR] Nuclear Missile needs 2 uranium, not 1?
  12. Cannot build Seaport for tile bought by other city
  13. Submarine fires torpedo under land mass.
  14. [POSSIBLE DISPLAY BUG] Missing plane during a paradrop
  15. Patch - The longhouse doesn't have the workshop bonus.
  16. [] Civilopedia error: Both parties need Tech X for Diplo option Y

Hardware issues / not civ related
  1. Browse Mods > Online > Shows list then disappears (router issue)

Not reproducible bugs / savegame needed / more recent savegame needed
  1. Ghost Cities don't display on map
  2. Incorrect Tile Info
  3. Shrinking Save Files + 100% CTD + Runtime error
  4. Runtime error
  5. Crashing in Renaissance
  6. Runtime Error when loading
  7. Game stops after peace offer
  8. Can build catapults without iron working
  9. pillaged resources still available
  10. BUG: The destroyed civilization owns a tile
  11. Patch (and - 1 pop city with a stuck unemployed citizen (repeatable)
  12. CS at war with own puppet

No bugs / by design:
  1. [] [Bug] Embarked Units Can't Stack with Naval Units
  2. [] Khan /Unique Unit /UU from city state
  3. Liberating city state resets earlier culture bomb
  4. [BUG]Razing conquered city makes tile previously owned disappear.
  5. Diplomatic victory votes required not scaling as Civ / City States are eliminated.
  6. Scouts upgraded to archers via goody huts retain terrain movement bonus promotion. - A) By design, confirmed by Dennis Shirk.
  7. Music missing in DLC packs? - A) Same like on the CDs, 33 tracks in total
Please proceed. I'm restructuring the bug list, and i need a new post. Thread will probably look a bit messy in the next days.

  1. [FIXED] Unit Maintenance calculated in pairs
  2. [FIXED] Units upgrades from Ancient Ruins can provide advanced units in early eras.
  3. [FIXED] People experiencing crashes trying to start huge maps.
  4. [FIXED] Civilopedia says free through policy gives +2 science / trading post, in XML / game it is only 1.
  5. [FIXED] Miscellaneous adviser recommendation issues.
  6. [FIXED] Spears get defensive "mounted units" bonus against ranged attacks
  7. [FIXED] Crash upon loading savegame
  8. [FIXED] Clicking into Fog of war with unit selected might reveal occupied or impassable tiles
  9. [FIXED] Mod selection list is clipping
  10. [FIXED] GPT deals set to 5 GPT, even when other values agreed.
  11. [FIXED] File Size bloats with save / load cycles
  12. [FIXED] state production can be controlled via strategic view
  13. [FIXED] No button to play mods available/Mod Installer does not check drive
  14. ____As above - Mods don't install when steam not on C drive. (Acknowledged by Dennis Shirk in thread above)
  15. [FIXED] "R" as a hotkey is used for both "show resources" on map, and for workers to "build roads".
  16. [FIXED] Helicoper gunships can capture cities
  17. [FIXED] Research Beakers don't overflow.
  18. [FIXED] City State / Civ diplomacy can cause City-State to declare war on itself (results in crash)
  19. [FIXED] Science column sorting by city name, not science output in Economic overview screen.
  20. [FIXED] Citizen Allocation Governor Anomalies
  21. [FIXED] Advanced Ballistics quote mismatched with voiceover quote
  22. [FIXED] International date line - path finding bugged, if you cross the date line
  23. [FIXED] Magellan Achievement doesn't trigger - deactivated via XML(?)
  24. [FIXED] Extra move for swordsman causes graphics glitch - two units on one tile (or something!)
  25. [FIXED] [BUG] "Free thought" social policy, Trading posts only provide 1 science
  26. [FIXED] Several reports of crashes when trying to save: Thread 1 | Thread 2
  27. [FIXED] "Random" Map Type in "Advanced" set-up can't be chosen. Simply sticks with whatever was set in the "basic" setup, or most recently selected
  28. [FIXED] Chichen Itza effect on golden ages being double-counted?
  29. [FIXED] Unit panel worker advice differs from on-plot / tooltip worker advice
  30. [FIXED] Oil resource textures not visible in DX11 version.
  31. [FIXED] Can't select unit garrisoned in city directly from the strategic view.
  32. [FIXED] Minutemen get no benefit from roads.
  33. [FIXED] Incorrect name in combat odds panel when attacking city
  34. [FIXED] Barb Unit fortification bonus cycles from 25% to 50% to 25% etc
  35. [FIXED] Reproduceable crash - moving helicopter.
  36. [FIXED] Nuking a tile <3 hexes away causes a crash
  37. [FIXED] Broken research pacts (by war declaration) gives you the tech anyway.
  38. [FIXED] Cities gained during peace treaties then puppeted can require you to select production for them, making an un-dismissible button
  39. [FIXED] River graphic not appearing on the map
  40. [FIXED] [Bug] Mounted Defense Bonus Against Ranged Attack
  41. [FIXED] Bug: Can see where units are placed in FOW
  42. [FIXED] Incompatible saves between Deluxe Babylon and normal version
  43. [FIXED] Puppet city building Apollo Program
  44. [FIXED] Uneven turn-number trades involving resources leave massive resource imbalance (and probably a bugged trade anyway) | Second thread
  45. [FIXED] Brandenburg gates general not near the capital, but near wonder city
  46. [FIXED] Game crashes at 70th city
  47. [FIXED] Crashes on turn 398 - Stuck savegame
  48. [FIXED] Fighting over 30XP barb cap will add new great general points
  49. [FIXED] Minor BUg - Happiness calculation wrong - garrisoned units not included
  50. [FIXED] Need Civilopedia Update for Sydney Opera House to show that it can only be built in coastal cities
  51. [FIXED] Angkor Wat affects only the city in which it is built, not all cities
  52. [FIXED] Misc crashes
  53. [FIXED] Utopia Project being built by puppet city
  54. [FIXED] [BUG] Diplomacy broken: AI complains about massing troops, but there are none
  55. [FIXED] infinite city population - starving + growing again
  56. [FIXED] Crash when AI is about to declare war
  57. [FIXED] [BUG] Embarked land units hindered by land unit Zones of Control
  58. [FIXED] Crashing savegames
  59. [FIXED] Embarked unit exploring only moves 1 tile
  60. [FIXED] Save game crashes with DX11, but not DX9
  61. [FIXED] Units can stack as a result of an attack
  62. [FIXED] AI turn never finishes
  63. [FIXED] Crash to Desktop on Turn 1516
  64. [FIXED] CTD when demanding cash
  65. [FIXED] CTD on turn 483
  66. [FIXED] Maritime cities don't give me the food they promise.
  67. [FIXED] Computer gives false recommendations: Build road to connect resource
  68. [FIXED] Darius+Chichen Itza (not the same as item 38 in this list)
  69. [FIXED] In-game load still crashes after patch + red splotches
  70. [FIXED] Patch - Display of "food basket" -always looks full
  71. [FIXED] Patch - Simple Score List Displays Civs That Have Not Been Met
  72. [FIXED] Patch Buildings still required list includes puppets
  73. [FIXED] Patch Breaks Games Saved with Deluxe Edition
  74. [FIXED] Multiple city Trade in peace treaty: Examine -> Next city -> Auto annexing!
  75. [FIXED] - Great General gets recommendations to build road!
  76. [FIXED] Stuck between turns
  77. [FIXED] Crash at turn 566
  78. [FIXED] [] Luxury resources are counted wrong
  79. [FIXED] Razed cities count as occupied on reload
  80. [FIXED] Can't pass turn 334
  81. [FIXED] Hagia Sophia rounding error (general error: 3 * 33% does not get rounded to 1)
  82. [FIXED] Random Game Crash
  83. [FIXED] Puppet city governor building priorities
  84. [FIXED] Patch - Luxury deals last one turn!
  85. [FIXED] Patch - City-State road quest never completes
  86. [FIXED] Patch - Food provided by Maritime CS not working correctly
  87. [FIXED] Patch - CTD and/or inappropriate message from AI
  88. [FIXED] Patch - CTD at end of turn
  89. [FIXED] Patch - Late game crash when selecting Production button
  90. [FIXED] Patch - Game crashes in Normal view, but not in Strategic view (1).
  91. [FIXED] Patch - Game crashes in Normal view, but not in Strategic view (2).
  92. [FIXED] Patch - Crashing Savegame
  93. [FIXED] Patch - Crash around 1880
  94. [FIXED] Corruption and Waste in Civ5? Incorrect food calculation for different tiles
  95. [FIXED] Update Civilopedia to reflect reformation policy (and other GAs) scaling with game speed.
  96. [FIXED] Rebasing aircraft can create duplicate clickable icons
  97. [FIXED] Mouse top screen position not being updated with changing resolutions & moving to windowed mode.
  98. [FIXED] tiles worked when building a settler are not assigned correctly
  99. [FIXED] City state doesn't improve resource tiles
  100. [FIXED] Mods prevent saves loading (Clock mod)
  101. [FIXED] Map creation treats ice as land when deciding whether a body of water is a lake or orcean
  102. [FIXED] Patch - Minor bug. Problem waking skipped unit.
  103. [FIXED] [BUG] Gerat Wall apperently not working
  104. [FIXED] [BUG] Siam bonus not working at all (with savegame)
  105. [FIXED] AI can purchase units in puppet states
  106. [FIXED] Military city states give you outdated units
  107. [FIXED] Unit and Combat Problems with Can't attack, no valid adjacent enemy unit
  108. [FIXED] Peace negotiation bug - Enemy gives everything everytime
  109. [FIXED] Problem when you have a interface menu up inter-turn and a Civ contacts you (diplo with no buttons, no ability to get out of it)
  110. [FIXED] Open Borders not always being canceled when deal expires
  111. [FIXED] Research Agreements not expiring properly.
  112. [FIXED] Peace treaties and other diplomatic agreements not expiring
  113. [FIXED] City-State Bug: Friendly CS declares war after liberation
  114. [FIXED] [] Yield icons messed-up / missing when reloading a save,
  115. [FIX COMING] Is it just me, or did they remove the Native American city style?
  116. [FIXED] (new games only) [] F6 and F4 Keys don't work as expected
  117. [FIXED] [] Unit display in military overview broken
  118. [FIXED] [] Clicking on unit in military adviser list doesn't bring-up the correct (clicked-on) unit.
  119. [FIXED] [] Number of turns to complete a project not calculated correctly when a city has a railroad production bonus
  120. [] [FIX COMING] No heal button for aircraft in city
  121. [] [FIX COMING] Extra research bug / Science Calculation Bug
  122. [FIXED] [] Trying to load save file that uses DLC when you don't have it causes game crash - need error handling.
  123. [FIXED] [] Another crashing savegame
  124. [FIX COMING] Polynesia DLC scenario crashes
  125. [FIXED] [] Spelling Mistake.
  126. [FIXED] [] Spelling Error "Declaration of Frienship"
  127. [FIXED] [] autom. exploration ignores english additional moves
  128. [FIXED] [] Catapults initiate a melee attack (instead of ranged) if not "set-up" first.
  129. [FIXED] [] Civilopedia says you can't move stealth bombers on carriers - you can! (+ No XP)
  130. [FIXED] [] More specialists than population?
  131. [FIXED] [] Selling a building with specialists assigned destroys the specialists.
  132. [FIX COMING]Resource counts not updating for expired trades and other Luxury Resource trade bugs.
  133. [FIX COMING]Food bug with lakes
  134. [FIX COMING] Double strategic resource bug
  135. [FIX COMING] Patch - Stealth Bomber not getting promotions
  136. [FIX COMING]Combat bonuses for friendly territory being applied in enemy territory
  137. [FIX COMING] Declaration of Friendship Expiry notification: Even if no declaration!
  138. [FIXED] [] Colon (: ) and other characters in save game title cause 0 byte save file.
  139. [FIX COMING] Elizabeth doesn't have a FLAVOR_NUKE
  140. Autosaves in wrong map (special characters in accountname)
  141. [] after first rebasing, fighter appears in both cities!
  142. [] Machu Pichu destroyed when city captured.
  143. [] Piety finisher increases SP cost
  144. Roman legion ability displayed as promotion
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