Bug Reports Center

Yes, it does explain why the tiles in the edges of the map don't match. In fact they also include a screenshot of the globe view showing this. That's why they say:
This illusion is quite effective, going unnoticed by all but the keenest of observers.
But the other part of the bug (units walking on water) is definitely a bug, maybe related to this effect or maybe not.
Ginger_Ale, I am not sure whether this has been brought up already, but it's definitely a bug.

I disabled the 3-units thing and went for single units (I just hate that clutter). Anyway, whenever you fight, you can tell the outcome immediately before the animation of the fight even starts. Makes it quite pointless actually. So, how can you tell?

1. the experience points will increase immediately upon entering the fight (assuming you win).

2. The health bar also immediately changes before the animation starts. So, just looking at both health bars, you can tell who dies. The dying unit will have an empty health bar. The only time it's not 100% clear is when your unit retreats, since the health bar wouldn't be 0.

I did not attach a screenie since this has to be seen in the context of the whole battle sequence.

I love the game, but it's virtually unplayable. I feel cheated by Firaxis, I have just spent £35.00 on their product and it doesn't work properly. It's a disgrace. Does anyone out there know if the makers have any remedies - patches or whatever that will help this game to play properly.
The power system, Bugs or Features ?

  • A coal plant can : (One of these must be a bug, I don't know which ;)) :
    • be built without having discovered electricity.
    • have the same production bonus as an electricity producing plant.

    1. Discover Assembly line, do not discover electricity.
    2. Build a factory (+25% production).
    3. Build a coal plant (+25% production and city power symbol).
    4. Don't hurry to discover electricity, you allready have an efficent steam producing coal plant ;)

  • Nuclearplants, The meltdown rate is unrealisticly high.

  • A general "power bug" thread :
I just want to bring to your attention this mod that serves as a work around for the HoF no win/loss bug.

I will add the power system bugs later today - it is confusing to see what is going on, made more confusing by the fact I don't even have the game! Keep the bugs coming (well, I guess that is a bad thing, but, you know...)
as Velvet-Glove posted in this thread, the rollover bug only appears when "Right Click Menu" is chosen in the general options.
hi, not sure if this a bug or not -could be designed this way but it doesn't make sense. I am playing the Greek world scenario, using Rome. My workers do not seem to do anything when set to auto. they go to the nearest city and stay there. Now I was having problems with the etruscans(who as of the last turn I played are no more)...but there were places in Rome not near the conflict.
So my question is shouldnt workers in the Greek world scenario be able to be set to auto?
I think I found a bug in the city screen: the picture of a building being built in some of my cities seems to be misplaced. The picture seems to be too low and the bottom of the picture does not seem to fit to place reserved for it. I try to attach a screenshot of a city screen to demonstrate it (hopefully I manage to do it).

Strangely I did not have this problem (at least I did not notice that) in my previous game and not even during the current game until I reloaded the game today - actually to take a screenshot about another error I had noticed before, but which however seems to be absent now: the culture investment info was displayed on top of gold investment info in investement percentages part of the city screen (edit: to clarify I didn't mean that one would have been like one row over the other, but they were displayed like in the same row messing the numbers unreadable). That was also an error I had not noticed during a previous game. It seems that there are some irregularly appearing bugs in the city screen.


  • civ4cityview.jpg
    155.5 KB · Views: 800
KainArg said:
Yes, it does explain why the tiles in the edges of the map don't match. In fact they also include a screenshot of the globe view showing this. .

I disagree. There's nothing in that text that explains why the textures butted together on the east and west edges of the map don't match (in any view -- globe or otherwise). All it says is that in order to have a minimally distorted mesh that still looks like a sphere, what is actually displayed is two copies of the map, each bent 150° and then displayed together.

Here's the thing: when the map is generated, for any given pair of adjacent tiles, the textures (coastlines, rivers, etc) are generated so that they are smooth across the tile boundaries. If you're matching the edges of tile [1,1] to tiles [1,0], [0,1], [2,1] and [1,2], you can also go back and match tile [0,0] to tile [XMAX,0] so that the map edges don't show; this is true no matter how you choose to display the map.
Hi, it's me again. I would like to bring to your attention to more bugs:

1. The black ice bug.

To get it you first start up a game. Second, play till the modern ages or late industrial ages with tons of opponents and units. Third, explore the north and south pole and you should get it.

Also, I got another bug that enables stealth bombers to appear to intercept (upon further testing the jet fighters just intercept [the stealth bombers don't]).

1. Find a city with both stealth bombers and jet fighters (have not tried it yet with traditional fighters and bombers). 2. Alt-click the city so it should only focus on all the planes. 3. Hit the eye button so the intercept button comes up. 4. Hit that button and both the jetfighters and the stealth bombers should appear to be intercepting.

Probable cause of Minor bug #3: mouse rollovers identified!

I believe this is caused by enabling 'right click' in the game options. One other person has confirmed my findings and that switching off this right-click option in the game options cures the intermittent rollover problem.

Please see this thread for more details:
First off I want to say thnkyou for whomever started this thread. I've been reading myself blind trying to find out what things are bugs and what are system related problems.

I have been able to play CIV IV from the beginning... I have had many problems with the Wonder movies locking up and resetting my system. I have adjusted my CMOS for additional video memory and it has helped quite a lot but I am having a problem now that really perplexes me. I am getting the following error when I try to load the longest game I have been able to play as of yet... (around 1600AD)


*** Address BFCF4B0A base at BFC8C000 DateStamp 3dc24536 - cmuda.sys ***
*** Address BFCF4B0A base at BFC8C000 DateStamp 3dc24536 - cmuda.sys ***

Beginning dump of physical memory

That is where I can no longer do anything with my system except perform a hard reboot.

I am currently running (or trying to run) CIV IV with the system specs listed below

- AMD Athalon 1.6 GHz Processor
- 80 GB HD (7200ms)
- 32X CDRW
- 528 MB RAM (256 MB set in CMOS for Video cache)
- NVIDIA GeForce2 MX/MX 400 Video Card
- Running on Windows 2000 Professional Edition

I have the game options set for the lowest quality video and all the sound turned off (along with all the automated battles and aything else I can turn off off).

Can anyone out there give me some help on this problem and/or let me know if this is a bug or a system related problem? :confused:
The game does not display the land - it is just a black screen with displays of fish in the sea and people on the land, but I have no idea where I am. Has anyone got a solution to this? It is a waste of the £35 I paid for the game - WHAT A RIP OFF!
Ginger Ale ? get to work (not your real one ;)) !
I has been a few days since you updated the bug list :)
I've updated it with all the things from this thread...

Regarding power plants, based on the threads I can't identify a definite cause. Remember shields carry over when you build something and stuff like that. I will try to update it this weekend.
Besides a number of graphics glitches that always happen on my system (stuff turning white on the map when I hover my mouse on "Continue" and some of the techs in the tree being white on and off) I often have to sit and wait for minutes at a time when finishing a Wonder or when another leader contacts me during their turn. It makes sense that as the map becomes cluttered the game gets slower but I had my only crash AFTER the game was done while trying to return to the main screen. The game just seems to slowly break systems. I doubt they could put out a patch with "new not poorly written code!"
Gorf, what that means is that your sound card driver crashed Windows2000. I'd see if you have an updated driver somewhere. You obviously have a C-Media sound card.
I didn't see this reported, but it is a major bug:

While playing in the later game, the game causes the entire system to reboot. I tried the workaround of changing my ATI drivers to version 4.10, but that did not solve the problem. I noticed that the last time it happened, my monitor went to "signal out of range" about 2 seconds before it rebooted. Note that I had my computer set to automatically reboot at that time, I have since changed it and am testing it.
Ginger Ale, another update on some bugs.

1. Ironworks does not work, look at this link, so it's obviously broken

2. Current build overflow correction
It seems that the hammers carried over from previous builds do not carry over bonus hammers from things like heroic epic (+100%) etc. Even though you keep on building military units in this case

3. I want to clarify some more observation about the bugs I reported about battle outcomes. It seems if you select a group (2 or more) units to fight, that results are not displayed prior to the fight. This only applies if you select a single unit to fight (which I always do anyway). And besides health bar, exp points, also the remaining hp are updated before the fight
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