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Bug Reports


Mar 1, 2003
Post any bugs you run across here. While this mod is stable there are undoubtedly some hidden issues, as with any software.

For critical bugs (bug that either cause a crash or a fatal hang), please post a save game. This way I can debug the issue.

Before submitting a bug report, please read the FAQ, as your problem may be a known user specific issue (such as not updating to 3.19). You can find the FAQ here:

Legends of Revolution: FAQ and info thread

Known Bugs:

  • Critical:
    • None known in the 0.9.8d build

  • Major:
    • There is a bug in Permanent Alliances. I have not had enough of a chance to thouroughly test it's behavior, but basically when the Permanent Alliance game option is on, if you make a permenant alliance with a backwards civ, and tech diffusion is on, your team will be granted alot of free beakers. For my recent game this made it so that I was able to research about 4 techs in 1 turn each. If you don't play with the Permanent Alliance game option on, this bug wol't happen in your game.
    • Multiplayer: MP games will fail to connect or will bug out and list 128 random icons in cities for players that have files in their custom assets folder. Deleting the contents of the custom assets folder fixes this issue, and players can connect normally. MP also has some known out of sync issues if players succeed in connecting:
      • All RevDCM tab options must be set to the same settings for all human players. Failure to do so will cause an immediate out of sync once players begin interacting.
      • Human players must disconnect if they are about to be defeated. If a human player is connected when they are defeated, the game will instantaneously go out of sync.
      • If Revolutions are on, if the human player selects the option to lead rebels, or the option to give control of their civ to an AI when a rebellion occurs, the game will go out of sync. Do not pick these options in MP games if a rebellion occurs in your empire, or leave Revolutions off.
      • All players must be using the same settings for Pre-Chopping (two settings) and Sentry Healing (two settings). These are BUG options and may be accessed in the BUG options menu, by clicking the bug icon, on the top left of the screen, or by pressing ctrl + alt + O. If any player uses a different setting you'll get OOS errors.

  • Minor:
    • The current version of the BUG mod (version 4.3) isn't updating user changes in the PLE options or ACO correctly. LoR is using an up to date version of the BUG mod, so this same bug also effects LoR. In development, but not for official release, the BUG team has fixed this issue, but I have not incorporated this fix yet. I am waiting either on the BUG team to officially update BUG, and use the official version they release with the fixes, or until the major bug with the permanent alliance game option and allying with a backwards civ tech granting is fixed.
    • The update that makes MP playable, also introduced a minor bug in Revolutions where when a major empire wide revolution occurs and you select "give control to the AI", you maintain control of your civ, and nothing happens. This bug can't hurt you, but it isn't behaving as intended, and makes major empire wide rebellions too easy to deal with.

  • Not bugs, but noteworthy issues:
    • Apparently Windows 7 is blocking LoR's auto execution of the uninstaller when updating, which means LoR is just overwriting, instead of completely replacing, any old versions (which is causing a couple of bugs in the diplomacy screen, as there are a couple 0.9.7 files that conflict with the 0.9.8 update if they are still around and aren't removed). So with windows 7 if you are updating you'll need to manually run LoR's uninstaller first.
    • Some users believe their version of BtS is updated to 3.19, when it is not. If the installer tells you your version of BtS is not updated, it isn't; the installer is correct. Setup will not allow you to install LoR because it will crash otherwise, you must patch your copy of BtS first. This is usually caused by the fact the in game BtS updater does not work correctly for some users, and actually lies to the user and tells them their game is patched when it is not. If you are getting this error message and LoR is refusing to install you need to download and install the BtS 3.19 patch. You can download the 3.19 patch here on civfanatics (look in the patches part of the downloads section), or use the web address the installer gives you when the refusal to install warning pops up, that website is s direct link to Firaxis's 3.19 download, and will download the 3.19 patch from Firaxis automatically.
Don't know if this counts as a bug or not, but it is something that needs to be fixed. In the Civpedia entry for Enlightened the entry states several divergent things. The box above states it grants a +15% Science Bonus, while the text states +10%. Additionally, IIRC, the box states there is a build advantage for Monasteries, while the text states Research Labs and Hydro Plants also receive a modifier. Since this is a new and unfamiliar trait, this entry should be very clear. Btw: Does the Science Bonus apply to raw beakers, or modified beakers (I'm assuming raw)?
Ah, I can't believe I missed that. This actually isn't a bug, it's a text issue, but yes, will correct it.
And I'll go ahead and just report a known bug now due to WoC, Anyway Events that have delayed actions are borked as well now, thanks to WoC. It's alos likely that WoC is what broke multiplayer...
And I'll go ahead and just report a known bug now due to WoC, Anyway Events that have delayed actions are borked as well now, thanks to WoC. It's alos likely that WoC is what broke multiplayer...

Which events, and what happens?
I'm not fully sure on that. You can check the RevDCM thread for more information. Basically the Herbalist and the Plane Crash event have a couple options where you can choose an option where a %chance of a delayed effect happens (in the case of the herbalist event you get :mad:, and then you're supposed to recieve a % chance of getting :health: for it). Basically the %chance of the delayed effect (the bonus :health: for herbalist event), isn't getting loaded, and just doesn't happen. Specifically, code wise <chanceAddedEffect> isn't getting loaded. This is rare, not many events use this tag (Only seen the Plane Crash, and Herbalist brought up), but since it's a known bug in 0.9.3, I'm reporting it.
I'm not fully sure on that. You can check the RevDCM thread for more information. Basically the Herbalist and the Plane Crash event have a couple options where you can choose an option where a %chance of a delayed effect happens (in the case of the herbalist event you get :mad:, and then you're supposed to recieve a % chance of getting :health: for it). Basically the %chance of the delayed effect (the bonus :health: for herbalist event), isn't getting loaded, and just doesn't happen. Specifically, code wise <chanceAddedEffect> isn't getting loaded. This is rare, not many events use this tag (Only seen the Plane Crash, and Herbalist brought up), but since it's a known bug in 0.9.3, I'm reporting it.

Those are very common events. :eek:

And what are the precise benefits of the Enlightened Trait in this version?
The box of stuff is loaded from CvGameTextManager, and loads stuff like exact commerce values and what not from the engine, what it says is right. (if this is wrong, it's a bug, with Enlightened though, the bonuses are applied correctly). The text for the civilopedia entry is just what I have written down for the civilopedia, these entries, either strategy or history, may be wrong, but this isn't a bug per se, it's just a typo/screwed up Civilopedia entry.

Basically Whatever values and numbers you see in the information box is what you should go by, because these are loaded directly from the engine. If you notice anything incorrect in the strategy and history Civilopedia entries please report it though, I'd just prefer it be reported in the Text and Translations thread, because it's a raw text issue, and not one of code. Does this make sense?

This may or may not be a bug ...and certainly it is not a game stopping issue. But I noticed while playing this evening that Archer units are still buildable long after they should have become obsolete and dropped from the available unit choices.

Specifically, I was building riflemen and still the Archer was available to me. The longbowmen had already be dropped by this point, but not the much older archer.

This may or may not be a bug ...and certainly it is not a game stopping issue. But I noticed while playing this evening that Archer units are still buildable long after they should have become obsolete and dropped from the available unit choices.

Specifically, I was building riflemen and still the Archer was available to me. The longbowmen had already be dropped by this point, but not the much older archer.

That's definatly a bug. Could you upload a save?

Edit: Yeah, I can't reproduce this. Definatly need a save with this occuring.
Don't know if this counts as a bug or not, but it is something that needs to be fixed. In the Civpedia entry for Enlightened the entry states several divergent things. The box above states it grants a +15% Science Bonus, while the text states +10%. Additionally, IIRC, the box states there is a build advantage for Monasteries, while the text states Research Labs and Hydro Plants also receive a modifier. Since this is a new and unfamiliar trait, this entry should be very clear. Btw: Does the Science Bonus apply to raw beakers, or modified beakers (I'm assuming raw)?

Heh, I fixed that in an earlier version - I just forgot to upload the file :/. Thanks for pointing that out.
Not a game breaker but monuments are giant size, about three times taller than units
That's in the test build, which isn't stable, it will eventually crash on you :mischief:

You need to update to the Official 0.9.3 build. Sorry the two are not save game compatible :sad:
I am currently playing a game of LoR 0.9.3 in German. I have reached medieval and everything runs smoothly nearly without issue. Good work :thumbsup: !

Just one small thing:

In the window that pops up after discovering bronze working there is no mouse-over information for the symbol of cutting down forests. Same thing with cutting jungle later on.

In general it is OK to run LoR in German, it just becomes difficult if you get informations on Revolutions (although I guess that it´s not your fault here). It seems that they were translated by a translation machine and believe me, I am a native german speaker but mostly I can´t understand what is meant there. When a revolution occurs I just don´t know which button does what and I simply have to try it and reload if necessary. In this case it would have been better to leave the English text and not translate at all...
Secondary issue. The WorldWarWolf scenario dumps you to the "You have been defeated" screen right on startup. I tried both Play Scenario and Custom Scenario.

Good work on this mod.
That's definatly a bug. Could you upload a save?

Edit: Yeah, I can't reproduce this. Definatly need a save with this occuring.

I will upload a save just as soon as I have it. I wasn't the one doing the save last night, so it's not on my machine. But I'll get that asap.
Here's something that looks like it needs to be fixed. Just saw Sury with Great Generals attached to Rams. :lol:

Isn't the AI supposed to be coded not to waste a GG by attaching it to Siege units?
Here's something that looks like it needs to be fixed. Just saw Sury with Great Generals attached to Rams. :lol:

Isn't the AI supposed to be coded not to waste a GG by attaching it to Siege units?

Yeah. This isn't my department though ;)

Screenshot, and description should go in the BetterAI forums.
Yeah. This isn't my department though ;)

Screenshot, and description should go in the BetterAI forums.

Forwarded, but no screenshots, though. Actually, next time I see something like that, I'll send it to Funny Screenshots. :lol:
Not sure if this is a LoR bug, or a 3.19 bug, as my only 3.19 games have been LoR. Currently have 0.9.3 ver of LoR, but also noticed this in LoRTest 0.9.3. When I am gifted a unit by a goodie hut, the focus does not transfer to that new unit, but goes to no focus, I then have to go hunt that unit down, and select it to get it into the unit queue so I can issue it orders and complete my turn.
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