Building more than one Army


Jan 8, 2002
I was wondering if I am doing something wrong with building armies. I have the Roman civilization. I have any army on a different continent. This army has the maximum number of units in it. So....I obtained another Leader and used it to create another Army. However, for some reason I cannot put any units into this Army, even in a city that has a Barracks. I have enough cities (more than enough) for another Army prerequisite. I even tried transfering this Army to my base continent to try this Army there. No go.

Am I missing something?
You cant have artilary or naval units iin there, but I really don't know what else. Are you sure you made it an army and not just a leader? Besides, if your other army has won in combat, just biuld military academy and use leaders fr projects.
No. No Naval or Artillery included. I thought at first that it was
required to have an artillery included or present.

This is basically the "empty" army. If the army is in the city with
the barracks, with maybe a bunch of riflemen, the LOAD icon
doesn't come up. I went ahead and disbanded it and got 100 shields for it. I'm thinking that maybe there are a chain of events that must be done properly or you cannot perform the final function (load).

Can you have more than one army on 1 continent?
You can have one army for every 4 or 5 cities. I cannot explain why you cannot load your units into your army though.
Did you look for a load icon on the ground units or the army?

You get the load icon when you pull up an available ground unit stacked with an army. I have made armies in the field before so it is not a case of needing a baracks.
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