Implementing a Supply Convoy type of unit

May 22, 2020
We have many great truck graphics but little options to mod them into gameplay. Civ6 has the "Supply Convoy" unit that gives extra movement, helps the unit heal inside enemy territory and speeds up healing rate to the units it's attached to. What does all that in civ3? Armies. But since we already have armies, where to fit such units?

I suggest having barracks allowing armies to be trained and using C3X to have the Mil Acad. be the required building in the city to train armies. Supply convoys are army ability and AI strat units that have 1 transport capacity, give no HP bonuses and shouldn't be able to pillage (the AI always pillages with armies even on neutral terrain that it needs, and army pillaging is very overpowered in human hands anyway). Have them cost like 100 shields or so. They still give +1movement and +25% atk and def value.

I think the only problem left is that somehow army ability units in game will mess with the unit's color. How to fix that?
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