Bye(ish) for now

Mongol Horde

Resident Savage Army
Feb 27, 2001
Worcester, England
Just a little note to say that I have been posted on another contract for the next 3 months and I am pretty sure that I will only have limited internet access at work which is where I do most of my CFCing.

As a consequence after tomorrow my post rate is gonna fall through the floor. I am going to try and stay in touch though from home and at any other spare moment I can grab. I will try and keep up witha couple of the less busy forums as well as playing a few GOTMS and succession games.

This is by no means the end of me, I will answer PMs and stuff and if anybody wants to stick on their mailing list my addy is not the one that it says in the profile (I'll change it soon).

All the best MH.
Bye! Can't say anything more. Too emotional.

I know it seem hard sometimes, but uh...
remember one thing:
through every dark night,
there's a bright day after that,
so no matter how hard it get, stick ya chest out
keep ya head up and handle it.
Best wishes Mogol H, see ya 'round! Stay cool.

<IMG SRC="" border=0><FONT COLOR="green">If you cross the border, you better have your green card!</FONT c><IMG SRC="" border=0>
What is your guyses problems he is not leaving just posting less!

<IMG SRC="" border=0>"Why Create things when you know they must be destroyed!"
"I will Create A monument to nothingness!"
What terrible timing MH, just as the Ashes Series is about to start and you won't be around to discuss England's demize . Hope you enjoy your new job and btw don't forget our bet, I'll be holding you to it .
Sorry to see you round less, but good to know that you will still be around, albeit on a reduced basis. Try to live without us.

And DO have fun watching/hearing about Australia crushing England.

Whether you like it or not, history is on our side. We will bury you.
- N.S.Khrushchev
The man makes me return then leaves?!!?

What cheek!

Drop me a line, MH.

<IMG SRC="" border=0><FONT size="4"><FONT COLOR="blue">All knowledge begins with the Phrase:</FONT c><FONT COLOR="red"> I don't know</FONT c></FONT s><IMG SRC="" border=0>
<FONT COLOR="blue">Tuatha De Denann Tribe</FONT c>
Cheers guys, let me know if there are any hot topics in OT that I might be interested in. I will lurk from time to time but I generally don't see the point in posting to to a topic unless I can keep on top of it, so I will probably just stay in the civII & civIII forums. Like the others said this isn't goodbye because I'll still be around.

Shame about your internet access, Mongol. But anyway - it isn't going to be that active over the summer (vacation), so you chose a good time (if you can say anything like that)

And BTW, good luck in the Ashes

"Go to the place that should not be named with your beliefs, Miriam Godwinson! All your New Jerusalem are belong to US!!"

Academician Provost Zakharov - "For I Have Tasted the Fruit"
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