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Already Looping
Dec 19, 2017
Hey all,

New version inbound. Mostly bugfixes from 4.5.1 and earlier versions. I hereby declare 4.6 to be stable and no longer a beta.

A really big thank you to @axatin for doing all the work in compiling this release, and just generally doing a lot around here recently. :hug::goodjob:

Sorry for the wait, I do still exist despite my lack of communication recently. My availability has increased, will increase again in about a week, and will skyrocket in about two weeks. I haven't been able to make the changes I want to do as quickly as desired due to a really rough/stressful 6 months or so, so I'm glad others in the community have stepped up to ensure things are still getting done.

New VP Congress Session starts in a few hours, so get your proposals ready!

Aside from axatin, special thanks to @azum4roll, @KungCheops, @L. Vern, @ilteroi, and JohnsterID (GitHub).

Cheers! Oh, and happy Easter to those of you who celebrate it.

Gameplay/Balance Bugfixes:
    - Fixed cities not starving when building a settler and producing less food than eaten by citizens
    - Fixed unintended era requirement for the United Nations congress special session. The World Congress will now become the United Nations one turn after the "United Nations" Project was completed.
    - Fixed AI players being able to buy units at full XP and ignoring cooldowns. Also fixed AI being able to buy two units in one turn (one with gold, one with faith).
    - Fixed AI players not taking into account unit supply restrictions when buying units
    - Fixed a crash that made the new espionage system unusable in multiplayer
    - Fixed a lot of other crashes
    - Fixed non-maritime city-states providing food bonuses
    - Fixed no city-states being generated in the 43-civ version
    - Fixed automated workers ignoring danger of getting captured
    - Fixed cities not expanding further than to the fourth ring
    - Fixed Tradition Policy "Ceremony" not providing any Happiness from National Wonders and not giving a production bonus when building National Wonders
    - Fixed Freedom Tenet "Creative Expression" granting double the intended amount of extra Tourism to Great Works
    - Standardize quest expiry duration: All city-state quests now expire after the turn in which the tooltip says "Quest expires in 1 turn." Before, some of the quests expired one turn later ("Quest expires in 0 turns").
    - Fixed members of the same team being unable to trade cities
    - Fixed not being able to buy units in cities with automated production
    - Small balance change: Airports now provide city connections (unless the city is blockaded)
    - Fixed some issues with promotions given by tile improvements (currently not used in VP, only in modmods)
    - Fixed extra population not being granted when taking an ancient ruin by settling on it
    - Fixed Pioneers and Colonists starting with one population less than intended (should be 4 instead of 3 for Pioneers and 6 instead of 5 for Colonists)
    - Fixed destroyed Corporations not being buildable again
    - Fixed Tourism from Great Works not updating when a building that increases it (Gallery, Broadcast Tower, etc) is built in the city (Tourism was only updated when the Great Works in the city changed)
    - Fixed a bug that could cause units to disappear after capturing a city
    - Fixed Military Might calculation not taking into account Atomic Bombs (this affected the Demographics Panel and AI behavior)
    - Fixed sometimes being able to buy plots adjacent to another civ even though a "no buying tiles" promise was made
    - The spy mission "Kidnap specialists" can no longer be selected if the spy owner has no cities (Complete Kills game option)
    - Fixed a bug in plot gold cost calculation

AI Improvements:

    - Major rework of AI spaceship building / Science Victory logic
        - The AIs identify core production cities and focus on building spaceship factories and power plants in them
        - When selecting the cities to build spaceship parts in, the AI do so in such a way that the estimated total number of turns needed until Spaceship Victory is reached is minimized
        - The AIs are now able to sell buildings/units if they don't have enough aluminum for spaceship parts
        - The AIs are now able to transport spaceship parts into the capital by airlift
    - Rework of border growth tile selection
        - The value of unimproveable tiles is reduced (except Natural Wonders)
        - Plots next to unowned Natural Wonders are slightly prioritized
        - Adjacency to plots owned by other players is now taken into account
        - The tile selection now takes into account the Hunnic UA to claim adjacent tiles of the same type
    - Improvements to espionage AI
        - The AIs now place the spies with the highest level in the most important cities
        - The AIs now take into account their relationship towards the current Ally of a City-State
        - The AIs now put more focus on which victory type they are going for when choosing destinations for their spies
    - Improvements to tactical position scoring and target selection
    - Automated workers remove roads less often and don't remove roads that are far away from owned territory
    - Some improvements to AI city production selection
    - Some improvements to unit pathfinding

Tooltip and UI fixes/improvements:

    Combat Panel:
        - Fixed missing health threshold colors in unit combat panel (healthbar was always red)
        - Fixed combat panel displaying the modifier for open terrain under the rough terrain label
        - Fixed combat panel displaying "Altitude Training" modifier when on hills with features (should be when hills without features). Fixed "Altitude Training" tooltip.
        - Increased the size of the combat panel, making it possible to display more entries
    City View:
        - Fixed archeologist not being shown as greyed-out option when the maximum number of units is reached
        - Fixed spaceship parts being shown in the production selection screen when Science Victory is disabled
        - In the building tooltip, fixed incorrect extra culture yield from barracks with the Authority policy
        - Fixed a lot of UI errors in the tooltips for great works in a city and in the city tourism tooltip
        - When looking at a foreign city screen with a spy and hovering over the city buildings, policy/tech modifiers are now shown as they are for the city owner and not as they are for the active player
        - Fixed "Cancel" button for moving a spy not working
        - When clicking on the notification "A foreign spy has been identified", the leader discussion screen is opened and the spy owner can be confronted
        - Specified the remaining turns in the tooltip "mission blocked because a spy recently performed a mission here"
        - Fixed missing tooltip "[Technology] is required to improve this resource" when hovering over plots with resources that can't be improved right now
        - In Diplomacy Overview, fixed incorrect end turns of deals when the other player was killed
        - Fixed incorrect reason in the tooltip that a Pledge of Protection is in danger
        - Fixed some yield modifiers not being shown in the Civilopedia
        - Text fixes
Miscellaneous and Modmodding:
    - Code cleanups and performance improvements
    - Some of the LUA files were merged
    - Fixed some bugs in the "Squads" modmod
    - Added support for a route planning modmod by @KungCheops and @Vern
    - Buildings with the "IsDummy" flag are no longer shown in the city view

Link: https://github.com/LoneGazebo/Commu...s/download/Release-4.6.2/Vox.Populi.4.6.2.exe

Online as of 6:36 PM CDT. Not savegame compatible.

Version 4.6.1 released. Link above has been updated.

- Fixed majorly buggy behavior with the World Congress, especially the UN session
- Fixed Austria's marriage GP bonus being applied twice
- Fixed CTD when founding a pantheon without having a capital
- Fixed units purchased with Faith getting reduced XP
- Fixed missing instant yields when buying a unit with faith
- Fixed a bug where the turn could not be ended
- Fixed Venice being unable to choose a Merchant of Venice as a free Great Person
- Fixed a bug where AI civs were getting twice as much difficulty science/culture as intended for killing units
- Fixed a bug where AI civs were getting half as much difficulty gold as intended for killing units
- Fixed Lua error in city banner
- Fixed Lua error in combat panel layout
- Fixed UI bug with the popup when capturing a city
- Modmods that use custom plot highlighting (Squads/Route Planner) can now be used without EUI
- Added LuaCATS declaration files for easier modmodding - no effect on gameplay
- Added bOriginally parameter to CvPlayer::acquireCity(), which sets up a city as if it was always owned by the acquirer, preventing liberation
   Parameter is accessible by Lua
   Used by BNW Merchant of Venice and Austria, if MOD_GLOBAL_CS_LIBERATE_AFTER_BUYOUT is inactive
   Also used by the Phoenicia modmod
   When the Phoenicia modmod is next updated, cities that are given to a City-State (after all City-State slots are filled) will no longer be liberated back to Phoenicia
   "Block liberation" code no longer resets the turn a city was founded, and now changes the player who constructed the city's buildings to the acquiring player
- Cleaned up some old code

Online as of 2:19 AM CDT on April 14. Savegame compatible with 4.6 versions.

Version 4.6.2 released. Link above has been updated.

- Fixed a crash when playing with the Complete Kills game option
- Fixed some issues with resource quantities
- Fixed another bug where it was possible to work another city's center tile
- Fixed missionaries being killed when captured from Barbarians
- Fixed Barbarians being able to capture units they can't produce (Great Writers, etc.)
- Fixed England's bonus to naval movement not working in Community Patch Only
- Fixed an error with interception not displaying in the enemy unit panel
- Fixed the wrong probability being used when City-States that are neighbors with an attacked City-State might become wary if the declaring major has already attacked 4+ City-States
- Cleaned up some typos in the code

Online as of 11:43 PM CDT on April 19. Savegame compatible with 4.6 versions, but the resource quantities might not be correct in existing savegames.
Last edited:
Thanks for all the fixes and improvements. Can't wait to try this new version!

- Fixed AI players being able to buy units at full XP and ignoring cooldowns. Also fixed AI being able to buy two units in one turn (one with gold, one with faith).
- Fixed AI players not taking into account unit supply restrictions when buying units

Wow, this is huge! That may explain a lot of things regarding AI army.
The below patch modifies the chance of getting each luxury as monopoly in each region type. It was made due to the current imbalance of monopoly luxury chance (Salt and Lapis have much higher chance, for example).

Region is the boundary of the monopoly resource around each civ's starting point.
Region types can be one of Tundra, Jungle, Forest, Desert, Hills, Plains, and Grassland, depending on which terrain/feature is the most prominent in the region, or Hybrid if none of those are prominent.

Spoiler New weights :


Spoiler Spawn chance for non-coastal starts :


Spoiler Spawn chance for coastal starts :


Objectives of this rebalance:
Individual camp, quarry and mine luxuries have higher chance (totaling 25%-29%) of appearing as monopoly than individual plantation luxuries (totaling 21%-24%).
Fishing boats have the highest chance because of the coastal requirement (4.2%-4.5% in each region type).

Assumption made:
Each of the prominent 7 region types have equal chance to appear. This is, of course, mapscript dependent and cannot be controlled.

Slight changes were made to EMR chances too, but that mod has never been balanced to begin with.

Patch instruction: extract and replace the file in (2) Vox Populi\Core Files\Overrides.


  • AssignStartingPlots.zip
    102.5 KB · Views: 40
The above will NOT affect the chance of each luxury appearing on the map, and the luxuries' spawn restrictions (e.g. Furs can still only be in flat tundra forest).
Feel free to test it out and give comments.

I won't consider this a balance change, but if the magis want to I can submit a proposal.
Note that there could also be proposals made to change spawn restrictions that WILL conflict with this, if proposed.
This is a bug, but it's not a game breaking one. The game can be continued by clicking on the notification on the right hand side that you've captured a city (with the exclamation mark). This will trigger the popup to select a city fate. After doing so, the "next turn" button can be clicked again.
Started my first game as Spain on Immortal.
Two noticeable bugs/issues
  • Units bought with faith (Ships from Spain UA) only get a portion of the XP
  • there is this weird visual bug from the combat simulator
Spoiler :
Screenshot (70).png
Started my first game as Spain on Immortal.
Two noticeable bugs/issues
  • Units bought with faith (Ships from Spain UA) only get a portion of the XP
  • there is this weird visual bug from the combat simulator
Weird, wasn't the combat panel size increased?
"Airports now provide city connections (unless the city is blockaded)"

Yaaay, thank you! I always thought that's the case (maybe from vanilla or idk) but I'm very glad for this small change :)
Unless something was added that I missed, this is not the case. Support for this was added but I don't think the AllowsAirRoutes tag was actually added to airports.

Is there a way to disable Garrison and city damage modifiers for just the Community Patch?
Is anybody getting crashes with this version?

I haven't played for a while and came back recently. Suddenly I started having CTDs - starting with version 4.5.1 and even more of them with 4.6.

Is there a known solution to this?
Is anybody getting crashes with this version?

I haven't played for a while and came back recently. Suddenly I started having CTDs - starting with version 4.5.1 and even more of them with 4.6.

Is there a known solution to this?
Are the crashes repeatable ?
Suddenly I started having CTDs - starting with version 4.5.1 and even more of them with 4.6.
During gameplay or during start up? When I haven't played for a while I always have to "verify integrity of game files" in Steam or it will randomly crash on startup.
If it's in the game itself I guess we start with what other mods are you running? (I haven't got CTDs on either of these versions)
During gameplay or during start up? When I haven't played for a while I always have to "verify integrity of game files" in Steam or it will randomly crash on startup.
If it's in the game itself I guess we start with what other mods are you running? (I haven't got CTDs on either of these versions)
I could also be memory overflow if it is random.
During gameplay or during start up? When I haven't played for a while I always have to "verify integrity of game files" in Steam or it will randomly crash on startup.
If it's in the game itself I guess we start with what other mods are you running? (I haven't got CTDs on either of these versions)
During the game. Usually the first few turns are fine but then at some point on one of the turns (around 15-20) I either:
1) start getting CTDs from time to time - that was the scenario on 4.5.1
2) start consistently getting a CTD on a specific turn with no way forward - that's what's happening now on 4.6

I have already "verified integrity of game files" on Steam but nothing changed.

The mods I'm running are very few:
Capture Great People (v 2)
Calypso's Colored Religious Icons (Basic) (v 4)
Music Changer (v 2)
Quick Turns (v 10)
Faster Aircraft Animations (v 3)

That's all. Plus full Vox Populi with EUI, of course.

EDIT: apparently I have another mod - City States Evolved (v 3). Thought it was a part of Vox Populi but I guess not...
Sounds like you're going to need to upload the minidump, logs, etc. to github then.
Sorry it's not working for you :(
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