BZ4 - A race to the Stars

Good job Snaproll. We are off to a great start. :goodjob:

Originally posted by Snaproll
Turn 8 – 2630 – B.C. – Well I know Earp wanted me to mine the BG before connecting the wines, but Seoul is already at a settler every 4 turns so there really isn’t any need. I move worker to connect the wines. It will save us some cash. Hope that’s ok. Osman isn’t dealing AT ALL…

I guess I didn't explain my self clearly. I would have built roads on the unimproved BGs we are working before building a road on the wines because it takes twice as long to build a road on a hill. Connecting the luxury will save us 1 gpt in luxury tax, but building a road on a grassland we are already working will also gain us 1 gpt. The luxury will save us more than 1 gpt only when we have cities connected to the capital.

Here is the order I would have improved the tiles. After improving the BG+ tiles, I would have built roads to the South to speed our settlers in that direction.


BG+ tiles are 2.1.1 and can be increased to 2.2.2
BG tiles are 2.1.0 and can be increased to 2.2.1
G+ tiles are 2.0.1 and can be increased to 2.1.2
G tiles are 2.0.0 and can be increased to 2.1.1
Hills+Wine+river are 2.1.2 and are still 2.1.2 even with a road(under despotism)

I think we need to expand towards our neighbors to the South. IMO, we should send our next settler towards the spices. I would be surprised if the AI doesn't already have a settler going in that direction.

I'll post a dotmap soon.
Ok I agree that we should have put roads on the BG's - I was confused because I thought you meant mine them as well. I figured out the same thing a little too late, as you can tell from my comments. At least I didn't let the city grow to size 7 like I did in Bz3 huh? See I am learning!

@Betazed: Purple-in-white-bar? That's one fancy dot! :crazyeye:
Snaproll, I like the gpt trade you made with Spain. I have used this effectively in the past to change the AIs mind about declaring war on me.

Here is my dotmap. I think it is very important for us to continue to pump out settlers every four turns. We need to send every settler towards the AI until we can no longer expand in that direction before settling to the north.

FWIW I think the areas around 5,6, and 8 might be a little more important on Osman's settling priority list than 2 and 4. I believe Istanbul is closer to dot 6 than it is to Uskudar.
My apologies for sleeping :)
Summary of what I'm going to do: Red dot settler. Next settler (in 3) to spot #2. THEN Spot 5
Dont touch Seoul.
Im assuming we're keeping research off. If I'm wrong, correct me.
Anything else? (there will only be 2 settlers in my turns)
I am of the same opinion as Snap. However, there is every chance that a Ozzy settler is already on the way for spices. So I would go for the middle path. So I would go 1->5>2->8.
Originally posted by Stuck_As_a_Mac
My apologies for sleeping :)
Summary of what I'm going to do: Red dot settler. Next settler (in 3) to Bz's blue dot.

I think blue dot is low priority. It is ours for all practical purposes. We should be sending settlers towards the spices and south-west. What we are discussing now is in what order.
I think spot 2 is higher priority than spot 5. I don't want to lose the spices.

I would settle 1 --> 2 --> 5 --> 3 --> 6

The reason for 3 is to deny Osman access to wines. I am afraid he is going to settle next to the wines.

The reason for 4 was to gain another coastal site, but this is probably lower priority than the other sites. I don't think we will have problems with access to the coast.
I think site 8 can be back filled later. I would rather expand as quickly as possible towards Istanbul.
Originally posted by betazed

I think blue dot is low priority. It is ours for all practical purposes. We should be sending settlers towards the spices and south-west. What we are discussing now is in what order.

The blue dot(atleast my blue dot(2)) was intended to grab the spices. Are you talking about your blue dot?
Nevermind, I see that you were talking about your blue dot
(I kept this in 1.21. If we want it in 1.27, just say so)
T1: Settler is moved into place.
T2: Namp'o is founded on the Red Dot.
T3: Seoul builds settler, stats another 4 turner. Wonsan builds warrior. The settler is headed for #2
T4: Hail, Ceaser. Ceaser has Wheel and IW. America knows us too. They have Wheel, IW, Writing and Myst. None can be afforded. P'yongyang starts a worker.
T5: Nil
T6: See T5
T7: We meet Shaka. He tries to sell us Abus Phone number. Seoul builds settler, heads to 3.(5 has an Otto city 1 tile away) Nampo and Wonsan build warriors, start workers.
T8: P'yongyang builds worker, starts temple.
T9: We're called by Kathy, who also tries to sell us Abus number. Pusan builds warrior, starts worker. Cheju is built on spot 2.
T10: Nil
A settler is headed to #3 and another one is due next turn.

The Save
Wow! We got quite a few contacts. :goodjob:

Apart from Abu, is there anyone left, that we do not know of?

I have got it. Will play tonight. I will see if I can pull off any 2-fer. May be possible once the Spanish deal runs out.
Originally posted by Earp
0 - 4000 BC
Move worker SW to cattle.
After much deliberation, found Seoul where we are standing. Another cow appears two tiles to the SE. It looks like we have another settler factory. Irrigate the SW cow and mine the SE cow for +5 fpt.
Production set to warrior.
Set research to Pottery at max.
Our opponents are the Spanish, Celts, Arabs, Aztecs, Americans, Zulu, Russians, Romans, Germans, Carthaginians, and Ottomans

Hope you don't mind my delurking and interrupting with a question. I'm curious as to how you were able to determine all your opponents on the first turn, Earp?
With all those contacts, there have to be some deals we can pull now.

Lenvik, I think you look at the spaceship progress screen to find out the opposing civs.
Originally posted by Lenvik
I'm curious as to how you were able to determine all your opponents on the first turn, Earp?

A Snaproll said, I hit F10 and check the spaceship progress button. I did this while waiting for a consensus on whether or not to move the settler.

It looks like we have lots of contacts and are behind in tech. I usually do everything that I can to gain writing as soon as it becomes available. In my experience, the turn writing becomes available and the turn MM becomes available can usually be used to regain tech parity even on deity with slider set to 0%. Contacts and maps are very valuable.

Are we playing with continents or a pangaea?
Originally posted by betazed
Apart from Abu, is there anyone left, that we do not know of?

From the turn reports, I think this is the contact situation.


Originally posted by Snaproll
Can you put up a screenshot of Saam's turn?

I am at work right now so "no can do" till I reach home. Can anyone else out up a pic right now?
1750 BC (Pre turn): We are researching Math (why?). I stop that. No trades possible.

1725 BC : zzz

1700 BC: zzz

1675 BC: Writing from America for 150 G and 7 G/turn. Writing to Otto for IW and 28G. Writing to Rome for Contact with Arabs. Writing and COntact with Otto to Arabs for Mysticism.

Net : Writing, IW, Myst and contact with Arabs for 122 G and 7 G/turn.

AI is up Wheel and contacts. We have iron in our backyard

1650 BC: Abu sells our contact to Aztecs and Celts. AI has Poly and Math too.

1625 BC: By German contact from Shaka for 15 G and 2G/turn. Sell Alphabet and Contact to Russia to Germany for Wheel. Sell Writing to Germany for HBR, Contact with Celts and 25 G. Sell all remaining contacts to Germany for 71 G. Sell contact to Celts to Izzy for 20G.

Net: Wheel, HBR, and 61G.

1600 BC: Buy MM from Carthage for 80G and 11G/turn. MM to Germany for Mathematics and TM. Sell WM to Arabia for TM and 20G.

Net MM, Mathematics for 60 G and 11G/turn.

1575 BC: WM to Lincoln for TM and 20G. Now CoL is also available.

1550 BC: zzz

1525: MM to Rome for Philosophy and TM.

1500: zzz

Briefly, we have learned, Writing, IW, Myst, Wheel, HBR, MM, Philosophy and got contact with everybody and know part of the WM.

I am sending settlers to the gems and cows in teh direction of the arrow.


The save
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