C2C Spanish Translation


May 20, 2012
Hello again. I have been translating the folder assets / XML / Text. for now I've noticed that most of the files come with their corresponding translations, but using the Spanish language, the game features all kinds of errors, such as complete loss of the interface.

to start the game an error in the section on BUG mod.

I also noticed that the TEXT folder, is not only found in the files for translation.

another problem loading the game in Spanish, is the options screen from the main menu, which disappear leaving only the other languages ​​in English as an option, but can not change the above English.

you could fix these problems?

I have translated so far:
A_New_Dawn_Great_People (names do not need translation)
Abandon_City_CIV4GameText (I this was in Spanish)
Advanced Combat Odds Options (I this was in Spanish)
Scoreboard Advanced Options (I this was in Spanish)
AdvancedCombatOdds_CIV4GameText (I this was in Spanish)
AIAutoPlay_CIV4GameText (I this was in Spanish)
Autolog Options
Autolog_CIV4GameText (I this was in Spanish)
Options AutoSave
BarbarianCiv_CIV4GameText (I this was in Spanish)
Espionage Better Options (I this was in Spanish)
CIV4GameText_AdjectivesFix (I this was in Spanish)
CIV4GameText_BetterBTSAI (I this was in Spanish)
Options Advisors BUG (I this was in Spanish)
BUG City Screen Options (I this was in Spanish)
BUG Core Options (I this was in Spanish)
and all BUG files in text folder.
I also noticed that the TEXT folder, is not only found in the files for translation.

They are in each mod as well as in the text folder. This is normal for modular building as it keeps the bits all together.

another problem loading the game in Spanish, is the options screen from the main menu, which disappear leaving only the other languages ​​in English as an option, but can not change the above English.

I am fairly sure this is because some of the text entries only have an English tag rather than repeating the English text in tags for the other languages. I have been trying to fix this as I find them.

		<English>Carbon Dioxide Ice</English>
		<French>Carbon Dioxide Ice</French>
		<German>Carbon Dioxide Ice</German>
		<Italian>Carbon Dioxide Ice</Italian>
		<Spanish>Carbon Dioxide Ice</Spanish>
is good
		<English>Carbon Dioxide Ice</English>
is bad and causes lack of interface if played in another language. If fact not having a text entry is better than this as well.
I've been looking at various forums, and found a forum in Spanish which was making a translation of the RoM, it appears that the problem goes beyond language tags.

apparently, the problem could be in the submods and that they would not run properly.

the solution would be to change all tags <english> ... </ english> adding Spanish in them. but this would erase the English. although it is not an option that I like, prefer to do it correctly.

This may be caused to some other non-text file if not otherwise?


ese es el otro foro, intentare poner en comun ideas, seguro que entre los unos y los otros conseguiremos esto, y asi podremos disfrutar esta obra de arte. un saludo.
Ispeak fluent spanish , writing is above average, (latino) so for tricky words or passages let me know.

Also take a look at this


JTranslator - program for translating civ4 text files
The purpose of this program is to ease translating of civ4 and its mods to foreign languages.

What it can do:
- load text xmls
- add new language entries
- show the text that should be translated in two languages within one window - one of them is editable
- it follows kabcsis ideas that he shared with me some time ago
- it's able to work with different encoding standards; unfortunately civ4 doesn't seem to be, instead it supports only ISO-8859-1; therefore some characters need to be replaced and some languages (that use an entirely different alphabet) remain unsupported; replacing unsupported characters needs to be done by hand, but this would solve if civ4 can be forced to use UTF-8 for instance - this encoding standard is already supported by my program, so this issue is actually a problem of civ4 itself; see this page for supported characters: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO/IEC_8859-1 (the german version [Deutsch] of that page shows a better overview IMO)
- in theory it should run on Linux and Mac systems, too, as it is written in Java, but this is untested yet; if it does, it might be used as a converter to make text files Mac compatible

changes with v2.0:
- can compare the file with another one and then add / remove missing / additional entries
- can adjust the programs font size
- can add new entries (right click at the root element of the xml, then choose add)
- file filter to choose from xmls only

changes with v2.1:
- will add all known languages to new entries using 'No Text' as text
- when adding a new language, the program will try to get a text from already exisitng languages, normally english

Instal the Java Runtime Environment (JRE), you can download it from here: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/ja...ads/index.html. After that, you should be able to use the JTranslator.jar like an exe-file.

too much time now.

1, doubleclick file to use it
2. go to File then Open and choose File
3. When it says choose Encoding just click OK
3. In edit Entries choose spanish...

your next step is to translate XML files in

after your done
awesome, tonight proves to handle a minimum. thank you very much for the input, I could not imagine their existence.;)

another question. I translate only the text files ... the rest I leave as-is, right?

for example: A_New_Dawn_GlobalDefines---> no edit
BUG Core Options-------------> edit
awesome, tonight proves to handle a minimum. thank you very much for the input, I could not imagine their existence.;)

another question. I translate only the text files ... the rest I leave as-is, right?

for example: A_New_Dawn_GlobalDefines---> no edit
BUG Core Options-------------> edit

It depends ill take a look tonight...start with the ones that end in Infos.
I've been looking at various forums, and found a forum in Spanish which was making a translation of the RoM, it appears that the problem goes beyond language tags.

apparently, the problem could be in the submods and that they would not run properly.

the solution would be to change all tags <english> ... </ english> adding Spanish in them. but this would erase the English. although it is not an option that I like, prefer to do it correctly.

This may be caused to some other non-text file if not otherwise?


ese es el otro foro, intentare poner en comun ideas, seguro que entre los unos y los otros conseguiremos esto, y asi podremos disfrutar esta obra de arte. un saludo.

Someone was going to do the German translations for C2C and had the missing UI text when he played in German. When he fixed all the gametext files to have tags for all six languages the problem went away, he said.

awesome, tonight proves to handle a minimum. thank you very much for the input, I could not imagine their existence.;)

another question. I translate only the text files ... the rest I leave as-is, right?

for example: A_New_Dawn_GlobalDefines---> no edit
BUG Core Options-------------> edit

To start with you should only translate those with GameText in their names. Not all mod have been changed to use game text but most have. The system takes the text from the code/XML and if it is a "string name" it gets the correct language text from there.
Someone was going to do the German translations for C2C and had the missing UI text when he played in German. When he fixed all the gametext files to have tags for all six languages the problem went away, he said.

then do you mean that six exact language earnings are needed, or six like minimum so that the texts work?

I was looking and in someone there are only 5 languages, but in others are more than 6, to try I will add brought in to the files that only have 5 languages, will use the folder of custom_civilizations in the dancing hoskuld folder, since in addition to having 5 languages also I have controlled that has no text in the civilopedia as soon as the game was executed in Spanish.

first I will add the Russian language, to complete 6 languages, will edit all the gully files and will try, if it does not work will try to add it in all the civilizations inside this folder.

if it was better to start by another simpler file in the XML/Text folder would prove it earlier, but I have not even met on appropriate any.

then I comment

Traducción por PROMT™
then do you mean that six exact language earnings are needed, or six like minimum so that the texts work?

I was looking and in someone there are only 5 languages, but in others are more than 6, to try I will add brought in to the files that only have 5 languages, will use the folder of custom_civilizations in the dancing hoskuld folder, since in addition to having 5 languages also I have controlled that has no text in the civilopedia as soon as the game was executed in Spanish.

first I will add the Russian language, to complete 6 languages, will edit all the gully files and will try, if it does not work will try to add it in all the civilizations inside this folder.

if it was better to start by another simpler file in the XML/Text folder would prove it earlier, but I have not even met on appropriate any.

then I comment

Traducción por PROMT™

Sorry it is 5 languages minimum.
whatever I do, is disappearing all the interface of the game, get the following error.

BugPath: failed to parse INI file for mod NoCustomAssets
whatever I do, is disappearing all the interface of the game, get the following error.

BugPath: failed to parse INI file for mod NoCustomAssets

Do you have logging on? If you do can you post your PythonErr.log (not PythonErr2.log) it should be in a logs folder near your saves folder.) See here on what to do to turn logging on.
Traceback (most recent call last):

File "CvScreensInterface", line 424, in pediaShow

File "SevoPediaMain", line 230, in pediaShow

File "TraitUtil", line 41, in init

File "TraitUtil", line 52, in addTrait

OverflowError: D arg not in range(0x10000) (narrow Python build)
ERR: Python function pediaShow failed, module CvScreensInterface
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "BugPath", line 460, in initNoCustomAssetsSetting
File "configobj", line 1063, in __init__
File "configobj", line 1154, in _handle_bom
File "configobj", line 1213, in _decode
File "e:/main/civilization4/warlords/assets/python/system\encodings\utf_8.py", line 16, in decode
UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf8' codec can't decode bytes in position 696-699: invalid data
Traceback (most recent call last):

File "BugUtil", line 692, in <lambda>

File "BugEventManager", line 576, in preGameStart

File "BugEventManager", line 340, in fireEvent

File "BugEventManager", line 350, in _dispatchEvent

File "BugEventManager", line 410, in _handleInitBugEvent

File "BugInit", line 43, in init

File "BugInit", line 64, in loadMod

File "BugConfig", line 88, in parse

File "BugUtil", line 249, in trace

File "BugUtil", line 295, in logToScreen

UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xf1 in position 134: ordinal not in range(128)
ERR: Python function preGameStart failed, module CvAppInterface

there is, I hope to be helpful, thanks
Spoiler :
Traceback (most recent call last):

File "CvScreensInterface", line 424, in pediaShow

File "SevoPediaMain", line 230, in pediaShow

File "TraitUtil", line 41, in init

File "TraitUtil", line 52, in addTrait

OverflowError: D arg not in range(0x10000) (narrow Python build)
ERR: Python function pediaShow failed, module CvScreensInterface
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "BugPath", line 460, in initNoCustomAssetsSetting
File "configobj", line 1063, in __init__
File "configobj", line 1154, in _handle_bom
File "configobj", line 1213, in _decode
File "e:/main/civilization4/warlords/assets/python/system\encodings\utf_8.py", line 16, in decode
UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf8' codec can't decode bytes in position 696-699: invalid data
Traceback (most recent call last):

File "BugUtil", line 692, in <lambda>

File "BugEventManager", line 576, in preGameStart

File "BugEventManager", line 340, in fireEvent

File "BugEventManager", line 350, in _dispatchEvent

File "BugEventManager", line 410, in _handleInitBugEvent

File "BugInit", line 43, in init

File "BugInit", line 64, in loadMod

File "BugConfig", line 88, in parse

File "BugUtil", line 249, in trace

File "BugUtil", line 295, in logToScreen

UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xf1 in position 134: ordinal not in range(128)
ERR: Python function preGameStart failed, module CvAppInterface

there is, I hope to be helpful, thanks

Actually it does, it prompts something in the back of my mind to do with the name of the folders or the name of save files or even the name you are playing under. If any of these have non standard English letters in them then problems happen.
ok, so the be error to happen, for the use of not correct characters in the tag in Spanish.
into the file that I raised we were trying to change the English tags into Spanish placing Spanish in <English>, this might be the causer of the problem.

also I have noticed that the "tildes" of the Spanish language, are expressed badly. example.....Finlandés where it should put
Finlandés, might this characters game be the causer?

should I correct all the tildes and leave them without setting?
ok, so the be error to happen, for the use of not correct characters in the tag in Spanish.
into the file that I raised we were trying to change the English tags into Spanish placing Spanish in <English>, this might be the causer of the problem.

also I have noticed that the "tildes" of the Spanish language, are expressed badly. example.....Finlandés where it should put
Finlandés, might this characters game be the causer?

should I correct all the tildes and leave them without setting?

There is a special character for tildes - é which is & #233; without the space in the text files.
There is a special character for tildes - é which is & #233; without the space in the text files.

Or use an XML editor rather than notepad/wordpad to edit the files, which will automatically do the entity encoding for unusal characters
Hi, since now I will use this thread for updating translations and possibly discussion, after seeing Italian translation thread I think having one thread per language is better, if this isn't correct please advise me.

Well, I have ready the third bunch of Spanish translation files, mainly contains complete translations until P letter (including), an update to v31, and many changes and corrections.

New files: C2C_Buildings_CIV4GameText, CIV4GameText_Objects_BTS and from Mr_Azure_CIV4GameText to Properties_CIV4GameText.
The other files have fixes and changed terms for maintain concordance (naming something with the same word or convention, for example, Experience Points can be EP, EXP, XP, PX...; another example, in original Spanish translation the corporations' headquarters don't carry the "Headquarters" tagline, but I included it in C2C extra corporations, now this have been fixed), sorry for the extra work.

Some additional notes for the merger (Dancing Hoskuld?):
- In file CIV4GameText_HEROES, some hero's pedia texts in other languages speak about war elephants. This makes no sense, so I have deleted these entries.
- In file frenchupdate_CIV4GameText_Warlords, I added two additional entries to fix the vanilla Spanish translation, ¿could you merge this too?
- In file ls612_CIV4GameText, there was an isolate french tilde (`), because I found on Internet that a name included the tilde. But probably is a source of errors, I have rewrote this name without this character.

Files attached, thanks.


  • Spanish translation - Part 3.zip
    1.3 MB · Views: 94
Hello again. After about 9 months, I am here again bringing you the last batch of the Assets/XML/Text folder translations (until SVN revision 7374, I think I arrived in time for v35 release...). From the files beginning with 'R' to the end, there are new translations. The other files have some fixes and updated translations to the latest changes in SVN.

Also, while doing the work, I found some small mistakes unrelated with the translation itself, like French text within <English> tags or Italian text within <Spanish> tags, besides many "Blah"/"Not translated" texts on other languages' tags. I have also fixed them, you can merge these changes or not (if you think I "have crossed my line"... you understand me right?). Here is a list with all changes I did that aren't related to the translation:

Spoiler :
C2C_Promotions, Mr_Azure, Properties: deleted repeated texts
C2C_Terrain_Addons: deleted repeated texts and added missing texts from all languages (these texts were lost during the improvements overhaul)
NLS: fixed "blah" tags and one english strategy text
Prehistoric: fixed missing italian tag and extra spanish tag
RoM_CCCP, RoM_GameText_Diplomacy: translated some italian tags (texts taken from repeated entries in other files)
RoM_Civ4GameText_Hittites: deleted wrong character that was out of any tag
RoM_Civ4GameText_Siam: fixed wrong spacing in english tag
RoM_GameText_Civilopedia_Bonuses: changed strange character in french tag
StrategyOnly, ls612_EarlyUnits, Zhon_GameText_Civilopedia_Quotes: fixed "blah" and empty tags
Thunderbrd: changed some texts that were within incorrect tags, and some wrong substitution codes (%s1, %d2...)

About the Thunderbrd_Gametexts file, I suggest you a revision of latest additions, because there may be more texts with bad substitution codes. The files have been tested and work perfectly now, despite of some encoding errors caused by my merging program.

One more thing to Spanish-speaking players: now the game will show you many more texts in our language, but I am sure my translations are still far than perfect. Please, if you find any bug or inaccuracy, let me know, so I can solve the error. From now, I will work on updating translations of the future SVN additions to core, solving bugs and maybe translating the remaining tech quotes. Currently I don't have too much time...



  • C2CSpanishTranslation_Part4.zip
    2.6 MB · Views: 84
Thanks, I am merging them now.

Just a small point - the reason the lighthouse improvement is called "A Lighthouse" rather than "Lighthouse" is because the pedia uses the actual text value to jump to a link and it then gets mixed up between the building "Lighthouse" and the improvement if the names are the same. I wont be making your suggested changes to that particular improvement for that reason. ;)
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