"Cannot locate the CD-ROM" with OEM DVD


Sep 7, 2015
I have Civ IV on a single DVD that came with my Gigabyte board. It gives me the "Cannot locate the CD-ROM" error when I run it. ("Please insert the correct CD-ROM, select OK and restart application.")

With the consumer-release CDs, there are 2 CDs, and the solution is to put in the other CD. But this is a DVD packaged with the hardware, and there is no other CD. Any ideas?

The DVD says "GIGABYTE TECHNOLOGY" and "Bundled software / Not to be sold separately from approved product".

I also have the Civ IV Warlords CD. When I insert that and try to run Civ 4 I get the same message.
I found a fix here: I'm using Win 7. I unset Win XP compatibility mode, and it ran.

It ran very badly, with stuttering video, on a machine that would blow anything that existed in 2005 out of the water. But it ran.
Can you run Warlords with the Warlords CD?

An option to buy Beyond the Sword. On top of the new content, one of the patches (3.13 or 3.17 or 3.19) removed the CD copy protection.
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