Can't load some savegames through the menu

Androrc the Orc

Apr 19, 2004
Vienna, Austria
I am modifying the Civ4Col DLL, but I think someone here might be able to help me.

I have been unable to load some savegames through the menu. I am nearly certain what is the cause of my problem: my savegames of after the CvInitCore::reassignPlayerAdvanced (function from Planetfall) fires can't be loaded through the menu; this function is being called from CvDLLPopup and CvUnit. Once I start a new game, I can load those savegames from there though, even though I can't from the menu.

That was happening as well before I incorporated that function, when I was, instead of reassigning players, using a function I created, CvPlayer::setCivilizationType, which called CvInitCore::setCiv, CvInitCore::setCivDescription, CvInitCore::setCivShortDesc and CvInitCore::setCivAdjective.

Any idea of what might be causing this problem?
I apparently managed to solve this somewhat. It seems that what was causing the problem was that I had set the <bPlayable> field of the civilizations to which the player would be reassigned to 0, and that was causing the game to not load the savegame properly from the menu after the human player changed to a <bPlayable> 0 civilization.
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