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Can't start revolution

On a related note, what does "Europe victory" mean? I've seen it in custom game menu?

"Europe Victory" is available only to the king. It happens when you hit the time limit and haven't declared independence yet. "Time Victory" is also available only to the king. If you have declared independence, but run out of time before beating all the REF, this one happens. The only way you can win is by independence, and the only way you can lose by independence is if an AI gets there first, which given what weenies they are right now ain't gonna happen.
It's a perfectly sensible answer. This is no different from a custom game in CivIV when you uncheck diplomatic victory or space race, and can't build the UN or the Apollo Program. It's like that in all Meier games, if you disable a victory condition, you can't do the things that would bring on that victory if you had it checked. (Except I suppose eliminating opponents for conquest.)

I personally leave Independence as the ONLY victory condition checked. That way, you don't have any time limit and can declare independence at leisure.

I also think it might be cool if a future patch had other victory conditions. You should be able to win victory as a loyalist, by building a really big empire, or eliminating all European rivals, or wiping out X% of native settlements/native nations, or whatever. It might be interesting if you could choose whether your Statesmen generated Liberty Bells (towards independence) or Loyalty Bells (same other effects but no increase in rebel sentiment). Of course, to make this work they would have to balance the European AI as well -- right now the natives can be pretty formidable but the Europeans are pushovers.

Oh this is brilliant - and means this is the ONLY way I'm playing future games.

Having the game end arbitrarily at 1792 is just ridiculous, ESPECIALLY when the MOW is parked outside your city instead of bringing more fresh cattle over for your men to slaughter.
Karhgath: "I'm guessing that since you unticked "Independance Victory", you cannot declare independence."

Does anyone know how to alter the savegame file to "re-tick" this option? I've just played a quite long game and i want to declare independence and now i can't because i misunderstood what this tiny option meant.
You can't, you'll have to start a new game.

If you want a game where you can keep on playing after an independence, just play a game with the independence victory box ticked and when you get your independence, click the "wait, let me play one more turn..." option from the pop-up.

Be warned though, if you didn't chose "Monarchy" as an option for your new state, you still can't trade with Europe and if you leave any Man-'o-Wars alive, they will keep pestering your sea-lanes.

Colonization isn't built to play on after indendence, but believe me, it doesn't get anymore interresting as you will not get anything new. You'll just keep expanding in the same way and the insane taxes (the king keeps increasing them after your independence) and the slowdown of training colonists will eventually start to irritate you.

Just play another game if you want to start a sprawling empire far in the imperial age.
Johan et al - Here is an interesting concept I am trying right now in a game.

I am playing the Dutch on the large map of all the Americas. I wanted to see if I could turn the whole of North and South America Orange before time ran out. That is a "goal" I have never tried before.

Here is what I have done so far:

I built a 20 town colony stretching from east to west coast of South America with a great port city on both coasts and one highway connecting all the cities from east to west. When the Soiux declared war on me I beat them up a little bit before signing a peace treaty and put two more coastal cities of pop 3 in the northwestern most part of Brazil.

I declared independence as a monarchy as soon as I could and as expected on turn 2 the REF attacked New Amsterdam on turn 3 they took the other two coastal cities which I had left undefended on purpose. I fended off the REF making sure not to recapture both of the two coastal cities (only leaving one REF solidier at the end of any turn in one of those cities). After awhile the REF was down to 1 soldier in that city and 16 MoWs sailing around bombarding my ports (which did not matter as I was trading with Europe from my west coast port). I left 2 very experienced dragoons and 3 infantry within 1 turn of the lonely REF outpost. My intention is with 2 turns left to take out this one unit.

I then set out on my quest to turn the entire map Orange taking on the natives and the other colonies.

With 60 turns left before the game ends the entirety of of South and Central America are orange with not one square available on the coast for another nation's colony. North America west of the Mississippi is cleared of native settlements and I am developing my own towns there to turn that area orange as well.

I built SoLs in both my east and west coast port cities (combining them when I built a colony in Panama) and started taking on the King's fleet. I ended up destroying the entire royal navy and my SoLs are just standing by to bombard the defenses of the King's lonely colony every time they are rebuilt.

On the way, I developed a new west coast trading port in central america to cut the travel time back and forth down to Europe and developed the pan american highway (it is amazing how quickly a stack of 6 expert pioneers can buld a road!)

In the 60 turns I have left I hope to be able to take out the 2 native tribes and the french colony (which has gone nowhere fast being stuck up in NE Canada with just two settlements). I am even planning on putting a couple of fisherman on islands (even the galapagos) just for kicks. I have done the whole conquest with less than 40 dragoons.

I think with 60 turns left I should be able to complete my goal as with 100% rebel sentiment borders of new towns grow rapidly.
Hi, is there a way to change that victory condition after game start?
I putted more than 20 hours of love over a week into this game, and now
i can't kill that king because some ret... developer thought it is funny
to not put ANY WAY to change that setting EVEN THROUGH CHEATS.
Now im sitting here with hex editor, trying to find that bite to change.
Please help me, im so frustrated, i have bitten my face literally after
i realized in which situation i was putted. God i wish i could brake the fingers
of the man responsible for that.

Wait, you might try the following:

1. Save your game as a WorldbuilderSave

2. Open the WorldbuilderSave with something like NotePad++

3. Change the Victory Conditions

Check another WorldbuilderSave with the right Victory Conditions as a comparison.
They should be somewhere at the beginning of the file.

4. Load that modified WorldBuilderSave as a new game as Scenario.

5. Choose the same player.

6. Declare Independence.


I guess that could work. :dunno:
Just try it.
It doesnt work, because all routes, worker positions, rebel related stuff is messed up. WB saves, save in strange way and game is broken after that.
Sorry for the gravedig, but I found a solution to this problem.
For any victory which you want to be achievable only after independence has been achieved, simply make bRevolution in CIV4VictoryInfo.xml set to 1. As long as there's more to the victory than that, you can play after revolution.
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