Champi Khan's Civilizations

Here's an idea for the Free Territory:

Free Territory

UA: Anarchist Society: Cities in resistance continue to generate half of their :c5gold: gold, :c5science: science, and :c5culture: culture yields, increasing to three-fourths upon adopting an ideology. Gain a free Anarchist Commander after adopting an ideology.

UGP: Anarchist Commander: Replaces Great General. Cities with an Anarchist Commander go into Resistance, but are still able to train military units. Speeds up military unit :c5production: production by 25% and gives +15 XP to units.

UU: Black Guard: Cheaper than Great War Infantry which it replaces. Produces Great Generals 25% faster and has a 20% :c5strength: combat bonus against civs following a different ideology.

It's still a really rough design but I think it's pretty cool. I'm using resistance to emulate anarchy and made them specialize in late game warfare.
I love that design, so if you want you can help me with the code and I'll make the art, text and research.
I have a Free Territories mostly done actually :( All I'm lacking is the Tachanka UU model and some code.
I wonder how many levels of game breaking would it be to have the Vardo replace all the city functions...
The problem I see with moving the cities is that you could have a Lighthouse, for example, and then don't have coast. Also, wonders and buildings represented near the city would be left after the Vardo moves.
Personally I like the idea of stationing by a mountain, building an Observatory, and then leaving because screw you mountains!

But yeah, I wonder if the idea is possible at all...
In that case here's my idea for such a civ:

UA: Romanipen: Cannot Annex Cities nor Expand Borders. If one of your cities would expand borders, instead generate points towards a Vardo.
UU: Vardo: Replaces Settler and City. Has all the features of a city, but can move. Training a Vardo doesn't stop growth in a city.
UU: Lautar: Replaces Great Musician. Lautar's Concert Tour generates even more tourism if within at least two tiles of Romani territory. Also creates unique Roma Great Works of Music, which yield +2 Culture.
My idea was that, yes, it'd shoot like a city.

Captured like a settler not so much, I was thinking more along the lines of it being captured as a, well, city.

Gotta say it, if this works, it'd be one of the most creative civ mods by a good margin!
That was my first idea, but the problem I found was the building terrain, but I'm thinking about it again and yeah, why not.
About the Lautar name, I prefer Company, which is more generic (the Lautari are Romanian, and I want to put music from the Balkans, Flamenco, Rumba... In fact the most important thing that made me interested in this culture is the band Gogol Bordello, which is my favourite). Also, the civ will not represent the Eastern European Romani, it will represent all the Romani (the leader is Scottish, and the musicians I found are from Europe and America).
Progress report:

ryan is finishing with the Galician civilization code, maybe next week will be ready. I don't know if it will be possible to release it as part of Greater Europe's Spain split, I'll try to speak with Viregel.

About the Gypsies/Romani, ryan helped me to fix the error I had with the SDK, so I'm now starting to code it. For those who didn't realise, I put on the main message a poll for choosing the name of the civ.
After this holidays, and after reading a lot about history and politics, I'm afraid that I'm communist. I would like to reform this mod collection, so now I'll only release communist civs (and other civs included in collab packs in which communist civs are represented). This means that the Romani civ idea is available for other modders to use.

About the Galician civ, I'm still waiting for someone to release all the civ pack :rolleyes:.
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