CharisTale1- Celtic Christmas (Deity5CC)

CharisTale1 - Celtic Christmas - Part Ten "The Age of Computers"

Hiawatha is a bit high on cash, we sell rocketry for 1067g.
Vikings drop down to just two cities left (same as Korea). We have nothing
more to gain, so we stop to let other foes bang their heads on them.
The disappearance of weariness lets us turn off the lux slider and
make +251gpt income. (We want to save up cash for Mech Inf upgrades)

Soon the Iro show up with Fission. :nuke: (Bah, they go first for the two techs
we *don't* need for my military objectives. Is the UN vote a threat? We're
second in population, third in area. Iro is top dog, and Ottomans second.
As long as Korea and Vikings exist, neither would ever vote for them
(or for Braveheart :P ) Only if it got down to a threesome with two allied
might there be trouble. No major rush, although if Hiawatha starts UN we might
try a steal and rush it with our leader.

Six seasons later, in 1782, the suspense is killing Braveheart, he would be torn
up by a UN loss, and so calls for covert ops. Still, not a time to be foolhearty,
and he authorizes a safe 3.5K expenditure with our treasury almost at 7K. It works!

We have Uranium, near Lugdunum and UNDER Entremont!? A third one is unhooked up
near Richborough, a fourth one is unhooked up in old Korea, a fifth near our
airbase in old Scandinavia. Is that all? No! Drats, one right near Iro city of
Cattauragus. I wonder why they've not started the Manhattan project?

Speaking of Cattauragus, it's the one building the UN. We splurge to investigate,
and see it due in 11. We'll hand build it in 9. Every offseason now we get the
pleasure of watching three dozen Iro Ironclads shoot at Atlanta. It's size one
and they can do absolutely nothing to further harm it. Braveheart thinks he should
probably show mercy and go end the Viking misery soon.

Korea's capital falls, and they're wiped out by the Iroquois. The Ottomans,
moved to pity by the shelling of Atlanta, show mercy and sign for peace.
It must be peer pressure, for next season, the Iro grant them peace.

The dawn of a new century, 1800 AD, and we complete the UN in Entremont.
(No thanks on the vote!) Next turn the IRO cascade-finish Manhattan.
"Don't even think it Hiawatha!"

The Ottomans are following, not leading research, and show up with Fission.
The Iro, otoh, have a new tech... Space Flight???? Ew!!!

Computers are due next turn, we recall 16 infantry back home, via
two transports in the narrows between Old Korea and our mainland. We hope to
upgrade up to 16 per turn until all are mechanized!

Finally, in 1822 AD, the first Computer is built [dance]

More importantly, so is the first Mechanized Infantry unit. They take oil,
something we happen to have a monopoly of! Alesia creates the first one, and
at 40g each Braveheart orders the immediate upgrade of 98! Our treasury is
around 8K+143gpt. We have 367 units! We start Ecology, heading to Synthetic Fibers.
Braveheart can barely stomach 40 turns, but at present he can't accelerate it
much - Research Labs are ordered everywhere, and the long-held Great Leader
rushes SETI in coastal Alesia.

Braveheart astutely notes that the very thin pass between old world and new
world, clogged for centuries by huge stacks of Iroquois, is now open!
He sends his own tanks and guerrillas to secure a free path!

His final thoughts for that season... if the Iroquois had any sense, they
would attack *NOW* while about 40 tanks sit without Infantry cover this one turn!

Instead, Hiawatha comes to renew our RoP. We grant that, plus incense, for 35gpt.
So do Ottomans. They get 20 turns of peace, but it should be simple to goad them
into declaring early. We need a few rounds to redeploy the upgrades, and form a
next plan of attack.


The year 1824 AD, massive movement of troops. Scoreboard says it's going to be bloody...
Celts: 101 MI, 98 Tanks, 49 Inf, 42 Artil. Iro: 206 Inf, 75 Marines, 29 artil, 5 cruise.
Ottomans have basically 50 inf, not much else, and that's to cover 24 cities.
Iro have 36 cities, while the Celts of course have... five. Iro are increasing their
mil by about 1 infantry and 1 marine per turn. Our plan is to Mobilize when we
go to war, as there's nothing but military left to build from here on out! That will
kick all cities over 120spt.

Probably the best course of action would be an MPP with the Ottomans then
declare on the Iro. They'll MPP for furs.

Sadly, we can't crack 40 turns by self-research, for first ones to
a tech, even with SETI and our new research labs. 8-| That means 80 turns
to Modern Armor 8-[ What if we sell our Computers tech? Not much from Ottomans
or Vikings. Holy moly, Iro offer 245gpt!! I could run ecology in 22 with that
income. The question is... do we attack more or less now, with tanks, or do
we wait for Modern Armor? Mobilization and war with Scandinavia would help,
and their elimination would speed up research. We could even MPP with Iro to
keep them off us, and let them do the work taking out the Vikings. How are they
getting their income anyway? Ah... checks govt... they're in Democracy.

Braveheart's taste for blood must be satisfied. He moves many troops in position
for the Vikings, makes sure the declaration is from outside his territory,
makes the Computer deal with both other nations, and MPP's with Iro for next 20.

Now 1836, Braveheart has a ringside seat as the Ottoman guerrillas and infantry
take on Atlanta with elite inf. They lose 9 in a row, then bring the last
defender down to 1hp, then... stop. I guess it's up to US to raze the city?!

It takes ONE shot from out tank to raze the city :lol:
There was, under the defender, not a total shock - a Viking Great Leader :eek:

A fateful year, 1838 AD - We sign on a new lux deal with the Iro. Their response in
between turns was a *shocker* especially as we have an RoP and MPP going!

"You only exist because the Iroquois *allow* it. In return we demand tribute!"


... to be continued!
Charis Braveheart
It's been 36 hours since the last part of the story!!
Post some more, PLEASE!
There must be a lot of fighting going on that he's writing about...
CharisTale1 - Celtic Christmas - Part Eleven "The Age of Mechanized Infantry!" :hammer:

Braveheart is astounded! Their great demand... TM+80g ???? That's it?? That's not
worth giving them "first strike." Braveheart pays, but he now knows who he can and
cannot trust. Incredible gall! But Braveheart knows why... that 245gpt payment -
he wants to worm out of it in a bad way.

It's 1840, and we start to cover any weak spots with Mech Inf, for the day when
Iros pull a sneak attack.

Four years later, with Ecology due in 14, Iro show up with Ecology. 8-|
So much for trying to research on my own, and that was at full throttle.
Actually, it's due now in 8. He won't trade it, and a careful steal is 2700.
Of course now I'm down to 1K gold level. I'll continue researching it myself.

We clearly do need to understand the Ecology better. A cavalry sitting in the
jungle just died of disease!

In 1858, on the turn we research Ecology, Braveheart gets the following
unhappy message... "The Iroquois have added SS Cockpit to their ship!"


Silly Ottomans were just a tad slower to Ecology, as they get it immediately.

Now it's a 40-turn trek to Synthetic Fibers, as we save up for upgrades.
Our economy starts to feel the strain of 426 units! For the first time
Braveheart wonders if he's being FAR too cautious in not having struck
long ago. The Iro need at least four techs, but could conceivably research
all that in less than 40 turns if they stay in democracy. They'll get to
live in peace four more turns while they pay up their large debt, then
we'll see...

In 1862, so soon after, the Iro add the SS Docking Bay. That's it, prep for war in 3.
We require an MPP of the Ottomans when they renew their gems deal. The Iro keep
plugging with the SS Engine. Then they pile on the last straw, and discover the secrets
of Synthetic Fibers!

Braveheart tells his troops, we are lock and load, ready to hunt the Iro Bear!!
He calls forth his Covert Ops researchers once more, and tells them to get
ready. He would love for them to succeed, but would not be upset at all if
they failed. We just need a few more rounds to save up enough to have 1K left
after an attempt.

We go to WarTime Mobilization, and the Iro counter by adding SS Storage Supply to the ship!
It's 1872 AD - We can wait no longer! That's four ship parts!! We have 2.7K, and will
make an immediate 1.7K steal attempt of Synth Fibers from Iro... and fail -

The Iroquois declare war!!


We tell the hospital at Richborough to get ready for heavy casualties!

Mil Units
Celts: 144 tanks, 178 Mech Inf, 42 artil, 8 marine, 17 cav, 14 modern ships, 21 planes.
Iro: 224 inf, 80 marines, 29 artil, 7 cav, 29 guerr, 3 cruise, an army.
Ottos: 77 inf, 6 marines, 9 artil, 40 guerr

Now it gets ugly... First thing we assault the Iro city of Boston, which we've
got tanks and Mech Inf in position for. First step we run over the marine and
radio tower on the mountain. We beat down about 10 units, raze the city, lose 1,
retreat 4. Next up, the triple-fur site he founded in front of the nose of
Braveheart! There we get a new Great Leader...

Vercingetorix II! Sounds like a good man for a Moderan Armor army!

Ellipi, the city to its south is next. It didn't go as well, as we missed seeing
a radar tower. At Washington/Taegwon, we do see it, and destroy it right off.
Taegwon crumbles into dust. New York is *barely* destroyed, with our last attacker,
and after several losses. Another town South of NY is razed. The Iro are down
to just 3 cities in ex-America/Babylon. The region now free space, we use rails
to reach and mow down a dozen units past the city, mostly guerillas. Three hours
after the start of the turn, we finally get around to our 'isthmus' cities.
Kirklareli is razed, then Hangchow, picking up a spice colony! Finally Nanking
is the only one left in that area. And it's surrounded by Ottoman cities.

Nanking has not one but two towers protecting it, one held by Infantry, in
the mountains. We take out the easier first, and on the other we lose two tanks,
but destroy it. Then we kill a dozen guerrillas, marine and infantry, losing
a mech inf. Ack, failed to see a THIRD radar tower, guarded by just a guerrilla.
Then the tougher infantry, and we lose three tanks. Er... a FOURTH??? Guarded
by a single infantry on a hill. With about a half-dozen attacks left, we see we
won't take the city this turn. Let's hurt as many units as we can. We look high
and low, and come up with five more sleeping tanks.

We have a few mech behind enemy lines just to throw some confusion, and hopefully
draw some attacks (they're on mountains)

Five hours of planning and execution for that ONE season, 1872.
The progress on our watch... New mil count:
Celts: 121 tanks, 176 Mech Inf, 43 artil, 8 marine, 17 cav, 14 modern ships, 21 planes.
Iro: 181 inf, 31 marines, 28 artil, 6 cav, 3 guerr, 3 cruise missiles, an army.
The Iro lost *49* marines, 1 cav, 1 artil, 43 inf, 7 guerr, a total of 101 units :hammer:
The Glorious Celts lost... 23 tanks, 2 Mech Inf, a total of 25 units. 4:1 ratio, very good.

Here's a look at before, and after, in 1872AD -


Interesting mid-season...
- No MPP fires, as they don't attack us except in their own territory
- War weariness jumps from 0% to 50%! We've never fought them before!
Actually have to run a few entertainers on top of 8 lux.
- Two or three cruise missiles are fired at our MI scouts
- Half-dozen or more shots fired by our scouts just in Zone-of-Control action
- About 8 units lost attacking the scouts, they kill one and promote 6.
- Rather than attack our units directly next to their cities, the Iros move
somewhat good sized stacks out into the open, in search of who knows what
- Ironclad do NOT attack our battleships, but head to shoreline to start bombarding.
- Iro produce 8 new marines, 17 guerr, lose a cav, lose 2 infantry more than they make.

1874 AD - Braveheart hopes he doesn't have to stay up to 3:30am planning this season's
attacks (as he did last season!) Well, the MPP didn't trigger, how much would an
alliance cost? Just spices?! :lol: And they'll pay us 7gpt on top of it? Deal!

Sweeping from far out to up close, Washington is first. Rather than fortify
in the city, seven pop out into open grass. It's promotion time! :P
Er, or not. We lose two in open, three more on Washington. Then it's razed.
Ouch, then three tanks lost in open near Chinje. Ruh-roh! We just created Cornplanter!
He's in the middle of a stack of four inf and marines. We throw MI's at the stack,
after three elite tanks can't do it... Cornplanter MUST die! Finally, he does,
to join the other open-air stack of body bags.

At Nanking, Braveheart had been worrying if he could bombard it down to
size 12. No need, they drafted it sub-metropolis by themselves!
The first two tanks lose, retreat, win, win, lost a MI, and soon, poof goes
the city. With more rails open, the stack behind the city then drops.
Just before turn ends, we find a 'slacker' stack - a forgotten sleeping stack
of a dozen tank and MI :P It's dispatched to Cheju area. Braveheart notes
the time, 2:20am, (cough) only six hours to plan and watch this season unfold!

Celts: 112 tanks, 176 Mech Inf, 43 artil, 8 marine, 17 cav, 14 modern ships, 21 planes.
Iro: 157 inf, 21 marines, 25 artil, 3 cav, 3 guerr, 3 cruise missiles, an army.
The Iro lost 24 inf, 10 marines, 3 cav, 3 artil, and made 15 guerrillas. Net loss 25.
The Glorious Celts lost... 9 tanks, 0 Mech Inf (made 3, lost 3). 3:1 gains.

Mid-season, we lost 3 MI and an Artil. Was nice to watch Iro and Ottomans go at it.
Midseason Iro's lost just about as much as they produced. Ottomans about same.

1876 AD - War weariness goes up MORE, to 55%, and we must kick up lux to 20%.

Ur with rifles and conscript defenders, crumbles instantly. Likewise size 6 Chinje.

Suddenly... the world is looking FAR less purple!? The Iro have now been totally
stripped of their new lands, forced back to their original territories. (Save for one
island) Ironically, this should reduce their corruption quite a bit, now with 28 cities.
The Ottomans are about equal to them in land, with a few extra flung colonies.

(To be continued)
Charis Braveheart

(PS Chieftess hit the nail on the head, although not on this turn,
but a later one)
Charis, I can't even put into words my amazement with your campaign. I cant beat a Diety game, let alone a 5CC Diety game. COngratulations on writing an excellent story.
CharisTale1 - Celtic Christmas - Part Twelve "The Age of Weariness"

Braveheart notes a big dilemna with war weariness... Here's the issue and his options:

- Lux is at 20%, with a few entertainers, getting all 8 lux from colonies or trade.
- Income is at -33, with military unit costs up to 417gpt!
- If we continue to push hard and it raises weariness, we must:

A) Make peace with Iro and default on our alliance with Ottomans
B) Stop attacking, and ride out the 20turns of the alliance, using the
time to upgrade to consolidate our gains.
C) Go-go-go-go and crush them and drop into Monarchy.
D) We have no extra cash for tech trade or puchase. We'll need to wait almost
30 turns for Synth Fibers, or do more dmg to beat it out of Hiawatha.

(Except for no productivity, anarchy wouldn't be bad, saving those unit costs)
Monarchy would I'm sure lose about 100gpt due to loss of commerce bonus,
even though lack of weariness would mean 0% lux slider.
Communism would be same, for cash, and would distribute the corruption evenly.
Actually, Republic's tolerance for WW might(??) be a little stronger such that
we could slide back 10%, and bring a slight improvement to the economy. The lost
would be fast workers, but they're not doing much now.

The thing that keeps the people moving, and not failing, not
succumbing to this tremendous weariness, are the kind words
of Castle Immortal and Castle #civfanatics - who spur on Braveheart
greatly with their rejoicing in the good fortunes of the Celtic people!

Here's the current plan:
- Swap immediately to Republic, rest this and next turn to heal the tanks.
- Extend our supply line of Mech Inf straight down to Salamanca, and
pillage every tile around his capital. The pain should be enormous.
- At end of 20 turns or when weariness is unbearable, take peace with
Synthetic Fibers as a concession. If still making progress, and no concessions,
go into Anarchy and keep beating on him!

Other happenings that year - we see Ottomans lack wine, and we can colonize
one. Doing so, it sells for 221g+12gpt. End of round, we drop back into Republic.

Poof! Did the new govt help? Yes, a bit. A few more bright faces and we can
kick the slider back one notch. Income is positive again, +36gpt.

It's ironic though, that the loss of the 50% working bonus we get hit with
*three* pollutions and need to grab 12 workers off fortress projects to cover them.

Now 1880AD, the Rax and temple of St.Regis destroyed. Take out a RT on the Otto-Iro border.
The Iro are thrown into Anarchy!? Odd, since they were in communism?
I wish I had the cash for a steal attempt. Cash... what would wealth do?
Oh my! Shoots income up to 155gpt! A few rounds of that will help the economy!

Soon they're back in communism. STX, Bank, Univ... poor St.Regis.

Ouch, a sub? Something sank a transport. Fortunately an empty one.
Iros add Exterior Casing to their ship! Also a *LOT* of Ottoman troop
movement in the back areas. They're not up to something are they?

Another Ouch! Lost a battleship on attack of a plain ironclad!
Oil Springs is size 11, here we go... Seven tanks roll, one retreats, and
the city is razed. With no size bonus and no RT, they go down smoothly.

Oil Springs had... Universal Suffrage! Oh MY is that painful to raze with the
hefty weariness we're seeing. There's uranium and ivory there, so we rail workers
over to colonize asap. In fact, good spot for an airbase! (Actually, only one
tile in free zone, ivory still in Ottoman land. Braveheart orders a compilation of
all cities left with non-Celtic, non-expired wonders...

Ottoman: Babylon (Pyr,GWall,Shakespeare), Uskudar (Leo), Istanbul (Newton)
Iroquois: Mauch Chunk (Sistine,Copernicus), Niagarra (Magellan)

St.Regis is knocked down to size 9. We go... first tank loses, next two win.
We're short on tanks to finish it, so we send in Vercengetorix...
he razes St. Regis! :hammer:

Over the course of 10 turns we've taken out 25 of 400ish Iro units. 160 turns to go?
Too slow! We need to do one of three things here:
1. Crush backbone of Iro and have them give Synth Fibers as tribute (not even close)
2. Goad Ottomans into attacking us and getting rid of our second front.
3. Try to steal Synth Fibers from Iro. We can try quick now, carefully next turn.

Braveheart ponders... "What to do?"

(To be continued)
Charis Braveheart
CharisTale1 - Celtic Christmas - Part Thirteen "The Age of Innocence"

A pivotal turn - our carriers reach range of Salamanca and as our MI's
pillage unprotected road, our bombers ordinance takes out the road and
radio tower on the square they were defending. Salamanca is totally isolated!!
Braveheart predicts MAJOR city smoking next turn!

Midseason, The cheating AI has a destroyer swerve to fight my invisible sub.
Fortunately, my sub wins.

1896 AD - No smoke?? No anarchy?? I don't think this is working the same
way vanilla Civ 3 does/did. Cutting off the capital would cut off all
resources and lux from the nation. It's clearly not doing that here.
(I test later and see, capital has nothing, but all other cities have
their normal three lux and their full supply of strategic resources. Odd)

Braveheart concludes that he can't break the backbone of the Iro in less than
a century without Modern Armor, and that Hiawatha is just not going to give
up Synth Fibers as tribute. Waiting 26 turns is a nice backup, but the Celts
would love that, and NOW. Careful steal would break the bank and still not
guarantee success, so we go for quick steal. Probably will be another chance
in ten turns if it fails, but our treasury will stay above 1K. If it fails,
we wait and try again, if it succeeds, it will speed things up in this slogfest.

Covert ops... succeeds!! :hammer:

We go next for miniturization, btw, assuming others will research Nuclear Power.
To switch a city from wealth to MA costs us 18gpt, while each upgrade costs 40g.
Entremont and Lugdunum crank out one MA per turn under our mobilization :P
The others take two turns each, and Alesia is still cranking out a combo of
ships and planes to counter the large Iro navy.

Ottomans will give us 1247g+116gpt for Synthetic Fibers! That will upgrade
about *30* at once! And if (when!?) they come up with an excuse for war to
get out of their payments, those 30 MA will extract VERY swift payment and revenge!
In fact, our short-term plans will assume a war with Ottomans, possibly sneaky.

We press the attack at Mauch Chunk, really wanting our army to die so we can
make a new one with MA. We lose about three tanks and a cav, but not the army,
deeply in the red. The city, and Copernicus, are burned to the ground!
Oh yes... and the Sistine Chapel! :hammer: Come on baby, smoke!!

It takes Braveheart almost two hours to locate, collate, and upgrade almost
30 Modern Armor. There are another 31 'free' elite tanks ready for upgrade
or battle. Just to discourage Osmon from going crazy silly this round,
I park those 31 next to Istanbul just to save hi. Hopefully he'll choose wisely.
They'll be pulled back first if it is we who choose to declare.

Midseason, not much except our battleship is redlined by a sub we never saw, but won.
With only one harbor in the whole game that's amazingly annoying. Looking at
the Iro list though, it's their last sub :P

It's 1898, and there is just one city left in wester Iroquois land, and we hurl our
hurt army at it! He dies, and long-held Vercitorix builds a new army, filled
immediately with three MA.

Things are looking good. Braveheart heads to the coastal shores for a short
fishing trip before things get too busy. It's a much needed break for him.

Midseason, the Iro put *36* marines loose in the field, waiting to be slaughtered!

Osmon goes a little silly. He wants 60 gold, "or else!"
Ha!! Or else WHAT??!?!?!??!

(To be continued)
Charis Braveheart
CharisTale1 - Celtic Christmas - Part Fourteen "Innocence Lost"

Uh... or else this...


Well that doesn't scare me, says Braveheart. Well how about, "or else this" ?!?!


OH MY G@#$@#$@#$!!!!!! Entremont!!! NUKED????!!!

(To be continued!!??)
Charis Brokenheart

Looks like it's time to start denying resources... I wonder if an all-out war is about to follow. Take the Iro. capital.. attack the Ottomans... such a delima!
Originally posted by Charis
(To be continued!!??)
Charis Brokenheart
Broken-hearted...? Surely this cannot be? How will your loyal subjects rise to defeat this new enemy with the spirit of their immortal leader broken?

One question.... From which enemy did this inhumane and most-devestating attack on your capitol come? For those most-vile cowards must surely pay for this crime!
Nuked over 60 gold. :rolleyes:

I am wondering if you would do it the same way if you had it to do over?

I myself have a tendency to let my pride get in the way of making sensible decisions at times. It's only human.
Get PTW too! :D And download the latest patches.
CharisTale1 - Celtic Christmas - Part Fifteen "The Nuclear Age"

The Ottomans NUKED My capital!!! (I've **NEVER** seen a nuke in Civ 3!! (Trust
me, that's not for lack of gaming! WHAT a time to get hit by one!!)

Temple, Barracks, Airport, Police Station, Civil Defense. All gone.
So much for my SAM's, they're still standing! We look, he has none more at the
moment. He must also have just gotten Satellites, or... he does have 4 nuclear subs.

Where is his Uranium?? Interestingly, it's sitting UNDER one of MY Mech Inf!
'Snip!' (Near Bursa)

When he returns from his fishing trip and hears the news, Braveheart is disconsolate,
and furious beyond all previous definitions of the word!

Many friends and cousins came to visit him, knowing the pain of the tragedy.
Some strategists spoke of a cool head, cutting off his uranium supply, investigating
the Iroquois nuclear program, having a limited response to the Ottomans. The
green league was in an uproar, stating it was purely Braveheart's pride and greed
that brought such a calamity upon *ourselves*. One junior aide, a tiny man really,
was overheard saying "Smack 'em! Smack 'em hard!!!" That man was promoted on the spot
and given charge of a new regiment, though he had never been in command before!
Braveheart knew his heart would take him far with the game of war. He was teamed
up with one of the strategists, a noble Chieftess, who made sure they had patches
on their uniforms to symbolize the tragedy they would never forget. While some
thought Braveheart's torture and silence that 24 meant he was defeated, crushed.
Certainly Osmon the haughty thought he had whipped the Celts, nuking 20% of their
cities. But they were wrong. So very, surely, patently wrong!

"The Ottomans will pay, pay utterly and irreversibly, for this most heinous act!"
He and his counselors sat for hours just staring at the reports, and it was a while
before they could even think clearly. He felt... violated. Any sense that the world
was a kind and fair place was shattered. He turned his heart to stone and set himself
about the task he must now do. Genocide. :eek:

His short term plan:
- Rebuild Entremont with all due haste. Send EVERY Ottoman worker on the map over
to do the improvements, so they could see first hand what their 'leader' had done.
- Pillage and/or camp on all Uranium spots. This must not happen again!
- Make IMMEDIATE peace with the Iroquois, requiring a RoP for the deal. We would leave
key battallions in place, but bring over no more. It's more of a cease fire than
a real peace settlement. (Immediate peace actually means to slay as many of their
marines in the open that we possible can, pillage a few more squares, THEN make peace!)
- Make an opening in our lines to let the Iro army through to be able to attack the
- RAZE Istanbul to the very ground. Now. This very day! We had our entire force
of elite tanks next to it as 'deterrence.' Clearly it did not deter, and Braveheart
wonders if he did something unusual to bring on this nuclear strike??!
- Send Modern Armor in droves against every Ottoman city. They would be eliminated
in as short a time as possible, casualties be damned!
- Build up a MA army of overwhelming force, then sack Salamanca as the Iro will
no doubt be close to launch.

[ Test: Moving my stack far away from Istanbul did not deter. Saying goodbye instead
of saying a defiant 'Never!' made no difference. A tiny attack change giving a different
prng result, and there was no demand for tribute, eg attacking one more Iro unit.
Bah! The dastardly deed was purely a random act! ]

Here's the blow-by-blow for the round:
- Three towers around Istanbul knocked down. 24 units ready to attack the city now.
- Lose 8, retreat 6, win 9 on Istanbul with Elite tanks. Ow ow ow! Worst casualties of game
*ISTANBUL IS RUBBLE!!* Copernicus is burned to the ground.
- Babylon and Uskudar are his other two cities with wonders. Babylon is a small city,
and one from which the tanks were pulled. The MA kills two defenders at least.
- We hit the furthest cities away, ... and Mugla. First Radio Towers (RT) then
the few MA and MI in the area strike. Two cities razed, losing 1 tank 1 MI, and getting...

ORGETORIX, the Avenger!! :hammer:

Unlike other rounds, this time we had no thought whatsoever about getting a leader.
It was almost automatic given the number of elite attacks this round.

Hmm, can't railroad in my colony area because route to capital is cutoff. Next on the
list are Ottoman cities in that path! We call everyone into the fray, as our marines
die fighting their lucky guerrillas, and our MI tank on their Marines, saving tanks and
armor for infantry. Pyongsong almost survives the round, running out of MI attacks,
but a sleeping cav wakes up, bridges the gap, and kills the last defender, a rifleman :P

- Tokat, city of dyes, is razed (with MA and MI, no losses)
- Van, city of puny meaninglessness, is razed (single MA takes out RT, two defenders)
- Salonika, rubber-poaching city defended by Siphali, is razed by our cav :hammer:
- Bingol, gateway city, is much tougher, losing 4 MI which soften before MA win
- Akkad is blitzed by MA, taking RT and 2 defenders, MI finishing the last, a rifle.
- Tiny Lagash gets the 1-2-3 RT-Def-Def punch by an MA against only rifles
Poor Orgetorix-Tank wants more vengence, but without its leader, the drivers
get themselves killed vs a Marine. MI's avenge HIS death by slaying 10 guerillas.
- Coastal Aydin taken out by MA and MI.
- Nearby ex-Aydin, another dozen field units are cut down and quartered.
- Airbase made here, in range to pound Ankara, Synop the bloody island cities, and Macao.
- Down south, troops out of range of Ottomans take their last shots at the Iro,
killing well over a dozen units.
- Hefty roadblocks put in place at the on-ramps to the Korean railway :P
* Still three war zones to finish - Iro camp, Antalya/Konya North of Iro, Bursa/Kafa to NW,
Yozgat/Tungeli on our isthmus. The key core ones left (beyond reach atm) are
Iznik the new capital, Uskudar, Edrine. In other words, the turn is half done!
- Brutal success in the Iro killing fields, as MA, MI and tanks crush marines/guerillas
- Izmit we try to soften or take with MI, but end up with all redlined retreats.
But then our MA army lays down serious smack, razing the city, leaving only
Antalya and Konya in Iro land. Braveheart predicts they fall next season.
- At Yozgak two elite tanks fall to a reg inf guarting a RT. Sonofabiscuit, we
lose a MA vs one in the city! Then MI and two tanks fall. Yozgat you see, is on a hill.
MDI-of-Orgetorix(Guerilla) falls to an inf in the open 8-|
The city falls in a classic cav vs Siphali matchup, which we win :P
- Kafa town, two reg defenders on plains, was child's play in comparison.
- We build an airstrip there in range of Burza, Iznik, Tunceli, Konya.
- In newly neutral area we form an ivory colony
- We set up a double thick row of MI on the isthumus to make sure nothing
sneaks by on the extensive rail network.
- We move units next to Tunceli and Bursa, and knock out a RT at each.
- Finally, time for diplomacy, and rebuilding of poor Entremont!
Hiawatha won't give up Space flight (no surprise), but will give his small treasury
of 176g, Embargo vs ottomans, ROP, and if we want, either an MPP or Mil Alliance.
- He's already at war with them and won't even reach his cities before Turks
are toast. The only benefit would be to keep them from joining up vs the Celts.
Then again... bring it! The peace we seek with the Iro is to reduce war weariness,
and more important, get out of mobilization and rebuilt Entremont to its former glory!
We'll go without any alliance right now, in case we have to make peace with Ottomans
in less than 20 for weariness sake (ie, it might take us 20 turns to reach their
- Entremont will need: Temple, Barracks, Granary, Mkplace, STX, Collos, Airport,
and optionally Library-Univ-Lab. A problem that could almost be serious -
we do NOT have a road network free to our rubber colony! :eek:
We'll need to knock out 2-4 cities before a path opens up.
Our treasury is at 1004g-30gpt, at 10% lux slider, in Republic. Quite decent!
Four lux are cut off right now, so re-establishment of path will help immensely.

That was all (cough) ONE turn! :hammer: (Layin' down the smack baby!!)

A look at what simple pillaging has done to Salamanca...


Almost no action midseason except a cruise missile from Iznik onto our MI stack.
Osmon was too busy hiding in a bunker and wondering what horrible mistake he had made!

1902 AD - Order is restored, and the people are weary but holding up ok. We would
have liked to be back in democracy with higher worker efficiency but folks in
a democracy have a thing about being struck by missiles, plus we have THREE boats
full of extra workers about to land back home to rebuild Entremont. Last round we
got three workers on each of the nine tiles to build roads in one turn. We do
however have to kick up lux to 20%.

Entremont, proud to a world-friendly place, adds in people of all extinct civs
to rebuild. A Korea, American, Babylonian, Viking, and even Chinese from the old days!

- Macao is razed, losing 1 MI (almost lost 3)
- Babylon likewise razed, losing 2 MI. Down with it goes Shakespeare's Theatre,
Pyramids, and Great Wall! :hammer:
- Adana is razed, losing 1 MI and seeing FIVE retreat.
- Anyang, size 6, few MA in the area, we ignore the RT and raze it directly
- Tunceli is next on the list, the MA hit... first 4 win (wow) and that's it, razed!
BIG NEWS! That frees the railroad network to old Korea and old Scandinavia/Babylon.
Our luxes flow in like honey, all 8 now! Also rubber is back online! :D
Zero lux tax, and positive income again, phew! 11 captured Ottoman workers
are escorted to Entremont to see first hand the damage, and are put to work on cleanup.
- Next, the capital, Iznik. Too big and strong, we move MA into position this round.
- At Konya/Antalya we bomb out the RT-infantry and take it. The MA Army takes out
two defenders at Konya. Another MA takes out the last two, and it's burned to the ground!
- Bursa, to attack this round or not? Next round, but we move up.

Midseason, just one marine attacked a tank and lost, that's it.

1904 AD - A full complement of *138* workers have just finished the rails and
mines all around Entremont. It's 100% re-improved! Delighted to be restored, with a
marketplace last turn, the Great Leader Orgetorix rushes the completion of a factory :P

- Antalya is bombarded. The Leader is immediately replaced with a new one,
Caractus, Tank Commander. Must use MI's to finish and they die three in a row,
promoting the defender to elite. One more finishes him, razing the city.
We have the pleasure of seeing a GL get run over by our haltracks :P
- Next we hit Bursa. We lose two MI to soften, then see it was so weakly
defended there was no need. MA easily raze it. Down with it go... the Hanging Gardens!
- Le capital, Iznik. Your time has come. We lose 2 MA, a tank, and the MA crush the city!
- Uskudar gets nervous now, and rightly so, although Edrine is the new capital.
It survives this round, but sees a stack of MA arrive next to it

Over the next eight years it's more of the same. Entremont almost gets a new building
a turn, and Ottoman cities go down faster than ribs at an all-you-can-eat buffet!

Uskudar and Edrine are the last Ottoman cities on the continent, and are wiped out.
(Side note - I don't know if 5CC rules would allow taking the two cities on islands as
payment and abandon them immediately, but it sure would save me time - about 20 turns.
Instead I'll pass on the quick solution, and give peace for the 20 turns it takes to get
a transport over there. It's a Loooooong trip! The thought also comes to mind of founding
a city on a canal site, passing ships through, and abandoning them - also forsaken.)

- Medal of Valor goes to a lone Vet Ottoman guerilla defending a RT behind Edrine
this round. He killed TWO Vet Modern Armor (!) and promoted! Then he made a third
retreat! (On grass, not mountain, mind you) Finally a fourth took him out. Brave soul!

In 1914 the shameless Ottomans finally talk. We don't use the term 'peace', but
rather 'temporary cease fire'. They Ottomans object but have no choice. We demand
Space Flight and they comply. Too bad they couldn't offer advanced flight :naughty:

The pressure from the forsaken "international community" is too much, and the people
so sad about the war (not the people of Entremont, mind you!) Braveheart wishes now
he were not secretary of the UN, for he must - by his role - apply 'sanctions' to
them for the next 2- yrs.

(BTW, how on EARTH does the game calculate top cities? Ruined Sinop is #5, and we
only have two of top five (Entremont, Lugdunum, pillaged Salamanca, Allegheny)

Here's some images showing what happens when you open up a Big huge can
o' whoop-a$# !! -- minimaps show 1900 AD beginning, end of 1900, and end of 1904.


(To be continued!)
Charis Stoneheart
Despair not, General Charis Braveheart, and O citizens of Entremont! Though these may seem like the darkest of days, your moment of glory is at hand! For one day, the day shall come when the great Celtic Republic will rule the face of the Earth!

Coincidentally, as the capital was nuked, a sneak attack in Fanatika caused the loss of 5 cities...

Good Luck, General!
Oh foul treachery! How the Celts weap for their fallen city, may the blood of those responsible become as lead in their veins!

I too have never used a nuke in Civ 3 Charis, nor have I been nuked before. Now, crush the Ottomans, crush the reclining chairs! crush any piece of furniture, just make them pay!!
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