CharisTale1- Celtic Christmas (Deity5CC)


Realms Beyond
Dec 20, 2001
Midwest, USA
There had been talk of trying a 5-City Challenge game on Deity where
the only successful win condition was... conquest. Whether for fear
of insanity or for busy schedules, it has not yet come to pass. After
LK36 became non-5CC I wanted to test the idea. I spoke against using
the Celts as their UU would be mistimed, both due to despotism and the
speed the AI gets to Feudalism. So I thought I would test the Celts...
This report is the tale of this Deity 5CC quest...

"A Celtic Christmas Tale" - Part One, the Five Golden Ages

Five golden rings, five golden ages, so was the tale told by the Celtic
Generals during their Christmas season. The age of Gallic Swordsmen,
the age of Knights, the age of Cavalry, the age of Tanks, the age of
Modern Armor. With these five ages, the generals wondered if it could
be done with only five cities. One intrepid soul (or was it one
foolhardy soul) stepped forth to try - his name was Braveheart.
(Charis Braveheart, to be precise, but none thought a name meaning
"grace" would befit a bloodthirsty warmonger!)

Here is the picture of the start of his reign...


Braveheart liked starting on a river, but he couldn't stomach being
off the coast but having coastal waters. For cultural game I might go
coast, but for conquest, he chose inland (blue dot). The very first thing
he set his sights on was the working of Iron, to train the ultimate
fighting machine (and to be sure a source of iron lay within the
spheres of the five cities!) Realizing the task is beyond his own
abilities, he makes an offering to above, chopping down a forest
right away to start a temple. His other generals thought this
peculiar behavior, but he said something about people treating you
nicer when you gave the appearance of being cultured. He vowed to
follow this up with straight expansion and military training.

Just over a millenium later (2900BC), no research was done, but a hut
of pleasant barbarians taught him the art of making clay vessels,
Pottery. It is good timing in that we were just about to produce
a settler and see wheat and dual cattle nearby!

Just as Braveheart was wondering if he was on an island, we run into the
borders of China in 2270BC. We see gems there. Luxuries. There's a thought!
We have NONE nearby and without lux, the people are so sad, and have no
wares to sell. The first of many bold moves - we found Richborough *way*
out from the other cities to snag the gems. It will be our frontier town,
and if it is never sacked, Braveheart himself will be surprised. The Chinese
know all we know, plus Bronze Working, Masonry, Wheel, Mysticism.

Off to the west we see the colored markings of some nation, but can't make
it out. German? Babylonian? Just after we read a millenial report that
lists our neighbors on this globe. In order of Happiness... Korea, Iroquois,
China, Americans, Ottomans, Vikings, Babylonians, and... our Celts.
(Ah, that is Korean blue, not Germany or Babylon!) That same year Babylon
completes the Pyramids. We go about in peace, with nothing to trade, and
nothing to do but slowly (so slowly) build up our tiny empire.

A hundred years later, contact with Celts has been traded around. Good thing
because we're not doing well exploring and can't afford it. Braveheart is
glad at this point he is "playing the world." We *NEED* to finish Iron
Working before founding a city with our next and last settler! (It's 1870BC)

Eighty years later we learn Mysticism from a hut, and soon after Trondheim
finishes something called the Oracle.

Three hundred years pass, and it's as if the Celtic nation is in slow motion.
We don't even know the Wheel!!! The Babs sell such knowledge to us out of
pity. Thankfully we DO have horses once Camulodunum expands.

Korea founds on our penninsula from across the water, lovely. (1200 BC)

At the turn of the next millenium we see someone finishing the Great Wall,
and we finally see where iron is located. Down south, probably too far down
south to hold. Braveheart is feeling a bit down. Korea notices this and
demands tribute!! We give in, don't we? What else can we do? Not Braveheart!!
He figures they're seeing what we're made of and will pounce only if they
see us flinch. (Besides, cough, it's a test game not looking too good, and
today seems like a good day to die!) We refuse and...

... they were bluffing! (Oh my!! I never knew they did that on deity?! I've
always given in when this weak!) In case they start thinking funny, we buy
Horseback riding for gpt from them.

Soon after, in 900BC, the Ottomans found a city in our first ring, which will,
on expansion, cut off the route to our southern city!

Here is a shot of our meager Golden Rings, along with this Orange blight!


Things to note- China aggressively settled to take the gems from Richborough.
Besides Entremont, here are our cities:
- Alesia (2510BC) has a cattle, one wheat, two gold hills, is our only coastal city.
- Lugdunum (2310BC) has two wheat, a hill, no overlap with capital
- Camulodunum (2030BC) has horses and two cows
- Iron is not yet hooked up, but it's on hill next to Richborough (1025BC)

By 775BC, Korea has finished the Lighthouse and most cascade toward the Library.
We've been pumping warriors non-stop (albeit slowly) and we're now actually
stronger than America, equal to Babylonians. Alas, 10 units more than allowed
and a real financial burden.

In 610 BC our *FIRST* Gallic Sword is made! Um... JUST as several AI leaders
have changed clothes to "Middle Age". Some swordsman rush, eh??? First sword
appears and they're ALREADY at Feudalism. (Gasp, sigh, sputter) In fact,
eighty years later Koreans are starting Sun Tzu and we've not had our first
war yet in a conquest game. Next the Iro's finish the GL, the Ottomans finish
the Hanging Garden, and our deal with Korea ends. They're thin, at war with
America and Iro.

In 430 BC we now have FOUR Gallic Swords (GS), and our treasury is running
dangerously low from the upkeep! Treasury is 11g but deficit of -5gpt! Oh MY
are we backwards on tech!! It's time to start a war, lest we starve to death.

... We tell Korea to get OFF our land ...

(To be continued soon)
Charis Braveheart
CharisTale2 - Celtic Christmas - Part Two - The first Golden Age

... We tell Korea to get OFF our land ...

and he does. Hmmm... deity AI bluffs and backs down from threats. Has
Braveheard crossed into the twilight zone? He's miffed. He WANTS war. He
NEEDS war. He'll have to sell his barracks to feed the people if no war.
Braveheart glares coldly at China, aka He-who-poaches-Gems...

Braveheart had this contingency already planned! The Chinese strays are
surrounded already, we declare war reputably!

First attack our horse dies, second our GS wins, promotes, and...

Our Golden Age is kicked off!! :hammer: (The "First" Golden Age - Swordsmen)

Immediately China drags in America to ally against us! :sad:

We take... er... raze, our first city. (5CC) At Tatung, gem city,
a MedInf cleans our spears' clock. Our horse kills him in counter.
Our GS promotes to elite vs spear at Shantung.
Midturn, America pulls Bablyon into the war. I smell a dogpile! :eek:

We autoraze Shantung (370BC) with a GS victory. Elite horse at Tatung... razes it!
That's THREE smoldering ruins. China refuses to hear us. OK, fine.
Midturn - our hill-fortified spear successfully baits and MDI and archer, -> elite.
Our first GS death to an archer, the guy who razed Shantung. We'll need to write
a heroic epic about that guy someday!

The Celts autoraze Kaifeng. Will China talk? Yes, and they'll give all three
visible techs. We buy Alphabet to see more. "Close to a deal". We'll sack one more.

In the interim season, Scandinavia demands tribute from the 'puny Celts' ?!
Hmm... He's too far away. Bring it on!! Bluffing! Wow, that's surprising for a Viking!

China asks US to talk. But now we have a lethal stack outside their city. (310BC)
Tough luck, Mao. With writing in hand, a TON more techs for tribute open up.
Vikings will sell it for 29g+6gpt. With China now we're "close to deal" for four techs.
We send a GS pair agaist Tsingtsao to 'negotiate'. One retreats, the other wins and
promotes to elite. Now he'll pay four techs, "close deal" for five :P
It's a lot of jungle and mountains to his next cities, although we're third ring to
Beijing. While our power hasn't been raising due to razing, China is almost cut
in half! We have an 'average' military compared to them! Hmmm... I say we press
the attack! We're taking our own little Deity RoP with Ottoman land :P

(Braveheart feels almost giddy with the effectiveness of his units here,
mere swords in an age of Feudalsim. But Feudalism doesn't help fringe cities
with no iron. Here's a picture of the situation...)


Braveheart closes in on Shanghai. Several Gallics retreat, and an elite dies, but
we succeed. China will now give us all FIVE techs. Soon, one more town to raze.

In 170BC, our temple expands borders at Richborough, bringing gems online, nice!
Next turn Korea completes SunTzu. I'm glad their home is not on my continent.
We raze Tsienstin. Now Mao has capital (under siege) and four cities. We need to
make peace before he's dead to get tech from this assault. He's "close" to all
six tech (Monarchy now, not Polytheism, which we just researched).

In 110 BC, Braveheart reaches Beijing with six Gallics. The Iros attack first, but
do not take the city, choosing to pillage instead. They leave it with ONE spear
defender, who we easily defeat. Beijing is razed! Since we can't even SEE the last
two Chinese cities, we take peace now, and get...

Masonry, Philosophy, Code of Laws, Lit, Map, Monarchy, WM+9g.
Not bad for our (cough) Ancient Era war!! :hammer:

Our next foe is clear too, Ottomans have a city smack in the middle of our
continent, and three small ones below that. Plus, do we really want to taste
Siphali later? Not only that, we're about 1.5 turns from Iznik which is first
ring to Istanbul!

Our army in the field will heal, and get in position for next time.
Hmm, we are religious, although not acting like it! Let's go to Monarchy!

Unit costs are killing us in Monarchy, I'm afraid. We better get some
infrastructure! Entremont starts Library, all others start Courthouses.
Scandinavia lacks Monarchy, has Math and Republic. They won't give the latter,
so we take math and gold and WM.

It's 10 BC - Our Golden Age is over... (boo!) Jiminy Christmas do we have cash
problems!!! Treasury 20g MINUS 21 gpt! It was +8 or so in GA. It's unit costs.

First war went well, but now we're seeing Knights and we've got horse and
buggy and swords. The Celts are behind 2/3 of an era :sad:


In the interim, the evil Ottomans see our worker nearby and demand tribute! :eek:
What to do, what to do???

(To be continued)
Charis Braveheart
CharisTale1 - Celtic Christmas - Part Three "Second Golden Age - Manifest Destiny"

"Sire, a word please," asked Bravehearts advisors. "Sire, will we be holding elections anytime soon?" "Elections???! Are you mad?? I'm running this show," responded the fearless leader. "Then Sire, I must inform you that the official name of our kingdom must be changed, as there is no 'line of succession' - this is the tale of Braveheart alone." Braveheart looked at them blankly, then realized, that quite correct were his advisors: the Celtic Chieftess, Celtic Cunobelin, and Gonzo for Celtic Civ. He went back to war preparations...

When last we heard Braveheart's tale, the Ottomans were demanding tribute.
Looking at that absolute blight of a city in the middle of OUR continent,
Braveheart forms the concept of Manifest Destiny - a subcontinent under
Celtic rule ALONE, with no foreign occupations. The Ottomans do not fit
in with Manifest Destiny. We refuse, and they...

... turn tail, make no attack, but instead back away. (Braveheart rubs his eyes?!)

Braveheart is no bluffer. He sees TWO settler pairs guarded by MDI's in the
open, declares war honorably and whacks them, liberating four workers. The
blight town, Adana, is almost defeated by has one more defender. Down south
we surround THREE other towns.

Midturn we get two promotions, then see... the big guns. Knights. The Golden
Age of Knights, foretold by the prophets, and yet... not OUR Knights. Our
Gallics, vs someone else's knights. Our treasury goes negative and a worker
is disbanded. (ow!)

We raze a city, and take free peace from America and Babylon.

The Ottomans help to solve our cash flow-excess unit problem by slaying 2 swords.

Next turn same principle, we lose two spears. But they parade a settler pair
again. Baam! Whack. Then we raze Salonika.

In 110 AD the earlier tech purchase's 20yrs are up. Back to slightly positive
cashflow. Phew! Two turns later as things get really hot, Iroquois demand
tribute. This time, we view them as crafty, and not bluffing. Not good timing
at all. I give in... for now.

In 170 AD, a very sad sight. Here come the pikes and longbows on horizon.
I didn't make it. :eek: My advantage was surprise and blitz, but the AI can
outproduce me and a war of attrition is death for me. Time to get tribute
while we still can. We see that "close" for those two techs is just 8g+3gpt,
so we take them.

It's 190 AD, and we're in the Middle Ages now. We take several turns just to
recover and adjust to the new peace. Then an opportunity to be clever - we can
trade our non-excess Gems to Iro for Feudalism and Ivory. Golden deal for us, as
long as trade route isn't cut. Iro are top civ, Ottomans second. The downside of
the deal is no more GS. 8-( It's gotta happen sometime, I NEED pikes.

Less than a hundred years later the dreaded Ottomans start to fill in the land
which China vacated. They should really be taken out BEFORE Siphali, but... with
what?? Up North... Uh oh.. Korea lands a knight *in the forest* outside Lugdunum!!??

Red alert - semi-"sneak" attack coming!! I run the workers away and look for
a deal. I was wondering who would be next foe, and Korea ranked right up there.
We rearrange workers on tiles to max our gpt income, then trade for Engineering
for 33gpt. Our 'real' income is only 11gpt. If he doesn't declare war, we are *bankrupt*.
Let's save even one round of payment. We demand he leaves... Wang Kong declares war!!


Er... there's just one problem. Our only defense at that city is two spears.
Our only defense at ANY city is two spears 8-\
We upgrade them both to Pikes, and shift over some Gallics. The Koreans have four
small corrupt cities on our land, so the goal is simple, to destroy those four and
demand more tech for peace. The problem, again, no offense whatsoever.
Several cities are just a few turns from much needed aqueducts, and must finish,
then they're set to resume full time troop production. Lugdunum however, swaps to MDI.

(IBT) Our Pike looks poised to lose, but the knight drops to 1hp and retreats!

The next few rounds go well, with several promotions, and we raze a small town.

Braveheart simply passes on the text of the historian clerk for rest of this era...

360 AD - Paegan to the North is razed. Two workers are liberated. At Kaesong to
the South my GS drops immediately to 1hp, as I chant 'Retreat! Retreat!' He plugs
on, and defeats the Pike! The MDI then defeats the spear to raze the city,
liberating two more workers. Are you starting to feel kinda silly about your
"sneak attack," Wang?! Not bad enough to talk. That's ok, we have one more city
to remove from our subcontinent, anyway! Manifest Destiny! :hammer:

370 AD - Midturn Korea does want to talk, and isn't "quite" ready to give up
Invention. I'll pass. Last turn I specifically avoided putting any units in range
of a longbow from Taejon, and sure enough, one runs out of the city now, into
the open. Fishbait!!

Entremont hits 20spt, a MDI every two rounds, nice!
Alesia tries to slip in a harbor, since we have none.

MUSKETS at Taejan?? Ow, ow, ow... Thank goodness they're regs. One dies.
(IBT) Longbow comes out and kills a pike, dropping to 1 hp.

380 AD - That dropping to 1hp thing was crucial. We kill their last musket, with
a MDI dying and a GS winning, and only have a very injured GS left vs the longbow.
We win and raze the city!!! Korea has been *expelled* from our subcontinent!

:hammer: With that goal achieved and now facing muskets, I'm ready for peace, is he?!

He is, and he'll give invention. If we got invention elsewhere... would he give
gunpowder? We can't afford to buy invention anywhere 8-\
To see how short we are, I adjust sliders. Yikes, even 38gpt and all our 84 gold is
only 'close'.

I talk to my 'vassal' China. How does 38gpt sound? No???? How about you take 31gpt
or I cancel our peace treaty NOW?? You'll take it?? Excellent! Smart move!

The question is... will Korea give up gunpowder? If not I've made a big mistake!?
They will?? Yay! They're not too far from giving up monotheism too, but I'm
already in the hole big time on the last deal - I've not adjusted the sliders back!

Peace treaty for Gunpowder, WM, 5g and 7gpt. (And you can think of it as free
Engineering on the turn starting the war too.) That and a cleared continent, yay!

We're at peace again, near 90g-3gpt, and ready for a build up 20 turn phase.
New build orders: 2 mktplace, 1 aquduect, 1 colloseum, 1 harbor.

Eep, looked for a moment like no saltpeter. But we have some in our area,
JUST inside our borders, unconnected on a hill. Alas, once a small Viking
town expands, it will take it. We may not get 20 turns of peace afterall!?

400 AD - Ottomans complete Leo's. Ow, ow, ow, Siphali upgrades!

410 AD - At end of turn, Korea landed a settler pair RIGHT on our shore near the old
settlement, and now found a city. 8-\ Grrr... when peace is up, that puppy is
razed. Then Babylon declares war on Korea (sweet!)

450 AD - It's dogpile on the Koreans! Americans declare war on them! Exactly as
before, this happens *immediately* after they settle a city on our continent!?

The AI civs are amazingly poor, and I think it's affecting the tech pace of the
game (good for me!) Somehow, I'm the ONLY civ at peace?! :p

470 AD - Koreans have 12 turns of peace left, Ottomans 15. Lux deal expires with Iro.
Hmm, Scandinavia lacks Chemistry. I now have one more gems, perhaps to trade to
Ottomans. Well sell it to him for 300g, then rearrange tiles yet again to put us into
total hock but 'look like' +20gpt income. Then we talk to Iro to renegotiate the
lux deal. Chemistry for WM+Gems+20gpt, +293gold if he includes Ivory, else +180g
if no ivory. That's a difference of about 6gpt, and one slider notch costs 10gpt
but gets two happy faces where important, vs one for the lux. Tough call.
Still... I would prefer that excess lux of his NOT go elsewhere, so I'll take it.
Vikings and America lack Chemistry, Babylon has it, all others have Metallurgy too.
One will give Republic, and the other Monotheism - that's ALL they can offer. 8-\
Actually, getting Monotheism first, now Theology or Chivalry are choices. Only
one though, my choice. Hrmm.... Theology is the more expensive, but Chivalry the
most useful. I think I can win next mini-war with Korea w/o Chivalry and demand it
or Education. Besides, I have happiness problems and could use cathedrals pretty
badly - plus they're cheap for us. All but Vikings have Education, a few have
printing press.

Now we readjust workers again... ouch!! With lux at 10% we're -13gpt. Kicking to
0% and more entertainers is -11gpt. Looks like another 20 turns of selling WM
every turn! 8-|

(IBT) Ottomans and Korea come to peace.

500 AD - After another turn of extreme micromanaging, the people cheer and expand the
palace this turn. (He's got the budget deficit down to ONLY -10gpt yay!)

- Clerk's report, end.

Braveheart's M.O. is now clear - keep home continent clear, research all techs
by "pointy stick" (war and peace tribute), going deep into debt to get crucial
enabling techs, and micromanage and sell WM's to all every turn. It's a real
mixed of warfare, diplomacy and building!


Thus ends the Golden Age of Manifest Destiny.
(To be continued)
Charis Braveheart
CharisTale1 - Celtic Christmas - Part Four "Third Golden Age - The Republic"

Braveheart went to speak to his financial advisor and the Celtic historian.
The former spent a looong time looking over the status of the cities and moving
workers from the most productive tiles to the best commerce tiles. He was pleased
to reduced the deficit to "only" -10gpt. Braveheart shakes his head and orders
the cartographer to sell fresh World Map updates every turn to help out.

His historian brought news of cheer from the good Celtic people, who were
delighted by the tales of the kingdom and beseeched a "Heroic Epic", a tale
grand and glorious enough to deserve the honor of the pen. Braveheart would try
to see to this as soon as possible. The year now is 500AD, and he finishes
cathedrals to cry out the glory of God and to declare peace to men on whom his
favor rests!

The Iroquios and Babylonians instead seek the pleasures of man and a man
named Bach starts a great work. A few years later, Korea lands a Knight-settler
near their SW city on our continent 8-\ We go to renegotiate peace, and they
won't even take it for free. Your call, Wang Kon, war it is! Their settler pair
and knight are converted to workers for the Celtic cause. We'll need to strike
and do our damage fast, as our offense is quite weak.

In 600AD, Korea lands ANOTHER Knight-settler pair on our land. He's going to make
it easy to give him sufficient pain to sue for peace. We raze both North and South
cities, with Gallics and MDI's. NO leaders, but no losses either. Then an MDI whacks
the settler pair. (Thank goodness they don't believe in barracks. We promote to elite)

Fifty years later, we await Korea to get tired of war and pay for peace, so we look
to our nextadventure. The only other civ with cities on our continent are the
Scandinavians. We have no treaties with them, and once Aarhus expands (if it ever does),
we'll lose our only supply of saltpeter. So we shift troops over to there, and to their
other cities, Odense and Stavenger, in the Southern jungle.

The Iroquois, a large and unhappy country, require gems to keep the people happy,
and thanks to our Southern placement of Richborough, we have some extra gems.
We trade gems+7gpt for Republic, Silks and Ivory. We're hoping for a big income
boost from that over Monarchy. We're making +1gpt, and so revolt...

Saints preserve us!! As a Republic our income skyrockets to +54gpt! I *should*
have known this and bought Republic earlier, compared to -10, +54 is swimming
in cash. Eager now to get banks rolling, I end the war with Korea, taking Banking
and his WM. Sadly, the people are so sad about the war ending, that we must turn
around and BUY Incense from Korea!

In the fateful year of 690AD, Aarhus expands into our saltpeter!! Time for it
to go. We back out of their territory, declare war, and hit 'em. Aarhus loses
one defender, and we raze their closest jungle town. In that same year a boon,
Ottomans declare war on the Iro! Glorious! We hope it's a prolonged bloody stalemate.
If one dominates and wins, major trouble for the rest of the world. Next year we
lose an elite MDI to a reg spear (ouch) then raze Aarhus.

Braveheart's recon scout sees Siphali, for the very first time. They chew up and spit
out an Iro MDI. I'm glad *we're* not at war with Ottomans in this era!

In the banner year of 720 AD, we hit Stavenger, the other Viking city in range,
elite GS vs reg spear, and Braveheart is pleased to see...

A GREAT LEADER, Vercingetorix!! :hammer:

Excellent! What to do with him? No FP this game (5CC), meaning Bach or Army/Epic or
Leo for denial. A cav army could do some dmg. Bach's would rock. We'll get him back
to town to see. That same turn the Vikings declare war on Iro too, excellent.

Then American's start Bach, bringing down the price. Let's see what's up on tech:
Eveyone has - Chiv,PP,MT, and all but America has Astro,Econ,Met.

Viking are ready to talk peace, and we demand a huge discount on Astronomy. We
trade that for Music Theory (what we really want) and Printing Press.
The Celts change Bach's plans for a simple theatre and instead our great leader
inspires him to build a huge cathedral to sing the praises of the creator, making
many happy in our kingdom of five cities! (It was quite a cascade crusher, as both
Smith's (Korea) and Copernicus (Iro) AND Shakespeare (Babylon) complete nex turn!)
We see ourselves now at parity with America, while others have Econ, Democracy
and Metallurgy. Only Ottomans have Physics, and clearly some have Mil Tradition.

Just as we fear the Turkish Siphali will roll over the Iroquios, the latter sign on
the Babylons to cause a two-front war. Excellent, they're all fighting and I'm at
peace finishing banks and universities!

As 800AD approaches, we wonder who will next taste the sting of a Celtic sword, and
the Koreans land ANOTHER settler pair on the slagheap square. Peace due in 9 turns.
Our diplomat receives the first tribute demand in a LONG time, and Braveheart was
wondering when he would be hit up, with 800 in the bank and +124gpt income.
But it's not from who you think - it's Babylon!? We tell him to blow off... and...
he's not bluffing!? War with Babylon. With this much cash it's a great time to
finish off embassies. Istanbul can crank a Siphali every 3 turns at 23spt, has
a garrison of 6 rifles, and 7 lux on hand. Trondheim also 23spt, cav every 3, four
defenders of muskets and spears, 6lux. Darn China is a settler on a boat, no cities!
Poor Abe is down to his last city. I have a minor deal for 9 turns left still going
on there, I hope no stain of our reputation will result!? Then, as if mad, America
declares war on Ottomans. Oh man, talk about signing your death warrant!

The twenty year lifecycle is marked by the new gems deal with Iro. This time we
add 45gpt for Theory of Gravity. Then we make peace with Babs, getting a small
discount on Magnetism (for 59gpt), and suddenly...

... the Celts are in the Industrial Era!! We start Nationalism@40, and look to trade
to China these two new techs for... Mil Tradition, 91g+29gpt, a fair price. The world
war continues and grows, as the Koreans and Ottomans ally vs Iro. The Vikings take
peace with Iro, then Koreans and Ottomans ally vs poor Abe. Our diplomats can hardly
keep track of who is fighting whom! In a few turns our deal with America expires
and we breath easy about our reputation. Abe soon loses his last city, but like
China escapes on a boat with a settler!

In the auspicious year of 980 AD - Interesting timing, Korea sends a single cav
charging out of Haeju, it's lone city on our continent. Just as we finished stockpiling
some troops outside the city. We declare reputably, an Elite MDI attacks the cavalry, and...

Great Leader!! Orgetorix!! :lol:


With no wonders in sight, Braveheart remembers his promise to write a Heroic Epic.
His noblemen and friends hear the tale told about Orgetorix. For the Epic
he receives a title from a nobleman by the name of Plexus -- The Crimson Knight!

The Army of the Crimson knight, made up of Cavalry, finds rifles defending the city,
which are softened up by retreating Gallics, then he gets our armies first victory,
and the tale is transcribed in Lugdunum - at the same time glorious Entremont uses
the publicity to draw young men and leaders into service, and starts a Mil Academy.

Next turn the Koreans land TWO shipfuls of troops! Well, two ships anyway.
All that disembarsks is a lone musket. (Quickly blown away). In other news Braveheart
learns the Vikings have destroyed the Americans. Good riddance! The Ottomans are
starting to look a little gassed! Instead of Siphali hordes now I'm seeing Iro cav
taking ot Ottoman cities!? China and Ottomans then ally vs Babylon. Also we see
Iro's are only major power without Medicine.

It's 1060AD and Korea will talk now, but give really nothing. We'll need to let them
land some more troops for a thrashing first. We note for the first time we have
an "average" military vs a real country - Babylon. The Koreans then land a
musket and a settler. We wonder... what will cause Wang Kon more grief and pain?
Two lost units or a razed city?? Braveheart bets on the latter and lets them
found first. Unfortunately he used the city to upgrade the musket to a rifle?!
It's easily razed, in any case, two turns later. Korea offers 135g+19gpt
(on a reload test later I saw the offer was 135g+11gpt if I whacked settler pair
first instead of letting them found a city)

The Ottomans and Iroquois finally come to peace. The Iro lead by about 33% in power.
Likely both are feeling somewhat gassed.

The Year 1090 AD is noteworthy, for a different reason. It's the year that begins
the Celtic "Covert Ops" program. We can't at present keep up in research, and when
the AI is at peace the pace goes way too fast. The Ottomans alone have Steam Power.
With my workers asleep doing nothing, and with the benefits of rails, that's just not
one I want to wait 40 or 80 turns for. In fact, I want the whole world filled with
rails (easier for conquest with 5CC). Braveheart, having saved up his money, now rolls
the dice on a tech steal... and wins! (Phew) The backup plan if it failed was to
face Ottomans now while they were gassed and take Iro for an ally. Instead, we get
to consider trading the new tech for Medicine and/or Nationalism.

Nationalism is obscenely expensive, and besides, it's due in 19 turns with one of
our scientists looking into it. The Vikings for some reason give the best deal for
Steam, giving 27gpt and Democracy. The Babylons give Medicine for it, and now we
see the Iroquois have Sanitation! Just what our five cities yearn for! Quite nicely,
it's the "year of the gem", time for another deal. We give Steam+Gems for Sanitation+
Ivory+Spice+2gpt! China can give Free Artistry for Steam, useless though that may be.

Here's why we chose to go the route of 'Covert Ops' vs a monopolized tech,
Net gain: Five techs and one net lux for about 400 gold :naughty:
The leaders are so pleased, and want to focus on building, so they end war with
Korea for 216g+14gpt. We then buy two lux from them for 18gpt, to grow happily.

Except for Epic and Academy, all cities switch to Hospital. Workers will need to
hop to it and get railing. We park units on any sites that the Koreans could (would)
come and settle. Things are looking good.

Or... are they??!

We have no coal!! :eek:

Actually, there's only one remotely in range, and it's "owned" by the small town
of Kawauka, which was the brutal epicenter of the Iro-Turkish war (aha!)
It's now owned by the... Ottomans. 8-\


At least we know our next campaign. For now, Vikings offer coal for peanuts,
300g. The Ottomans want even less! Hmmm, need to build up cav, hospitals, and 19 turns
to Nationalism. We can afford 20 turns of peace with the rampaging Ottomans.

The year is 1120 AD, and with treasury at 1053g and income +146gpt, the cartographer
is overjoyed to take a vacation and stop selling the WM every turn! :D
That's how it is the golden age known as "Celtic Republic"

(To be continued)
Charis Braveheart
Good luck Charis! The entire Civ3 Demogame is cheering for 'ya! :D
CharisTale1 - Celtic Christmas - Part Five "Fourth Golden Age - Celtic Cavalry"

Life was good, albeit extremely harsh, in the Celtic lands. Yet Braveheart knew
it was an illusion. The Ottomans and Iroquios would not rest until they had carved
up out land and sacked our great cities, and the Koreans would never know true
peace with our people. Though we are building, it must be done with an eye
towards our next conflict. Besides, we're talking about the Age of Cavalry here,
and our foes are racing to discover infantry! The Celts are greatly cheering
knowing that friends from another land, friends living free and proud in
democracy, are aware of the plight of the Celtics, and are pulling for them :love2:
Speaking of democracy, Braveheart considers switching to that government, mostly
for increased worker efficiency. Yet the frequent and ongoing wars give him pause.

The 1100's start with a cultural expansion at Camulodonum, the first in a long time.
The entire NE of the continent is now in our domain. We rue the end of the Iro-Otto war.
The latter now focus on settling the gaps near my front line, and found a spot next to
my literal troop line. Cankiri. Within a century a military rail net is built up
connecting all cities, now the city areas themselves will be worked on.

The Celtics breath easier when our scientist finally describes Nationalism, but
we're in real need of Industrialization and factories. Braveheart looks at our
16 cav ready to strike those new Turkish villages, and our cav army. We also want
to secure that coal. The workers are all put individually on squares to start
railroads instead of pairing up, for the upcoming coal disturbance. In short, he's
ready to start something. He takes what is becoming a favorite approach of his,
to try a tech steal at immediate lvl, when he is not displeased with either outcome.
Having them declare war on you has its advantages. The result... Industrialization!

Hmmm, a breather for them? Most deals end next turn, things might get interesting.

In fact, the very next mid-season, the Ottomans have the audacity to demand
tribute! They're told to stuff it, and they declare war!?

Braveheart says "Bring it!" [plasma]
The musket in the field about to see Siphali say "Eek!" :eek:

Having a foe in a two-front war is always fun, so we sign an MPP with Iro. (The
infamous 'gems' are used to secure this. It's like they're hypnotized by our gems!)
More importantly, we don't want a two-superpower dogpile on us! As a bonus,
they'll never reach our cities, we'll be fighting the Siphali in the open.
Everyone shows up now with Corportaion. With that MPP in place we're emboldened to
steal it from a lesser power and... we make plans to start stock exchanges soon :P

It's 1270AD, and make our first attack in the war. Target is easy - Kawuaka,
the Coal City. One cav lost and two rifles defeat to raze it. A worker captured
there forms a coal colony on the spot! :D
Next up is Cankiri, their newest town. We lose 2-3 cav but defeat a few rifles
and a sitting Siphali and raze the city. Mid-season the fools show how unwise
they are by bombarding a 'road' at the far edge of our space - which triggers
the mighty Iroquois into war against them! That's almost it for their attack??
Is that how unprepared they are when they declare war? What were we scared of?
Our Army razes a third city, Arcana. A dye is freed up and we build a colony there.
Many loose units in the field are hunted down by our cav and killed.
Braveheart reads what is called the Histogram report, and sees the Ottomans have
already taken a -30% spike in power - and we're only getting warmed up! He
also fears, did we do the wrong thing bringing in the Iroquois? The Turks will
already pay 35gpt for peace! Not enough! :hammer:

The Iro pull together a huge force at Riza, and hurt it, but it still stands.
We rush forward as many troops as we can, they can hit next turn. Again the
Iro attack, but it's a tough nut to crack! In fact, six turns any many reinforcements
later, with cannon now on the scene, it's STILL holding! (Five cav retreats in a
row at one point!) The Ottomans drag city-less China into war against us. Then the
Vikings join in an embargo :sad:

Embargo us, eh? That and our Iro MPP give us the nerve to steal newly learned
Refining. We resell that, adding on 50gpt, for Electricity. Both of those are
sold to Babylon for Communism. A good deal! We DO have oil, btw, near
Richborough :) Once the far flung indefensible outpost city, Richborough has
taken on a 'essential' life of its own. Oil, coal, gems, dyes. This same season
Entremont reaches the point of building one cavalry every turn (80spt).

Oil... is anyone missing it. Braveheart's advisors scan the map. Good, good,
hmm, good, oh my... there are only *TWO* oil in the whole planet! We've got
one right at home, and the other is in the heart of Korea, unconnected!
At the time Braveheart scarely understands the MAJOR implications of this,
but with time, he will.

In the year 1345AD, Riza finally falls. The first three cities took an instant
to sack, this one took what seemed like an eternity. Sadly, we note that
Replaceable Parts, and the end of utility of cav, is coming up sooner than hoped for.


If it took THAT long to take one city, with cav vs rifles, what does that say
for our chances for conquest?? A dejected Braveheart now hopes to ride out
twenty seasons of MPP, take peace, and not hurt Ottomans any more. Our next foe,
very sad to say, must be the Iroquois. And it won't be until we have tanks.

(To be continued)
Charis Braveheart
CharisTale1 - Celtic Christmas - Part Six "Age of Defense"

Things start to heat up... the Ottomans pull the Vikings into war against us.
(Affirming our MPP deal with Iro after all) War weariness is visible for
the first time. Fifth STX is done, Wall Street due in 5 seasons. The Koreans,
like Ottomans, now have steel.

Five Viking cavalry charge us, and like Brave Sir Robin, run right on past us??!
Odd... but we attack them anyway. Our cav dies but a Gallic wins. Not just any Gallic...

Caractacus, the Great Leader!! The very odd thing here, is that we don't have
the cities to support a second army, no FP possible, and no wonders to make.
He can hurry the Epic or Battlefield Medicine, or wait until Sci Meth is researched.

In the midseason we see a ferocious counterattack! It's the difference
between a 'gassed' and 'non-gassed' civ. Eight or ten cav streamed by and we lost
over a half-dozen cav and GS. We need more rifles, or soon... infantry. *AND* rails to
get them up to front line asap! Next few seasons are similar, attrition war, not
one I want to wage. Not only that, but I don't want to hurt the lesser civs too
much and make the Iro stronger, so we play defense and counterattack until our
MPP expires. After losing 4 cav in one turn our war weariness ratchets up a notch,
and we take a peace without much concessions, 80g from Vikings and 170g from Ottomans.

Over the next forty years we catch our breath. Wall Street gives us an income
of +313gpt. Almost the whole world is in communism, and the Iro and Ottomans
come to peace (boo). Cultural expansion at Richborough closes all the gaps in the
center of our land - the subcontinent is finally ours! (1395AD) Soon the three
main powers all have replaceable parts while the Vikings only have Steel.
Sounds prime for a two-for-one covert ops deal!! :naughty:

We try vs Korea, with enough cash to go careful (almost 5K in treasury), and snag it.
But the cost for Steel is just outrageous. We'll pass for now and save up some more
to 'obtain' Sci Method. Braveheart notes then what is not a minor problem!

We have no rubber! :eek:

The Ottomans also have none (say goodnight), Koreans have 1, Iro have 2 extra,
as do the Vikings. So it's plentiful in the world, just not in Celtic territory.
Because we have so few cities, Iro trade it to us for a meager 10gpt!
The rampaging Ottomans destroy the Babylonians. Comparing our military strength,
we're actually STRONG compared to communist Ottomans now :) Avg Monarchy Koreans,
Weak comm Iro, avg comm Vikings. The people are quite pleased and add on to the palace.

A major breakthrough in 1450AD, Korea finally has Sci Method. (Er... everyone does?!)
Our savings have risen, we go carefully. Done. Hmm, ToE would be built naturally in 7.
Almost a waste of a leader, but no reason to risk it, as nothing gained by saving him.

Wasting just 9 turns min research into Espionage, we swap to Atomic, getting that
and Electronics from ToE next turn. We then go Radio in 40. Hoover due in 9.
Ottomans have 6K Gold! Others can pay well for AT too. I think I'll drain them down.
To Ottomans for 6136+26gpt! To Vikings for Steel+Silks+Incense. And sure enough,
Korea and everyone has combustion. To Iro with 101g for Combustion. To Korea for
WM+46g+51gpt. Vikings lack Combustion and will stay that way.

Now everyone is broke and Braveheart have 7K :) Three cities hit 90spt (an infantry)

Nevermind Radio@40, we go full throttle science to 100%, Mass Prod in 13, to be
followed by Mech Xport, not to be sold in stores :P

Just as we think things are quieting down, our lux deal with Korea ends, but
instead of trying to renew it, he... demands... coal!? Go fish Wan!
He declares war. Snake just wanted out of that 50gpt payment for next 18 turns.
He'll pay for that. His mid-continent city for one thing is toast. If he waited longer
though, my next build up is navy. For now I have no ships and no means to take it to
his home. One of his borders just hits the egde of my land and has been annoying me.
Galley, transport and caravel come into view. We swap production to make a few more cav.

In 1470, at Tokch'on our army goes down to 1HP before defeating the vet inf.
Ow ow ow ow! This intermediate zone between Rep Parts and Motor Xport is the
age of defense. We'll need more artillery. No sooner do I say that then press
the attack before he can reinforce, and win first cav vs inf. battle and promote. One
more is there. A retreat and win, promoting, city is razed and settler liberated :hammer:

Ottomans have Mass Production. (Figures, we trying to actually research it)
I'm not going to speed them to tanks by trading electronics, so we use their
recent cash payment against them, carefully. Next up, Motorized Transport,
and we push up the sci slider again. Due in 12.

All cities are now size 20 with irrigations changed to mines to keep them there.
Two spots still will grow 1-2 more with no irrigation. Lugdunum and Entremont hit 100spt!
Alesia starts shifting over to naval production. It's our only coastal city.

After four seasons, the Koreans finally land a real platoon on our shores. 3 Infantry
and *12* cavalry. Time to inflict some pain!! Via the magic of railnet, we pull over our
artillery and bomb each of the infantry down to 1hp, then pull over vet first, then
elite cavs... Four losses, no promotions, no leaders. But their stack is gone.
The Ottomans soon research amphibious war, and since marines might be useful while
we wait for tanks, we pay for it. (Trade, that is, not covert ops :P )

Braveheart notices that our military advisor says we're no longer considered 'weak'
by anyone, with our 121 units. At the risk of being to confident, recent results, strong
economy, strong production, and Hoover next turn, along with no oil for most civs...
the fearless Braveheart feels for the first time that his civilization might triumph!

Behold the Hoover Dam, the Maginot line, and the status of the Celts in 1510AD...


(To be continued)
Charis Braveheart
Brilliant Story!:goodjob: Can't wait for the rest!
CharisTale1 - Celtic Christmas - Part Seven "Age of Tactics"

The year is 1510AD...

With the dawn of Motorized Transport about to occur, Braveheart knew it was
time to act! With only one other oil source on the map, he HAD to control it.
And lacking a rubber supply of his own, he HAD to gain one. But who to attack?
The natural choice of Ottomans would leave us with two long fronts, a nightmare
to defend. Instead, we're going to do a CCW sweep of the planet! Starting with Korea,
we'll roll over them to take the oil, keep rolling over the Vikings, and keep going
after that with the Ottomans, leaving the savory Iroquois for a final bloodbath.
Until that time, use MPP or alliances to keep from getting in a dogpile.

The war pretty much starts when Korea moves *11* infantry into a forest next to our
fortifications. It's duck hunting season! Swing by the artillery first, then here
come the first two tanks off the press. Next Radio is started, at 40, expecting
someone else to research Flight. Entremont and Lugdunum can spit out one tank per turn.

Braveheart thought "Oh crud, a bit of a problem!" An Iro town, and worse, the hot
zone Ottoman town on which our fortifications are placed, expand their borders.
That means get RoP's or shift all units back. 8-\ Since the heart of braveness
doesn't want war with them (now), but wants to prosecute Korean war, he gives RoP's.

We bombard the heck out of the Korean SoD, with good effect. Then the tanks and
elite cav hit 'em. Five retreats and one loss, but we slaughter the stack.
Using the marines vs the hurt inf helped. The highlight was an elite infantry...

GL Boudicca!! :hammer:

While it feels great... these aren't as useful this game. In fact, the best use
is probably to hurl my army at something tough, then make a new army with tanks.
After the carnage, Wang Kon is ready to talk, but... nothing to offer. We're
gunnin' for you!

Speaking of Flight, the Ottomans research it soon after. We'll save up, and wait
for his payments to us to end in 5 turns, then thing about obtaining it.
(If a steal fails, we'll raze four cities to the ground on round 1!)

The Koreans marched five more marines into the forest-of-death!
We pummel each one down to 1hp with artillery, then let loose da vet tanks.
It's like "auto-promote" with their blitz ability vs 1hp foes.

What to do with Boudicca? We're deep in enemy territory and our secondary force
took a lot of dmg. Battlefield Medicine will actually be VERY useful this game,
and it's not like we need a space parts placeholder. It's rushed in Alesia.


Braveheart uses a two-prong attack. The main force heading for his cities (Ulsan)
is three dozen strong, with a secondary force from the rear out to disconnect the
rubber and hold it to become a colony. The former draws all his attention, so the
latter succeeds!

Braveheart, ever the tactician, launches a third small force for 'pinning' action.
It's a transport full of goodies landing on a hill next to Pyongyang - this
stack keeps Wang Kon from sending reinforcements to Ulsan :D

The Ottomans want a piece of the action and offer an MPP. Hmmm... Braveheart was just
thinking, this ROP that Korea has with Ottomans is leaving us too exposed with rails,
he should ask them to ally. But are the Ottomans thinking about hitting the Iro?
He asks about an alliance instead. For just 36gpt instead of 18gpt, he can take the
much safer alliance route. Then, as soon as they declare war on Korea, Braveheart
the bold steals Flight from his new allies :naughty: We start four airports.

Indeed Battlefield Medicine is helping us to weather the counterattacks of the
Koreans, on their soil. Several seasons of bombardment and counterattack, then...

Great Leader Cunobelinus! It's time now to not hold back our cav army anymore -
this new leader can make a tank army. Army beats a marine and blitzes against an
infantry. Oh, that's it! City is razed! :hammer:

Braveheart wonders if they will come out of the city to try to counterattack,
or buckle down...

Neither - they sign the Vikings on to an MPP, dragging them into war with both
us and the Ottomans. Braveheart is NOT amused! With Ottomans getting Electronics,
we figure it's a good time to pass that on to the Iroquois and sign an MPP with them!

The Koreans seem to have developed the ubermarine. Out in large numbers, they
are shredding my tanks and infantry with ease! :eek:

Worse... these deaths kick our war weariness up a big notch. From 10% to 40% lux.
In fact, we see a Marine *army* outside our rubber colony! We bombard it to about 5 hp,
then go at it with our marines. It just takes one, ha!

"More units!" cries Braveheart, and he orders the creation of a Old Korean airbase!

As a few more tanks arrive we go after Pyongyang, and though we lost several,
the city is razed! Nine workers captured. Next we move on Pusan.
His Marines are on steroids and chew up 2 more fortified infantry. Er...
we have NONE left on the front tile, uh oh 8-o
Next round, all infantry, and we'll airlift 'em to our new airbase. In the mean time
we pillage all roads in front of us and step BACK one instead of advancing!
Throw in some quick fortresses, move up some artillery, and now Braveheart is
heard to chant across the gap... "Who wants some?? Come get some!!?"

A new century, 1600AD, but the optimism felt a while back is depleted. Our reserves
and production and troop count is so low, and spread out. When we have to face the
Iroquois it's going to be way ugly. Do we shore up, mass produce tanks, and
blitz the world at Modern Armor?? The current plan is to try to grab the only
other source of oil on the planet. If the Iro snag it, the world will not be safe.


(To be continued)
Charis Braveheart
This is quite amazing a story, keep it up! :goodjob:

I thought I would never play a Deity game but now I feel inspired. What map settings did you use?
CharisTale1 - Celtic Christmas - Part Eight "Age of Tanks"

The Age of Tanks... starts with a query from one called "Of the Sea",
regarding the most ancient history of the Celts. The world is a medium-mass
Pangaea, standard sized, wet and warm, thought to be 5 Billion years old.
The opponents (seven in number) were random and unknown, although the barbarians
were quite sedentary. Every victory condition was enabled, but only conquest
would satify the bloodlust of Braveheart!

So far so good, thought Braveheart. He ordered the movement of a stack of
doom onto a mountain just two km from Seoul. Pusan starts to get heavy
bombardment. Their Stock Exchange, Library, Marketplace, Harbor, all
destroyed by mortar fire. Size 19 as well. Harsh but happy news... the
rampaging Ottomans have (finally) eliminated the Chinese! Braveheart was
wondering if he would get close to conquest and never actually find them! :lol:

The next season more gruelling shells fall on Pusan, some doing hp dmg for a change.
In fact, top defender is now a reg infantry. We don't need any more invitation than
that! First the elite tanks roll, then vet tanks, then elite cav. We lose only one
tank, see a few retreat, and defeat about six to finish off Pusan!

It had Sun Tzu?? Raze it!! :eek:
The captured workers form a fortress right then, on the spot!

We send the stack of doom (SOD) across the shelled-out roads to our next target.
Bah, Iro and Vikings sign peace treaty. If Vikings attack me of course they'll
get sucked back in. Before the season even ends, the foolish Vikings RE-declare
war on the Iro due to their MPP.

Seoul gets literally hammered, buildings in ruined, and it's down to size 13,
as my main force arrives. Then another shot... Kaboom, the metropolis walls
crumble, leaving only a city. Time to go in! The cav army is ordered forth to
either glory or its death! Actually, both! It defeats one, then dies to a second
infantry. Our recent hero heads home to build a newer, stronger army, of tanks.
We lose a tank but beat down 8 defenders to raze Seoul, and with it, Smith's
Trading Co. The capital moves to Philadelphia. "To Philly?" asks his general.
"No!" cries Braveheart, "Double time over to the oil!! We'll come back for Philly."
The people whine and complain, raising war weariness quite a bit. Braveheart
groans, and raises the luxury taxes to 50%. The Koreans muster no counterattack.
Indeed they are gassed!

We pause to assess progress. Histogram report shows us climbing slowly, still about
15% compared to Iro 40%. Our mil advisor says we're strong compared to all but Iro,
and avg vs them. Ottomans have slipped back into Democracy, let's hope that reverses
soon. We have 190 units, of 30 tank, 71 inf, 34 artil, 22 cav, 6 battleships,
1 transport, 2 fighter, 4 bomber, 1 army and 1 GS, 5 Guerillas. 8 marines and
just 4 workers. 4 Native that is, over 70 captured.

Ottomans and Vikings sign peace. Bah... no drop out of democracy...
Then again... silly Vikings immediately redeclare war on Ottomans due to MPP!
The Democratic Ottomans already have Radio. We're due in 16 and will wait it out,
as they need Motorized Transport to see the modern age.

In 1655AD, for the FIRST time, our military of 203 units is "Strong" compared to
every other civ in the game! Yet we keep our alliances with Iro's going so as to
not get a dogpile against us.

The next season Wonson is knocked down to size 12, and a dozen waiting tanks start
to roll in... and through. (3 lost) On the last defender we get a humorous animation
of a self-destructing Hwatch'a.

Now there are four North Korean cities, and several others I can't get to.
Up North, I load up a full transport of tanks, and slide about 8 tanks to the
other North Coast city of Namp'o. Hyangsan will likely fall next round with the
army and SOD next to it, and Philadelphia should fall in around five rounds.
Our Carrier comes in range of NE Cheju and its bombers take out the STX and Rax.
(Midseaon their patented ubermarines cut down another inf, and almost a tank.)


The crucial oil patch is secured! :hammer: (We now have an oil monopoly)
Hmm, you can make an airstrip in the mountains? There's a good spot next to oil.

The next 40 years are full of bloodshed, but straightforward tactics.
- Shell city down to size 12, send in the tanks, raze the city.
- Cheju, and Namp'o, and Philly (with stiff defense) all fall in this way
- Stockholm, Oslo feel this painful routine as well
- In between the Korean capital moves to Uruk, the city near 'our' rubber colony.

Braveheart ponders the situation. Copenhagen is now the only city between the
main bulk of his army and Uruk, his desired rubber colony. There will just be
no peace anytime soon. Democracy is nice for fast workers, but 50% lux and
a deficit at 0% research isn't going to cut it soon when we need to research
our own techs. Braveheart moves a worker to form an incense colony. If we can
cut lux to 40% we're equal to other govts and to 30% and we're ahead.
(Midseason a Viking Marine takes out an elite tank (unscratched!) and an infantry??!)

In other news, Ottomans go to Republic. We found an incense colony, and look
around for furs. The Viking capital of Trondheim has all roads bombard-pillaged.

Thirty more years of blood and gore, and Copenhagen and other small cities drop.
Then two big prizes in 1720 and 1730AD, the sacking of Uruk and Trondheim,
the capitals of Korea and Scandinavia! With the latter goes the Oracle. The former
we raze just one turn before a stack of 14 Iroquois would attack it (and likely
capture it) At Uruk we capture 17 (!) workers!


Thus ends the last season of the Industrial era... :hammer:

(To be continued)
Charis Braveheart
Captivating reading, Charis.
A truly monstrous, cataclysmic deathmatch looms somewhere near the end of this game, when you take on the Iroquois. Will the planet survive? I can hear it groaning.
CharisTale1 - Celtic Christmas - Part Nine "The Modern Age"

It's a new epoch, the Modern Age!

In 1730 AD was the vital technology of Radio discovered by our scientists,
and our miliary civ is pleased to get Civil Defense at half-price (not that
anyone would even get CLOSE to our wonderful five cities!)

Just three more techs, says Braveheart. Computers, and Synthetic Fibers via
Ecology. Our research ability is so low however, each will take 40 seasons.
At some point we WANT to see Ottomans and Koreans hit Modern Age so we can get
their free tech. Korea has just three cities left and is a few turns away from
losing two. Their other city, Washington, is two cities to the west, and has
rubber. It's likely best to take peace after their next two cities gone. As far
as Vikings, we can cease hostilities after we take raze Bergen.

The Iro settler who scared us moves *away*! He can't see that Seattle will
fall this turn! We can swoop up and block off more area now. We left some tanks
in open near Atlanta/Boston of Vikings, and no attack. They must be gassed :P

Seattle drafts itself down to city-size, but its conscripts are no match for elite
tanks, and we raze it, getting five workers. One little problem... there's one spot
with an Iro marine on it that would snarf all furs. 8-\ We're going to colonize
one now anyway, as it can help our cash flow even if held only a few turns. There
are more furs in viking land where we're about to capture up North anyway.
The Iro trade us Espionage for Incense. Must be good incense! We build a new airfield
on the hill next to the rubber, soon to colonize.

That Iro settler does return to where the marine is, and does settle. Ouch! When war
comes, that's the FIRST city to go! We just hope he doesn't build a temple there first.

The calendar now says 1752AD and time itself seems to slow down, as Braveheart
anxiously awaits the three technologies needed to transform his advantage into
victory. Our plan is to stay at war with Korea until they learn a modern tech,
then demand it for peace. How long will that take? 2 seasons? 20? The sooner the better!

Braveheart's love for tactics come into play in the Viking Campaign... ICAC!
Isolate, concentrate, annihilate, consolidate! :hammer:


In the following year the CIA is built and we look to plant spies, trying now vs civs
we're at war with. Success in Korea, while in Scandinavia he is caught. A few short
years later, Wang has that modern look, as does Osmon. Alas, both get Rocketry.
Time for peace, and we get Rocketry and 30gpt. Trying again for a spy in Scandinavia,
caught again. We'll try Ottomans now too, and it works. The Iro... we're not quite ready
for the consequences there, so we wait. Our silk deal with Ottomans ends. The people
are happy to see peace with Korea, and weariness goes down a notch. With furs online
soon our income will jump. Our cities start a few SAM batteries and Civil defenses.

Aluminum?? We got it! Three actually, on our home turf! One in center of continent
where AI tried to poach a city. Iro have 2, Ottomans have 1, Vikings 1 disconnected.

Against the Vikings, Reykjavik is razed, then Birka. That puts a fur in neutral
territory and we form a colony. Rubber too. We set up a shore patrol and wall off the
area. It's gem renewal time with Iro, and we get four lux and 122g for them.
The lux slider drops to 20% and our income goes up to +160gpt (mil units 270)
With him now gracious, we figure it's a decent time to plant a spy. Probably a
better time is when I have mech inf, but we get away with it. Ragnar? Caught again!!
Silly Ragnar, as soon as I get one planted, I'm going to offer him peace.
Over next few seasons he's caught a fourth, and fifth time! (In the mean time we rest
and update to Jet Fighters) It's 1764 AD - One more try?? We have an agent in Boston!

Here's the miliary comparison (not counting our 156 captured workers):


We've got a distinct advantage over the opposition, although the sheer
number of Iro infantry and Ottoman Guerrillas will take a lot to beat down.

(To be continued)
Charis Braveheart
This inspired me to start my own 5CC challenge (but at regent). :)

A bit easy (but, I contribute that to having 2 cattle and 1 wheat at the starting posistion)... but it's island-continents.

Can't wait to see how this one ends! :)
It's a very good thing you got Rocketry for peace, Charis, as you need aluminum to build Modern Armor. I've been stung by that one time too many to forget again, but you apparently have. You need Rocketry and aluminum before Synth. Fibers does you any good.

BTW, if you have libraries/universities, you should probably sell them, as they're costing you upkeep gpt and not providing any value (other than culture, but that's really pretty minor at this point).

VERY WELL played. I'm impressed.
Another query from Delmar (not "del Mar", although that was a good one :goodjob: ): what graphic mod are you using?
Hehe. Once again, great story, Charis.

BTW: Thanks for naming an army after me. :)
Absolutely hilarious! I'm glad I took a peek down here and am waiting for Part X. If it's anything like the earlier ones, it'll be worth it!

I'm glad that some folks are getting the itch for a 5CC or deity game from this, good luck Chieftess and delmar. With that much food at the start you're in grand shape!

delmar, I'm using one of the Snoopy graphics - it has replaced my 'standard' graphics in the vanilla civ 3 folder, which is "in the path" for PtW as well. I'm so used to it that I actually thought everyone else was using a mod!

> It's a very good thing you got Rocketry for peace, Charis,
> as you need aluminum to build Modern Armor.

:p Ha! Once again I find myself getting tripped on on similar types of things your are Arathorn. Sheesh, I'm lucky in ways I don't even know this game. That's a good tip on selling libraries and universities, but I may make use of them yet - will keep it in mind if economy get dire.

General point - I'm further ahead than the "current" report, but game turns are taking so long at this point I'm not too far from going 'live' with this story!? I'll post X tonight.

I'll just say this... some upcoming parts you will *NOT* want to miss - this puppy is NOT in the bag yet, there are some wild events ahead ;)

Charis of the Braveheart
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