Mice, I couldn't get those files to function, so then I did a search and found the Plot List Enhancement by 12monkeys. Wow! Nice mod, how did I ever play Civ4 without it? Thanks a million for turning me on to this.
Version 1.6 is up which includes this mod.
Also I tweaked some unit stats again. Initially I had added required bonuses (like Iron) for every unit - but I see now why Firaxis did not do it this way - it screws up both Drafting units, and the initial Custom Game setup. I think their philosophy is, a bonus like Iron is only important in the early game, and as time marches on, it is assumed that everyone has access to a resource like this.
Also I removed 'Immune to first strike' from Cavalry units and Knights - this makes Archery units nearly useless - without an effective first strike, what's the point of building an archery unit? I'd like to see archers have a 90-100% first strike chance when fighting a non-archer unit. This would only make itself felt in the early game. Think about a group of medieval men-at-arms attacking a unit of crossbowmen. Before the melee unit would ever reach the lines of the archers, they would surely get off a volley. Once the melees made contact, they'd chew up the archers pretty fast. So the strength of an archery unit is in it's first strike ability, and in a melee, they'd be at a distinct disadvantage. To get into finer detail, crossbowmen should get only one shot off, while archers and longbowmen should be able to get 2-3 shots off.
Another issue that Dale Kent addressed in his Combined Arms Stack Attack mod, was the fact that in a real battle, the missile-firing troops would be behind or protected by the melee troops. I didn't include that mod in mine because I do like to see the actual individual unit combat. But I might work on something along the lines of, if a defending melee unit is stacked with an archer, the archer may fire first, then the two melee units do a normal combat. Along these lines I may give all archers the functionality of artillery, that is, they can fire at an adjacent enemy unit but not be involved in a melee fight IF stacked with a melee unit.
Some examples regarding archery units:
Axeman attacks an Archer. Normal combat, except that the Archer has 90-100% chance of a first strike, and a chance at additional first strikes depending upon Drill promotions, up to a maximum of 3 first stikes per turn. Crossbowmen will always have a maximum of one first strike only. So in other words, an experienced Archer or Longbowman could get off up to 3 shots at the defender before melee combat is resolved. If a second unit attacks the archer, no first strikes are possible and it goes straight to melee combat.
Axeman attacks an Archer and Warrior. The archer fires at the axeman as above, then combat is resolved between the Axeman and Warrior.
Axeman attackes two Archers and a Warrior. Only one Archer may fire at the attacker, then combat is resolved between the Axeman and Warrior.
Archer stacked with a Warrior attacks an Axeman. The Archer may make ONE 'missile attack' and then combat is over. No melee combat is resolved.
Archer alone attacks an Axeman. The Archer makes ONE first strike, and then melee combat is resolved.
Note that archers are always weaker than their corresponding melee units. This is not intended to make archers all-powerful, but rather to show them as having different characteristics, and function mnore like the support troops that they were in real life. Some fine tuning would be required I'm sure, but I think the way archers are portrayed in the game now is pitiful. This would be more realistic. Thoughts?