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ChazMod v2.0 ALPHA 5
* FOR WARLORDS ONLY * patched to version 2.13
This is an ALPHA version, bugs are likely and expected. I wanted to get this out for testing. Please post any bugs or comments, thank you!
AI Barbarian bombard no damage plus funky defensive formation (TEST)
AI collateralCombat no workey (TEST)
Air transport switches to cargo unit on move (except over water)
Airsup sank an aircraft carrier! (check to see if Fighters are Cargo)
Civilopedia unit screen background missing for DOMAIN_ALL
Crash on attacking Skirmisher in City. (replace Skirmisher unit in World Builder)
Crash when Fighter on AirSup is destroyed by Aircraft Carrier (intercepted)
Idle noise, some units (terrain/feature sounds interfering?) (AAA)
SAM crash
SRBM animation delay
Target is killed on naval Bombard (ranged fire)
Credits included in the readme file
Feature: Damaged Subs Surface
Description: Submarines become visible if they accumulate 50% damage or greater.
Comments: More realistic, depth charge a sub until it's forced to surface.
Code Tag: // Chazcon - Damaged Subs Surface
Feature: Naval Stacking
Description: Ships cannot enter a tile containing another ship, except in friendly ports or if one unit is a transport.
Comments: I modded this to better replicate the 'feel' of naval fleet operations. Note that modern ships can only bombard at range also.
Code Tag: // Chazcon - Naval Stacking
Feature: Ships Only Heal in Port
Description: Naval units can only heal in a city, unless they have the Warlords/Logistics promotion.
Comments: More realistic, real ships must return to port for major repairs.
Code Tag: // Chazcon - Ships Only Heal in Port
Feature: Air Flight Over Peaks
Description: Air units can move into tiles containing Peaks.
Comments: The Combat Air Patrol mod allows fighters to end a turn outside a city tile - was silly that they couldn't fly over a Peak.
Code Tag: // Chazcon - Air Flight Over Peaks
Feature: Air Superiority Mission
Description: Fighters can directly attack enemy aircraft. If the enemy is not flying a CAP mission, they are attacked on the ground.
Comments: It was odd to not be able to conduct offensive air operations. Now you can go after the enemy's air force.
Code Tag: // Chazcon - Air Superiority Mission
Feature: Air Unit Promotions
Description: Air units gain experience and can get promotions.
Comments: Really nice work here by TheLopez. I changed the promotions a bit.
Code Tag: // Chazcon - TheLopez - Air Forces
Feature: Air vs Naval Combat
Description: This limits which aircraft can attack naval units, based on a code in their iBombRate tag (see Civ4UnitInfos.xml)
Comments: Mostly this prevents WW2-era fighters from attacking ships, but can be used to limit or enable air vs naval combat.
Code Tag: // Chazcon - Air vs Naval Combat
Feature: Airbomb Mod
Description: Only bombers can conduct Airbomb missions. They can reduce city defenses, destroy buildings and improvements, and collateral damage to units.
Comments: Changes to specialize bombers and cause more realistic damage.
Code Tag: // Chazcon - Airbomb Mod
Feature: Airdrop Mission
Description: Air Transport aircraft can air-drop Commandos, Paratroops, Special Forces, and Spies.
Comments: This is just a lot of fun!
Code Tag: // Chazcon - Airdrop Mission
Feature: Airlift Mod
Description: Original Airlift functionality is disabled. You can move units by air using Air Transport aircraft.
Comments: This removes the arbitrary Airlift capability and replaces it with units that can transport other units by air.
Code Tag: // Chazcon - Airlift Mod
Feature: Airstrike Mod
Description: Only Fighters can Airstrike. Targets include improvements and enemy units. Only one unit is hit, no collateral damage.
Comments: Changes to specialize fighters and cause more realistic damage.
Code Tag: // Chazcon - Airstrike Mod
Feature: ASW Aircraft
Description: ASW Aircraft have Recon ability AND combat ability, can see submarines. This enables them to search for and attack submarines.
Comments: This simulates the role of Anti-Submarine Warfare aircraft.
Code Tag: // Chazcon - ASW Aircraft
Feature: Combat Air Patrol
Description: Re-named Intercept mission. Fighters can fly a CAP mission on any tile. Units stay on CAP after combat.
Comments: I thought it was limiting to allow Fighters to fly a CAP mission only over cities.
Code Tag: // Chazcon - Combat Air Patrol
Feature: Fighter Escort Mod
Description: Bombers that start an Airbomb mission from a tile containing Fighters, automatically receive a Fighter Escort, which reduces damage they take from interceptions.
Comments: I started to create a separate mission for this (for Fighters), but settled on this solution.
Code Tag: // Chazcon - Fighter Escort Mod
Feature: Intercept Mod
Description: Units with 50% or greater interception can hit Level Bombers, Recon aircraft, and also protect all 8 tiles around them.
Comments: More realistic, makes dedicated anti-aircraft and SAM units more powerful than infantry shoulder-fired weapons.
Code Tag: // Chazcon - Intercept Mod
Feature: No Missile Rebase
Description: Missiles cannot rebase like aircraft, they must be loaded on other units in order to move.
Comments: Nice mod from the talented Roger Bacon.
Code Tag: // Chazcon - Roger Bacon - No Missile Rebase
Feature: Recon Promotion Mod
Description: Only aircraft that take the Recon promotion can conduct recon missions. They also lose their ability to attack.
Comments: This requires you to specialize Recon aircraft. These units get a boost to evasion and can only be intercepted by Fighters and long-range anti-aircraft weapons.
Code Tag: // Chazcon - Recon Promotion Mod
Feature: Tactical Nuke Range
Description: Allows a range limit to be set in the XML for a tactical nuclear missile.
Comments: Minor change to give tactical nukes a range limit (instead of unlimited range like ICBM's).
Code Tag: // Chazcon - Tactical Nuke Range
Feature: Defensive Fire
Description: When a unit is attacked, and a unit with Defensive Fire capability is stacked in the same tile, the unit has a chance to fire at the attackers before normal combat.
Comments: More realistic role for Archers, Light Infantry, and artillery units. Now they can help defend other units in the same tile.
Code Tag: // Chazcon - Defensive Fire
Feature: Bombard Mod (Dale Kent)
Description: Artillery can conduct Bombard missions. They can reduce city defenses, destroy buildings and improvements, and collateral damage to units.
Comments: This is basically Dale Kent's excellent work, with a few targeting changes.
Code Tag: // Chazcon - Bombard Mod (based on Dale Kent - Ranged Field Bombardment)
Feature: Combat Engineer
Description: Units stacked with a Combat Engineer fortify faster. Also, when attacking, the enemy's defenses are reduced if stacked with a Combat Engineer.
Comments: Sappers, Pioneers, Combat Engineers - handy guys to have around in a combat zone!
Code Tag: // Chazcon - Combat Engineer
Feature: Defense Bonus for Town and Village
Description: Towns and Villages provide a defensive bonus for units in them.
Comments: This was such a simple, yet brilliant idea. Nice job, phungus420!
Code Tag: none
Feature: Formations Mod (seZereth)
Description: Different, larger formations, including line, column, square, open, etc. of up to 15 units.
Comments: This is based on seZereth's most excellent unit formations mod. Really adds a lot to the game, visually.
Code Tag: none
Feature: Fort Mod
Description: Forts have a zone of control around them that slows down enemy units. Units cannot attack out of a fort. Forts can be destroyed in combat.
Comments: This mod makes forts more useful. You still need mobile forces to back them up.
Code Tag: // Chazcon - Fort Mod
Feature: Guerillas
Description: Guerilla units are invisible. They cannot be built, but are produced by Special Forces units.
Comments: Actually I'm planning on using these as part of a revolutions-type mod in the future.
Code Tag: none - see Special Forces Training Mission
Feature: Ranged Field Bombardment / Ranged Fire
Description: Artillery cannot make direct attacks, but rather conducts Bombard missions at range. Units can be set to Bombard using tags.
Comments: This is THE single best mod ever produced for Civ IV, by Mr. Dale Kent. I can't play Civ IV without it anymore.
Code Tag: // Chazcon - Dale Kent - Ranged Field Bombardment
Feature: Scorched Earth
Description: Units can destroy their own tiles if at war, removing improvements and cities. It takes time for the tiles to return to normal.
Comments: Deny the use of territory to your enemies.
Code Tag: // Chazcon - Scorched Earth
Feature: Special Forces Training Mission
Description: Special Forces units have a chance of training a Guerilla unit if at war.
Comments: One of the missions of real SF units is to train indigenous forces.
Code Tag: // Chazcon - Special Forces Training Mission
Feature: Unique Great Person Names
Description: The names of Great Persons are chosen from Civ-specific lists.
Comments: This is a nice mod from Gaius Octavius and Mexico. Adding it into my mod took five years off my life, however.
Code Tag: // Chazcon - Mexico - Unique GP
Feature: No Heal in Fallout Tiles
Description: Units cannot heal in radioactive zones.
Comments: Simulates the difficulty of operating in a nuclear fallout area.
Code Tag: // Chazcon - No Heal in Fallout Tiles
Feature: Civic, Era, Tech Art
Description: New artwork for Civics, Eras, and techs.
Comments: These beautiful pictures are the work of frenchman. Absolutely gorgeous!
Code Tag: none
Feature: Damage Affects Cargo
Description: When a transport unit takes damage, it passes it on to it's cargo as well.
Comments: Was odd to see Air Transports get whacked by anti-aircraft, only to magically deliver full-strength paratroops on target…
Code Tag: // Chazcon - Damage Affects Cargo
Feature: Damage Affects Movement
Description: A unit's movement ability is reduced proportionately with the amount of damage it currently has.
Comments: A little realism. Units that take damage can't operate at full movement ability. Ships must creep back to port for repairs.
Code Tag: // Chazcon - Damage Affects Movement
Feature: Defender Combat Zoom
Description: The camera zooms in on combat for the defending player as well as the attacking player.
Comments: This is a great mod by Roger Bacon.
Code Tag: // Chazcon - Roger Bacon - Defender Combat Zoom
Description: A new Domain allows units to enter any terrain type.
Comments: This borrows heavily from Roger Bacon's Flying Mod, it's the same idea in a different form. Great for helicopters!
Code Tag: // Chazcon - DOMAIN_ALL (based on concept of Roger Bacon's Flying Mod)
Feature: Multiple Special Units / Multiple Special Cargo Mod
Description: Units can have multiple Special Unit Types and also multiple Special Cargo types.
Comments: This took some work, but adds much flexibility to transport/cargo unit interactions.
Code Tag: // Chazcon - Multiple Special Unit Types, // Chazcon - Multiple Special Cargo Types
Feature: No Spear vs Tank
Description: Units cannot attack enemy units that are 3 times their strength or greater.
Comments: No more Spearmen attacking Tanks (unless they are severely damaged).
Code Tag: // Chazcon - No Spear vs Tank
Feature: Plot List Enhancement
Description: See for details.
Comments: This is a must-have mod for Civ IV. Really nice job here by 12monkeys.
Code Tag: none
Feature: Rewrite Civilopedia Text
Description: Civilopedia text re-written to occupy one paragraph.
Comments: I did this so you don't have to scroll down to read a unit's Civilopedia description. That always bugged me.
Code Tag: none
Feature: Rewrite Hints
Description: Some Hints re-written.
Comments: I had to do this after reading the same hints over and over.
Code Tag: none
Feature: Rewrite Strategy text
Description: Unit strategy re-written.
Comments: Some strategy entries had to be changed to fit this mod, others just needed some love.
Code Tag: none
Feature: Startup and Loading Screens
Description: New startup and loading screens.
Comments: The startup screen is "The Battle of Paju", by Maximillian Maksolly. I washed it out and pixelated it to give it a blurry look - the fog of war!
Code Tag: none
Feature: Startup Music
Description: New startup music.
Comments: This is a clip from another game called Vanguard, that I downloaded from their public site a few months ago. I thought it fit this mod well.
Code Tag: none
Feature: Unit Damage Limits
Description: Unit damage limits by Domain are set in Civ4GlobalDefines.xml. Affects all combat except land unit direct attacks.
Comments: this enables you to control damage limits - I set Land units to 90% and all others to 100% (can be killed).
Code Tag: // Chazcon - Unit Damage Limits
Link to source
ChazMod v2.0 ALPHA 5
* FOR WARLORDS ONLY * patched to version 2.13
This is an ALPHA version, bugs are likely and expected. I wanted to get this out for testing. Please post any bugs or comments, thank you!
AI Barbarian bombard no damage plus funky defensive formation (TEST)
AI collateralCombat no workey (TEST)
Air transport switches to cargo unit on move (except over water)
Airsup sank an aircraft carrier! (check to see if Fighters are Cargo)
Civilopedia unit screen background missing for DOMAIN_ALL
Crash on attacking Skirmisher in City. (replace Skirmisher unit in World Builder)
Crash when Fighter on AirSup is destroyed by Aircraft Carrier (intercepted)
Idle noise, some units (terrain/feature sounds interfering?) (AAA)
SAM crash
SRBM animation delay
Target is killed on naval Bombard (ranged fire)
Credits included in the readme file
Feature: Damaged Subs Surface
Description: Submarines become visible if they accumulate 50% damage or greater.
Comments: More realistic, depth charge a sub until it's forced to surface.
Code Tag: // Chazcon - Damaged Subs Surface
Feature: Naval Stacking
Description: Ships cannot enter a tile containing another ship, except in friendly ports or if one unit is a transport.
Comments: I modded this to better replicate the 'feel' of naval fleet operations. Note that modern ships can only bombard at range also.
Code Tag: // Chazcon - Naval Stacking
Feature: Ships Only Heal in Port
Description: Naval units can only heal in a city, unless they have the Warlords/Logistics promotion.
Comments: More realistic, real ships must return to port for major repairs.
Code Tag: // Chazcon - Ships Only Heal in Port
Feature: Air Flight Over Peaks
Description: Air units can move into tiles containing Peaks.
Comments: The Combat Air Patrol mod allows fighters to end a turn outside a city tile - was silly that they couldn't fly over a Peak.
Code Tag: // Chazcon - Air Flight Over Peaks
Feature: Air Superiority Mission
Description: Fighters can directly attack enemy aircraft. If the enemy is not flying a CAP mission, they are attacked on the ground.
Comments: It was odd to not be able to conduct offensive air operations. Now you can go after the enemy's air force.
Code Tag: // Chazcon - Air Superiority Mission
Feature: Air Unit Promotions
Description: Air units gain experience and can get promotions.
Comments: Really nice work here by TheLopez. I changed the promotions a bit.
Code Tag: // Chazcon - TheLopez - Air Forces
Feature: Air vs Naval Combat
Description: This limits which aircraft can attack naval units, based on a code in their iBombRate tag (see Civ4UnitInfos.xml)
Comments: Mostly this prevents WW2-era fighters from attacking ships, but can be used to limit or enable air vs naval combat.
Code Tag: // Chazcon - Air vs Naval Combat
Feature: Airbomb Mod
Description: Only bombers can conduct Airbomb missions. They can reduce city defenses, destroy buildings and improvements, and collateral damage to units.
Comments: Changes to specialize bombers and cause more realistic damage.
Code Tag: // Chazcon - Airbomb Mod
Feature: Airdrop Mission
Description: Air Transport aircraft can air-drop Commandos, Paratroops, Special Forces, and Spies.
Comments: This is just a lot of fun!
Code Tag: // Chazcon - Airdrop Mission
Feature: Airlift Mod
Description: Original Airlift functionality is disabled. You can move units by air using Air Transport aircraft.
Comments: This removes the arbitrary Airlift capability and replaces it with units that can transport other units by air.
Code Tag: // Chazcon - Airlift Mod
Feature: Airstrike Mod
Description: Only Fighters can Airstrike. Targets include improvements and enemy units. Only one unit is hit, no collateral damage.
Comments: Changes to specialize fighters and cause more realistic damage.
Code Tag: // Chazcon - Airstrike Mod
Feature: ASW Aircraft
Description: ASW Aircraft have Recon ability AND combat ability, can see submarines. This enables them to search for and attack submarines.
Comments: This simulates the role of Anti-Submarine Warfare aircraft.
Code Tag: // Chazcon - ASW Aircraft
Feature: Combat Air Patrol
Description: Re-named Intercept mission. Fighters can fly a CAP mission on any tile. Units stay on CAP after combat.
Comments: I thought it was limiting to allow Fighters to fly a CAP mission only over cities.
Code Tag: // Chazcon - Combat Air Patrol
Feature: Fighter Escort Mod
Description: Bombers that start an Airbomb mission from a tile containing Fighters, automatically receive a Fighter Escort, which reduces damage they take from interceptions.
Comments: I started to create a separate mission for this (for Fighters), but settled on this solution.
Code Tag: // Chazcon - Fighter Escort Mod
Feature: Intercept Mod
Description: Units with 50% or greater interception can hit Level Bombers, Recon aircraft, and also protect all 8 tiles around them.
Comments: More realistic, makes dedicated anti-aircraft and SAM units more powerful than infantry shoulder-fired weapons.
Code Tag: // Chazcon - Intercept Mod
Feature: No Missile Rebase
Description: Missiles cannot rebase like aircraft, they must be loaded on other units in order to move.
Comments: Nice mod from the talented Roger Bacon.
Code Tag: // Chazcon - Roger Bacon - No Missile Rebase
Feature: Recon Promotion Mod
Description: Only aircraft that take the Recon promotion can conduct recon missions. They also lose their ability to attack.
Comments: This requires you to specialize Recon aircraft. These units get a boost to evasion and can only be intercepted by Fighters and long-range anti-aircraft weapons.
Code Tag: // Chazcon - Recon Promotion Mod
Feature: Tactical Nuke Range
Description: Allows a range limit to be set in the XML for a tactical nuclear missile.
Comments: Minor change to give tactical nukes a range limit (instead of unlimited range like ICBM's).
Code Tag: // Chazcon - Tactical Nuke Range
Feature: Defensive Fire
Description: When a unit is attacked, and a unit with Defensive Fire capability is stacked in the same tile, the unit has a chance to fire at the attackers before normal combat.
Comments: More realistic role for Archers, Light Infantry, and artillery units. Now they can help defend other units in the same tile.
Code Tag: // Chazcon - Defensive Fire
Feature: Bombard Mod (Dale Kent)
Description: Artillery can conduct Bombard missions. They can reduce city defenses, destroy buildings and improvements, and collateral damage to units.
Comments: This is basically Dale Kent's excellent work, with a few targeting changes.
Code Tag: // Chazcon - Bombard Mod (based on Dale Kent - Ranged Field Bombardment)
Feature: Combat Engineer
Description: Units stacked with a Combat Engineer fortify faster. Also, when attacking, the enemy's defenses are reduced if stacked with a Combat Engineer.
Comments: Sappers, Pioneers, Combat Engineers - handy guys to have around in a combat zone!
Code Tag: // Chazcon - Combat Engineer
Feature: Defense Bonus for Town and Village
Description: Towns and Villages provide a defensive bonus for units in them.
Comments: This was such a simple, yet brilliant idea. Nice job, phungus420!
Code Tag: none
Feature: Formations Mod (seZereth)
Description: Different, larger formations, including line, column, square, open, etc. of up to 15 units.
Comments: This is based on seZereth's most excellent unit formations mod. Really adds a lot to the game, visually.
Code Tag: none
Feature: Fort Mod
Description: Forts have a zone of control around them that slows down enemy units. Units cannot attack out of a fort. Forts can be destroyed in combat.
Comments: This mod makes forts more useful. You still need mobile forces to back them up.
Code Tag: // Chazcon - Fort Mod
Feature: Guerillas
Description: Guerilla units are invisible. They cannot be built, but are produced by Special Forces units.
Comments: Actually I'm planning on using these as part of a revolutions-type mod in the future.
Code Tag: none - see Special Forces Training Mission
Feature: Ranged Field Bombardment / Ranged Fire
Description: Artillery cannot make direct attacks, but rather conducts Bombard missions at range. Units can be set to Bombard using tags.
Comments: This is THE single best mod ever produced for Civ IV, by Mr. Dale Kent. I can't play Civ IV without it anymore.
Code Tag: // Chazcon - Dale Kent - Ranged Field Bombardment
Feature: Scorched Earth
Description: Units can destroy their own tiles if at war, removing improvements and cities. It takes time for the tiles to return to normal.
Comments: Deny the use of territory to your enemies.
Code Tag: // Chazcon - Scorched Earth
Feature: Special Forces Training Mission
Description: Special Forces units have a chance of training a Guerilla unit if at war.
Comments: One of the missions of real SF units is to train indigenous forces.
Code Tag: // Chazcon - Special Forces Training Mission
Feature: Unique Great Person Names
Description: The names of Great Persons are chosen from Civ-specific lists.
Comments: This is a nice mod from Gaius Octavius and Mexico. Adding it into my mod took five years off my life, however.
Code Tag: // Chazcon - Mexico - Unique GP
Feature: No Heal in Fallout Tiles
Description: Units cannot heal in radioactive zones.
Comments: Simulates the difficulty of operating in a nuclear fallout area.
Code Tag: // Chazcon - No Heal in Fallout Tiles
Feature: Civic, Era, Tech Art
Description: New artwork for Civics, Eras, and techs.
Comments: These beautiful pictures are the work of frenchman. Absolutely gorgeous!
Code Tag: none
Feature: Damage Affects Cargo
Description: When a transport unit takes damage, it passes it on to it's cargo as well.
Comments: Was odd to see Air Transports get whacked by anti-aircraft, only to magically deliver full-strength paratroops on target…
Code Tag: // Chazcon - Damage Affects Cargo
Feature: Damage Affects Movement
Description: A unit's movement ability is reduced proportionately with the amount of damage it currently has.
Comments: A little realism. Units that take damage can't operate at full movement ability. Ships must creep back to port for repairs.
Code Tag: // Chazcon - Damage Affects Movement
Feature: Defender Combat Zoom
Description: The camera zooms in on combat for the defending player as well as the attacking player.
Comments: This is a great mod by Roger Bacon.
Code Tag: // Chazcon - Roger Bacon - Defender Combat Zoom
Description: A new Domain allows units to enter any terrain type.
Comments: This borrows heavily from Roger Bacon's Flying Mod, it's the same idea in a different form. Great for helicopters!
Code Tag: // Chazcon - DOMAIN_ALL (based on concept of Roger Bacon's Flying Mod)
Feature: Multiple Special Units / Multiple Special Cargo Mod
Description: Units can have multiple Special Unit Types and also multiple Special Cargo types.
Comments: This took some work, but adds much flexibility to transport/cargo unit interactions.
Code Tag: // Chazcon - Multiple Special Unit Types, // Chazcon - Multiple Special Cargo Types
Feature: No Spear vs Tank
Description: Units cannot attack enemy units that are 3 times their strength or greater.
Comments: No more Spearmen attacking Tanks (unless they are severely damaged).
Code Tag: // Chazcon - No Spear vs Tank
Feature: Plot List Enhancement
Description: See for details.
Comments: This is a must-have mod for Civ IV. Really nice job here by 12monkeys.
Code Tag: none
Feature: Rewrite Civilopedia Text
Description: Civilopedia text re-written to occupy one paragraph.
Comments: I did this so you don't have to scroll down to read a unit's Civilopedia description. That always bugged me.
Code Tag: none
Feature: Rewrite Hints
Description: Some Hints re-written.
Comments: I had to do this after reading the same hints over and over.
Code Tag: none
Feature: Rewrite Strategy text
Description: Unit strategy re-written.
Comments: Some strategy entries had to be changed to fit this mod, others just needed some love.
Code Tag: none
Feature: Startup and Loading Screens
Description: New startup and loading screens.
Comments: The startup screen is "The Battle of Paju", by Maximillian Maksolly. I washed it out and pixelated it to give it a blurry look - the fog of war!
Code Tag: none
Feature: Startup Music
Description: New startup music.
Comments: This is a clip from another game called Vanguard, that I downloaded from their public site a few months ago. I thought it fit this mod well.
Code Tag: none
Feature: Unit Damage Limits
Description: Unit damage limits by Domain are set in Civ4GlobalDefines.xml. Affects all combat except land unit direct attacks.
Comments: this enables you to control damage limits - I set Land units to 90% and all others to 100% (can be killed).
Code Tag: // Chazcon - Unit Damage Limits