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China vs. Mogolian tip please?


May 3, 2008
This is my first time playing RFC, and right now I'm Chinese at 800AC, since I know some Chinese history mongolians should be attacking the chinese soon, and if this is implemented can you please tell me some strategies to defeat the Mongolians (even though in real life mongolians actually defeat the Chinese)?
Thank you.:goodjob:
The Mongol civ will spawn, and the best way to destroy them is elephants. Also, give them the cities they ask for, then attack the next turn, or your units will flip to their side. You can attain elephants in Southeast Asia or India.

I don't have elephants, but I do have macemans. Are macemans good enough?
macemen will be mostly useless. Mongolia will attack with almost nothing but Keshiks. Elephants or pike men are a necessity.
Garrison your northern cities with pikes just in case but try to avoid war. The cities in Mongolia aren't very good so you would have more to gain from a strong ally. As soon as they spawn, give them a gift and get them to sign open borders then spread your religion to a couple of their cities so they convert.
Elephants are the best way as others have said though I've personally found it difficult to settle the whole of China AND go into Southeast Asia all before the Mongols come in, so what I rely on are Pikemen. I fortify them in areas that make good defensive terrain, and always have several by Beijing as the AI will very opportunistically go for resources, improvements or workers if it feels it cannot take one of your cities. Roads are essential as well.

Actually, once you get past their initial Keshik rush (if it does happen) Mongolia shouldn't be that difficult. As China you should be by this time far bigger, have better cities, a larger army and be able to easily out-tech the Mongols with gold from at least 1 if not 2 shrines coming in.
Also make sure you built all of your Northern cities outside of their spawn area, so you don't lose any cities. It usually just means building a city a bit to the left or down from the usual spot, and the change in that location tends to be very little. If they don't gain any cities from you, they will be much weaker in a long term war. The Chinese AI tends to always build at least one city that would flip to Mongolia, and this is one of the many reasons the Chinese AI are likely to collapse to Mongolia.

Here's a map I found on here a while ago showing good places to put your Northern cities... I forgot who to credit it to though.


  • China.JPG
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Also make sure you built all of your Northern cities outside of their spawn area, so you don't lose any cities. It usually just means building a city a bit to the left or down from the usual spot, and the change in that location tends to be very little. If they don't gain any cities from you, they will be much weaker in a long term war. The Chinese AI tends to always build at least one city that would flip to Mongolia, and this is one of the many reasons the Chinese AI are likely to collapse to Mongolia.

Here's a map I found on here a while ago showing good places to put your Northern cities... I forgot who to credit it to though.

The mongolians never dared to fight me LOL! I had 6 pikeman and 12 other units in BeiJing and I had the great wall, normal wall and castle all in beijing, but since he biult a city right beside me I decided to take him out so instead I decleared war on the mongols, right when I finished researching Gunpowder
Mongolia can be eliminated before they even found a city quite easily. Just build a stack of war elephants and wait next to their spawn tile.

Occasionally there might be some barbs within their spawn area which you will later have to track down, but essentially if you kill all of their settlers they are done for.

I think that you can build cities within their spawn area. As long as you agree to the flip while your units are outside the cities and then declare war afterwards, your units won't desert.
blizzrd's strategy works well, however, you can safely wait until Mongolia founds one city. As soon as they appear start moving some Elephants towards Kakakorum, once they found the city declare war and attack. Defenders would stay in the city, however, Keshiks would leave. Also all other settlers would enter the city. That way you only need to kill a few defenders and not all the Keshiks. I got it with three Elephants (had more but they were not needed).
Hi ,

hmmmm , as anyone tried to leave them one or two cities and turn them in a vassal yet , .... ?

Have a nice day
Mongolia doesn't like being a vassal. They'd rather die. AFAIK, no-one has been able to vassalize them yet, though I'm certain it may be possible.
I was playing Japan, but really this is the same deal as playing China when it comes to Mongolia.
I really do find that since the Mongols stack catapults are ultra effective, you can then kill the weaklings with almost any unit, but you need to make sure you have as many units as they have troops since those that survive will be pretty tough and experienced.

I might explore this strat in the next few days, I use it when playing as the Native Americans.
While overwheening force in the form of 10-15 elephants can do the trick, I've found that letting them spawn and take 2-3 turns makes things a lot easier. The trick is to build a road out to near their spawn point, wait for them to spawn, then go send a maybe 5 or so cho-ko-nu and hit them before they found their second city. Their army will be scattered trying to build cities and explore, and the cho-ko-nu will do collateral damage to any that they leave to defend their capitol.

The key is to hit them after they found their first city so that they are destroyed for having no cities, but before they found a second. If they found a second they will have long enough to regroup.
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