Citizen's Pulse: War support survey

Witch war policy do you support?

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I abstained, because I would support either war, as long as it is at the right time.
we need to destroy both of them, but the Dutch must be killed first. :evil: :ar15:
Eventually we’re going to want to expand at least to China’s borders, so we’ll be going to war with both India and the Netherlands. It’s still early in the game so our military strength is pathetic; we can’t go to war with both of these civs at the same time. This suggests India should be the first target.


First, because we’ve poached India’s iron it’s likely they’ll declare war on us sometime during the next 10-15 turns, so we might as well fight on our terms, not theirs. Second, because the objectives of our first Indian war are limited – we want only to capture Delhi and Bombay – we will be ready for this war soon, and it won’t last long. Once we secure these two cities we eliminate the chance that Bentley might culture flip to the Indians; we gain Bombay’s spice; and we fatally stunt India’s growth.

More importantly, this furthers our plans for the Dutch war: hopefully we train some elite troops and we move part of our army north and within easy striking distance of the Netherlands’ most industrious and important cities. The Dutch war requires more preparation time and more troops than the Indian war. By attacking the Indians first we make productive use of the time it will take to build the army that will attack the Dutch from the south.
Right now I can see that (at the time of this post) that the nation is deaply divided on this issue.
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