City connection question (doesn't make sense?)


Nov 21, 2011
Hello, I wonder why these cities are considered connected? there is no road on that Rice tile, there is no road connecting the two rivers and the two rivers also don't touch elsewhere on the map.



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If the city is close enough to your existing territory this can happen. Usually I see this when the city is at the minimum distance of 3 tiles away from capital.
It's probably because the rivers are connected somehow, maybe via the coast/ocean. At the bottom right there is a button that shows trade routes which might be enlightening. Also, do you have fishing and/or sailing tech?
Hello, I wonder why these cities are considered connected? there is no road on that Rice tile, there is no road connecting the two rivers and the two rivers also don't touch elsewhere on the map.

View attachment 692036
Go into world builder and scope out the river. Also, change the tile that the rice is on to something else and see if that changes anything.
Is there a road on the rice? If so the rivers as connected.
This topic reminded me about another "mysterious" connection (very related with lovely image above) where one can get connection if 2 coast tiles are diagonally touching each other even if can't pass ships over (land tiles other diagonal way) - have sent workboat or galley around pepsiisokaynsula to get connection only to realise I already have it. Damm it!
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