City Graphics: Evil Citadel

Akula, what would you like to use the SMAC cities for? If it's just straightforward conversions for use in a sf game, then that's easy, if you want them for some kind of fantasy mod, as I'm doing, then that's different.

Raw is War?: goojob? Sounds naughty. Remember to bring Kleenex. :p
I have tried to make the game go on for longer, by combining sertain ages (ancient and middle age for instance), to easier get some of the SF units in whitout stretching the modern age
(it's propably not going to be released)
mrtn, could you please upload that volcano resource you are using in the preview? :)
I've fixed up these graphics, and created a smoother look. And I'm using a palette that's actually useful for this city. ;)


Originally posted by Sarevok
Kinda looks like one of those civ's cities from SMAC.
Sure is. With a few modifications, of course.
I've made a grey version of the cities. I'll probably use them for the dwarves...



Looks good, but why just the blurred version? I have all the city graphics I need for MoM so I don't have a personal need for these, but I think they look out of place when not used with watercolor terrain.
When I saw the thread title i thought about Black & White's citadel(does anyone knows that game?).
With a little work you could take neutral, good and evil citadels.
Not to mention many wonders and improovements...
The game is 3D, but from the right angle, it could be worked into a fine flat graphic
Originally posted by Blind_Monkey
How do you add these graphics to the game?

- Backup rASIAN.PCX and ASIANWALL.PCX from Civ3\Art\Cities\ IMPORTANT!
- replace them with the ones from the package.

Or make a custom scenario.
- Make a folder called "Evil Citadels" under your Scenarios folder in either Civ3PTW or Conquests folder. (If you have both, choose Conquests)
- Copy conquests.biq / civ3ptw.bix to that Scenarios folder and rename it "Evil Citadels.bix / Evil Citadels.biq"
- Then add two folders into your "Evil Citadels" folder like this: Scenarios\Evil Citadels\Art\Cities\
- Place rASIAN.PCX and ASIANWALL.PCX in that "Cities" folder.

Load up Evil Citadels from Civ-Content / Scenarios in the game.
Originally posted by Corey<PHT>
Could you make cities from Disciples 2.They're awesome!
No. Besides, I've no idea what you're talking about.
I'm talking about cities form game Disciples 2 if you played it you'll know!
THANK YOU!!! This city resembles the Protoss (from Star Craft) cities enough that I can use them! THANK YOU!!!

Now I just need Zerg, and human cities....

EDIT: If one was to change the file name from rAMER or what ever to rEURO would it still work, except for European nations?
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