Civ Add-on/Expansion Pack Ideas

The first civilization to reach a certain culture point should get some kind of bonus, like the first to get up to 20,000
culture you could get a political leader, wich is the same thing as a leader except it can make you change governement in 1 turn and to 50,000 culture point get every other civilization to like you a little better, like passing from polite to gracious.

also when an individual citi reach 5,000 culture it could get a bonus to reduce corruption because of your culture working like a second courthouse...
I would like the ability to loan money to other civs, at a negotiable interest rate, and repayment term.
Originally posted by SteveLS
I would like the ability to loan money to other civs, at a negotiable interest rate, and repayment term.

Thats in there! Just ask them what they`ll give you for a lump sum. When they`re in a major war and broke they sometimes give me World Map or even a tech as interest! (but then I loan them someting like 5000 Gold so they better be nice). You run the risk that they`ll just declare war to get rid of the debt, though..... :eek:
I know it's been said before but Multiple Unit movements are an absolute must!!!!!!!!!!! In the game I'm playing now I have 127 military units... and I have to move each one individually (except for the 3 army units I have).

I'm spending 3/4 of my game time just moving my units from one square to another. I know that this is what the "Army" is for, but you just don't get enough great leaders (even with Heroic Epic). Even with Military Academy making gl's you still don't get enough. Plus, the limit of 3 units to an army is too small. Even a limit of 4 with Pentagon is tooo small.

I love this game but I can't keep playing when I'm spending all my time moving units!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE allow multiple unit movements (it will save me days and days of playing time).. If the developers do this I will buy the xpac for sure!!!!!!

Thanks, and sorry for mentioning the same thing again; but I'm thinking that if it gets mentioned over and over enough then they will get the message. Good gaming to All!!
multiple unit movements:

you can automate workers (to a certain extent - I only use "Irrigate to","Road to", "Rail to")

you can use the "goto" function....

it also helps to move units via the numbers part of the keyboard instead of using the mouse.....

aside from that I hardly move large numbers of units together. When I`m gong to war, I want individual control each and every turn for each and every unit!

what would be more inportant is queueing of worker orders. Like: "I" these tiles, then "M" these two, build roads along the way, then Rail them...... Could be done by holding "Shift".....
Also I want a mark on automated settlers so I can tell which one is in dager of stupidly running into a warzone to be.....

also, pressing "Esc" should terminate automated moves. I simply don`t want to watch helplessly when my units do something I ordered, but now think better off. Like when their way is unexpectedly blocked......
Some ideas (sorry if repeating someone):

  1. Worker groups: Put a number of workers into a group that appear as one superworker. For instance:
    group1 contains:
    captured worker
    captured worker

    group1 costs 2 gold / turn (1 gold / non-captured worker)
    group1 works 3 times faster than a standard worker (1 + 1 + 0.5 + 0.5 = 3)

    groups can be assembled, taken apart in any way. Naturally you can only add a worker to a group if it is in the same square as the group.

    Note: There is no unfair advantage to groups as you could move the 4 units above individually, but groups make workers simpler to use.
  2. I think it was already mentioned that it should be possible to destroy units through bombarding.
  3. The ability to conserve fast units. Currently if the defender is down to 1 hit point the attacker does not stop even if it is also down to 1 hit point. I'd prefer if the attacker stopped and waited for another order to attack.
  4. Small wonder to enable my units to take advantage of enemy roads without special treaties (right of passage if I remember right). A bit similar to battlefield medicine. Maybe this should be based the player's road network in some way.

please please please, some sort of wonder to get the AI to understand that no ROP means NO ROP!. The Berlin Wall maybe, or the Maginot Line or perhaps the Border Patrol.

The alternative is to allow workers to build a wall. The wall must be in territory you control, and prevents any gain in terms of shields, food or gold from that tile. Enemy units can occupy the tile only as an act of war and must stop to pillage the wall before more units can pass. Would be great for creating and or maintaining bottlenecks.:scan:
Coastal Tiles


Throughout history, coastal invasion is one of the most difficult types of invasion. Defenders may fortify their beaches (d-day), or there just may be no place to land.

In Civilization III, coastal invasion is both too easy to execute and too easy to defend. In executing a coastal invasion, you simply land your troops on any coastal square and start blasting. In defending, you line your coastline with workers preventing any landing (up to marines of course).

Civ 4 Suggestion

Coastal tiles are divided into two tiles, a shore and water part. Shore half tiles are used only for coastal invasion purposes.

Shore half tiles. Shore tiles are accessible from land by workers only. This is for the purposes of fortifying them. They are accessible from by sea by any land unit aboard a ship. Shore half tiles have a movement cost of 3, stopping any landing troops from landing and attacking. Shore tiles may be beach or cliff. If the shore tile is a cliff, it is not accessible by any unit.

Water half tiles operate like normal coastal tiles.

Workers on shore. Workers can go onto shore tiles to fortify them. Fortification provides an automatic bombardment style attack for every unit that lands on the shore tile. The level of bombardment attack depends on the level of technology of the civilization at the time it is built.

Military units on shore. Military units can move on to a shore tile from a ship only. If any opposing forces' unit (be it worker or military unit) is already on the shore, the unit occupying the shore is bumped to the next land tile. The bumped unit is not attacked or captured, it is simply moved. If the tile contains fortifications, the landing unit receives a bombardment style hit on landing and every turn it sits there. Military units will not be able to do anything other than land the first turn. They can pillage the fortifications, attack a land square or move to a land square on subsequent turns. The only exception: marines can land and pillage the first turn. Military units attacking a land square from shore move to the attacked square on victory. Military units can also attack a shore tile from land but do not move onto it on victory.

Pillaging shore fortifications. Shore fortifications can be pillaged by bombardment from planes or ships, or pillaged directly by military units that land on the shore. Pillaging shoreline fortification may or may not be successful.

Non-military units on shore. Units with no defensive rating can also land on a shore tile from a ship. If the shore tile is fortified, the unit is killed.
Originally posted by Beard Rinker
Coastal Tiles


In Civilization III, coastal invasion is both too easy to execute and too easy to defend. In executing a coastal invasion, you simply land your troops on any coastal square and start blasting. In defending, you line your coastline with workers preventing any landing (up to marines of course).


The defense problem could be solved by allowing bombardment of units kill units. I had a problem with a 2 square continent where the AI had a city and a single warrior fortified on the other square. I couldn't land at all, even with my cavalry, to take the city. Not realistic.
My wish list (mostly supporting other wishes):

1. Ability to build canals.

2. Allow sea units to pass through an isthmus if there is a clear route through (i.e. across the points of the squares) as in Civ 2.

3. Allow sea units across ocean squares safely with The Lighthouse great wonder.

4. Allow the shield bonus for chopping down trees more than once (but fix the time it takes for the trees to grow, regardless of the number of workers).

5. Allow the player to capture size 1 cities even if they have no culture.

6. Put all Civs on the diplomatic screen.

7. Make it possible to build The Pyramids on Deity level. (Currently impossible due to AI cheats).

8. Ability to build bridges (or tunnels) in coastal and sea squares.

9. Include ability to pick the leader of a Civ from a list.

10. Include 'hotseat' multiplayer as one of the multiplayer options.

11. Allow hills to be irrigated as in previous versions of Civ (obviously never seen the terraces built on hills in the far east).

12. Make it easier to see which vessels have completed their move when you are loading units from one vessel to another on the same square.

13. Include the gold and beakers from specialists on the city screen.

14. Ability to 'group' workers into a 'superworker'.

15. Ability to merge 2 workers into 1 settler.
Please please do something with the scoring system. Please see Scoring: Civ II and or SMAC.

Or am I the only one who thinks territory size and speed (conquest rush) unbalances the game point system horribly to those who enjoy military and conquest...I don't enjoy that style. While you're at it please update the CivIII HOF screen so it is at least on a par with that Civ game from 1995.
I don't do recon mission with my aircrafts but for those who do, maybe a Drone could be a useful unit. (A cheaper plane without pilot that can only do recon mission.)
Have different types of Great Leaders. Mentioned before but in different forms. Make them mobile Small Wonders. Can only have one of each sort in a city at one time. Ego clash prevents more. They only last an Age and you can only have 3 of one type at once. They can also be captured but work at half rate for any but their own Civ.

Great Entertainer: +50% Luxuries in host City
For every city in WLTKD mode you get a 1% chance/turn of a GE.
Automatic GE's.
First Civ to Theology. First Civ to Nationalism. First Civ to Ecology.

Great Scientist: +50% Science in host City
For every University you get a 1% chance/turn of a GS.
Automatic GS's.
First Civ to Engineering. First Civ to Electricity. First Civ to Fission.

Great Merchant: + 50% Income in host City
For every Bank you get a 1% chance/turn of a GM.
Automatic GM's.
First Civ to Fuedalism. First Civ to Corporation. First Civ to Computers.

Factual names might be hard to come up with for some Civs but who are we to say exactly who was what when? Contract the surviving members of Monty Python to fill in any blanks. The GE Biggus Diccus has appeared in Jerusalem.
game bugs:
All as roads ability doesn't always apply to rails explorer will always go 6 tiles regardless of terrain and tile improvements)(probably not tested since they generaly aren't usuful when railroads are buildable, so they weren't used on rails)(would make alpine troops (though not present, if added) virtually useless).
When city is razed (not captured) city-radius borders still exist preventing rail from being built, this doesn't apply to city radius OUTSIDE of border before attack. It's as though razed city automatically extends it's border to 2(even if 1 before) to match full city radius and then when razed the "borders" still exist allowing all tile improvements EXCEPT railroad within "old city radius". Addendum - if cultural border are larger than "21 square city radius" then railroad building is stopped there also.
"Ethnic cleansing" doesn't work. I had a 2 citizen city with 1 foreign and 1 national-American worker, made the foreign citizen into a specialist and build a worker. Voila, my American citizen, which was the left of the two in the list turned into the worker, leaving just a foreign citizen in a pop-1 city. That also prevented me from disbanding the city which I don't want.
The "wait" ability - both via button and key - sometimes "locks" and user must manually click a different unit.
City square in democracy or republic doesn't recieve irrigation and railroad bonus on grassland leading to 4 units of food but actually only produces 2 units. Manual and other places say "city square recieves all available terrain improvements" - appearently this isn't so.

scenario bugs:
Fix tech box sizes and arrows to match preq's.
If specialist has required tech it is shifted down and right by a few pixels on the science advisor screen-tech box.
Bombard bonus and defence bonus doesn't seem to work (if non-zero building is unmakable)(except for walls).
The "level 2 size" and "level 3 size" might make building unmakable (I want a castle to allow growth to metro size but if those 2 boxes are checked then it won't let me built it) If 2 buildings have, for example, "double city growth" selected only 1 can be built even if the other has better capabilities (aquaduct2 with reduce corruption cant be built when aquaduct is present or city next to river, even though it is better.) This could also be though of as a suggestion as well as a bug.

Shield box modifier for hurring building (ie. shields use for cost/people is actual times this divided by 4.) This would allow different hurring costs for different govt's.
Change when people start creating pollution from "metropolis" size city to a possibly different size(ie. metro is size 12 but pollution starts at 10 citizens).
A "no pollution" option box in modpack.
Add many currently usused icons just so people don't have to ask someone else from forum.
Allow "cost factor" for human players from default 10 to any number.
Being able to change distance factor for corruption silimar to "percent of optimal cities"
When a scroll list appears(units:civs,abilities) and primary selection is changed (in that case the unit being looked at) the scroll positions shouldn't change. They do in terrain:resources.
Ability to save modpack as text file to view perhaps more easily and also load from text file.
Change ability to build forbidden palace(any small wonder with "reduce corruption" set) from half of optimal number of cities to a changable number(I made optimal number very high so the forbidden palace couldn't ever be built be me until I changed it from "small wonder-reduce corruption" to "center of empire").
When loading save game remember what unit it was on and go back there instead of changing to a different unit from the one selected when the game was saved.
A button to "sort" units either by position on map or type and movement remaining so pressing "wait" won't "randomly jump" to a different part of the map.
On domestic advisor screen the ability to sort not just by excess food/shields/commerce but also but food eaten/shields wasted/corrupt commerce (probably by a second click).
Transfer all "wonder only" and "small wonder only" options to any building, specifically "resources must be inside city radius" so I can create a "geothermal vent" resource allowing special plants but only available to certain cities.
Show hit points or vet/elite... status on military adviser screen.
Have terrain box show improvements as well as terrain, resources, and food/shields/commerce.

Why doesn't it show number of each improvement? Like in civ2.
Does having multiple "center of empire" improvements in different or same city create bugs?
There are a lot of obvious things to fix in the xpack, except for a lot of bugs the stackmovement must be implemented.

I've read all the posts in this thread and I must say that the ideas that I like the most are the trade routes and the province system.

But I have some ideas of my own.
Some guy wrote about occupation, that would be great as a third alternative when taking over a city. Maybe you can start doing so when you've
researched nationalism.
When you occupy a city, you won't get any teax revenue or sucj from it, but if it flips it has to fight your troops in it.

Another thing would be the colonies. Instead of the workercolonies they have in civ3 now a colony could be like a city. When you build a city with a settler, you get the option to either build a city or a colony (in ancient times you'll always build the city anyway). The colony can't be taxed, but they produce as much as an ordinary city. They shoud also have less corruption, as they are more selfgoverning. You could, when the colonys culture have increased, integrate the colony as an ordinary city in your empire.

This colony-idea is closely related to the province-idea already discussed in this thread, except that it isn't a such a big change to the game. Remeber, this is a add-on. it only adds on (as the name says) more functions in the game without changing the general idea. I don't think firaxis feels like changing the whole concept of the game in an x-pack. you should be able to play it without the x-pack and then not getting confused when upgrading the game.
(please tell me if i'm wrong about this one, i didn't really read the whole thing about provinces, just skimmed trough it).

The sea-trade lanes sounds perfectly though!
One more thing to say... Of course firaxis have to improve the editor even more so that we ordinary people not only can give advices to game-improvements, but also being able to construct our own!
some things id like to see implimented into a civ 3 patch or add-on are:

1) you should be able to ask one civ to call off a war between them and another civ ala SMAC

2) should be able to consult the civlopaedia during negotiations

3) crosshair in negotiation screen so that you can see the location of the cities you would like the 'puter to cede

4) and a choice to dishonour MPP agreements (with consequences of course)

I already exprimed the ideea to have 3 specifical skills for each Civ's instead of 2 as now !!

For example Religious/militaristic/scientifical - sound good, no :) ?
This will allow always the existance of 20 different Civs instead of 16 as now.

Originally posted by Mîtiu Ioan
I already exprimed the ideea to have 3 specifical skills for each Civ's instead of 2 as now !!

For example Religious/militaristic/scientifical - sound good, no :) ?
This will allow always the existance of 20 different Civs instead of 16 as now.


you can do that in the editor, except that you won`t be able to add new civs. I also experimented with additional abilities when i played huge/4Civ - I made everyone "Expansionist" so we`d take shorter to meet
Civ 3 needs a menu that summarizes every important fact about other civs. I am so dang tired clicking on the diplomacy button and having to bother other civ just to figure out what they have to trade. A simple screen telling me what government they have, capitals, tradable goods, techs, military units, culture, wonders, etc. I believe a CIV 4 would not be satisfactory w/o this.
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