CIV as therapy


Jun 3, 2005
In transit
It takes a lot to actually get me mad. I'm pretty pragmatic and easy-going to boot. Well, today, I'm really, really, really cross. :aargh: (We need a smiley with X's for eyes like in Southpark.) Anyway, long story short, situation at work, totally not my fault, due to the failure of someone to follow procedure, and yep you guessed it, that someone is the person :gripe: me for it to our boss.

Anyway, during my break I cranked up Civ, put it down on Prince, picked Cyrus (Warlords version Cyrus), popped in WB for 5 seconds to make sure there were horses somewhere nearby, and off I went. Absolutely no pretense whatsoever for any nonsense such as research. Let the :spank: begin! Oh, and the cherry on top is Tokugawa is my closest neighbor.

Anyone else ever get in those moods? [pissed] And here my wife thinks Civ is simply a total waste of time.

Civ is therapy if you want it to be, I say. ;)

Civ is definitely therapy for me. Work is a never-ending Dilbert comic strip, best forgotten as soon as I get home to my latest game of Civ.
Civ is about as theraputic as crack, except with crack you get more exercize and meet interesting people.
Its a great way to unwind after a stressful day at work.
Often I will spend my long, frustrating commute home, planning out my conquests in my current game. By the time I get home, work stuff is completely gone from my mind and I am ready to :ar15:
Absolutely correct. It is therapy.
Before bed if I think of real world problems, I never sleep. But I always think of my current civ game world. And I fall asleep real fast thinking of my next move. Even if the compo pisses me off by capturing a city that day, It still helps me sleep to know I can go nuke him or destroy his entire civ the next day.
Yes, it is good therapy from the "real" world. It's nice to forget about the outside for some hours.
Unfortunately, if I play too late I need some down time before bed otherwise I am tossing and turning thinking about the last couple turns I played. At least I am not losing sleep over work, finances or family.:lol:
Absolutely correct. It is therapy.
Before bed if I think of real world problems, I never sleep. But I always think of my current civ game world. And I fall asleep real fast thinking of my next move. Even if the compo pisses me off by capturing a city that day, It still helps me sleep to know I can go nuke him or destroy his entire civ the next day.

Dude, totally! I have to say, as a teacher it can be up and down, but I never let myself get stressed out. Once I come home it`s Civ time and I too go to bed thinking of different civ strategies. Hell, I even wake up thinking about the game. Man, am I addicted or what? :lol: :crazyeye: :mischief: :D
I do not relax by crushing voodoo representations of my enemies in CIV!
What are you talking about? :mischief:
Yeah, I tend to get crazy fits of anger because of Civ. When my carefully put-together super-strong army is decemated on the first turn of invasion, for instance. Or when I have beelined for a tech just to get the wonder, then chopped like mad, and then get beaten to it by the AI two turns before completion. Things like that.

Need to take a walk in the real world as therapy, then.
sometimes civ drives me crazy and i like the challenge.

but sometimes when i want to get my mind off real life anger, i pop in civ and make it really easy on myself to just get entertainment without having to think too hard. some people play solitaire or mah jongg in those moments, i use worldbuilder.

lucky me, my husband doesn't think civ is a waste of time. he played civ1 before we met, and got civ2 and eventually i got hooked on that. happily ever after ... although our house would be MUCH cleaner if i'd never heard of sid meier.
... although our house would be MUCH cleaner if i'd never heard of sid meier.
I'm glad to know I'm not the only one with a pile of dishes and laundry sitting around, neglected, because I'm busy Civving. ;)
sometimes civ drives me crazy and i like the challenge.

but sometimes when i want to get my mind off real life anger, i pop in civ and make it really easy on myself to just get entertainment without having to think too hard. some people play solitaire or mah jongg in those moments, i use worldbuilder.

lucky me, my husband doesn't think civ is a waste of time. he played civ1 before we met, and got civ2 and eventually i got hooked on that. happily ever after ... although our house would be MUCH cleaner if i'd never heard of sid meier.

He's a lucky man. I try to get my wife to play but she never has the patience. She'll play Risk the board game, but I cannot get her to start a civ game. But then I think, 'do I really want her hooked on civ'? Then I'll have stacks of dishes and laundry all over the place or even worse, she'll be on the compo playing all of the time and I won't get to play.
He's a lucky man. I try to get my wife to play but she never has the patience. She'll play Risk the board game, but I cannot get her to start a civ game. But then I think, 'do I really want her hooked on civ'? Then I'll have stacks of dishes and laundry all over the place or even worse, she'll be on the compo playing all of the time and I won't get to play.

#1 hey it's not entirely her job to clean the house *giggle* ;) i'm blessed in that he doesn't really care about how neat the house is...he doesn't notice, so it doesn't bother him. of course that also leads to him not knowing when and what to clean without me asking, but, overall i think it's a good deal for me.

and #2 get 2 computers! we each had one when we met, so that wasn't an issue. i've lost track how many times they've been upgraded since then. we go in cycles (mine was the most recent to get a new motherboard etc.), i call him my "tech support".

i played risk when i was little with my brothers. i loved how the little pieces felt, had no interest in a pc version at all. half the fun for me was pronouncing the names wrong, i'd say Kamachika even tho i know that's wrong. i don't even know the right name for that country without googling!

in fact, here's an admission that is far more embarassing to make on this forum than the messy house one, since i knew several would relate to that one. i have like, zero knowledge of geography. i mean seriously, none. i know the US states since i had a puzzle of them as a kid and learned the pieces and shapes and where they fit. but the world, forget it. met someone online from netherlands and i thought it was up with finland and sweden in snowville! when hubby and i play civ on a world map, and he says 'go to india' or whatever, i have no sense of where that is compared to where i am unless i zoom out to see the whole map, and even that's no guarantee. he's learned to say 'head to india, that's to your left' bless his heart.
and #2 get 2 computers! we each had one when we met, so that wasn't an issue. i've lost track how many times they've been upgraded since then. we go in cycles (mine was the most recent to get a new motherboard etc.), i call him my "tech support".

Very important advice really is more fun with 2...uhhh computers that is.
Not sure about the cycles idea support always needs the latest and greatest so they can, uhh, you drivers faster...yeah that's it!

Getting further off-topic from here on...
We haven't bought an 'off the rack' computer since 1995. Just keep upgrading here and there and hand me downs create new machines, now we have four Civ4 capable machines and my wife and I are often joined by our 5 and 6 year olds in 4-way Civ games on the LAN.
After all the family that Civs together stays together, until our son learns to praet rush, then he's out of here! :)

Interestingly whilst my wife prefers coop play the kids would much rather compete with us :hammer:. Still, it made us both proud when they actually put together an invasion fleet and landed troops on our continent in a recent game.
Same here. A bad day at work is usually followed by a game of Civ started at Chieftan level, with the biggest turds as AI (Alex, Napoleon et al) and going on a rampage (and sod the economics and war weariness...whip-crack away) on a small map for a couple of hours.

.....................Getting further off-topic from here on...
We haven't bought an 'off the rack' computer since 1995. Just keep upgrading here and there and hand me downs create new machines, now we have four Civ4 capable machines and my wife and I are often joined by our 5 and 6 year olds in 4-way Civ games on the LAN.
After all the family that Civs together stays together, until our son learns to praet rush, then he's out of here! :)

Interestingly whilst my wife prefers coop play the kids would much rather compete with us :hammer:. Still, it made us both proud when they actually put together an invasion fleet and landed troops on our continent in a recent game.

That's just awesome. I'd love that some day if me and the kids could battle it out on civ. my dream, if you will. Funny that they planned to attach you.

..........................and #2 get 2 computers! we each had one when we met, so that wasn't an issue. i've lost track how many times they've been upgraded since then. we go in cycles (mine was the most recent to get a new motherboard etc.), i call him my "tech support".

i played risk when i was little with my brothers. i loved how the little pieces felt, had no interest in a pc version at all. half the fun for me was pronouncing the names wrong, i'd say Kamachika even tho i know that's wrong. i don't even know the right name for that country without googling!...............

As for the 2 compos. I have 2, but only one is civ4 capable. The other would need an upgrade. No money right now for that. But someday.

As for Risk, your comments are too funny. I do the same thing with that kamachtka place. Always, always pronounce it wrong. Also Urkutsk. A statement I always said when takeing the Congo was "Bingo Bongo get the F#(K out of the Congo"
Did you ever see the sienfeld episode when kramer and newman are playing risk? They can't trust each other so they ask Jerry if they can leave the game board at his house at a neutral party location during a break from their game. Then they carry the board onto the train with them and Kramer says "....aaaah, the Ukraine is weak" Some Ukrainie happened to be on the train ofcourse and smashed their game board. It was funny.
civ cures head aches (you think i'm joking)
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