CIV$ - editor for CIVIL*.SVE files


Terra Form
Nov 26, 2003
civ dos 474.05
July 20, 2014 new version 08.01

CIV$ version 07.90 040414

This is an update. It now runs on XP and Win 2000.
Run it at the command prompt or Run... at the Start button.

down load CIV$0790.ZIP
592k about 2 min at 56K dialup

Extract civ$.exe to c:\MPS\CIV or wherever you run CIV from.
There are also two help files:
Civ$0790Help.mht for Internet Explorer
Civ$0790Help.rtf for WordPad

DosBox does not seem to support the graphic mode used by CIV$ (80 characters wide, 43 lines 8x8 bit characters).
thanks for this! :)
More city detail 

Government change government with revolution.
Create or remove an Embassy for any country
Reveal all terrain on big map  
Mark zero longitude on big map.
List cities you have stole technologies from.
The ability to reset the indicator so you can steal from that city again.

		Change the treasure amount of any country.
		Control of Civilization advances.
		Shows Advances others have that you don't.
		Quick Start of  CIV.
		Quick removal of barbarians
		Addition or removal of units from a map.
		Editing of city size and contents
		Control of Wonders.
finally a tool that controls the wonders perfectly
things like "...Mark zero longitude on big map.
List cities you have stole technologies from. ...
i never saw anywhere around...!

the first that came to my eye
was the removal of mislinked/dead units & buildings -
(a problem that may prevent 'you' from growing up to 256 units later in the game)
(saw this with another editor and the civ.1.dos unit screen where a lot of units were listed that aren't in the game (anymore))
(... another civ game bug -
as far as i remember with civ.dos version 474.03 ).

again: another HUGE THANKYOU for civ$! :)
Quotes from GoldBerg inGreen
... the removal of mislinked/dead units & buildings
What CIV$ does is check if any units that share the same map location are properly link. I first notice this bug when I sometimes would stack a large number of caravans next to a city waiting for the opportunity to build a wonder. After the stack would get so big some of the units would not be available or the whole stack would not be visible. This program does not do anything with lost buildings. Each building exists only as a bit in the city descriptor as far as I know.

...from growing up to 256 units later in the game
The actual limit is 127 units per country far as i remember with civ.dos version 474.03
I only test in civ.1 ver. 474.05 so I can't be sure what happens in other
versions. Version 5 loses units ervery so often. Ever have a complex battle
for a city, win, and have no contact with that particular enemy and but
still get the game message "An emissary from the ____ wishes to speak with
you." It looks like the game doesn't remove all of the pointers for a unit
Dack said:
... ...
have no contact with that particular enemy and but
still get the game message "An emissary from the ____ wishes to speak with
you." It looks like the game doesn't remove all of the pointers for a unit
this remembers me at
those multiple (up to 3 times every new turn) 'barbarian raiding party / native unrest... at ...(city)' (and so on)
announcements when there is infact just ONE 'landing' / 'occuring' of ONE bunch of virtual barbarians (just one 'leader-diplomat').
how much of the save file do you actually have done so far? i have a good portion of it mapped out already in my save editor itself. i do not however know anything on the map files themselves. perhaps an exchange of information could be done here to help out for both of us? i have been playing this game time began itseems and will never have enough of it :crazyeye: anyways im goin to send you a message sorry if im intruding .
DosBox does not seem to support the graphic mode used by CIV$ (80 characters wide, 43 lines 8x8 bit characters).

...maybe a next thing could / should be
to integrate (more) CIV$ - editor functions
into the Terraform Map Editor, too?

(version 3.0 or 2.1. ?)
Dack, I seem to be getting an access violation. NTVDM stops with c0000005 (Vista/AMD) and sfc shows no problem. civ.exe also gives this same exception/offset so I am doubting it is your programming but figured you might have run across it and have a way around it?
Unfortunately I have never run CIV DOS or CIV$ on a VISTA machine. I just don’t know how much dos support is offered under VISTA. I believe others have success using dosbox
I should have mentioned that I have it running in dosbox, so as not to cause concern. I have been needing dosbox more and more and I somehow suspect my processor. Anyway, thanks for the tool....those Mongols had no right to take colossus two turns before I built it :lol:
A quick click on the as if never built button puts those Mongols back in their rightful place in the que.
Good job Dack!

Nice to see you still supporting this magnificent yet light-weight DOS editor even with TerraForm going strong.

edit: Ah, misread the thread. My apologies. Still a magnificent utility though. :)

Thanks for the endorsement. This is truly my favorite project. I have intentions every now and again to release an update and rewriting the description in the download section.

At the moment 14Jun09 the latest version is here post 251

There is some problem with the spaceship function (it only works on very special occasions), so don't use that function.

It was/is an attempt to explore and map the SVE file.
I wasn't even using the latest :lol: I'll be looking at it tonight.

If it helps I went throught this site's downloads section.
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