• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Civ Error Messages


Nov 19, 2001
I've given the tech support board over 10 hours now, i'm a desperate man. ;)

After loading my save about 10 seconds in i get either a "This program has caused an illegal operation and will be shut down message.



This program has performed an illegal operation..etc

CIVILIZATION3 caused an invalid page fault in
module SOUND.DLL at 0167:016e98d7.
EAX=017f640a CS=0167 EIP=016e98d7 EFLGS=00010246
EBX=00000004 SS=016f ESP=00abfafc EBP=0cf06354
ECX=0cf06354 DS=016f ESI=0c7fe100 FS=2797
EDX=00000000 ES=016f EDI=00000000 GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
ff 50 78 a8 08 0f 84 a5 00 00 00 8b 0d d8 3e 79
Stack dump:
00000000 0c7fe100 00000300 00000400 00abfe28 0173a3fb ffffffff 0054d3aa 0cf06354 0054d1c1 0cf06354 01af3b72 00003f7f 004ec707 00000000 00000000

This problem just started occuring today, everything has worked fine for the past few weeks. Last night my dad upgraded aol 6.0 to 7.0, i don't know if that has anything to do with it, but its the only thing that has been changed. Any ideas on how to correct this?
EDIT: I'm running windows 98 and since everything worked fine before, i figure everything is up to date. Also occasionally the game cannot finish loading and the % bar gets fuzzy and discolored. Also when this happens the game locks up and the music keeps replaying the same notes over and over.

Thanks in advance,
-Computer illiterate and suffering from civ withdrawals, Dice.
By upgrading to 7.0, are you saying DirectX? Ok here's what I just learned on a different game forum. DirectX 8.1 is out, I've upgraded and I'm using Win ME. This is the post.

"AFAIK Dx8.1 was especially developed for XP and NT Kernel (spell W2000 not NT SP4) OS´s. It runs under WinX and WinME platforms for some games, but not for every game.


Marc Schwanebeck
MatrixGames graphics artist"

Now this could solve some problems others are having running the game. It is also my understanding that uninstalling a version of DirectX isn't easy, but there is a program to do it. Again I quote from the same thread.

"You can reverse an DirectX update with the "DirectX Buster" tool.


Marc Schwanebeck
MatrixGames graphics artist"

It would be unfair not to say a little about Marc and Matrix Games, so for give the small plug. MatrixGames is one hell of a small company, they are new. They redid Steel Panthers and it is free, one hell of a war game. They are branching out and have other games, some free some for sale. This is the Matrix link:

Hope this info helps.
To J Fred Muggs
I would like to thank you for the info. I don't know if this will help the problems I am having but I am going to try it. I also would like to thank you for the Steel Panthers stuff. :cool: I have SP2WW2 V5 (also free) which is a DOS game that I am having a hell of time running under Win ME although I am willing to put up with a lot of crap to run it because I like it a lot. I really like Civ3 but am having a h*** of a time getting it to run w/o crashing. I installed DirectX 8.1 before I got the game and I am hoping I can go back and start over with what the game provides to see if that is the problem. Once again , thanks for the info. :goodjob:
No problem, hope it helps.

Nice to see a fellow SP player. I have to giggle when I see the threads talking about the combat in Civ. It is to me like, if I want a combat game I'll play SP, If you can stand the download. It was over 400 megs last I knew. Not bad for a freebie. I mean can you imagine the marrige of SP and Civ. :) The combat in SP World at War Takes all that matters into the combat model, caliber, barrel length, armor thickness, angle, type of round fired and much more. But you know it is nice too, to just play a simple combat model too.

Oh yeah, if you hit their forums, tell em Pack Rat sent ya. My nic over there.
You might also want to re-install Civ3. By upgrading AOL versions, it might have changed a DLL or OCX file to a previous version that can't run Civ3. AOL 7.0 has been out a while if I remember right so it could have a pre-Civ3 DLL or OCX that is screwing up the game. I would try to re-install. Make sure you backup saved games and your bic file if you've changed it.
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