Civ V stock image Scavenger hunt

Calm down ;). He said that this temple image doesn't count as popular, that's the essence ;).

But for the rest :yup:, if it's a well known thing, then you don't have much artistic freedom. But that also doesn't give anyone the permission to copy stuff.

But they didn't "copy", they made something different out of each one. Enough of a difference is open to interpretation but if they were to "copy" as some are yelling about, they would simply have cropped a photograph into the circle.
Settled out of court with no verdict or ruling by a judge and with the person who created the image still insisting what he did was legitimate?
Settled out of court with no verdict or ruling by a judge and with the person who created the image still insisting what he did was legitimate?

He still had to settle though, which meant the case could not be just dismissed, pointing that there was probably precedent.
The issue of whether it was changed enough to be original work would be an issue of fact for a jury of which reasonable minds could differ. So, yeah, no summary judgment. 95% of cases settle, it's not overwhelmingly informative, especially when you consider it's a private individual fighting the Associated Press.
Well, let me put it this way: I've talked with the people involved, I've searched the internet for about 4 different precedents that are similar to this one (Neverwinter Nights which was extremely similar, the Hope poster which was again similar, the Ben Franklin Tercentenary picture showing that permision should have been sought at least by one source and David & Goliath stealing from Somethingawful which gave a few hints on the practice of taking pictures from the internet) and I've searched more than a dozen pictures myself (and done my duty of comparing them throroughly).

To this point I've yet to see anyone saying that there was no foul play showing a single example or precedent to prove or disprove my points (let alone in some cases even searching for images themselves). This has been time consuming on my behalf, but I've just realised on how easy it's to just dismiss all my findings with almost no effort at all.

It's a bit annoying, but please, for now on anyone else trying to refute any of my claims (or claim the same things over and over again), please do at least half the work I've done in trying to search for evidence and precedents.

And about the Barack Obama poster, that the case could not have been easily dismissed proves that both parties agreed that there was a case to begin with.
Well, no. It means a judge agreed there was a case. Doesn't even mean the judge agreed there was a winnable case. Just that, considering all the evidence in the light most favorable to the side who wants to go to trial, reasonable minds could differ about who would prevail. It's only when the side who wants to go to trial would clearly lose in almost every case even if the evidence was almost entirely in his favor, that the case would be dismissed (Summary Judgment for defense granted).

The fact that summary judgment wasn't granted in favor of the AP says something as well. The Judge didn't say the issue was so clear cut as a violation that a jury trial wasn't needed either.

I'm not disputing your work, I'm disputing your conclusion. Of course those whose images were modified would support your conclusion. It doesn't mean the conclusion is necessarily right. However, I do agree that, should there be a lawsuit, Summary Judgment would not be granted, so 2K would likely have to proceed to trial (or more likely, settle).
True, I do agree, only a jury could have given judgement. My conclusion is based on the settlement (both parties agree) in favor of going to court (and that the case could not be easily dismissed). I should likely find better sources.

On a related matter, I guess it could have been worst:
Yeah, that's a lot worse. That isn't changed at all and is used for the same purpose. No one in their right minds could agree that's legitimate. I think, in this case, we both agree that the images were used as a base source. I think our disagreement is about the amount of change (take the Ben Franklin picture. The face looks so different that, if people didn't know what they were looking for, I don't think most people would have noticed that the image was based on a photograph). Clearly, some amount of change does make the images legitimate, while an insufficient change creates a legal liability.

I think the consequences could be interesting. Most likely, they would not be forced to stop using them, since that would be economic waste without any real benefit. It is possible they would be forced to pay a negotiated price, but, more likely, some kind of objective market value. Given the small size of the images and the fact that they're easily and freely accessible on image searches, I'm not sure if the value would be very high. It's quite possible it would be too low for a lawsuit to be worthwhile. This all being said, I don't think Firaxis acted with bad motive. They're computer programmers, not lawyers. It makes sense to use google image searches as inspiration for such a wide variety of images. My guess is, if this didn't exist, the instinct would be to rely on an encyclopedia, which would have the same consequence.
Can we get back to the images? No? Fine. I guess I was asking for too much.

Anyway, the Public School.

Front entrance of Boston Latin School. 4th result for GIS of "public school". Apparently the first public high school in the US.

Just remove the roof and some other things, add blue tint and light, and you're good to go.
i was interested and read wikipedia's article on fair use and more. three of the four factors that are considered for determining fair use may apply:

they have absolutely no effect upon the original work's value. no one is going to avoid paying the ben franklin tertiary society a visit because they've seen this picture in civ.

they're not substantial. similar to the rulings that allow thumbnails in search engines as fair use, these aren't high res images.

they're transformative. they're stylized drawings rather than photos.

overall, i'd say we need an intellectual property law lawyer to say what's what.
Can we get back to the images? No? Fine. I guess I was asking for too much.

I've been looking, I'm just not highly motivated and haven't had any luck. I was searching for patch and DLC ones. The Circus Maximus seemed like an obvious candidate, but nothing stood out.
overall, i'd say we need an intellectual property law lawyer to say what's what.

This is as close as you're going to get to a real definition of proprietary "Originals" in a sense that *ANY* authors can actually prove concept(s) and artwork(s); From - My - Perspective, only.

I had found a fairly similar Barbarian galley Red Skull logo on its sail but i guess, even evidence wouldn't stand a chance in a court of Law simply because Firaxis staff has every rights to create (or mimic, btw) what they want.
And if found guilty of *OBVIOUS* plagiarization could be brought to justice. I can't see why or for what reasons exactly though.
Never mind opinions - mine or anyone else's here.
Lawyers don't work for free, is (again) all i'm being enforced to add judging from latest comments.

Yep, there are images - floating.
Matched or not.
Could this be the Egyptian Burial tomb?

Fourth page, fourth image of Egyptian Burial Tomb - flipped.

Certainly very cleaned up. I don't know enough about photoshop to even know if that's possible. There's probably a better search to get there as well (it's from King Tut's tomb, fwiw).
Alright, last try...
Anyone knows which oil painter produced this and when?


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