Civ VI Funny/Strange Screenshots

If you had the show yields setting on you would have seen those double tiles the moment you moved your warrior.
If you had the show yields setting on you would have seen those double tiles the moment you moved your warrior.

Probably. But I didn't.

I'm just playing this game for fun. If I want to try-hard to win, well, League of Legends takes good care of that already.


A few turns later...


This is going to be the most satisfying early rush ever.

The Battle for Stonehenge.

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Nearly 100 turns later... I haven't yet built a single Settler, but I now have 8 cities, a captured Settler and very soon a second captured Settler because there's a barb settler right in the middle of my lands... Alexander is FUN.
Try saying to an Italian that their wine is the same asa French one. Yes, my own experience
Gandhi, I'm playing Alexander. Seriously, you're already in enough danger without doing this, why aren't you more careful?

No screenshot, but I'm not sure what thread is for 'funny non-screenshots' here :D

Just received the message in my game that 'Spain have earned the great admiral Francis Drake'. I immediately started wondering how Philip would use him, and those thoughts are scary :lol:
Also possible:

Rome having Hannibal as Great General; China, Persia, and Arabia having Genghis Khan as Great General, England and Russia having Napoleon as Great General, etc.
Hilarity ensues as well when China is wiped out when they have Sun Tzu.
Yeah. French wines are far more famous.

Of course. French started way before of italians in selling and promoting their quality wine.
We are trying now to close the gap, with some different but quality wine.
Also possible:

Rome having Hannibal as Great General; China, Persia, and Arabia having Genghis Khan as Great General, England and Russia having Napoleon as Great General, etc.
Well, in case of Philip and Drake it's really personal, not just countries :D
This is what happens when an island is too small to sustain carnivores.

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