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Civ1 DOS Succession Game!

And the story continues...

These are the major events that took place 2600BC-2400BC:

4 strong military units built.

Thebes destroyed, Egyptian civilization destroyed.

One new city built, Hat Yai, which I indented to be a settler factory and later on a caravan factory. It was built N of Bangkok in the middle of the forrest.

Songhkla destroyed by barbarians. :(

I decided that expansion was the number one priority and therefore I wanted to build some strong military units and then lots of settlers. Nothing needed to be researched at the moment so I kept the 100% tax rate throughout my turn which enabled some rush buys.

Here is a detailed log:

2620 (Changes in production etc): Da Nang workers moved to forrest to finish settler in one turn. Bangkok Militia and Legion rehomed to Chiengmai to reduce support costs. Chiengmai worker temporarily moved to fish. Chariot rush built in Tak for 56g.

2600 Da Nang builds Settlers, Tak builds Chariot, Settler production started is both cities.

2580 Da Nang Settlers starts building a road to Bangkok. Chariot rush built in Chiengmai, workers moved back to horse for support reasons, Bangkok reaches size 2 and works two forest squares.

2560 Lop Buri builds Militia, starts producing Chariot, IPRB of Phalanx in Khon Kaen, switch back to Settlers production, move 2 Chariots, 1 Legion, 1 Cavalry and 2 Militia towards Thebes.

2540 Chariot kills Phalanx and Militia in Thebes, Thebes now size 1 and undefended.

2520 A Barbarian Legion lands next to the undefended city of Songhkla. Thebes grows to size 2 and builds a defender. Legion loses to Thebes Phalanx. Chariot kills Thebes Phalanx and destroys the city. Egyptian civilization destroyed. Hat Yai founded. IPRB in Tak.

2500 Songhkla destroyed and 3g in plundered. NON Cavalry explores south of former Thebes. Bangkok - Da Nang road finished. 2 Chariots move E towards Mongols.

2480 Barbarian Legion moves towards Tak, Catapult rush built in Tak. Bangkok builds Chariot and starts a Settler. Chariot explores around Da Nang and Cavalry finds out that there is only a small peninsula south of former Thebes. Chiengmai production changed to Settlers.

2460 Tak builds Catapult and starts Settlers. Khon Kaen builds Settlers and continues Settler production. Lop Buri production changed to Settlers (Songhkla should be replaced). Catapult kills Barbarian Legion.

2440 Khon Kaen settler moves S-E to found a new city somewhere on the river.

2420 Catapult explores and reveales a fish square.

2400 Stop

2400 Demographics:

Pop #1 170,000
GNP #1 11
MFG #1 25
L A #1 158,000
Lit #3 8
Dis #3 50
Pol #1 0
Lif #3 21
Fam #4 4.4
Mil #4 6
Inc #1 7
Pro #1 52

Units: 2 Settlers, 4 Militia, 1 Cavalry, 1 Catapult, 3 Chariot.
Casualties: 1 Legion
OK, I'm back from Easter travels and will be able to play my 10 turns tonight.
Turn Log, 2400 BC - 2200 BC

Save file: http://www.civfanatics.net/uploads4/Siam_2200BC.zip

  • 2400 BC -- I don't like undefended cities, particularly with the Mongols around, so I switch Khon Kaen and Tak from Settler to Phalanx and Hat Yai from Settler to Militia. Rush the Khon Kaen Phalanx because a mongol militia is right there and I don't trust them one bit, leaving the treasury at 17 gold. Kick science back up to 80% which will give Monarchy in 10 turns and keeps tax revenue at +1 per turn.

    Decide to use the non-road-building settler to found a city on the river NE of the coal which will leave a hole of 1 river and 2 plains in the middle of the 4 cities. It won't be a port but there's a chance it'll have a fish in addition to the coal and there will be only 1 total tile overlap with any current cities. I will move the Tak militia up to defend the new city and let them keep the Phalanx when it is built.
  • 2380 BC -- Chiengmai builds settler. Start building another and send this one NE toward the second river. Khon Kaen builds Phalanx and Mongols behave, keeping their militia directly SE of it; switch production to Settlers. Move chariots and Cavalry towards Mongols.
  • 2360 BC -- Mongols fortify their militia on the hill SE of Khon Kaen where they've been sitting. Chariot in search of Mongol cities gets Iron Working from a hut.
  • 2340 BC -- Lop Buri builds Settlers which I will use to build roads in the South; switch to Trireme to explore the west coastal area. Nakhon Sawan founded on River NE of the coal; unfortunately it's not a shield-producing square :( Road building-settler continues toward Tak from Bangkok. Note that Monarchy is still 9 turns away due to pop loss and/or getting the free tech.
  • 2320 BC -- Bangkok builds Settlers which I will use to build roads to the North; keep with that build order. Da Nang builds Settlers which I will send to settle on the bonus grass along the coast between Tak and Lop Buri; again continue with settlers. Hat Yai builds milita; fortify there and change to settler. Tak builds Phalanx, switch to Colossus; it may not be the best choice since it has no special squares, but it has a lot of ocean and river and enough production to actually start it, even with supporting several military units.
  • 2300 BC -- Found Ubon Ratcha on a coastal river square NE of where Thebes was, once again not getting a shield; set it to build a militia to get some quick defense up since it's the easternmost city. Treasury at 22 gold, gaining 1 per turn, Monarchy 8 turns off.
  • 2280 BC and 2260 BC -- Nothing particularly interesting happens. Settlers continue to build roads or move toward city spots, chariots continue to search for the mongols, cavalry slowly moving that way as well. Mongol militia still fortified by Khon Kaen.
  • 2240 BC -- Add a section to the Palace. Found Sara Buri between Lop Buri and Tak; change support of catapult that was waiting there from Tak to here and start a settler.
  • 2220 BC -- Finish researching Monarchy, start Writing. Based upon cliff's oedo year post, the next such year is 2180 so delay revolution for the moment.
  • 2200 BC -- Finally find the mongol city of Bokhara (size 2), much further South than I expected. We can easily setup a land chokepoint to hinder their expansion with the chariots/cavalry.

State of the Empire, 2200 BC
10 cities: 1 size 3, 2 size 2, 7 size 1; all people content
Active Military: 5 Militia, 2 Phalanx, 3 Chariot, 1 Catapult, 1 Cavalry (free) and 3 settlers (only 2 listed on F2)
Production: 7 settlers, 1 militia, 1 trireme, Colossus
Treasury: 27 gold, 1 per turn with 0%L/20%T/80%S; Writing 7 turns away.
Gov't still Despotism; next player should revolt in 2180 if he/she wants to switch to Monarchy.
BTW, Looks like gonzo's next.

Save file: http://www.civfanatics.net/uploads4/Siam_2200BC.zip

And here's the known world at 1/2 size (the unnamed city is Nakhon Sawan)

Save file: http://www.civfanatics.net/uploads4/Siam_2200BC.zip
If someone wanted to jump in for a quick 10 they could, I won't be able to get to the game until tomorrow.

Will read your log in a minute. But first let me say that your screen shot of the map is beautiful - clear, and not so big that something gets left out. It is very helpful. :)

Thanks, stwils. I thought it would be useful to have a nice overview map with some detail so I just pasted a bunch of screenshots together and scaled it in half to get a reasonably-sized image. Maybe next time I'll remember to not cut off one of the city names ;)

Looking at the map, we could probably get at least 2 dozen cities out of this continent without crowding. My next 2 settlements would have been the bonus grassland 4E, 2N from Nakhon Sawan and maybe the forest 5 tiles due S of Ubon Ratcha. I'm not sure what to do in the NW corner as Hat Yai's a square further West than I probably would've put it so further cities will be somewhat close. We might get a better idea once the trireme is built and the other coastline is explored.

As for the Mongols, they have at least 2 cities since Bokhara's #2 on the list. If that's all they have, it might be possible to take them out once all 3 units get close enough, although having only 2 chariots and a cavalry there is a little risky. There's the militia in our territory to watch too. One thing I forgot to do was move the militia in Nakhon Sawon onto the mountain to reveal the 2 ocean squares in its radius to see if there's a fish.
Originally posted by pdescobar
Maybe next time I'll remember to not cut off one of the city names
I think the game did that...I know it does sometimes...:mad:

All our cities have 1+ special, and they're nicely spaced! Excellent!
Can't wait for my next turns...
I haven't looked at the save yet, but if Hat Yai isn't building a trireme or settler, I would start(maybe rush) one, so we can check out that other cont.-actually, probably one of each.
It cuts off the names if the city is at the edge of the screenshot, but I had like 7 screenshots and I probably covered one that had the name with one that didn't ;)

IIRC, Hat Yai is building a settler and Lop Buri is working on a trireme.
Sorry guys, but I'm gonna have to drop out, my computer is not running ANYTHING in DOS right now, even after reinstalling civ1 DOS.

If I get it straightened out I'll let you know, but nothing I've done has been able to successfully launch civ1 :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
Might as well explain why I built Hat Yai in that spot.

The coal and the plains between Hat Yai and Khon Kaen cannot be worked by any city at the moment but they could have if Hat Yai had been founded one square further west. However, this square is a forrest and that will make city growth slow and it would take more than 20 turns to build a settler there. An alternative is to convert the forrest to plains first before founding the city. Both these alternatives take extra time. A small size two city can easily be built on the plains S of the coal later on when we have filled up our continent with cities. At the moment we need to build many settlers fast and the current city placement will let this city produce a settler fast. The workers should be shifted to forrest when the city reaches size 2.

My ideas for new cities in the NW corner are 1) two squares NW of Hat Yai and 2) three squares S of Hat Yai. No squares will be wasted with this city placement.
State of the Kingdom 2200 BC - 2000 BC
King Mongkut addresses his subjects

T1: 2180 BC
Stirred to revolt by the revolutionary Irish Caesar, the crowds mob the streets of Bangkok in protest of the government.
Troop movement in the southeast, Khon Kaen-Bangkok road construction proceeds.

T2: 2160 BC
Siamese government changes to Monarchy!
Troop movement, nothing much to report on.

T3: 2140 BC
Nakhon Sawan road construction proceeds, troop movement in the southeast.

T4: 2120 BC
The Domestic Advisor announces that the population is now in excess of 200,000 citizens.
more troops, settlers move.

T5: 2100 BC
The Khon Kaen - Bangkok highway is complete, a major throughway near Sara Buri has been started.
Ubon Ratcha has completed training a militia unit, which ahs been placed in defense of the city. Ubon Ratcha is now outfitting a settler.

T6: 2080 BC
Troop movement.
Road construction: Nakhon Sawan, also from Khon Kaen to Hat Yai.

T7: 2060 BC
Chariot discovers the Mongol army waiting for it near Bokhara.
There is quite a crowd assembled to greet us!
The brave units keep their ground, as well as the peace.
Nakhon Sawan's militia is rebased; it had formerly been funded by the city of Tak. Now Tak's Colossus will be completed in 12 fewer turns.

T8: 2040 BC
Writing is discovered!
The secrets of Mysticism will now be studied.
Sara Buri road construction proceeds.

T9: 2020 BC
Road construction: near Nakhon Sawan, and from Khon Kaen to Hat Yai.
Troops are stopped in the southeast, a chariot and a cavalry unit stand guard.
A chariot continues to explore and look for the lost city of Samarkand (it must exist...)

Travelers report that the distant city of Washington, in the foreign land of America, has completed the colossus.
Tak will now try to build pyramids within the city limits.

Civ quiz!
Electricity comes from metallurgy and magnetism, for anyone who is interested.

T10: 2000 BC
Khon Kaen has finished outfitting a settler to work in the great outdoors.
The laboring citizens have now undertaken the task of shipbuilding: a trireme is under construction.
Our brave chariot has found the city of Samarkand, Mongolia.


City Status reports:
1 size 3, Tak, working on pyramids.
6 size 2, Hat Yai, Chiengmai, Lop Buri, Nakhon Sawan, Ubon Ratcha, Sara Buri
3 size 1, Bangkok, Da Nang, Khon Kaen

Khon Kaen, Lop Buri: triremes
All others:settlers

Military Status:
Settlers: 3 active, 7 in prod'n
Militia: 6 active
Phlx: 2
Cavlry: 1
Catplt: 1
Chariot: 3
Trireme: 2 in prod'n

Losses: 1 legion

Population 270,000 (100% content)

Income $6
Expenses $0
Discoveries 7T
Research: Mysticism

Wonders: Colossus of Washington

Top 5 Cities:
Washington, USA
Samarkand, Mongolia
Athens, Greece
Leningrad, USSR
Boston, USA

Approval #2 47%
Pop. #3 270,000
GNP #4 $6 million
Mfg. #1 26 mTons
Area #1 226,000 sq. mi
Literacy #2 16%
Disease #4 50%
Pollution #1 0
Life exp #5 21
Fam. size #1 8.3 kids :eek: (how the heck do our citizens have 8.3 kids in their 21 years of life?)
Military service #4 6 years
Annual income #3 $3 per capita
Productivity #1 62

Sorry, my screenshots aren't really working, so I haven't attached any.
Some last thoughts:
More chariots and less settlers might be good...wish I thought of that earlier.
Looks like war with the Mongols will be soon, it'll be quite the fight.
Cliff: I figured something like that was why Hat Yai was placed there; I had forgotten the original terrain type on that spot and that forest/jungle/swamp would not be auto-cleared to plains/grass on city founding. Your choice is a sound short-term philosophy for getting the continent settled fast; I would probably have chosen a different placement because I have a more long-term less-overlap philosophy. But that's what makes these games so interesting :)

Irish Caesar: I had forgotten to mention that I left that militia supported by Tak; at the time I was waiting for Nakhon Sawan to grow enough that it could support its own unit. I'm glad you noticed that. As for switching some of the settlers to chariots in anticipation of war with the mongols, that's looking more and more like a good idea. Note that there is a catapult in Sara Buri and a chariot somewhere else (Da Nang?) on city "defense" as well.

I made a new composite map from the latest save, this time including the F10 World Map to provide context:
I agree, more chariots! Once we have 4 chariots or so near the mongols, I think we can certainly destroy them. We might try to do it with the 2 we have there now, but that's quite risky, the person who plays must that decide him/herself.
BTW why did we change to monarchy? It has quite some disadvantages compared to despotism. When I play Civ 1 I usually wait with revolution till I get republic or democracy or so...
But it's a good thing we are building pyramids now, I hope we can finish that wonder and then we can change to communism/republic/democracy.
Apart from these 2 small notes, I think everything is going well with the empire, though we dropped a bit in the demographics :(, but that doesn't mean too much, especially so early in the game.

Siegmund is next right?
Pdescobar, I really like that screenshot! It is great to watch the progress of our empire with these overview pictures!

Now, my long-term strategy involves overlaps here and there. It is good to have several size 20+ cities that work all squares within the city area but all cities don't have to be that big. Two cities with overlap might be able to work 30 squares together and in particular more ocean squares can be worked which will generate more trade which will compensate for the extra city improvements that must be built compared to when only one city without overlap is founded. The short term advantage is of course faster settling of our continent like you mentioned but also increased trade early on. If needed, the workers can be shifted from forrest to ocean which will give us 4 extra trade arrows.
About Monarchy.

The advantages are more food from fish and game squares + the city square in cities founded on grassland. This will let cities grow faster and be more productive. If the city supports a settler however, this advantage is gone since settlers eat two food.

On the downside, all units require support.

My ideas for Monarchy is to wait a little longer (until there is 20 food in the food box) before building settlers in size 2 cities. This means these cities will grow back to size 2 when the settler is built. Better yet is to have size 3 cities.

I, like addiv, am not used to playing Monarchy so this will be new for me if are still in Monarchy when I play next.
About Pyramids

I think it is risky to start the production of such a wonder in one city at this point when we don't have trade. The AI actually never builds wonders but get them handed out randomly once they have the techs needed to build them. This means that the AI might "build" the Pyramids all of a sudden and we will have to switch production to something less useful and possibly waste many shields. It is safer to have some caravans built that could help with wonder production before starting the wonder.
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