Civ2-gotm12 *SPOILER TALKS*

Since it seems like I am the only one who still needs to finish the GOTM, I'll give my last update before I switch to 'quick finish mode'.

I am in 540AD and everything was coming together nicely. I got to Explosives and have Leo's Workshop so my small army of 50 engineers were really starting to improve the terrain. My Caravan system was developing nicely also. Very early in the game I jumped across the channel and started to establish cities on the second main continent. That allowed a real boost to my Caravan deliveries (its so much easier to load a caravan on a boat rather than build a road in every square).

But alas, all that is going the way of the pogo stick. I'm going to start pushing on the last mongol city (I'm in a republic, so I need to wait until I'm allowed to declare war) and build as many wonders as I can. Hopefully in 6-8 turns I will get both things accomplished and see what kind of score I get. I started off really well in this game so it's rather disappointing to not be able to play it through to the end. I'm sure it won't be worthy of a medal, but what the hell.:p
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