C3C Changes from PTW
Civ Traits
New Traits
Agricultural - Provides one bonus food in the city square in all governments except despotism. In despotism, the bonus food only appears if the city is by fresh water. Half-price aqueduct, hospital, solar plant, hydro plant.
Seafaring - Cities on the coast of salt water gain one extra commerce in the city square. +1 naval movement. Less chance of sinking in sea/ocean when sailing there before they are safe. Half price harbor, commercial dock, offshore platform.
Traits Changed
Industrious worker speed bonus reduced from 100% to 50% faster than non-Industrious workers.
New Civs' Traits
Byzantium - Seafaring, Scientific
Hittites - Expansionist, Commercial
Inca - Agricultural, Expansionist
Maya - Agricultural, Industrious
Netherlands - Agricultural, Seafaring
Portugal - Seafaring, Expansionist
Sumeria - Agricultural, Scientific
Old Civs' Changed Traits
Aztecs - from Militaristic, Religious to Agricultural, Militaristic
Carthage - from Commercial, Industrious to Industrious, Seafaring
Celts - from Militaristic, Religious to Agricultural, Religious
England - from Commercial, Expansionist to Commercial, Seafaring
Iroquois - from Expansionist, Religious to Agricultural, Commercial
Scandinavia - from Expansionist, Militaristic to Militaristic, Seafaring
Spain - from Commercial, Religious to Religious, Seafaring
New Units
Changes to Old Units
AEGIS Cruiser from 12/10/5 (4.2.2) to 15/10/7 (6.2.2) with anti-aircraft
Archer gains (1.0.1) bombard.
Battleship gains anti-aircraft 2.
Carrier move increased from 4 to 7 and gains anti-aircraft 1.
Cossack from 6/4/3 to 6/3/3 with blitz.
Cruise Missile range increased from 3 to 4.
Destroyer move increased from 5 to 8 and gains anti-aircraft 1.
Explorer now available with Astronomy, not Navigation.
Frigate from 2/2/4 (2.1.2) to 2/2/5 (3.1.2).
Gallic Swordsman cost decreased from 50 shields to 40 shields.
Helicopter from carrying 1 to carrying 3.
H'wacha from (12.1.1) bombard to (8.1.1) bombard with lethal land bombard.
Ironclad from 4/4/4 (4.1.2) to 5/6/4 (6.1.2) available with Ironclads tech.
Jaguar Warrior cost increased from 10 shields to 15 shields. Now requires Warrior Code. No longer replaces warrior.
Longbow gains (2.0.1) bombard.
Man-O-War from 3/2/4 (3.1.2) for 60 shields to 4/2/5 (4.1.2) for 65 shields, with a chance to enslave.
Marine from 8/6/1 to 12/6/1.
Musketeer from 3/4/1 to 2/5/1 with (2.0.1) bombard.
Nuclear Submarine move increased from 4 to 5.
Paratrooper from 6.8.1 to 4.9.1.
Privateer from 2/1/3 for 60 shields to 2/1/5 for 50 shields, with a chance to enslave.
Radar Artillery move increased from 1 to 2.
Submarine move increased from 3 to 4.
Transport from 1/4/5 carrying 8 to 1/2/6 carrying 6.
War Elephant now gains an extra +1 hp.
Terrain and Improvements
New Terrain
Volcano - 0 food/3 shields/0 commerce, takes 3 MP, gives 80% defense bonus, can't be improved, occasionally erupts to destroy nearby units/improvements and create pollution
Marsh - 1 food/0 shields/0 commerce, takes 2 MP, gives 20% defense bonus, can be cleared, can be roaded for 1 commerce, cities can't be formed on marsh, causes disease.
New Improvements
Barricade - improved fortress - increases defense bonus to 100% and stops all units trying to move through it
Craters - created when a square is bombarded to nothing - takes time to clear before the square can be further improved
Ruins - created when a town is razed - has no effect on square productivity - disappears when square is improved
New Bonus Resources
Sugar - 1 food and 1 commerce (found on plains and hills)
Fruit - 1 food and 1 commerce (found in jungle)
Oasis - 2 food (found in desert)
Tobacco - 1 commerce (found in grassland, hills, and plains)
Tech Tree Changes
New Techs
Ironclads - requires Steam Power, required for nothing, allows Ironclads unit, optional tech
Fascism- requires Nationalism, required for nothing, allows Fascism Government, optional tech
Techs Removed
Radio - Civil Defense now available with Electronics
Other Changes
Electronics is no longer a prerequisite for Motorized Transportation.
Philosophy now gives a bonus tech to the first civ to research it.
Government Changes
New Governments
Feudalism - available with Feudalism, problematic corruption (like Monarchy), low war weariness (like Republic), 5/2/1 unit support, unit cost of 3 per excess unit, 3 MPs, 100% worker rate
Fascism - available with Fascism, nuisance corruption (like Republic), no war weariness, 4/7/10 unit support, unit cost of 1 per excess unit, 4 MPs, 200% worker rate. Causes reduction in population when switched into and cannot build cultural buildings in cities without a majority of native citizens
Changes to Old Governments
Republic now has 1/3/4 unit support but bears a unit cost of 2 per excess unit.
Revolutions now take one turn longer, across the board. For religious civs, this means anarchy is 2 turns and it is 2-9 turns for all other civs.
Wonders, Great and Small
New Wonders
Statue of Zeus - 200 shields, Mathematics, requires Ivory, 4 cpt, Rel and Mil, produces Ancient Cavalry unit every 5 turns, expires with Metallurgy
Mausoleum of Mausollos - 200 shields, Philosophy, 2 cpt, Sci and Sea, 3 unhappy citizens made content, never expires
Temple of Artemis - 500 shields, Polytheism, 4 cpt, Rel, puts a temple in every city on the continent, expires with Education
Knight's Templar - 300 shields, Chivalry, 2 cpt, Rel and Mil, produces a Crusader unit every 5 turns, expires with Steam Power
Secret Police Headquarters - 200 shields, Espionage, 0 cpt, Small wonder, acts as a second FP while in Communism
Changes to Existing Wonders
Colossus - traits from Expansionist, Commercial, Religious to Expansionist, Seafaring, Commercial
Cure for Cancer - add trait Agricultural
Great Wall - added ability of creating a wall in every town on the same continent
Magellan's Voyage - add trait Seafaring
Pyramids - add trait Agricultural
Shakespeare's Theatre - also allows a city to grow beyond size 12 and now costs 450 shields
Universal Suffrage - trait from Militaristic to Agricultural
New Wonder Ability
Some Great Wonders now have the ability to become tourist attractions. These wonders produce revenue (uncorrupted, not affected by buildings) based on their age. It starts at 2 gpt after 1000 years and can grow as high as 14 gpt. Pyramids, Oracle, Hanging Gardens, Great Wall, Statue of Zeus, Temple of Artemis, Mausoleum of Mausollos, Great Library, Colossus, Great Lighthouse, Sistine Chapel, Leonardo's Workshop, Copernicus' Observatory, Shakespeare's Theatre, Newton's University, JS Bach's Cathedral, Hoover Dam, and United Nations can become tourist attractions.
New Leaders
Scientific Great Leader (SGL) - has a 3% chance of appearing if a Civ is the first to discover a tech (5% for Scientific civs). An SGL can rush a wonder (either Great or Small). In theory, an SGL can also cause an "Age of Science" to increase beakers by 20% for 20 turns, but this functionality does not work. The button is there, but it does nothing.
Changes to MGL
Military Great Leaders (MGLs) can no longer rush Great Wonders. They can still create armies and can rush small wonders or other buildings.
Changes to Armies
Armies now get a bonus to their A/D/M values. The bonus to A is equal to the sum of the A values of all units in the army divided by 6 and rounded down (e.g. 3 cavalry in an army has an A bonus of (6+6+6)/6 = 3 and 3 swords in an army have an A bonus of (3+3+3)/6 = 1). Building the Military Academy makes the denominator 4 instead of 6. The D bonus is similar, but with D values summed. All armies also get a +1 M value (one extra movement point). Thus, an army of 4 cavalry after the Military Academy has been built (assumes Pentagon, too), is effectively a 12/6/4 unit.
Armies also heal in enemy territory (one hp/unit pre-Battlefield Medicine and two hp/unit after), can pillage without expending a movement point, and heal much faster in your territory than before, too. Armies also have extended viewing range (+1 tile), blitz, and zone of control.
New Specialists
Civil Engineer - available with Replaceable Parts, produces two incorruptible, non-multiplicative (e.g. factory doesn't help) shields for use on buildings and wonders and zero shields for units
Policeman - available with Nationalism, reduces corruption by one shield and one commerce arrow, subject to multiplier buildings, except in maximally corrupt cities
Changes to Existing Specialists
Scientists now produce 3 beakers per turn instead of 1.
Taxmen now produce 2 gold tax per turn instead of 1.
Changes to Interface
Cultural flips and SGLs can be turned off on game setup screen.
F8 now shows domination limit, spaceship parts completed by the leader, and a lot of other win condition information.
Shift-D for workers now is clear damage and not open diplomacy. Control-Shift-D opens the diplomacy window at all times.
New option at set-up - play the last world, which starts a new game on the same map as previously played.
New option in map choosing - world map seed, which allows maps to be shared easily and/or named maps to be played.
Civ Traits
New Traits
Agricultural - Provides one bonus food in the city square in all governments except despotism. In despotism, the bonus food only appears if the city is by fresh water. Half-price aqueduct, hospital, solar plant, hydro plant.
Seafaring - Cities on the coast of salt water gain one extra commerce in the city square. +1 naval movement. Less chance of sinking in sea/ocean when sailing there before they are safe. Half price harbor, commercial dock, offshore platform.
Traits Changed
Industrious worker speed bonus reduced from 100% to 50% faster than non-Industrious workers.
New Civs' Traits
Byzantium - Seafaring, Scientific
Hittites - Expansionist, Commercial
Inca - Agricultural, Expansionist
Maya - Agricultural, Industrious
Netherlands - Agricultural, Seafaring
Portugal - Seafaring, Expansionist
Sumeria - Agricultural, Scientific
Old Civs' Changed Traits
Aztecs - from Militaristic, Religious to Agricultural, Militaristic
Carthage - from Commercial, Industrious to Industrious, Seafaring
Celts - from Militaristic, Religious to Agricultural, Religious
England - from Commercial, Expansionist to Commercial, Seafaring
Iroquois - from Expansionist, Religious to Agricultural, Commercial
Scandinavia - from Expansionist, Militaristic to Militaristic, Seafaring
Spain - from Commercial, Religious to Religious, Seafaring
New Units
Unit Name A/D/M(A.R.F) Cost Tech Resources Upgrades Upgrades Notes
From To
Ancient Cavalry 3/2/2 40 None Ivory None None +1 hp, produced every 5 turns by Statue of Zeus when ivory is present, can't be built "normally"
Carrack 2/2/4(3.1.1) 40 Astronomy None Galley Frigate Portuguese UU replacing caravel, safe on ocean, holds 3
Chasqui Scout 1/1/2 20 None None None Explorer Incan UU replacing scout, ignores movement penalty of hills/mountains
Crusader 5/3/1 70 None None None None Produced every 5 turns by Knight's Templar, can't be built "normally", can build fortress
Curragh 1/1/2 15 Alphabet None None Galley
Cruiser 15/10/6(7.1.2) 160 Combustion Oil None None Anti-aircraft 1, radar
Dromon 2/1/3(2.1.2) 30 Map Making None Curragh Caravel Byzantine UU replaces galley, holds 2, lethal sea bombard
Enkidu Warrior 1/2/1 10 None None None Pike Sumerian UU replacing spear
Flak 1/6/1 70 Flight None None Mobile SAM Anti-aircraft 2
Guerilla 6/6/1(3.0.1) 90 Replaceable Parts None Longbow, MDI TOW
Javelin Thrower 2/2/1 30 Warrior Code None None Longbow Mayan UU replacing archer, has 1/3 chance to enslave
Mobile SAM 1/6/2 100 Rocketry None Flak None Anti-aircraft 4
Modern Paratrooper 6/11/1 110 Synthetic Fibers Oil, Rubber Paratrooper None Airdrop
Three-Man Chariot 2/2/2 30 The Wheel Horses None Knight Hittite UU replacing chariot and horseman; wheeled
Trebuchet 0/0/1(6.1.1) 30 Engineering None Catapult Cannon
Swiss Mercenary 1/4/1 30 Feudalism Iron Musketman Rifleman Netherlands UU replaces pike (and typically musketman)
TOW Infantry 12/14/1(6.0.1) 120 Rocketry None Guerilla None
Changes to Old Units
AEGIS Cruiser from 12/10/5 (4.2.2) to 15/10/7 (6.2.2) with anti-aircraft
Archer gains (1.0.1) bombard.
Battleship gains anti-aircraft 2.
Carrier move increased from 4 to 7 and gains anti-aircraft 1.
Cossack from 6/4/3 to 6/3/3 with blitz.
Cruise Missile range increased from 3 to 4.
Destroyer move increased from 5 to 8 and gains anti-aircraft 1.
Explorer now available with Astronomy, not Navigation.
Frigate from 2/2/4 (2.1.2) to 2/2/5 (3.1.2).
Gallic Swordsman cost decreased from 50 shields to 40 shields.
Helicopter from carrying 1 to carrying 3.
H'wacha from (12.1.1) bombard to (8.1.1) bombard with lethal land bombard.
Ironclad from 4/4/4 (4.1.2) to 5/6/4 (6.1.2) available with Ironclads tech.
Jaguar Warrior cost increased from 10 shields to 15 shields. Now requires Warrior Code. No longer replaces warrior.
Longbow gains (2.0.1) bombard.
Man-O-War from 3/2/4 (3.1.2) for 60 shields to 4/2/5 (4.1.2) for 65 shields, with a chance to enslave.
Marine from 8/6/1 to 12/6/1.
Musketeer from 3/4/1 to 2/5/1 with (2.0.1) bombard.
Nuclear Submarine move increased from 4 to 5.
Paratrooper from 6.8.1 to 4.9.1.
Privateer from 2/1/3 for 60 shields to 2/1/5 for 50 shields, with a chance to enslave.
Radar Artillery move increased from 1 to 2.
Submarine move increased from 3 to 4.
Transport from 1/4/5 carrying 8 to 1/2/6 carrying 6.
War Elephant now gains an extra +1 hp.
Terrain and Improvements
New Terrain
Volcano - 0 food/3 shields/0 commerce, takes 3 MP, gives 80% defense bonus, can't be improved, occasionally erupts to destroy nearby units/improvements and create pollution
Marsh - 1 food/0 shields/0 commerce, takes 2 MP, gives 20% defense bonus, can be cleared, can be roaded for 1 commerce, cities can't be formed on marsh, causes disease.
New Improvements
Barricade - improved fortress - increases defense bonus to 100% and stops all units trying to move through it
Craters - created when a square is bombarded to nothing - takes time to clear before the square can be further improved
Ruins - created when a town is razed - has no effect on square productivity - disappears when square is improved
New Bonus Resources
Sugar - 1 food and 1 commerce (found on plains and hills)
Fruit - 1 food and 1 commerce (found in jungle)
Oasis - 2 food (found in desert)
Tobacco - 1 commerce (found in grassland, hills, and plains)
Tech Tree Changes
New Techs
Ironclads - requires Steam Power, required for nothing, allows Ironclads unit, optional tech
Fascism- requires Nationalism, required for nothing, allows Fascism Government, optional tech
Techs Removed
Radio - Civil Defense now available with Electronics
Other Changes
Electronics is no longer a prerequisite for Motorized Transportation.
Philosophy now gives a bonus tech to the first civ to research it.
Government Changes
New Governments
Feudalism - available with Feudalism, problematic corruption (like Monarchy), low war weariness (like Republic), 5/2/1 unit support, unit cost of 3 per excess unit, 3 MPs, 100% worker rate
Fascism - available with Fascism, nuisance corruption (like Republic), no war weariness, 4/7/10 unit support, unit cost of 1 per excess unit, 4 MPs, 200% worker rate. Causes reduction in population when switched into and cannot build cultural buildings in cities without a majority of native citizens
Changes to Old Governments
Republic now has 1/3/4 unit support but bears a unit cost of 2 per excess unit.
Revolutions now take one turn longer, across the board. For religious civs, this means anarchy is 2 turns and it is 2-9 turns for all other civs.
Wonders, Great and Small
New Wonders
Statue of Zeus - 200 shields, Mathematics, requires Ivory, 4 cpt, Rel and Mil, produces Ancient Cavalry unit every 5 turns, expires with Metallurgy
Mausoleum of Mausollos - 200 shields, Philosophy, 2 cpt, Sci and Sea, 3 unhappy citizens made content, never expires
Temple of Artemis - 500 shields, Polytheism, 4 cpt, Rel, puts a temple in every city on the continent, expires with Education
Knight's Templar - 300 shields, Chivalry, 2 cpt, Rel and Mil, produces a Crusader unit every 5 turns, expires with Steam Power
Secret Police Headquarters - 200 shields, Espionage, 0 cpt, Small wonder, acts as a second FP while in Communism
Changes to Existing Wonders
Colossus - traits from Expansionist, Commercial, Religious to Expansionist, Seafaring, Commercial
Cure for Cancer - add trait Agricultural
Great Wall - added ability of creating a wall in every town on the same continent
Magellan's Voyage - add trait Seafaring
Pyramids - add trait Agricultural
Shakespeare's Theatre - also allows a city to grow beyond size 12 and now costs 450 shields
Universal Suffrage - trait from Militaristic to Agricultural
New Wonder Ability
Some Great Wonders now have the ability to become tourist attractions. These wonders produce revenue (uncorrupted, not affected by buildings) based on their age. It starts at 2 gpt after 1000 years and can grow as high as 14 gpt. Pyramids, Oracle, Hanging Gardens, Great Wall, Statue of Zeus, Temple of Artemis, Mausoleum of Mausollos, Great Library, Colossus, Great Lighthouse, Sistine Chapel, Leonardo's Workshop, Copernicus' Observatory, Shakespeare's Theatre, Newton's University, JS Bach's Cathedral, Hoover Dam, and United Nations can become tourist attractions.
New Leaders
Scientific Great Leader (SGL) - has a 3% chance of appearing if a Civ is the first to discover a tech (5% for Scientific civs). An SGL can rush a wonder (either Great or Small). In theory, an SGL can also cause an "Age of Science" to increase beakers by 20% for 20 turns, but this functionality does not work. The button is there, but it does nothing.
Changes to MGL
Military Great Leaders (MGLs) can no longer rush Great Wonders. They can still create armies and can rush small wonders or other buildings.
Changes to Armies
Armies now get a bonus to their A/D/M values. The bonus to A is equal to the sum of the A values of all units in the army divided by 6 and rounded down (e.g. 3 cavalry in an army has an A bonus of (6+6+6)/6 = 3 and 3 swords in an army have an A bonus of (3+3+3)/6 = 1). Building the Military Academy makes the denominator 4 instead of 6. The D bonus is similar, but with D values summed. All armies also get a +1 M value (one extra movement point). Thus, an army of 4 cavalry after the Military Academy has been built (assumes Pentagon, too), is effectively a 12/6/4 unit.
Armies also heal in enemy territory (one hp/unit pre-Battlefield Medicine and two hp/unit after), can pillage without expending a movement point, and heal much faster in your territory than before, too. Armies also have extended viewing range (+1 tile), blitz, and zone of control.
New Specialists
Civil Engineer - available with Replaceable Parts, produces two incorruptible, non-multiplicative (e.g. factory doesn't help) shields for use on buildings and wonders and zero shields for units
Policeman - available with Nationalism, reduces corruption by one shield and one commerce arrow, subject to multiplier buildings, except in maximally corrupt cities
Changes to Existing Specialists
Scientists now produce 3 beakers per turn instead of 1.
Taxmen now produce 2 gold tax per turn instead of 1.
Changes to Interface
Cultural flips and SGLs can be turned off on game setup screen.
F8 now shows domination limit, spaceship parts completed by the leader, and a lot of other win condition information.
Shift-D for workers now is clear damage and not open diplomacy. Control-Shift-D opens the diplomacy window at all times.
New option at set-up - play the last world, which starts a new game on the same map as previously played.
New option in map choosing - world map seed, which allows maps to be shared easily and/or named maps to be played.