Civ4 Finnish translation


Jun 14, 2003

I have translated Civ 4 into Finnish. We had also a Civilopedia translation group which finished the project in 22nd July 2006. I will continue fixing translation, and upload new versions to homepage every now and then.

Whole vanilla Civ and Civ 4 Warlords has been completely translated.

Download the newest version from the translation's homepage.

Translations works also with Beyond the Sword expansion, but there are some untranslated strings in them. There is a translation project for BtS: LoR Finnish translation.




Olen kääntänyt Civ 4:n suomeksi (ja Civilopedian käänsi pikku työryhmä). Julkaisin käännöksen 13.2.2006. Civ 4 Warlords -lisäosa on myös käännetty kokonaan. Lataa sen uusin versio suomennossivulta. Suomennokset toimivat myös Beyond the Sword -lisäosan kanssa.


See also other projects:
Russian translation
Catalan translation
Hungarian translation
Dutch translation

Wow, that must have been quite a lot of work. Good job! I'm sure that CivFanatics and Apolyton will put in on the front page. As for Firaxis, I don't know? I have never seen user-made content on their official site anyway.
Junuxx said:
Wow, that must have been quite a lot of work. Good job!

Thanks. I started translating it on November. I have now translated almost everything but not Civilopedia (which I don't even think to translate). I think I can publish its final version on 13th this month. There is still some 200 lines to translate.
You can submit a news item to Civfanatics here. I'm sure they'll appreciate it.
Whoa, that must have been quite a job... I didn't even know that it is possible with all the verb forms etc. creating havoc in Finnish.

Have you actually had time to play the game? ;)
Wolfwood said:
Whoa, that must have been quite a job... I didn't even know that it is possible with all the verb forms etc. creating havoc in Finnish.

Have you actually had time to play the game? ;)

Not so much :-) Only three or four games in three months :-) But I of course had to test translation and so had to play.

It was quite a hard job just because of verb noun forms. I solved it so that I added a inflected word before unit names, leader names etc. so it doesn't sound so stupid :-)

Example for them who can Finnish: "Yksikkösi Jousimies on tuhonnut vastustajan yksikön Sotanorsu". (I think I should change all unit names in lowercase...)

(It is btw easier translate into Finnish than write in English)
Could you please give a short explanation of the difficulties with Finnish verb forms?
I must admit I don't know much about Finnish, and the Wikipedia article on Finnish language didn't mention anything about the verbs.

If you don't feel like writing an explanation, that's fine, I'm just curious :o ;)
Oops, I meant noun forms. There was not problems with verb forms (to do - tehdä, I do - teen, you do - teet, he does - tekee, we do - teemme, you do - teette, they do - tekevät) because I every time could use their inflected form. But nouns like Warrior, Library, Persian Empire... I could use only their basic forms.

For example Finnish word "vesi" (water):

water - vesi
to water - veteen
in water - vedessä
as water - vetenä
water's - veden

there is no way to use it like in English "to/in/as/etc [TERRAIN_WATER]". So I had to add word "terrain" and write like "maastoon/maastossa/maastona [TERRAIN_WATER]" (to terrain [], in terrain []...)

So did I with other also:
"Tuhosi yksikön [UNIT]" - "Destroyed [UNIT]"
"Valtakunnan [EMPIRE] kansa" - "[EMPIRE]'s people"
"Johtajaa [LEADER] vastaan" - "against [LEADER]"
Hmm. Interesting. I think I might be able to help you out with translating Civilopedia, at least parts of it.
Exel said:
Hmm. Interesting. I think I might be able to help you out with translating Civilopedia, at least parts of it.

I'm not translating Civilopedia :-> However, copypaste from Finnish Wikipedia could help... :-) But noo... too much work.
Kahkonen said:
I'm not translating Civilopedia :-> However, copypaste from Finnish Wikipedia could help... :-) But noo... too much work.

Why's that? Couldn't you try to recruit a few more Finns to help out with it?
Exel said:
Why's that? Couldn't you try to recruit a few more Finns to help out with it?

I think it isn't necessary to translate it. However, there is some 400 Sid's hints. If you want to help with those, CIV4GameText_Strategy.xml (in mod) is the file where they are. Please contact me, so that we don't translate same texts twice.

I have asked some, but nobody has been interested in translating... :-(
So I read the files, you add the text form finnish to the xml files and removed al the other such as german and french is that correct? If it is, is that all that has to be done in order to play with another tongue?
anjf said:
So I read the files, you add the text form finnish to the xml files and removed al the other such as german and french is that correct? If it is, is that all that has to be done in order to play with another tongue?

I did so, because otherwise download file would become too big and because translating was easier when there were only the English and Finnish texts.

It is easy to return other languages (with a little program) and I'll maybe do it before final publication...

(I answered you about this in your thread
Kahkonen said:
I don't know why, but all great persons' names are still in their English form...

Solved this problem at last. There is CIV4UnitInfos.xml in every mod and they have for some reason lines:

When they should be:
I think the build menu (in the screenshot) as well as the bottom left unit info would look better if all options started with a capital letter. But that's just the opinion of a guy who doesn't know Finnish at all ;)
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