Civ4 Finnish translation

Vastaan tarkemmin vielä jossain vaiheessa. Pari sanaa nopeana vastauksena.

Sinuttelu-teitittelyssä on pyritty juuri tuohon.
Sanasta sanaan kääntämistä kannattaa välttää.
Kansaa ei kannata kirjoittaa suoraan. Mitä jos pelaa zulujen Shakalla, mutta nimeää johtajan vaikka Guraniksi ja kansan kääpiöheimolaisiksi?
Quick error report.
When you research Aesthetics, there is no quote, but text TXT_KEY_AESTHETICS_QUOTE.
Reason seems to be same as before. In Civ4GameText_Civilopedia_BTS.xml it stands
Where these come from? Is it possible, that there is more of these to be noticed?
Quick note: I figured out myself how to easily check if there is errors. I found couple of them. I will post them when I have time to.
Okay I have gone through all BTS-files to locate those errors where text-ending or text-starting tags are not in proper place. I am pretty sure there cannot be more such errors that I have not found. List following.
In Civ4GameText_BTS_FourthRoundTranslation.xml, there is error near tag
In Civ4GameText_BTS_PatchText.xml, there is error near tag
In Civ4GameText_BTS.xml, there is error near tag
And then that one I mentioned in last post.

There was also one error in Civ4GameText_DiplomacyText_BTS.xml, but I removed that already from translated file in attachment.

I have made also translation further. Now translated are diplomacy texts for:
Zara Yakob
De Gaulle
Kaarle Suuri
Istuva Härkä
Vilhem Vaitelias

Still not fully translated are:


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Thanks, I fixed those and uploaded a new zip. Btw, I have made a program to find those </TEXT><TEXT> errors but I never used it this time. It seems Civ does run although there are xml errors.
Thank you!
In attachment there is now complete translation to diplomacy texts. I think now translation is very fine indeed in BTS too. Progress in resent times has been very good.


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Couple of errors i noticed (see screenshots in attachment)

This Apollo-ohjelma-thing is very weird. I wonder why it has not reported earlier.

Could that Requires-thing be BTS-related. Because everything should be fine in Vanilla and Warlords.

I will try to ponder these myself too if I happen to find the solution.


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    Näyttökuva 2011-08-09 kohteessa 17.15.19.jpg
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    Näyttökuva 2011-08-09 kohteessa 17.24.19.jpg
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I found that text for Apollo program is in the file CIV4GameTextInfos_Objects.xml.
But in there everything looks normal:
		<English>Apollo Program</English>
		<Finnish>aluksen runko:aluksen rungon:aluksen runkoa</Finnish>
		<English>SS Casing</English>
Any reason for odd behavior? Could error be somewhere else...

Another very minor thing. The quote for the Tech "Rocketry" is from Konstantin Tsiolkovski: "The Earth is the cradle of the mind, but one cannot eternally live in a cradle." The Earth is translated to "Maailma" which is confusing, because obviously Tsiolkovski meant that humankind must leave the Earth one day. So they must leave Maapallo in Finnish. I corrected that to the file in attachment. If you agree, please include in the zip.

Ainakin minulle "maailman jättämisestä" tulee lähinnä mielleyhtymä kuolemiseen eikä maapallolta muualla avaruuteen lähtemiseen :)


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I discovered that the problem with Apollo-program is due to BUG-mod I am using, and it is not appearing in Vanilla or BTS without that mod!
Sorry for useless posting. I should have checked that possibility before considering it an error.
At last. There is a new zip there. All BTS-diplochat and cradle quote and so on.

Täytyy purkaa tuo jossakin viestissä antamani lupaus tarkemmasta vastauksesta. Eiköhän se nopea vastaus ollut tarpeeksi kattava. Se lisäyksenä, että korjailin noita huomioidesi mukaan. Ja se, että valtava kiitos panoksestasi! KUGW! eli suomeksi kait PYHT :)
Suuri kiitos myös itsellesi paketin päivittämisestä jälleen! On erittäin tärkeää, että kattavin versio on sivuillasi, koska sieltä suurin osa ihmisistä sen löytää helpoiten.

MUOKKAUS: Ja olet näköjään myös korjannut joitain kirjoitus- tai muita virheitäni. Kiitoksia!

Problem I noted couple posts before: That odd text "Requires hiili tai öljy" is coming surely from BTS files. I found that in the file CIV4GameText_BTS.xml there stands
The title refers to a building and railroad is an improvement, but I think it is that. I must test.
So some things that obviously should be translated, and are in Vanilla and Warlords, are no more in BTS because these files have not been touch. So this was not a proper error, but natural thing (and I am NOT saying you should fix it. There is many other things in BTS that are in same situation).
Because I have played BTS (too) much these days, I am looking forward to translate these things also. If I can and have enough time, that is. But I have interest to do so. We will see if I achieve something...
Can you advice me a bit. I was translating file CIV4GameText_BTS, and I was wondering the following.
<English>Leaders of %s1_religion have a vision of uniting all %s2_religion_adjective faithful under the %s3_building.</English>
I would need genetive of the building, does it work this way:
<Finnish>Uskonnon %s1_religion johtajat ovat päätäneet liittää koko uskontokuntansa yhteen %s3:2_building alaisuuteen.</Finnish>
Or how could I do it so it takes the form "Pietarin kirkon"?

It can be done without genetive, for example:
<Finnish>%s3_building on rakennettu ja uskonnon %s1_religion johtajat ovat päätäneet liittää koko uskontokuntansa yhteen sen alaisuuteen.</Finnish>
but the first would be better, I think.
And do I remember right that there is no other form for %s1_religion ? So I quess I cannot use the form "juutalaisuuden/kristinuskon/... johtajat ovat päättäneet ...". Obviously I cannot start the sentence with this, because of the small capital letter, but it might be useful nevertheless.
This is time-consuming to test, thats why I aks.
This is what I have done so far.
I worked with file CIV4GameText_BTS.xml (in attachment) concentrating on text that appear when trying to reach a Space Race victory (almost everything translated) and espionage-texts (I think half at least translated). There is some other translated lines too which annoyed me (with english) when playing.

By the way, have you any suggestions to good translation of "Executive". "Myyntimies", "Markkinoija", "Yrittäjä", ... ?


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%s3:2_building should do it.

This is what I have done so far.
By the way, have you any suggestions to good translation of "Executive". "Myyntimies", "Markkinoija", "Yrittäjä", ... ?

At least not "yrittäjä" but something like "myyntimies". Maybe "Myyntiedustaja"?

I uploaded a new zip.
Hey, guys. I've been hanging around in CFC for a while, but only found this thread just now. Real Life is taking a lot of my time at the moment, but once I get it sorted out, I'd be more than willing to contribute. In the mean time, I can still check back here once in a while and comment on some things (if that's OK with you).

So, about the corp executives, how about just "edustaja"?

On a side note, I think this project kicks ass. It shows an enthusiasm for both the game and the language. Huge hat tip to Kähkö and everyone else who's involved!
... once I get it sorted out, I'd be more than willing to contribute. In the mean time, I can still check back here once in a while and comment on some things (if that's OK with you).
Great! It is nice to see new people to join the discussion and the process. I can briefly tell about our present situation if you are not familiar with it. When you download the zip from Kähkönen's website, you get all the files that contain language-specific data in Civ. So they are the files in your <Civ_installation_folder>/Assets/XML/Text -folder. Files that refer to Vanilla (no-expansion-pack-civ) and Warlords are completely translated (completely meaning, that only corrections are perhaps made in the future).
Files that refer to BTS (which is accordingly stated in the filenames), are almost completely UNTRANSLATED. There is four exceptions: Civ4GameText_Objects_BTS.xml, Civ4GameText_Cities_BTS.xml, Civ4GameText_DiplomacyText_BTS.xml and Civ4GameText_BTS.xml.
The first three are completely translated. The first contains "all new stuff" in BTS meaning units, leaders, civilizations, buildings, and wonders (and perhaps something else). The second and the third they contain citynames and diplomacy Texts, as one would expect.
The third is a big project and there is only something 10% translated. These are texts that occur in the game here and there. In my opinion (you surely have right to have your own) these are now the biggest issue. I think that most of the text that now irritates you with their english when playing, are coming from this file.
Outside this file, there is Civilopedia, events and some patchtexts and files relating to mods (those coming with the BTS), all completely untranslated. So there is freedom of choice what to do, and many alternatives.
And if wondering why we speak mostly english among us finns, it is due to forum rules. Not that anyone would care too much, but you know.

So, about the corp executives, how about just "edustaja"?
Sounds good to me. There is names of the units, for example "AlumCo Executive" and "Mining Inc Executive". Then at some points we have to translate only the word "Executive". It sounds reasonable to translate "AlumCo:n edustaja" and so forth. "Mining Inc:n myyntiedustaja" is perhaps not a practical name (due to lenght) to a unit or what do you think? Another thing is if the Corporation names themselves would be translated. Perhaps? In the other hand, big Corporations are assosiated with America and their capitalism, so it would perhaps be just ok corporations having their English names. Opinions?

I found one error in Warlords texts though not yet located it: When in diplomacy screen with Genghis Khan and roling mouse over the (red) text "Vasalli" he answers to me "Sota meidän puolellanne ei ole mahdollista teille". (Perhaps it is due to I have a peace treaty with Hatsehepsut that he is having a war with.) So that is typo -> "...meidän puolellamme..."
And if wondering why we speak mostly english among us finns, it is due to forum rules. Not that anyone would care too much, but you know.

Yeah, I figured that.

Another thing is if the Corporation names themselves would be translated. Perhaps? In the other hand, big Corporations are assosiated with America and their capitalism, so it would perhaps be just ok corporations having their English names. Opinions?

How about translating some (for example Aluminum Inc. -> Alumiini Oy and Sid's Sushi -> Sidin Sushi*), and leaving others with their original names? If real-life company names aren't out of the question, Standard Ethanol could be Neste Oil.

* If you want to go for a more local feeling, it could be something like "Sidin Silakka", but that might be too silly. Besides, if I'm not mistaken, sushi has gained popularity in Finland as well.
Helou guys, it has been a long time since last activity here. That is of course understandable, because translation is almost ready.
I have been playing Civilization IV still, because personally I have not fallen love to CIV V. I have found still some errors in translation:

1. The Unique Unit of Babolynia, the Bowman, meant to be translated as ”taistelujousimies” has a typo: it is now ”taistelujuosimies”. Error is in the file CIV4GameText_Objects_BTS.xml
(this is my own fault, I know it)

2. When you first meet Brennus, he says you nothing (there stands TXT_KEY_BRENNUS_...). I found out, that this was due to a very odd error in code. There was 2 extra spaces in Tag:
		<Finnish>Tervehdys, [CT_NAME]! Olen [OUR_NAME], ...
it should be naturally ”..LEADER_BRENNUS_1..”
By searching for ” _” from the file CIV4GameText_Warlords_Diplomacy.xml, I found similar errors:
Similar errors were not found from the BTS Diplomacy-talks, though. I corrected these errors, you can get the file from this link

Are you Kahkonen still playing around here? If you would make these corrections to the zip-file in your website it would be nice. I have also last times made some progress translating the file Civ4GameText_BTS.xml, and I will probably post soon it to here. Maybe I will think about discussions related to ”Edustaja”, that Jouzou was posting here.
Here is the link to file CIV4GameText_BTS.xml that I have translated much further from the version now on Kahkonen's website. There is about 100 new translated tags.
I have translated mainly things that
A) are easy to translate, I don't have to ponder the solution or possible problems and
B) are things that I know in which part of the game they occur, and thus they have irritated me when playing.
There is no other systematic in my work.

EDIT: And one file still There is only one tag translated, but I wanted to translate it to complete the translation of diplomacy-talks. There was one line of Ragnar.
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