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Civ4 problems


Sep 5, 2007
Ok so bear in mind my copy of Civ4 was off the shelf last week and my computer is about a month old with drivers up to date as of then. I'm running XP Home, but believe it's only SP1 since my net isn't up and running yet (moved house).

Installed my copy last week and started playing fine..no problems. Obviously haven't patched anything so can't see if there's any upgrades.

Have started getting errors and the blue screen of death (doesnt hang just appears and reboots my machine). Lots of couldnt load python errors and dll errors and the like. now getting kernel.dll errors. reinstalled and kept getting messages that some files in civ4/application data folder didnt match that on the disc and that my disc might be corrupted?? WHAT??? NO!!!! is this possible?

Can still play the game but when i try and click on "play" sometimes nothing happens, sometimes it loads up, i load a game and after a certain amount of time (around 1 min) it crashes to desktop, and am now getting "Generic Host Process for Win32 Services" errors.

Welcome, doggsley! Mabye you should try to get SP2, it might be the trick.:cool:
Yeah was thinking that, but someone was telling me i might have a faulty chip or a memory leak?!?! Hope it's not that! Will have the internet back up and running finally (after a month of outage) this week so will update it ASAP! Thanks for replying mate.
disc might be corrupted?? WHAT??? NO!!!! is this possible?
Back up any "can't lose" data, ie your tax documents, family photos, etc., to a CD-R or thumb-drive, etc. Run chkdsk with both "automatically fix ... " and "Scan for and attempt recovery ... " selected. This will happen next reboot and take a long time.
I had the same problems as most of you. The game would hang...crash, couldn't load saved games etc. I called support and they had me install the 1.6 patch...still didn't work. Then they sent me to the 1.74 patch and still it failed to run. They said I had an install problem so I tried to remove and reinstall...well it won't uninstall as it says it is running. Even when I went in and manually removed the files...it still will not allow me to remove or reinstall. Basically, I can't play the game at all now. Any suggestions on how to rectify this trouble?:mad:
Mabye your comp dosen't meet the specs.

P.S, Welcome to the Forums!!!!:cool: :D :thumbsup: :hatsoff:
I was able to uninstall and reinstall. I have adjusted my video setting etc...should work better I think. I am running a 2.8G Pentium with 1M ram and 80G hd. My video card is GeForce 5200. I should be ok with my computer...perhaps by adjusting settings I will have better luck.

Thanks for the reply.
You're welcome.
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