Civ4 - What Modding Road Would You Take?

Nov 27, 2001
Denver CO, United States of America
Whew its been a long time since Ive been here but with Civ4 out, theres few places else to be when on the subject, so here I am. First off I want to say that I'm very impressed with Civ4, not only is it true to the core of the earliest of civ, but its expanded to become one of the most interesting and least tedious games in the world builder genre. However, there is always somethings we would all like to see different so I am trying to start up some convo on what would you like to see changed to make the game more fun. Basically, I'm trying to find some new ideas on how to make the game more interesting not only in the overall sense of the game but for individual scenario's. Its a little Forum for ideas for anyone looking to create a mod, including me. the question is, what would you do if you were sid?

Obviously we cant talk about anything outside of the core DLL so, keep it realistic at least, but here is what I'd like to do/see in mods for the future.

-More Upgraded Improvements. Everyone remembers taking irrigation to the farm level in the past two civs. What about more options for upgrading improvements, for example, Take a workshop to become an Industrial Factory or a Commercial factory (the first obviously giving a massive increase in production and possible fallout, while the other gives only a moderate increase in production but some commerce as well).

-On the same level I'd like to see some Civic based improvements. Who wouldn't want to be able to build a Suburb over a town as a Universal Suffarage government civic (giving maybe one less commerce, but 2-3 extra production, as a drawback maybe more possibility for fallout/unhappiness), or a state controlled Industrial Complex for the state controlled economic civic, increasing production massively but also unhappiness or whatever those buildings produce that help stunt a cities growth (sorry still brushing up on Civ4 lingo since corruption is out of the window). It would be an interesting way of making less desirable civics more desirable by having special improvements.

-Of Course, also Civic based city improvements, and maybe a national wonder or two. This gets to another thing I had in mind, in which I would probably make the Kremlin and the Pentagon civic based wonders instead of just regular wonders. Anyways, examples examples. Maybe something likea national wonder called Feudal Tradition which is of the vassalage civic. It would place a castle on every city on the continent. Or The Slave Market for the slavery economic civic which increases commerce and production in a city but also unhappiness.

Anyways theres a few ideas I'd like to see, I have more but that would just be a to long of a post. Interested in hearing what you all have to say.
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