
Wow! Nice layout. Could do with a few more articles, though. I'll see what I can do to help.

(Perhaps my reply is too late?)
I think it's hosted on wikia because they are doing a server update now.

EDIT: Just check, they have a civ wiki but it's not the same one.
hey guys, thought this might help for the next 6 days or so... even though the site is down... you can still access most of the text as it would appear on a page.

Use the google cache!

Off the top of my head, the easiest way to access a specific article is to enter it's name or some unique combination of words* that would ONLY appear on this article in question. When you click on the normal set of links, you'll get absolutely nothing as usual, but if you look closely at google's list of results, you should see a link called 'cached', to the bottom right of each link. What you're looking for should be in there, if you knew what search terms to use. Google keeps a record of of all the text it sees.Although, because it updates the cache fairly erratically, it may not work for every article. Use the site-specific search for best results.
also, you can't click on any link you see within in the cache, or you'll still get a 404 page.

You'll just have to search for that link specificly, as well.
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