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Civ5 & Earth maps

I just tried to start a game as France on the 150 map 4 times, each time I crashed to desktop during loading. My computer has loaded Huge maps before OK, but I can't get this map to even load.

EDIT: It's not a French thing, I can't load the 150 map as Rome either.

I'm curious....I could do some intermediate size, like 130x74, and see if it depends on the number of tiles or on the biggest of the two dimentions
Okay, haven't done zips or uploads before, so let's see if I did this right. A collection of my 128sc games, playing as the French.

My general impressions of the 128sc map, after playing it three times:

I think it's a good size, though when you look at the overall map it is quite apparent that Europe has been grossly exaggerated in size relative to the rest of the planet.

Because of the happiness/coin issues that's been discussed earlier, in all my games I had to spread out cities in order to capture the maximum number of (scarce) resources with the minimum number of cities, but it looks to me like Iberia, Gaul, Italy, and Germany can each hold at least 3 cities without getting uncomfortably squeezed. There is even room, I think, for one-city Portugal and one-city Netherlands, which means that if you don't mean to include those civs you could even shrink things down a bit. England, I think I mentioned, could stand to be a little smaller, because right now it is too big to fit inside London's hex limit, but too small to make an extra city in the southwest worthwhile.

I had no real problem maneuvering my armies. I described my Roman game earlier. I had an easier time as France in a war against Germany, because there is plenty of room to roll a line of armies across western Europe.

I haven't fully explored the 150sc map, but I launched a game as Greece, and felt like I was swimming in too much space. When Greece can easily hold two cities, it seems like a little too much.

My computer is powerful enough to handle the 150sc map, but even the 128 map started giving me trouble toward the end. Graphics began to go out--the landscape would turn checkerboard--and in-game moves got a little laggy.

EDIT: I tried three times to load the 132 map, but it froze with a spinning globe every time just after the first turn, requiring a computer restart to exit.


  • mxzs128sc.zip
    4.7 MB · Views: 104
okay, any other report about 132 one?
I wonder if it crashes because of the largest size >128, or because of a high number of tiles (around 10000). Like, would a 132x50 crash? And would a 120x120 crash? Do 128x80, the maximum standard size, crash in the PC of those who had problems with 132 one?
I like the 150sc map, but IMO a bigger map is needed
okay, any other report about 132 one?
I wonder if it crashes because of the largest size >128, or because of a high number of tiles (around 10000). Like, would a 132x50 crash? And would a 120x120 crash? Do 128x80, the maximum standard size, crash in the PC of those who had problems with 132 one?

I tried the 132 one more time and got the same behavior. Though this time I at least got a glimpse of a Windows error message. Something couldn't be read in the GameOverlayUI.exe.

For comparison, I launched a huge Earth map, and played it for 10 turns without a hitch. Then I saved the map, loaded it into Worldbuilder, stocked it with 18 civs with pre-set starting locations, and 25 city-states. Launched it again. No troubles with it, either.

I'll try out 120x120 and 132x50 sizes tomorrow.

EDIT: Oh yeah. What Umarth asks below ... [Must go to bed. Too sleepy to think straight.]
okay, any other report about 132 one?
I wonder if it crashes because of the largest size >128, or because of a high number of tiles (around 10000). Like, would a 132x50 crash? And would a 120x120 crash? Do 128x80, the maximum standard size, crash in the PC of those who had problems with 132 one?

I'd like to do some tests myself - how do you make maps larger than the 128x80 in Worldbuilder?
From the upcoming patch changelog:
* Map - Huge map crash-during-load fix that were reported on some specific systems.
I wonder if that would coincidentally fix the crash with your bigger maps.
Úmarth;9765610 said:
I'd like to do some tests myself - how do you make maps larger than the 128x80 in Worldbuilder?

I make them with bmptoWbs converter for civ4. If you can't use it, you can still convert any civ4 map of any size, if you change the size with a text editor, then launch them in civ4, quickly press ctrl+w and press save (before "you have been defeated" comes), and open in civ5 wb.
Civ 5 is rather crashy, without logs it would be hard to tell if your crashing from map size or not, I know gem will not load converted to civ 5 on my computer, but I have no problem with the largest civ generated maps.
With a map this big we might have enough room for a Polish city state if Rhye remembers Europe doesn't end in Germany:D
Hey, I have a vague suggestion here.

Perhaps instead of trying to supersize everything, merely make enough
changes outside of europe so that everything is correctly proportioned.
Well after looking over my post I see it was too confusing, and did not
properly communicate my message.

I'm talking about the map the you used for your RFC Civilization IV scenario.

What I'm saying is, is that if you wanted to make a larger map, simply
expand other continents so that they are proper in proportion in comparison
to europe.

I suggest this instead of making the map x2 so as to give each civilization
breathing room while still making it so that those who have lower-leveled
computers can enjoy the game.
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